Official Match Thread Season 36, First Preliminary Final: Gumbies FFC versus Baghdad Bombers at House of Gumby

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Happy Goalkicking gab213 Day
Ramping up my pre-game preparations starting with a small snack


Checking the padding on the goalpost making sure it's secure. This is very important as I spend half my time leaning up against it


The final touch, suspending my hammock between the posts, very important as I need to take multiple power naps during the game


It always makes me uneasy when I see Pugsley doing handstands in the vicinity of the goalposts......Bad Boy!

I don't want to make any big statements BUT I believe whoever wins this game will play in the grand final next week.

Big call, I know. I will stand with my convictions.
Can you give us a margin? :p

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I'm at a kids dance concert.
4 hours
1 like 1 prayer.

hehehe… it is that really painful time of year where there are heaps of end of school year concerts and speech nights. From long experience attending such events I have some interesting equations

  • I hour of school concert = 24 hours of watching grass grow
  • school speech night causes an interest in placing pins in one’s eyes and driving tent pegs into one’s ears
  • speech nights and concerts are affronts o public decency and should be banned.

Having carefully reviewed the selections and form of both teams I am predicting the Gumbies will smite the Bombers everywhere except the scoreboard. Bumblers to win by 3.
hehehe… it is that really painful time of year where there are heaps of end of school year concerts and speech nights. From long experience attending such events I have some interesting equations

  • I hour of school concert = 24 hours of watching grass grow
  • school speech night causes an interest in placing pins in one’s eyes and driving tent pegs into one’s ears
  • speech nights and concerts are affronts o public decency and should be banned.

Having carefully reviewed the selections and form of both teams I am predicting the Gumbies will smite the Bombers everywhere except the scoreboard. Bumblers to win by 3.
The 5 minutes your kid is on stage is great.
The rest is awful

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Having carefully reviewed the selections and form of both teams I am predicting the Gumbies will smite the Bombers everywhere except the scoreboard. Bumblers to win by 3.
I wonder what The Gumbies are up to they are vewwy vewwy quiet, let's take a peek into their rooms, we may get an insight into their pre-match routine ;

Shortly we go all old school:
gumbies slap.gif

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