Current Trial Russell Hill & Carol Clay Pt 2 *Pilot Greg Lynn Guilty for the Murder of Carol Clay

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Here is PART 1 Russell Hill & Carol Clay - Wonnangatta *Pilot Greg Lynn Pleads Not Guilty to Murder

DPP v Lynn [2024] VSCA 62 (12 April 2024) INTERLOCUTORY APPEAL

R v Lynn (Rulings 1-4) [2024] VSC 373 (28 June 2024)

R v Lynn (Rulings 5 & 6) [2024] VSC 375 (28 February 2024)

R v Lynn (Ruling 7) [2024] VSC 376 (8 May 2024)

The Greg Lynn Police Interview Tapes (Shortened Version)

The 3.5 HR Police Interview

High Country Disappearance of Prison Boss David Prideaux
The Disappearance of Warren Meyer

2008 - Warren Meyer (23 March 2008) not found
2010 - Japp and Annie Viergever (29 March 2010) both shot & 3 dogs, house burnt.
2011 - David Prideaux (5 June 2011) not found
2017 - Kevin Tenant (17 February 2018) shot 3 times, played dead.
2019 - Conrad Whitlock (29 July 2019) not found
2019 - Niels Becker (24 October 2019) not found
2020 - Russell Hill and Carol Clay (20 March 2020) murdered

Lynn's first wife Lisa, was found dead on 26 October 1999.
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There’s no internet connection for streaming, so the only other way to listen is via music pre-loaded to a device. Did he do this?

I’m a details person and can certainly remember music playing at certain events, even parties, restaurants etc so would definitely remember the soundtrack to such a pivotal evening.

Perhaps others are not so much into music or recall details about such things?

Do others have thoughts on what could be obscure musings?

It's an interesting point. I remember ell the music I listen to when I'm driving and/or away from home, I know every CD and stick that's in the car and what's on it, I can even remember what I was listening to when I go through certain towns. I pre-select what I take with me and the genre varies depending on what I'm doing, work where I need to be real alert or I can cruise.

If anything happens on the road, I can always remember what I was listening to when it happened.

I'm not sure, like you, if it's a me thing.
Long post, but I’ve been thinking about the specific details about the music that he (allegedly) played.

I think I read somewhere that when asked what music he was (allegedly) playing (with the express purpose of trying to annoy his neighbours) he couldn’t recall.

Can any of our court-attending members remember this line of questioning?

If this is so, then it’s intriguing that he can’t remember this detail. Is it perhaps because there was no music playing?

While not particularly relevant to how the deaths may have occurred, a series of questions related to the details around the music would be completely unexpected and possibly catch him off guard.

It would have been an interesting test to see how he might have answered these questions - whether his demeanour might have changed, whether he could supply specific details or claim to not recall.

Not recalling would be a sharp contrast with the claims to remember other details about that evening; down to RH/CC pyjamas/bare feet and conveniently the precise manner in which he held the weapon? Which is obviously important for his case.

Yet not the soundtrack to this whole saga? Is this likely/feasible?

I’m wondering these for a few reasons. If trying to annoy neighbours he might choose a specific genre? EDM? Aussie Pub Rock? Heavy Metal? Drum’n’Bass? Or even a favourite artist.

With such attention to detail with the rest of the story, how could he not remember the music?

It’s a 90s Patrol, would he still be playing a selection of scratched up CDs on those dusty roads? I’m guessing not, because if they were in a condition anywhere near that of the Patrol that would make for some sketchy listening.

There’s no internet connection for streaming, so the only other way to listen is via music pre-loaded to a device. Did he do this?

I’m a details person and can certainly remember music playing at certain events, even parties, restaurants etc so would definitely remember the soundtrack to such a pivotal evening.

Perhaps others are not so much into music or recall details about such things?

Do others have thoughts on what could be obscure musings?
Another thought I had though, is how good are GL’s speakers. 50 m is a fare distance. Does it make sense that his music would have been blaring that loud to annoy Hill?

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Picture it for minute. Hill wearing his pjs aggressively moves in on GL with his kitchen knife without any hesitation. ‘To hell with two guns he has, I have my kitchen knife🍴

Hill might have picked a knife up if he heard something like the rustling of someone trying to get in to HIS car and he might not take the time to put his boots on, hence in bare feet and pyjamas.

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Lynn would have a sling for his shotgun to keep both hands free so he might, he also has the knife he carries on his waist.

