Play Nice Scott Morrison 2.0 - How Long? Part 8 - Lose Unit. Game Over, Bulldozer. Cont in Part 9

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May 13, 2008
AFL Club
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Part 6 is here:

Part 7 is here:

Part 9 is here:
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Morrison has come out and deeply apologised for any offence caused by his comment that he was “blessed” to not have children with disabilities, according to The Age.

He copped so much heat that an apology was his only option.

the problem with Morrison (gosh there are just so many), but one of the biggest is his lack of emotional intelligence. He simply cannot relate to people, but he does seem to know to use them (hmm...what would be the diagnostic term for this?)

When he's saying he's blessed he's not really thinking about the obvious inference to be drawn that parents of disabled children are ''not blessed'' - he's actually speaking from a place of what he thinks is piety and authenticity. But all this answer comes across as is ''I have no way to relate to you''. It was the same thing with the ''Jen said you've got to think them as if were your own daughters'', which was probably entirely fabricated anecdote to project empathy - but instead it reveals the exact opposite.

Morrison fundamentally cannot relate to people, which is probably part of the reason why he spends almost all of his time pretending to be a normal, relatable person (which comes across to most people as nauseatingly gaudy and fake) - hard to know if he's actually shameless and so emotionally stunted that he doesn't realise how cringe-worthy all the cosplaying is.
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the problem with Morrison (gosh there are just so many), but one of the biggest is his lack of emotional intelligence. He simply cannot relate to people, but he does seem to know to use them (hmm...what would be the diagnostic term for this?)


I think he does have a level emotional intelligence (you need it to be a successful bully, to be manipulative, etc) but does not relate well with some of the more diverse types of Australians out there. Hence his ability to play the game in politics, but the need for him to overexpose himself with all these phony photos of him at the footy, wearing hi-viz, banging in nails, etc etc.
the problem with Morrison (gosh there are just so many), but one of the biggest is his lack of emotional intelligence. He simply cannot relate to people, but he does seem to know to use them (hmm...what would be the diagnostic term for this?)

When he's saying he's blessed he's not really thinking about the obvious inference to be drawn that parents of disabled children are ''not blessed'' - he's actually speaking from a place of what he thinks is piety and authenticity. But all this answer comes across as is ''I have no way to relate to you''. It was the same thing with the ''Jen said you've got to think them as if were your own daughters'', which was probably entirely fabricated anecdote to project empathy - but instead it reveals the exact opposite.

Morrison fundamentally cannot relate to people, which is probably part of the reason why he spends almost all of his time pretending to be a normal, relatable person (which comes across to most people as nauseatingly gaudy and fake) - hard to know if he's actually shameless and so emotionally stunted that he doesn't realise how cringe-worthy all the cosplaying is.

Maybe they're working on the Catch-22 theory that you can't be crazy if you say you're crazy.?
Called out by Macron, leaked text messages, called out by party members, f’ed off during bush fires, was a smart campaigner when he returned and was questioned on his absence, f’ed up rapid antigen test availability, f’ed up flood response, been a complete arsehat with women, pretended he didn’t know about Higgins, backed the bullshit with Porter and his line of credit, blocked moves on integrity commission, has people using Parliament like a private residency beating off in offices and ******* sex workers, is mates with wanted criminal Brian Houston, gave rich fu**s who didn’t need it mega bucks with Jobkeeper, is a member of a batshit crazy cult and has advised same that when he touches people it is in a religious manner, constantly lies and obfuscates, has a track record proven to be untrustworthy, pretends to follow Cronulla, has a photographer to flood us with his bullshit, came up with his own nickname, is not a leader’s a-hole etc etc. This is just the tip of the iceberg - I have no idea how anyone could even consider voting for this scumbag unless they were part of his sham. Worst PM this country has ever had by a fair margin.

He speaks very highly of you

He certainly did not choose words correctly.

It is not as if Dylan Alcotts' parents wished for him to be unable to walk either. Parents do not have children hoping for their child/children to own disabilities.

We do not need to praise them just for the sake of it.

His choice of words goes to who he is.
As does the gaslighting calfsplatter from Hughes, rolled out to tell people how they should feel, or even worse; that Scott was the real victim because some people were looking to be upset.
the problem with Morrison (gosh there are just so many), but one of the biggest is his lack of emotional intelligence. He simply cannot relate to people, but he does seem to know to use them (hmm...what would be the diagnostic term for this?)

