Official Match Thread Season 27 Round 1: Baghdad Bombers vs Gumbies FFC @ Abdu Prison

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4 : 23.16 {C} - No clear advantage to either side.
4 : 23.25 {C} - A bit of space for Tony Lynn 15 to utilise.
4 : 23.28 {C} - What a tackle.
4 : 23.32 {C} - acuguy streaming down the ground.
4 : 23.37 {rHFF} - His kick is hurried - in the direction of Man0gwaR74.
4 : 23.41 {rHFF} - Poor effort from Man0gwaR74 and boncer34 takes the mark.
4 : 23.45 {lHBF} - boncer34 looking for a lead.
4 : 23.49 {lHBF} - boncer34 sells the dummy and helps himself to a bounce.
4 : 23.53 {CHB} - He kicks across the ground towards WFL.
4 : 23.57 {CHB} - Anybody's ball.
4 : 24.01 {CHB} - Quality gather by WFL.
4 : 24.06 {rHBF} - A quick handpass to dougthelegend.
4 : 24.1 {rHBF} - dougthelegend has time to take a bounce.
4 : 24.14 {rW} - He takes another.
4 : 24.18 {rW} - Gets a handpass away to crowmyzone.
4 : 24.22 {rW} - Long handpass to the running TheCoach16.
4 : 24.27 {lHFF} - He kicks long and low.
4 : 24.3 {lHFF} - iDon appeals for the mark but play on's the call.
4 : 24.34 {rHBF} - The ball is now with snozulu.
4 : 24.38 {rHBF} - He takes the opportunity to bounce.
4 : 24.43 {CHB} - Hands it off to StFly.
4 : 24.47 {C} - No-look handpass to DERO.
4 : 24.51 {C} - DERO backs himself for a shot on goal.
4 : 24.55 {C} - Fades away to the left. One behind to the score..
Baghdad Bombers : 14.12.96
Gumbies FFC : 16.8.104

Match Over!
Rich (BB code):
BOM               5    0        8    4        9    7        14   12   96       
GUM               5    2        6    4        12   6        16   8    104      
BOM        HO  K  M  H  T  FF FA G  B   Dt  GUM         HO  K  M  H  T  FF FA G  B   Dt
CJMB        0  5  2  6  3  0  1  0  0   42  THE THIN M   0  4  1  6  0  0  0  0  0   27
WaynesWorl  0  2  0  0  0  0  0  0  0    6  Uncle_Leo    0  4  5  4  0  0  0  0  0   35
Shermy      0  2  2  6  0  0  0  0  0   24  Morning_Fo   0  7  3  6  0  0  1  2  0   51
dougtheleg  0  4  5  8  0  0  0  0  0   43  snozulu      0  9  3  6  2  0  2  0  0   50
WFL         0  7  1  10 1  2  1  0  0   47  StFly        0  9  6  3  1  0  3  0  0   46
boncer34    0  10 8  8  2  3  1  0  0   78  Orazio Fan   0  7  7  9  0  1  0  0  0   61
crowmyzone  0  9  4  15 0  2  1  1  2   76  jd2010       0  10 5  4  0  0  0  0  1   54
Tony Lynn   0  15 6  11 1  1  1  1  1   94  acuguy       0  7  1  2  0  0  0  1  0   34
McEvoy      0  9  2  9  1  0  2  1  0   55  Vdubs        0  11 7  7  2  1  1  0  0   74
IbleedBlue  0  3  6  11 0  0  0  0  0   49  Man0gwaR74   0  8  4  13 0  0  3  2  1   66
beez        0  6  2  2  0  1  0  1  1   36  WaLkEr_ThE   0  4  3  5  2  0  6  0  0   21
iDon        0  8  6  3  1  0  2  1  0   52  Great8       0  11 5  7  1  1  0  1  2   75
CALL ME SN  0  2  2  0  0  1  0  1  1   20  jmoo wan     0  2  1  1  1  0  0  2  0   27
BEEG        0  6  1  0  2  0  1  3  3   47  Jivlain      0  7  0  0  0  0  0  6  1   58
ctacp       0  2  0  0  0  0  0  1  1   13  NSWCROW      0  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  1    4
Matty411    14 11 0  6  5  4  1  0  1   81  roo2macca    10 11 0  4  1  5  1  0  0   57
TheCoach16  0  13 0  4  2  5  0  2  1   73  BRAB         0  10 0  7  11 2  1  1  0   93
KohPhi      0  10 0  9  8  3  1  2  0   92  DERO         0  11 0  6  10 2  0  1  0   93
VSTone      0  5  2  4  1  1  0  0  1   35  MattWritin   0  5  2  0  0  0  2  0  1   16
Blue__Ball  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0    0  Fryer Tuck   0  6  5  5  2  0  3  0  0   42

