rumour Leigh Matthews to coach Carlton next year

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Confirmed by source.

Not by me.

Just a rumour. Thought people might be interested. I'll leave it at that

You know you can pull your pants down in the supermarket if you're that desperate for attention?

"Bucket & mop to aisle 3. Customer drowning in a sea of stupidity".

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If i wanted talked to bunch of flogs i wouldve gone to the collingwood board. Very disappointed, would expect this kind of treatment in a school yard. Its just a RUMOUR!
Dam. I don't suppose I can start my "Mick Malthouse is going to coach Carlton" thread now

Oh well, it worked a treat on a Collingwood mate this afternoon - got the hoped for "**** off" from him.
Hmm OP seems to be getting the same response :D
If i wanted talked to bunch of flogs i wouldve gone to the collingwood board. Very disappointed, would expect this kind of treatment in a school yard. Its just a RUMOUR!

A bit like the one you started late in the 2007 season that stated Bentick would be delisted at the end of 2007 because his father was too outspoken about the club. Has this latest rumour come from the same source?
It is this very reason why I believe the board may be interested in Leigh. He has proven results with young developing sides - The Brisbane Threepeat. I am not willing to dismiss the idea just yet


Carlton are supposed to throw out an up and coming young coach who is getting the team right where he and the club wants them to be and replace them with another over the hill coach who has won a couple of premierships and has the runs on the board with a young developing side.

Did I just step into a timewarp or something or are you suggesting that the club should do another pagan job and get in someone who quit his last job in front of getting the elbow?

To be perfectly honest, why the **** would we even consider doing something like that when we know that in 2-3 years we will be entering our premiership window and we will have a coach who will know the team inside and out after growing with them.

It sounds to me as if you are another one of these "give me the glory and give it to me right now" type people who got us into this mess in the first place and if you are, why dont you piss off and join your mate Jack in front of the tv camera's and have a competition as to who can get their foot the deepest into their big useless gobs!

Yes, in the past we have screwed up with our selection policies by looking for instant glory by recruiting older experienced players and coaches to try and keep us on top of the heap... that was a massive fail and 3 wooden spoons is something that we shouldnt even have to endure.

Yes... If we are thinking of hiring Lethal, it should only be in an advisors role to help Ratts get on top of the coaching game as quickly as possible.

Ratts bleeds blue and he will, in the long run, be the best option for the club.
Why should a supporter be banned from this board from starting a 'rumour-based' thread, which as far as I can ascertain, isn't a troll .. .

Frankly if Ratten were to be replaced next year by an experienced coach, my choice would be Mark Williams, but I wouldn't knock back lethal leigh either.

But the thing is though, if things go pear-shaped for the rest of the season, and we lose, say 7 or 8 of our remaining 10 games, I could honestly see the club giving Ratten the flick and finding a replacement for next year.
But that's probably not going to happen ...

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A bit like the one you started late in the 2007 season that stated Bentick would be delisted at the end of 2007 because his father was too outspoken about the club. Has this latest rumour come from the same source?

Different source. Ask around at the club and i'll bet you'll find that wasn't far off happening. A lot of smart alecs around here ;)
If say we lose 7, 8, 9 games for the rest of the year, miss the 8 finish 10,11th, then I would be calling for Ratten's head.

And if the board decide that's it, cut his contract and appoint a new coach then I'd be more interested, in Bucks coaching us rather than Leigh.

That being said, there is NO way that Ratts will get the chop if we make the finals this year. And even if we didn't he'd probably still get at least another year to run off his contract.
Heard a rumour today from a very reliable source, that Leigh Matthews will coach Carlton next year, having recently purchased a very flash new house in Hawthorn in the last week.

I say rumour because I know how many people will have a dip at this claim if I were to come out and say it straight away. Thoughts?

:eek: I'm sorry to say you must have been on the Ga Ga juice or heard something incorrect. What has Ratten done wrong and why would Carlton even consider Mathews? :confused::confused:
If thread sinks, OP is a moron. If it floats - he's a deadset tool. :thumbsu:
Pretty big on the personal attacks mate. Not very beneficial to the topic. If you dont agree with what I've heard. Don't comment on it. I was simply making it available for people to discuss. Stick to footy mate. Doesn't say alot about you having a dig at people you dont know. Comments like yours prevent people from posting on these sites for fear of attack or being put down. Must feel pretty big behind that computer screen
Heard a rumour today from a very reliable source, that Leigh Matthews will coach Carlton next year, having recently purchased a very flash new house in Hawthorn in the last week.

I say rumour because I know how many people will have a dip at this claim if I were to come out and say it straight away. Thoughts?

What are you talking about...idiotic thread

This is a week for it.
You know you can pull your pants down in the supermarket if you're that desperate for attention?

"Bucket & mop to aisle 3. Customer drowning in a sea of stupidity".

Gold :thumbsu:
Pretty big on the personal attacks mate. Not very beneficial to the topic. If you dont agree with what I've heard. Don't comment on it. I was simply making it available for people to discuss. Stick to footy mate. Doesn't say alot about you having a dig at people you dont know. Comments like yours prevent people from posting on these sites for fear of attack or being put down. Must feel pretty big behind that computer screen
It's not a personal attack, I just don't like you. And if I am big it is because I am standing on the shoulders of many dwarves standing on each others shoulders. Pretty sure... Also I find it more comfortable to position myself in front of the computer screen. What sort of system do you have?

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rumour Leigh Matthews to coach Carlton next year

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