When he's saying he's blessed he's not really thinking about the obvious inference to be drawn that parents of disabled children are ''not blessed'' - he's actually speaking from a place of what he thinks is piety and authenticity. But all this answer comes across as is ''I have no way to relate to you''. It was the same thing with the ''Jen said you've got to think them as if were your own daughters'', which was probably entirely fabricated anecdote to project empathy - but instead it reveals the exact opposite.

Morrison fundamentally cannot relate to people, which is probably part of the reason why he spends almost all of his time pretending to be a normal, relatable person (which comes across to most people as nauseatingly gaudy and fake) - hard to know if he's actually shameless and so emotionally stunted that he doesn't realise how cringe-worthy all the cosplaying is.
Yep, APD & NPD trying to wear human camouflage

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I am so over people giving Morrison a pass
Like how many people that know him personally have to tell you he's an evil bully campaigner for the daggy dad image to stop getting him off?
I don’t disagree he’s a bully, I just don’t think this is the evidence of that. More evidence that he’s incapable of empathy or relating to others. He’s a Venn diagram of sociopathic behaviour.
I don’t disagree he’s a bully, I just don’t think this is the evidence of that. More evidence that he’s incapable of empathy or relating to others. He’s a Venn diagram of sociopathic behaviour.
which again how can you say he meant no malice
he's shown time and time again he is malicious

people keep acting like its just a gaffe or lack of understanding when he appears to be rather interested in doing this stuff on purpose where ever he can get away with it
people keep acting like its just a gaffe or lack of understanding when he appears to be rather interested in doing this stuff on purpose where ever he can get away with it

I honestly don't think he's that smart.
IMHO, Labor attacking Morrison is the wrong strategy.

Everyone knows his weaknesses. Reminding voters again and again doesn't really serve any purpose.

What it does do, firstly, is ignores the bigger picture about the overall performance of the Coalition government. It implies that everything is going well, except for Morrison's leadership. Secondly, it implies that Labor don't really have any policies other than being "not Morrison".

They need to go much, much harder on the overall incompetence of Government, rather than Morrison personally. Particularly the weak state of the economy and bullshit meme that the Coalition are better economic managers.

This latest little explosion from the debate is a good example... everyone is talking about Morrison using the term "blessed" and his clumsy response. The attention gets directed to him personally... while everyone is ignoring the real crux of the question which was the poor management of the NDIS.

If Labor are going to run attack ads, they should be directed at the Coalition cabinet.
IMHO, Labor attacking Morrison is the wrong strategy.

Everyone knows his weaknesses. Reminding voters again and again doesn't really serve any purpose.

What it does do, firstly, is ignores the bigger picture about the overall performance of the Coalition government. It implies that everything is going well, except for Morrison's leadership. Secondly, it implies that Labor don't really have any policies other than being "not Morrison".

They need to go much, much harder on the overall incompetence of Government, rather than Morrison personally. Particularly the weak state of the economy and bullshit meme that the Coalition are better economic managers.

This latest little explosion from the debate is a good example... everyone is talking about Morrison using the term "blessed" and his clumsy response. The attention gets directed to him personally... while everyone is ignoring the real crux of the question which was the poor management of the NDIS.

If Labor are going to run attack ads, they should be directed at the Coalition cabinet.

if we had a level media playing field, I’d agree.
I guess people assume there's a difference given he's a bible basher, I feel a lot of people would use it interchangeably.
When he says "blessed" he means that God chose to make THAT kid disabled but not MY kid.
IMHO, Labor attacking Morrison is the wrong strategy.

Everyone knows his weaknesses. Reminding voters again and again doesn't really serve any purpose.

What it does do, firstly, is ignores the bigger picture about the overall performance of the Coalition government. It implies that everything is going well, except for Morrison's leadership. Secondly, it implies that Labor don't really have any policies other than being "not Morrison".

They need to go much, much harder on the overall incompetence of Government, rather than Morrison personally. Particularly the weak state of the economy and bullshit meme that the Coalition are better economic managers.

This latest little explosion from the debate is a good example... everyone is talking about Morrison using the term "blessed" and his clumsy response. The attention gets directed to him personally... while everyone is ignoring the real crux of the question which was the poor management of the NDIS.

If Labor are going to run attack ads, they should be directed at the Coalition cabinet.
Every time Albanese brings up the NDIS, the Solomon’s, the Submarines, ICAC etc, these all relate to the LNP cabinet ministers and their failings.
Dumb people can be evil pricks too

He's a dumb evil campaigner, but he's not smart enough to dog whistle.

You're attributing to him a machievellan level of intelligence to a man who can't do 3+4 correctly.
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