Rugby League is so borrrrrinnnnggggg

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Feb 16, 2001
Eastern Australia
Easily the worst, most pathetic, most boring game in town, if not on Earth. I don't why Colonial lets a rabble like the Melbourne Storm play there every second week. I tried to watch the state of origin match between Queensland and NSW and was bored witless. Stick with AFL or Soccer folks. Rugby league will be dead in 10 years time.
Just having a bite.!!!

I think a lot of Victorians do not give Union and League a fair viewing...I know, cos I was one of them initially.
But it would be a boring world if we all liked the same sports and then there would be no rivalries.

I am glad I appreciate and enjoy a lot of different footy codes..:rolleyes:

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yeah I agree - Rugby League is a dull and rather mindless game

5 tackles - kick it - 5 tackles - kick it - 5 tackles - kick it

you get the picture.

And also I never met anyone involved in Rugby League (player, fan, coach, administrator, whatever) who came across as even mildly intelligent.

Following the Swans, as I do, you get to meet a few people involved in League because all Swans Members belong also belong to Easts Leagues club, which is the home base for the Sydney Roosters so I have rubbed shoulders with a few of those guys over the years.

To call them dumb would be an insult to dumb people - I'm serious, these guys are, er, incoherent to say the least.

Rugby League is a game played by drongos, followed by drongos, and run by drongos.

If you don't believe me - just think of these two words


oh and BTW - Anyone who thinks Rugby League is finished is seriously kidding themselves. Rugby League has been pronounced dead more times in the games history than probably all other sports put together.

It might a shit game but the code remains remarkably resilent and its fans remain as loyal as ever.

It won't die, in fact this season its experiencing somewhat of a renaissance in its heartland of Qld and NSW.

BS Angel
I must say I find your post insulting.

To say rugby league players and supporters are drongoes and unintelligent is ignorant. I am glad I don't mix in your world if that's the case!!

Perhaps you may care to sit at the"G" in the outer and experience the "intelligence" of some afl supporters. Also, have you met all the afl players....some certainly would not fit your expectations!!

Look all footy codes have all types of supporters and players, some stupid, thick, intelligent etc. and to brand rugby league under just one umbrella is very insulting.

I previously respected your previous opinions on rugby league in a couple of our debates, but in this post you have come down in my estimation. The only good assessment you made is that rugby league will never die...and I can see why, its a great footy code....I really have grown to love it as I do afl and of course, soccer. I also love Union too. There's something about rugby, that fascinates me. I think its because its so different to afl and soccer, the two codes I grew up with.

Anyway, I think you guys are just teasing me.!!!!!!!!

Cheers,and have a good day.
Rugby isn't too bad if you watch it enough.. its one of those things that takes time to grow on you.. Initially I thought it was just a waste of time, but after i started watching it and understanding it I loved it.. But anyway, each to their own I guess.
Rugby League is an exciting game to watch and play.

It is tailor made for fast, tough , strong, he man types like me .

Melbourne Storm have won a premiership in their short history. Something to be really proud of.
On the sydney footy show last night they were boasting about the crowds that canterberry get to their games. Appartantly they get an average of 19,000 people at each game!!!!! WOW, if only an afl team could achieve that!!! Oh, hang on............
Here's my vote, Drugby is as boring as hell. The only thing that makes it interesting is when the neanderthals on the ground go toe to toe and hammer each other with there fists.
Ahh Rugby Rules!.

Both forms are great to watch and i cant see where the boring part is!

Go you Brumbies! (union!) :)
and Cowboys! (League!) :(
Thanks guys for some support....its good to see some of this board have broadened their horizons beyond AFL.

As I have posted before, its really important that all our footy codes remain strong, healthy and competitive as it gives a broader choice for kids wanting to play whichever game they may chose.

To the Cats Fan asking about Storm playing at Colonial -
a) Storm have a contract at Colonial for 3 years.
b) Olympic Park is being renovated for the Commonwealth Games at the moment .
c) Colonial Stadium is a multi-purpose stadium, not owned by the afl (as yet) It was erected to serve the purpose of playing afl, soccer, cricket, Union/League, concerts, etc.

Rugby League crowds have not ever/will not ever match afl crowds....there's no point in comparing figures. Also in Q'ld and NSW they play 2 codes of rugby in each state, so if you add the two codes (union/league) together, you would come out with a healthier figure.

Its not really in their culture to attend games like we do in Victoria. The weather is better and there seems to be more to do in those 2 states...perhaps this could be a couple of the reasons for smaller crowds.

Just a little information for you guys.

Personally I am eagerly awaiting the British Lions vs. Wallabies tour in the next couple of months. A test is to be scheduled at Colonial then, so anyone who has not seen a union game, should take this opportunity to have a look at Union at an international level. It will be a great game!!
Ms Storm dont worry about them, they're trying to get u agravated and its not working. You shouldnt let people tell ya whats good and whats not, u just have ya own thoughts and opinions in the 3 codes.

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Rugby League is so borrrrrinnnnggggg

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