Official Match Thread Season 38, Round 12: Baghdad Bombers v Mount Buller Demons at Abdu Prison

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Being an adult and getting old sucks?? I hate when things start failing apart and the bounce back is more like a drag back!

Hope you are on the mend though mate? Nothing worse then feeling less than 💯
All the adults that told me, make sure you warm up and cool down properly were right. I am paying for it now that I am in my 30s.

Not on the mend but it will slowly get there. It's a long story, but basically a really small section of my bowel is dead due to multiple surgeries I had as a baby. I was born with Gastroschisis. But I work at a company that offers services for disabled people including homes etc. so my 'struggle' is nothing compared to what some of these people live with so it does put it into perspective.

I am very chatty today, talking way more about my life than I normally do.
The memories. Why did I hate school? Or did I just hate teachers? Was it because my genius was so much that I never felt challenged and was always bored? probably not that last one but something else.
I spent most of my time sitting outside the principles office!

I was a model student, just terribly disruptive!

In my defence, I have adhd and I’m very very dyslexic plus I only had 10 percent hearing as a kid.(grommets corrected that)
Yep! Had it all going for me but I’ve turned out okay… 🥰
I’m gonna wait for a Wosh comment lol

And I’ll tell you right now… I can hear you whispering 3 blocks away so don’t do it!
The memories. Why did I hate school? Or did I just hate teachers? Was it because my genius was so much that I never felt challenged and was always bored? probably not that last one but something else.
Because a rigid learning environment does not suit all, yet is forced upon a wide spectrum of learners in such a mainstream fashion that school can actually reduce a relatively significant proportion of students enjoyment or love of learning.

That or you just had shit teachers.

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All the adults that told me, make sure you warm up and cool down properly were right. I am paying for it now that I am in my 30s.

Not on the mend but it will slowly get there. It's a long story, but basically a really small section of my bowel is dead due to multiple surgeries I had as a baby. I was born with Gastroschisis. But I work at a company that offers services for disabled people including homes etc. so my 'struggle' is nothing compared to what some of these people live with so it does put it into perspective.

I am very chatty today, talking way more about my life than I normally do.
We love sharing! 🥰🥰
I spent most of my time sitting outside the principles office!

I was a model student, just terribly disruptive!

In my defence, I have adhd and I’m very very dyslexic plus I only had 10 percent hearing as a kid.(grommets corrected that)
Yep! Had it all going for me but I’ve turned out okay… 🥰
I’m gonna wait for a Wosh comment lol

And I’ll tell you right now… I can hear you whispering 3 blocks away so don’t do it!
OMG twinsies. Lets get married this week on the wing.
OMG twinsies. Lets get married this week on the wing.
No! You would annoy me! And I know I would definitely annoy you lol

But… we could get around this!! You got 100 goats… ask Jabba73
Because a rigid learning environment does not suit all, yet is forced upon a wide spectrum of learners in such a mainstream fashion that school can actually reduce a relatively significant proportion of students enjoyment or love of learning.

That or you just had shit teachers.
Probably a combination of it all. Plus undiagnosed ADHD.
I also didn't take school seriously because I was convinced I was going to be a pro athlete, which I sort of was, I just didn't make any money from it.
I did go back to school in my mid 20's complete year 12 and then started but have still not finished a uni degree in construction management. I have like 1 semester left but full time work and life and all that.
I was diagnosed with ADHD while I was at uni and my marks went from just passing to doing honors.
I spent most of my time sitting outside the principles office!

I was a model student, just terribly disruptive!

In my defence, I have adhd and I’m very very dyslexic plus I only had 10 percent hearing as a kid.(grommets corrected that)
Yep! Had it all going for me but I’ve turned out okay… 🥰
I’m gonna wait for a Wosh comment lol

And I’ll tell you right now… I can hear you whispering 3 blocks away so don’t do it!
I am now in my mid 30s but my Mum uses any chance she gets to whip out a Year 12 School Report which reads "not only does cats2rise distract himself and others, he actively seeks the distraction"

I'm horrific (versus conventional wisdom) when giving school/life advice to kids. I am very open that I looked at Year 12 as the last year I'd be with a bunch of friends every day without much responsibility. I went from aiming for a VCE score of 90, to bombing out and not doing any work, having text books still in original wrapping come exams, and somehow managed a 50. I took Year 12 very breezy. At the time, my family was going balistic at me for "throwing away your future" but I look back on Year 12 as being one of the best years.

Even then I knew I was very much a visual learner - I need to read instructions/equations. If I am told something, I retain nothing. I have to write things down myself or read it. I can't learn from listening. Yet 'back then' which was still only 20 years ago, there was really just one stream of 'this is how you have to learn' and it didnt always suit me.

I'm always really honest and up front when speaking to family friends and kids who are coming up to the pointy end of high school.

The far majority of you dont know what you want to do when you are older, or you think you do but your minds will change. Your Year 12 score will not define you. Year 12 will, however, be the last year of your life where you really have no daily responsibilities yet will be surrounded by your friends in what should be a safe environment. Have fun. Be cheeky, but not bad - there is a difference.

I remember having an argument with a Year 10/11 teacher when we had to prepare CVs, do work experience and undertook one of those 'What is your future career' tests.... Mine came out as manager of a bowling alley (I still chuckle at the specifics) and when the teacher asked if that was what i wanted to do when I was older, I said "I don't know what I want to do this weekend, let alone with my life" - They were pushing that I had to take it seriously. No I bloody didnt. It was a stupid test at 16 years of age.
We definitely would but twice a season we can bash each other on the qooty field and get all of our annoyances out.

100 goats does seem a bit steep though.
No offence, but you've misread the situation here. You're supposed to haggle.