Rich (BB code):
            BOM   GUM
Hitouts   : 14   10 
Kicks     : 129  144 
Marks     : 49   58 
Handballs : 112  95 
Tackles   : 27   33 
Frees For : 23   12 
Frees Ag. : 12   23 
Smothers  : 2    0 
Ironouts  : 3    7 
Inside50  : 13   18 
Goals     : 14   16 
Behinds   : 12   7

Rich (BB code):
First Quarter :
1.45 - Goal to KohPhi (BOM) - BOM by 6 point(s).
5.56 - Goal to Jivlain (GUM) - scores level.
6.43 - Behind to Jivlain (GUM) - GUM by 1 point(s).
7.49 - Behind to Great8 (GUM) - GUM by 2 point(s).
8.24 - Goal to DERO (GUM) - GUM by 8 point(s).
9.13 - Goal to BEEG (BOM) - GUM by 2 point(s).
11.23 - Goal to Morning_Fog (GUM) - GUM by 8 point(s).
13.25 - Goal to Jivlain (GUM) - GUM by 14 point(s).
15.26 - Goal to BEEG (BOM) - GUM by 8 point(s).
17.53 - Goal to KohPhi (BOM) - GUM by 2 point(s).
18.22 - Goal to Morning_Fog (GUM) - GUM by 8 point(s).
20.58 - Goal to TheCoach16 (BOM) - GUM by 2 point(s).

Second Quarter :
.51 - Behind to MattWriting (GUM) - GUM by 3 point(s).
1.4 - Goal to McEvoy (BOM) - BOM by 3 point(s).
3.25 - Behind to BEEG (BOM) - BOM by 4 point(s).
8.18 - Goal to crowmyzone (BOM) - BOM by 10 point(s).
15.38 - Goal to BRAB (GUM) - BOM by 4 point(s).
16.16 - Goal to TheCoach16 (BOM) - BOM by 10 point(s).
18.52 - Rushed behind to BOM - BOM by 11 point(s).
20.36 - Behind to jd2010 (GUM) - BOM by 10 point(s).
23.16 - Behind to TheCoach16 (BOM) - BOM by 11 point(s).
23.49 - Behind to CALL ME SNAKE (BOM) - BOM by 12 point(s).

Third Quarter :
3.58 - Goal to Jivlain (GUM) - BOM by 6 point(s).
5.43 - Goal to Jivlain (GUM) - scores level.
8.18 - Goal to Jivlain (GUM) - GUM by 6 point(s).
8.57 - Goal to Tony Lynn 15 (BOM) - scores level.
10.46 - Goal to Jivlain (GUM) - GUM by 6 point(s).
13.33 - Goal to Man0gwaR74 (GUM) - GUM by 12 point(s).
14.58 - Behind to beez (BOM) - GUM by 11 point(s).
15.26 - Behind to ctacp (BOM) - GUM by 10 point(s).
16.12 - Behind to Tony Lynn 15 (BOM) - GUM by 9 point(s).
17.07 - Rushed behind to GUM - GUM by 10 point(s).
20.27 - Behind to Man0gwaR74 (GUM) - GUM by 11 point(s).
23.16 - Goal to Great8 (GUM) - GUM by 17 point(s).

