Podcast S23 Podcast - Expression of Interest, Requests and Talk-back Thread

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Starchild > You
Jul 6, 2014
AFL Club
Other Teams
Hello SFAers of all types,

This is the main podcast thread for S23. Please use this thread for any podcast discussion not directly related to any specific episodes. I'm always on the lookout for new posters to be on the podcast or having new combinations of posters on to keep things fresh. If you wish to be on the podcast this season please fill out the following form in the thread or in a PM to me:

SFA Team:
Have you been on a podcast before?
If Yes have you been on a SFA podcast before?

And I can announce the first podcast will be recorded Tuesday at some stage with your panel of Blacky , spookism and Noobz0r so please PM me any questions you have for our panel. Questions posted in the thread will not be asked.

So look forward to episode 1 of the S23 podcast early next week!

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Having the same members of the Boys Club and the Swamprats on the podcast may be fun for you, but not the rest of us.
Go back through my podcast threads and outside of me, tell me the last episode I had a Swamprat on. Pretty sure there is 1 if not 0. Can't remember if we announced SM as a Swamprat on his last podcast or not.
Go back through my podcast threads and outside of me, tell me the last episode I had a Swamprat on. Pretty sure there is 1 if not 0. Can't remember if we announced SM as a Swamprat on his last podcast or not.
3/4 of the panel for the upcoming podcast will be Swampies.

Yay, I can't wait.
Ever heard the one about living in glass houses and throwing stones?
I have never hosted a podcast, nor do I have a platform in which I pick select members of the league and shun others in the process.

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Yeah was more pointing out the part where you called millky melty while being the leagues serial melter.
How long have you been back? Two months?

In that time you've managed to make a name for yourself as the biggest narcissist, you're the biggest prick in the league.
I have never hosted a podcast, nor do I have a platform in which I pick select members of the league and shun others in the process.
I pick those that want to do it. Im not going to force players on that do not want to be a part of it. I have never pushed an agenda. I host in quite a netural and straight manner which probably pisses people off more so than me being a melter on it
I pick those that want to do it. Im not going to force players on that do not want to be a part of it. I have never pushed an agenda. I host in quite a netural and straight manner which probably pisses people off more so than me being a melter on it

I know you basically force members of the league elite to join your campaignercast through advanced methods of manipulation.
I pick those that want to do it. Im not going to force players on that do not want to be a part of it. I have never pushed an agenda. I host in quite a netural and straight manner which probably pisses people off more so than me being a melter on it

Have HaroLad on the second one im sure he has heaps of fun stuff to say
How long have you been back? Two months?

In that time you've managed to make a name for yourself as the biggest narcissist, you're the biggest prick in the league.

Must just kill you inside that ive been back such a short time and I am liked more than you - as for being the biggest prick in the league - I'll take it , can't please everyone.
Must just kill you inside that ive been back such a short time and I am liked more than you - as for being the biggest prick in the league - I'll take it , can't please everyone.
If I was pathetic enough to crave the approval of the cucks that trawl these forums I'd post the same way you do.

You epitomise conformity.

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