DemurePrincess says 100 goats.

Then you respond with "100 goats? You're laughing. 50 goats is all I will pay"

DemurePrincess then responds with 75 goats and 20 chickens.

You think about it... appear disinterested... then after some time you suggest 60 goats and a dozen chickens as a final offer.

Then you play the waiting game.

I shouldnt really have to explain how goat haggling works, mate. This is Sweet FA 101 stuff.

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I am now in my mid 30s but my Mum uses any chance she gets to whip out a Year 12 School Report which reads "not only does cats2rise distract himself and others, he actively seeks the distraction"

I'm horrific (versus conventional wisdom) when giving school/life advice to kids. I am very open that I looked at Year 12 as the last year I'd be with a bunch of friends every day without much responsibility. I was tired. I went from aiming for a VCE score of 90, to bombing out and not doing any work, having text books still in original wrapping come exams, and somehow managed a 50. I took Year 12 very breezy. At the time, my family was going balistic at me for "throwing away your future" but I look back on Year 12 as being one of the best years.

I'm always really honest and up front when speaking to family friends and kids who are coming up to the pointy end of high school.

The far majority of you dont know what you want to do when you are older, or you think you do but your minds will change. Your Year 12 score will not define you. Year 12 will, however, be the last year of your life where you really have no daily responsibilities yet will be surrounded by your friends in what should be a safe environment. Have fun. Be cheeky, but not bad - there is a difference.

I remember having an argument with a Year 10/11 teacher when we had to prepare CVs, do work experience and undertook one of those 'What is your future career' tests.... Mine came out as manager of a bowling alley (I still chuckle at the specifics) and when the teacher asked if that was what i wanted to do when I was older, I said "I don't know what I want to do this weekend, let alone with my life" - They were pushing that I had to take it seriously. No I bloody didnt. It was a stupid test at 16 years of age.
This is so important. Being older doing year 12 I had the advantage to see how stressed some of the 17/18 year old kids were about their exams and it was like You can get a 0 here, do a bridging course through the uni you want to go to and get in the course you want 6 months later.
There is also nothing wrong with bumming around for a couple of years, working different dead end jobs and focusing more on having fun before you buckle down.
Some teachers though, many of who haven't really lived in a world outside of school and uni have no idea about life. They quite often aren't the best minds around either. I was in trouble a lot in school, I was raised by my grandparents and my pop ALWAYS had my back no matter what. I remember him telling a teacher essentially that they had no idea about the real work world because they had never left school when a teacher mentioned if I did something again (can't remember what it was) but in the real world as an adult blah blah blah.
I had my head smashed into a wall once by a teacher. I probably deserved it, so I didn't complain about it. But the next year he was subbing in for a PE teacher and we were playing footy. I saw him going for the ball, bend down to pick it up and I went straight through him. It was a gratifying moment and I was sent to the principle for it. I ended up getting expelled for another incident not long after.

I am in a much better position in my life than a lot of people I went to school with and who did do school 'properly', I was lucky in a lot of ways to get to where I am now which while isn't some chief executive position, is not a bad position and helps me with that work life balance.
No offence, but you've misread the situation here. You're supposed to haggle.

DemurePrincess says 100 goats.

Then you respond with "100 goats? You're laughing. 50 goats is all I will pay"

DemurePrincess then responds with 75 goats and 20 chickens.

You think about it... appear disinterested... then after some time you suggest 60 goats and a dozen chickens as a final offer.

Then you play the waiting game.

I shouldnt really have to explain how goat haggling works, mate. This is Sweet FA 101 stuff.
I went with a 100 goats being steep because the DemurePrincess comes back with another offer which gives me a better idea of the lowest amount. If she doesn't come back to me with an offer of less than 100 goats I know that she isn't interested. I don't want to be out a bunch of goats for someone who doesn't want to be there but I have given the ability to, to make my life hell.
No! You would annoy me! And I know I would definitely annoy you lol

But… we could get around this!! You got 100 goats… ask Jabba73
100 goats will get you a lot of things, not this though.

100 goats, 50 camels and a few dozen chickens will get them to the negotiating table.

Don’t undersell your worth DemurePrincess
100 goats will get you a lot of things, not this though.

100 goats, 50 camels and a few dozen chickens will get them to the negotiating table.

Don’t undersell your worth DemurePrincess
Well I didn’t want to upsell either!!
Actual reenactment of me and one of my year 9 teachers.
I assume these things are easy to find while I am in Baghdad?
Find yourself a dowry and you’re got a deal I believe!!!

Jabba73 you forgot to add the 10 pigs! Find them as well! 😂😂😂
(we don’t eat pigs! They are dirty so good luck finding one!)
Find yourself a dowry and you’re got a deal I believe!!!

Jabba73 you forgot to add the 10 pigs! Find them as well! 😂😂😂
(we don’t eat pigs! They are dirty so good luck finding one!)
The pigs can be sold or exchanged for more goats and camels. Will have to check the current exchange rate.

Apparently bacon makes everything taste better.
The pigs can be sold or exchanged for more goats and camels. Will have to check the current exchange rate.

Apparently bacon makes everything taste better.
We must remember to communicate with away teams to feed us bacon.. no I swear I could eat 2 porkers right now! It’s been 2 weeks since I had pork on my fork!!
Oh My God Reaction GIF by Married At First Sight
Apparently bacon makes everything taste better.
Doubt that.

Crude oil and bacon would still be horrific.

Why do you turn the Sweet FA into a house of lies, Jabba?

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Official Match Thread Season 38, Round 12: Baghdad Bombers v Mount Buller Demons at Abdu Prison

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