Final Quarter :
.3 - Rushed behind to BOM - GUM by 16 point(s).
1.03 - Goal to CALL ME SNAKE (BOM) - GUM by 10 point(s).
2.11 - Goal to BEEG (BOM) - GUM by 4 point(s).
8.53 - Behind to Matty411 (BOM) - GUM by 3 point(s).
9.26 - Goal to beez (BOM) - BOM by 3 point(s).
12.48 - Goal to jmoo wan (GUM) - GUM by 3 point(s).
13.08 - Rushed behind to BOM - GUM by 2 point(s).
14.15 - Rushed behind to GUM - GUM by 3 point(s).
14.58 - Goal to Man0gwaR74 (GUM) - GUM by 9 point(s).
15.51 - Goal to acuguy (GUM) - GUM by 15 point(s).
16.51 - Goal to iDon (BOM) - GUM by 9 point(s).
19.5 - Rushed behind to BOM - GUM by 8 point(s).
20.19 - Behind to BEEG (BOM) - GUM by 7 point(s).
20.48 - Goal to ctacp (BOM) - GUM by 1 point(s).
23.16 - Goal to jmoo wan (GUM) - GUM by 7 point(s).

Rich (BB code):
beez                 0 (On) Total : 100%
iDon                 0 (On) 61.52 (Off) 64.26 (On) Total : 97%
Shermy               0 (On) Total : 100%
CJMB                 0 (On) 11.36 (Off) 11.48 (On) Total : 99%
WFL                  0 (On) Total : 100%
boncer34             0 (On) Total : 100%
crowmyzone           0 (On) Total : 100%
Tony Lynn 15         0 (On) Total : 100%
McEvoy               0 (On) Total : 100%
IbleedBlue           0 (On) Total : 100%
WaynesWorld19        0 (On) 11.48 (Off) 61.52 (On) Total : 50%
VSTone               0 (On) 64.26 (Off) Total : 64%
ctacp                0 (On) Total : 100%
BEEG                 0 (On) Total : 100%
CALL ME SNAKE        0 (On) Total : 100%
Matty411             0 (On) Total : 100%
TheCoach16           0 (On) Total : 100%
KohPhi               0 (On) Total : 100%
dougthelegend        0 (Off) 11.36 (On) Total : 87%
Blue__Balls          0 (Off) Total : 0%

THE THIN MAN         0 (On) Total : 100%
Uncle_Leo            0 (On) Total : 100%
jd2010               0 (On) Total : 100%
snozulu              0 (On) Total : 100%
StFly                0 (On) Total : 100%
Orazio Fantazio      0 (On) Total : 100%
Morning_Fog          0 (On) Total : 100%
Fryer Tuck           0 (On) 67.16 (Off) Total : 67%
MattWriting          0 (On) 36.19 (Off) Total : 36%
Man0gwaR74           0 (On) Total : 100%
WaLkEr_ThE_StAr      0 (On) Total : 100%
Great8               0 (On) Total : 100%
jmoo wan             0 (On) Total : 100%
Jivlain              0 (On) Total : 100%
NSWCROW              0 (On) Total : 100%
roo2macca            0 (On) Total : 100%
BRAB                 0 (On) Total : 100%
DERO                 0 (On) Total : 100%
Vdubs                0 (Off) 36.19 (On) Total : 63%
acuguy               0 (Off) 67.16 (On) Total : 32%