Yeah maybe. If he had a sling and a knife this guy is off the reservation. Total ****ing larper.

Running about with a tactical shotgun on a sling in his camo haha. Tiny penis vibes.
Yeah maybe. If he had a sling and a knife this guy is off the reservation. Total ****ing larper.

Running about with a tactical shotgun on a sling in his camo haha. Tiny penis vibes.
That pic they always show of Lynn's face, obviously in all his gear reeks of a different persona. Lynn must hate that photo, creepy!
That pic they always show of Lynn's face, obviously in all his gear reeks of a different persona. Lynn must hate that photo, creepy!

Seen some people in the same gear trout fishing.

The guy is a joke with his set up and camo. Surprised there’s no photos of him with the Rambo head band. All the gear, no idea.
You can go so deep on this. GL puts the shotgun in the bag. Zips it up. And this is according to him.

RH takes the shotgun out of the bag. Then finds the ammunition. It’s a magazine loaded shotgun mind you.

Feeds ammunition into the magazine, inserts the magazine into the breach. ***** it and takes it off safety. And then recycles the action enough to fire four off?

Faaaaarking bullshit.

I’m not familiar with guns but would imagine that it’s quite a process to set it up ready to shoot/fire? I really hope this fact/process was adequately explained and demonstrated in court - especially for the people w no knowledge of how guns work
I’m not familiar with guns but would imagine that it’s quite a process to set it up ready to shoot/fire? I really hope this fact/process was adequately explained and demonstrated in court - especially for the people w no knowledge of how guns work

It is. I’ve not been in the bush for a while. So take this with a grain of salt.

His set up based on the photos are as cheap as it gets. Looks like he went for a scout set up Alberto_Magnifico?

It’s not a bad rig. Done after reading too many blogs. That glass Jesus.
Lots of discussion here, which I’m sure will be mirrored to some degree in the jury room, on what a normal reasonable person would do if confronted with drone footage catching them illegally hunting, or if someone stole your gun, or came at you with a knife. Or if you were ended up with two dead bodies at your feet. Or even more mundane stuff like an argument over loud music, the best campsite or even the antenna wire.

I’ve been guilty of this myself. What I would have done in the above scenarios.

But the problem is that ALL of those scenarios, plus so many other elements of evidence in this case such as the magic bullet piercing the side mirror are ALL based almost entirely on Lynn’s testimony.

If you don’t believe Lynn - if you believe he is lying about key elements - eg the guy rope, then it seems pretty logical that he in all likely hood is lying about every thing.

If he is lying - then any discussion about all of the above is null and void.

It’s only his word for any of it.
It’s only confirmed by GL. I think GL said Hill was wearing it when Hill supposedly took the gun out of GH’s vehicle but then couldn’t remember if he had it on when Hill supposedly came at him with the knife.
LYNN gave evidence that Hill was wearing head torch we he loaded him into trailer, answering question of same from Prs. Asked if that headtorch was illuminated when Hill grabbed gun in Patrol (as interior light was off-- fromLynn), and if illuminated whilst he struggled with Hill. Lynn couldn't remember. Prs. put it to him once about you would remember if torch was on, especially during struggle (would have been shining in Hill's eyes). Prs. line of questioning was too cast doubt on these subtke details...but didn't pursue heavily.

Re:Lynn music...Prs. asked 1 question (maybe 2?), what music did you play to try to annoy them...he couldn't recall...Prs. implied that was unusual, you would expect he would remember what music he thought would annoy elderly Hill /Clay the most...

Intonation and cadence from Lynn changed during this questioning...IMO, commensurate with someone who has not actually "experienced" those elements of his story...😉🤔
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I’m not familiar with guns but would imagine that it’s quite a process to set it up ready to shoot/fire? I really hope this fact/process was adequately explained and demonstrated in court - especially for the people w no knowledge of how guns work
Judge wouldn't allow gun(s)..even unloaded😋... in court...not a fan he said, and could make members of jury uncomfortable/trigger someone. He would allow controlled access in jury room if it was requested by wasn't thus far.
It was debated at length between Prs. & defense, was about difference between rifle & shotgun, and magazine size differences/complete incompatibility. Also something about the pistol grip allowing (Hill's) hand /finger to naturally fall onto trigger during struggle (Hill held it around the grip, according to Lynn).

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Current Trial Russell Hill & Carol Clay Pt 2 *Pilot Greg Lynn Guilty for the Murder of Carol Clay
