Unofficial Preview Round 2, 2023: Swans v Hawks, SCG 1:10pm March 26th

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I know listed positions meem sweet fa, but I hope Bramble does stay on the wing. His defensive deficiencies will not be exploited as much on the wing. Jiath on the bench too.
Bramble is a VFL quality player, nothing more
I've said this several times. But unsurprisingly you've missing the point and typically gone with the nuffy catch cry of being a hater.
No i'm just calling out blant shit calls saying he's showed nothing and statments like he's shown nothing forward despite being only one of two ruckmen to kick .6 goals per game
Some very lucky individuals in the team this week. Expecting a big response. Unlikely to win this one but we must be better across the board starting with two way running and forward pressure.
Kosi has to be given a little bit of rope to regain some mojo, particularly with our current injuries / lack of talent in that department. If not now, we might as well just send him to the VFL for the year and delist him at the end of the season.
Agree. I think this attitude should apply to someone like a Bramble. Barely double digit games, had a decent/promising debut year, then had significant injuries in his second year.

I’m all for promoting kids etc, but there is surely a point where you’ve got to let those who have been promoted have a proper go at it. A revolving door in and out of the first 22 and BH is one way of doing it when you’ve got a really strong core list (3 peat era for example). But right now is the time to properly test whether guys like Kozzi and Bramble are the future.

Anyway, like what the selection team have done this week.
I think you have to give every player a few games regardless to see what they’ve got to offer. Imagine if we’d only given
Moore a couple of games.! I’m guessing that most of this year Sams going to be working out who stays as part of our premiership tilt and who isn’t up to
It. We’ll have a better idea in the back end of the year that’s for sure.

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Could be the lack of a proper VFL game last week played a factor in team selection
More to do with backing the side in to turn it around.

Remember, Sam said Round 1 was the easiest side to pick because he’d been picking it in his head for months. He was never going to tear it up after one match.
Terrific coaching and selection .
Dont blink after 1 game especially in round 1.
Give the guys who you deemed in the best side to respond by not making drastic and emotional decisions on 1 game.

Players will pay the price if we see more of the same this week.

Some will be disappointed that the axe didnt swing , this confirms to me we have the right guy for a rebuild .
Terrific coaching and selection .
Dont blink after 1 game especially in round 1.
Give the guys who you deemed in the best side to respond by not making drastic and emotional decisions on 1 game.

Players will pay the price if we see more of the same this week.

Some will be disappointed that the axe didnt swing , this confirms to me we have the right guy for a rebuild .
Players need to know the coach has their back.
Dont mind Sam backing same team, but no pressure forward this week is baffling.
With Nash in and Wingard out we have a less talented side fronting up this week compared to last week.

Factor in travel, last year’s grand finalist, on their deck, away from home, end of month sales, 2 kegs of beer, a bucket of chicken, and a swig of the Duke of Sussex’s special stash of psychedelics, we win this by 15 goals.

Lose the chicken and it's a 10 goal win.
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