Total :  3600               Average :  90

  • In an enthralling contest, BEEG came out tops over the brave Uncle_Leo. - 86m from 9 to 95.
  • In what became a bit of a clinic, BRAB gave TheCoach16 a bit of a touch-up. - 97m from 2 to 99.
  • Despite neither player having much impact, CALL ME SNAKE had Morning_Fog's measure. - 20m from 75 to 95.
  • Spending most of the game pushing and shoving each other, THE THIN MAN and CALL ME SNAKE were well-matched - there was no victor. - 58m from 8 to 66.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, Great8 came out tops over the brave CJMB. - 7m from 2 to 9.
  • Neither getting, near the ball much, CJMB did a demolition job on NSWCROW. - 43m from 46 to 89.
  • In a comparatively small-fry arm wrestle, CJMB and StFly were well-matched - there was no victor. - 28m from 14 to 42.
  • In what was a very slow day for both, jd2010 won the bout with ctacp. - 3m from 27 to 30.
  • In an epic battle, KohPhi and DERO were evenly matched. - 99m from 1 to 100.
  • Toe to toe throughout, Tony Lynn 15 did well against Fryer Tuck. - 66m from 0 to 66.
  • Toe to toe throughout, dougthelegend either broke even with Great8 or vaguely bested him - it was hard to tell. - 87m from 12 to 99.
  • While not all all one-way, Orazio Fantazio was slightly more polished than IbleedBlue. - 96m from 0 to 96.
  • Spending most of the game pushing and shoving each other, iDon and snozulu were well-matched - there was no victor. - 31m from 68 to 99.
  • In a comparatively small-fry arm wrestle, Jivlain and iDon were well-matched - there was no victor. - 56m from 4 to 60.
  • In what was a very slow day for both, WaynesWorld19 was easily the winner in the clash with Jivlain. - 31m from 67 to 98.
  • In a resume-material performance, boncer34 won the bout with Man0gwaR74. - 98m from 1 to 99.
  • Regardless that this wasn't a huge game for either player, crowmyzone won the bout with MattWriting. - 36m from 0 to 36.
  • While not all all one-way, Matty411 was slightly more polished than roo2macca. - 100m from 0 to 100.
  • In a comparatively small-fry arm wrestle, jd2010 did very well against McEvoy. - 63m from 33 to 96.
  • While both players struggled to make an impact, McEvoy did very well against Morning_Fog. - 27m from 2 to 29.
  • In what was a very slow day for both, Morning_Fog had ctacp's measure. - 21m from 44 to 65.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, beez and NSWCROW were hard to separate - though beez was slightly more effective. - 0m from 8 to 8.
  • While the match-up was a bit of a side-show, not much between jmoo wan and Shermy - the former was probably a smidgeon better. - 92m from 6 to 98.
  • Regardless that this wasn't a huge game for either player, beez had StFly's measure. - 55m from 44 to 99.
  • In what was a very slow day for both, StFly was easily the winner in the clash with WaynesWorld19. - 1m from 2 to 3.
  • Spending most of the game pushing and shoving each other, THE THIN MAN and ctacp were hard to separate - though THE THIN MAN was slightly more effective. - 20m from 75 to 95.
  • Spending most of the game pushing and shoving each other, not much between Tony Lynn 15 and acuguy - the former was probably a smidgeon better. - 30m from 68 to 98.
  • In an enthralling contest, Vdubs came out tops over the brave crowmyzone. - 62m from 37 to 99.
  • In quite a tussle, snozulu was slightly more polished than VSTone. - 61m from 0 to 61.
  • In a solid performance, WFL was easily the winner in the clash with WaLkEr_ThE_StAr. - 97m from 2 to 99.

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jmoo wan with the intercept mark, play on and booming goal on the run to give us our first win of the season.


Proud of everybody.
jmoo wan with the intercept mark, play on and booming goal on the run to give us our first win of the season.


Proud of everybody.

That dish repeated on me the other night too......
Rich (BB code):
BOM               5    0        8    4        9    7        14   12   96      
GUM               5    2        6    4        12   6        16   8    104     
BOM        HO  K  M  H  T  FF FA G  B   Dt  GUM         HO  K  M  H  T  FF FA G  B   Dt
CJMB        0  5  2  6  3  0  1  0  0   42  THE THIN M   0  4  1  6  0  0  0  0  0   27
WaynesWorl  0  2  0  0  0  0  0  0  0    6  Uncle_Leo    0  4  5  4  0  0  0  0  0   35
Shermy      0  2  2  6  0  0  0  0  0   24  Morning_Fo   0  7  3  6  0  0  1  2  0   51
dougtheleg  0  4  5  8  0  0  0  0  0   43  snozulu      0  9  3  6  2  0  2  0  0   50
WFL         0  7  1  10 1  2  1  0  0   47  StFly        0  9  6  3  1  0  3  0  0   46
boncer34    0  10 8  8  2  3  1  0  0   78  Orazio Fan   0  7  7  9  0  1  0  0  0   61
crowmyzone  0  9  4  15 0  2  1  1  2   76  jd2010       0  10 5  4  0  0  0  0  1   54
Tony Lynn   0  15 6  11 1  1  1  1  1   94  acuguy       0  7  1  2  0  0  0  1  0   34
McEvoy      0  9  2  9  1  0  2  1  0   55  Vdubs        0  11 7  7  2  1  1  0  0   74
IbleedBlue  0  3  6  11 0  0  0  0  0   49  Man0gwaR74   0  8  4  13 0  0  3  2  1   66
beez        0  6  2  2  0  1  0  1  1   36  WaLkEr_ThE   0  4  3  5  2  0  6  0  0   21
iDon        0  8  6  3  1  0  2  1  0   52  Great8       0  11 5  7  1  1  0  1  2   75
CALL ME SN  0  2  2  0  0  1  0  1  1   20  jmoo wan     0  2  1  1  1  0  0  2  0   27
BEEG        0  6  1  0  2  0  1  3  3   47  Jivlain      0  7  0  0  0  0  0  6  1   58
ctacp       0  2  0  0  0  0  0  1  1   13  NSWCROW      0  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  1    4
Matty411    14 11 0  6  5  4  1  0  1   81  roo2macca    10 11 0  4  1  5  1  0  0   57
TheCoach16  0  13 0  4  2  5  0  2  1   73  BRAB         0  10 0  7  11 2  1  1  0   93
KohPhi      0  10 0  9  8  3  1  2  0   92  DERO         0  11 0  6  10 2  0  1  0   93
VSTone      0  5  2  4  1  1  0  0  1   35  MattWritin   0  5  2  0  0  0  2  0  1   16
Blue__Ball  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0    0  Fryer Tuck   0  6  5  5  2  0  3  0  0   42

Rich (BB code):
            BOM   GUM
Hitouts   : 14   10
Kicks     : 129  144
Marks     : 49   58
Handballs : 112  95
Tackles   : 27   33
Frees For : 23   12
Frees Ag. : 12   23
Smothers  : 2    0
Ironouts  : 3    7
Inside50  : 13   18
Goals     : 14   16
Behinds   : 12   7

Rich (BB code):
First Quarter :
1.45 - Goal to KohPhi (BOM) - BOM by 6 point(s).
5.56 - Goal to Jivlain (GUM) - scores level.
6.43 - Behind to Jivlain (GUM) - GUM by 1 point(s).
7.49 - Behind to Great8 (GUM) - GUM by 2 point(s).
8.24 - Goal to DERO (GUM) - GUM by 8 point(s).
9.13 - Goal to BEEG (BOM) - GUM by 2 point(s).
11.23 - Goal to Morning_Fog (GUM) - GUM by 8 point(s).
13.25 - Goal to Jivlain (GUM) - GUM by 14 point(s).
15.26 - Goal to BEEG (BOM) - GUM by 8 point(s).
17.53 - Goal to KohPhi (BOM) - GUM by 2 point(s).
18.22 - Goal to Morning_Fog (GUM) - GUM by 8 point(s).
20.58 - Goal to TheCoach16 (BOM) - GUM by 2 point(s).

Second Quarter :
.51 - Behind to MattWriting (GUM) - GUM by 3 point(s).
1.4 - Goal to McEvoy (BOM) - BOM by 3 point(s).
3.25 - Behind to BEEG (BOM) - BOM by 4 point(s).
8.18 - Goal to crowmyzone (BOM) - BOM by 10 point(s).
15.38 - Goal to BRAB (GUM) - BOM by 4 point(s).
16.16 - Goal to TheCoach16 (BOM) - BOM by 10 point(s).
18.52 - Rushed behind to BOM - BOM by 11 point(s).
20.36 - Behind to jd2010 (GUM) - BOM by 10 point(s).
23.16 - Behind to TheCoach16 (BOM) - BOM by 11 point(s).
23.49 - Behind to CALL ME SNAKE (BOM) - BOM by 12 point(s).

Third Quarter :
3.58 - Goal to Jivlain (GUM) - BOM by 6 point(s).
5.43 - Goal to Jivlain (GUM) - scores level.
8.18 - Goal to Jivlain (GUM) - GUM by 6 point(s).
8.57 - Goal to Tony Lynn 15 (BOM) - scores level.
10.46 - Goal to Jivlain (GUM) - GUM by 6 point(s).
13.33 - Goal to Man0gwaR74 (GUM) - GUM by 12 point(s).
14.58 - Behind to beez (BOM) - GUM by 11 point(s).
15.26 - Behind to ctacp (BOM) - GUM by 10 point(s).
16.12 - Behind to Tony Lynn 15 (BOM) - GUM by 9 point(s).
17.07 - Rushed behind to GUM - GUM by 10 point(s).
20.27 - Behind to Man0gwaR74 (GUM) - GUM by 11 point(s).
23.16 - Goal to Great8 (GUM) - GUM by 17 point(s).

Final Quarter :
.3 - Rushed behind to BOM - GUM by 16 point(s).
1.03 - Goal to CALL ME SNAKE (BOM) - GUM by 10 point(s).
2.11 - Goal to BEEG (BOM) - GUM by 4 point(s).
8.53 - Behind to Matty411 (BOM) - GUM by 3 point(s).
9.26 - Goal to beez (BOM) - BOM by 3 point(s).
12.48 - Goal to jmoo wan (GUM) - GUM by 3 point(s).
13.08 - Rushed behind to BOM - GUM by 2 point(s).
14.15 - Rushed behind to GUM - GUM by 3 point(s).
14.58 - Goal to Man0gwaR74 (GUM) - GUM by 9 point(s).
15.51 - Goal to acuguy (GUM) - GUM by 15 point(s).
16.51 - Goal to iDon (BOM) - GUM by 9 point(s).
19.5 - Rushed behind to BOM - GUM by 8 point(s).
20.19 - Behind to BEEG (BOM) - GUM by 7 point(s).
20.48 - Goal to ctacp (BOM) - GUM by 1 point(s).
23.16 - Goal to jmoo wan (GUM) - GUM by 7 point(s).

Rich (BB code):
beez                 0 (On) Total : 100%
iDon                 0 (On) 61.52 (Off) 64.26 (On) Total : 97%
Shermy               0 (On) Total : 100%
CJMB                 0 (On) 11.36 (Off) 11.48 (On) Total : 99%
WFL                  0 (On) Total : 100%
boncer34             0 (On) Total : 100%
crowmyzone           0 (On) Total : 100%
Tony Lynn 15         0 (On) Total : 100%
McEvoy               0 (On) Total : 100%
IbleedBlue           0 (On) Total : 100%
WaynesWorld19        0 (On) 11.48 (Off) 61.52 (On) Total : 50%
VSTone               0 (On) 64.26 (Off) Total : 64%
ctacp                0 (On) Total : 100%
BEEG                 0 (On) Total : 100%
CALL ME SNAKE        0 (On) Total : 100%
Matty411             0 (On) Total : 100%
TheCoach16           0 (On) Total : 100%
KohPhi               0 (On) Total : 100%
dougthelegend        0 (Off) 11.36 (On) Total : 87%
Blue__Balls          0 (Off) Total : 0%

THE THIN MAN         0 (On) Total : 100%
Uncle_Leo            0 (On) Total : 100%
jd2010               0 (On) Total : 100%
snozulu              0 (On) Total : 100%
StFly                0 (On) Total : 100%
Orazio Fantazio      0 (On) Total : 100%
Morning_Fog          0 (On) Total : 100%
Fryer Tuck           0 (On) 67.16 (Off) Total : 67%
MattWriting          0 (On) 36.19 (Off) Total : 36%
Man0gwaR74           0 (On) Total : 100%
WaLkEr_ThE_StAr      0 (On) Total : 100%
Great8               0 (On) Total : 100%
jmoo wan             0 (On) Total : 100%
Jivlain              0 (On) Total : 100%
NSWCROW              0 (On) Total : 100%
roo2macca            0 (On) Total : 100%
BRAB                 0 (On) Total : 100%
DERO                 0 (On) Total : 100%
Vdubs                0 (Off) 36.19 (On) Total : 63%
acuguy               0 (Off) 67.16 (On) Total : 32%

Total :  3600               Average :  90

  • In an enthralling contest, BEEG came out tops over the brave Uncle_Leo. - 86m from 9 to 95.
  • In what became a bit of a clinic, BRAB gave TheCoach16 a bit of a touch-up. - 97m from 2 to 99.
  • Despite neither player having much impact, CALL ME SNAKE had Morning_Fog's measure. - 20m from 75 to 95.
  • Spending most of the game pushing and shoving each other, THE THIN MAN and CALL ME SNAKE were well-matched - there was no victor. - 58m from 8 to 66.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, Great8 came out tops over the brave CJMB. - 7m from 2 to 9.
  • Neither getting, near the ball much, CJMB did a demolition job on NSWCROW. - 43m from 46 to 89.
  • In a comparatively small-fry arm wrestle, CJMB and StFly were well-matched - there was no victor. - 28m from 14 to 42.
  • In what was a very slow day for both, jd2010 won the bout with ctacp. - 3m from 27 to 30.
  • In an epic battle, KohPhi and DERO were evenly matched. - 99m from 1 to 100.
  • Toe to toe throughout, Tony Lynn 15 did well against Fryer Tuck. - 66m from 0 to 66.
  • Toe to toe throughout, dougthelegend either broke even with Great8 or vaguely bested him - it was hard to tell. - 87m from 12 to 99.
  • While not all all one-way, Orazio Fantazio was slightly more polished than IbleedBlue. - 96m from 0 to 96.
  • Spending most of the game pushing and shoving each other, iDon and snozulu were well-matched - there was no victor. - 31m from 68 to 99.
  • In a comparatively small-fry arm wrestle, Jivlain and iDon were well-matched - there was no victor. - 56m from 4 to 60.
  • In what was a very slow day for both, WaynesWorld19 was easily the winner in the clash with Jivlain. - 31m from 67 to 98.
  • In a resume-material performance, boncer34 won the bout with Man0gwaR74. - 98m from 1 to 99.
  • Regardless that this wasn't a huge game for either player, crowmyzone won the bout with MattWriting. - 36m from 0 to 36.
  • While not all all one-way, Matty411 was slightly more polished than roo2macca. - 100m from 0 to 100.
  • In a comparatively small-fry arm wrestle, jd2010 did very well against McEvoy. - 63m from 33 to 96.
  • While both players struggled to make an impact, McEvoy did very well against Morning_Fog. - 27m from 2 to 29.
  • In what was a very slow day for both, Morning_Fog had ctacp's measure. - 21m from 44 to 65.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, beez and NSWCROW were hard to separate - though beez was slightly more effective. - 0m from 8 to 8.
  • While the match-up was a bit of a side-show, not much between jmoo wan and Shermy - the former was probably a smidgeon better. - 92m from 6 to 98.
  • Regardless that this wasn't a huge game for either player, beez had StFly's measure. - 55m from 44 to 99.
  • In what was a very slow day for both, StFly was easily the winner in the clash with WaynesWorld19. - 1m from 2 to 3.
  • Spending most of the game pushing and shoving each other, THE THIN MAN and ctacp were hard to separate - though THE THIN MAN was slightly more effective. - 20m from 75 to 95.
  • Spending most of the game pushing and shoving each other, not much between Tony Lynn 15 and acuguy - the former was probably a smidgeon better. - 30m from 68 to 98.
  • In an enthralling contest, Vdubs came out tops over the brave crowmyzone. - 62m from 37 to 99.
  • In quite a tussle, snozulu was slightly more polished than VSTone. - 61m from 0 to 61.
  • In a solid performance, WFL was easily the winner in the clash with WaLkEr_ThE_StAr. - 97m from 2 to 99.

Who writes this shit? Not much between us except 60 DT points and a dozen odd ****ing possessions!
Who writes this shit? Not much between us except 60 DT points and a dozen odd ******* possessions!
We needed to concede that we’re racist, rather than defend ourselves and crush our accusers...

We’re paying the price now.
Sorry skippers...

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Official Match Thread Season 27 Round 1: Baghdad Bombers vs Gumbies FFC @ Abdu Prison

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