Sexual assault allegations

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Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

where did Ed appear in the media? Was it on his radio station?/ I'd love to find a transcript or video. Cheers
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

I've never quite understood why people do this kind of thing? I've been part of footy club end of season trips for many years - and not once has it occurred to us to do this kind of thing? How is it seen at all as a turn on? I just don't get this new faze that seems to have taken off in footy circles.

Also I can't for the life of me understand what a chick gets out of being tagged by 6 guys at once. Other than a bad rep of course.

Being a youngster not so long ago though I've seen these things occur plenty of times.

I knew a bunch of blokes from an opposing FC that tagged a chick 6 on one once, finishing by pissing and spitting on her. :thumbsdown:

Nothing ever came of it.

I've also seen the other side of it where the female absolutely goes along with the whole situation without a problem and brags about it.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

I'd like to hear Harry O's take on it all. I know he cops a lot of flack for being outspoken, but he's one of the few players who doesn't resort to the same peddled, safe quotes fed to them by the AFL.

Probably wont get it, as the club will tell all the players not to start stuff.

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Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

I'd like to hear Harry O's take on it all. I know he cops a lot of flack for being outspoken, but he's one of the few players who doesn't resort to the same peddled, safe quotes fed to them by the AFL.

Probably wont get it, as the club will tell all the players not to start stuff.

The club seem to be running with a very strict no comment policy, the only comment that seems to be coming out is that their is a police investigation that they can't comment on. Which at the moment is undoubtedly the right thing to do, this situation is messy enough without the club getting involved before everything is known.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

I've never quite understood why people do this kind of thing? I've been part of footy club end of season trips for many years - and not once has it occurred to us to do this kind of thing? How is it seen at all as a turn on? I just don't get this new faze that seems to have taken off in footy circles.

Agreed played footy, heaps of summer trips with the boys, never ever seen the arousal this causes

In fact going somewhere my best mate was only two minutes ago is a little disturbing and disgusting, and I've had it offered always declined always got the what you a ***? Aint my missus hot enough? They just don't get how skin crawling that is offering your "missus" around like a piece of meat

In this case it sounds like she felt pressured consented andretti felt horrible and used after (can't blame her), legally that would mean imminence, morally wow thats horribly low.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

Difference between this and a local footy trip is that these guys are not only public figures but also national champions. They'd have women hanging off them like nobody's business. Even guys like Pendlebury who people know has a missus (and a very good one at that) would have women trying to get with him all night.

Not justifying what may or may not have gone down, just saying this is a bit different to your local footy trip.

For the record I'm sticking with my original thoughts. This looks like it's complete and utter rubbish.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

The club seem to be running with a very strict no comment policy, the only comment that seems to be coming out is that their is a police investigation that they can't comment on. Which at the moment is undoubtedly the right thing to do, this situation is messy enough without the club getting involved before everything is known.

Yes I agree, its a good call too, let the investigation run its course.

I just think that we've got such a great crop of guys with good character we can be proud of - Harry, Hammer, Ball etc - that it'd be good to hear their thoughts at some stage. I just want to be reassured that the young un's at the centre of these allegations have had these blokes in their ears giving him a few home truths/inspirations.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

On top of that there has been all kind of suggestions that the psychology of "going to battle" together and team unity etc makes people more likely to be open to this kind of thing.

Since records have been taken, women of defeated and occupied territory have been seen as 'spoils of war'.

The links between competitive sport and warriors in battle are well documented.

I guess there is a possibility the whole team gangbang is an extension of that mind set.

Personally I have been around plenty of it. Strange to think a girl could want to be a part of it, but plenty do.

It is just a very dangerous position to put yourself in as a sports celeb in 2010. I know we educate the players, but how realistic is said education? Is it as useful and applicable to the real world as my high school education was?

People are always going to engage in group sex, just check all the online dating/swinging sites out there, it isn't just a practice reserved for sports stars and groupies... but sports stars need to be a LOT smarter about the decisions they make.

I am getting some strong mail that there isn't as much in this as is being eluded to in reports, and it is more along the lines of drunkenness, misunderstanding, irresponsibility and regret... not great if so, and lessons need to be learned, but not quite the violent pack rape many are imagining.

My tip... no charges, no names ever really cleared either, stigma to follow the players for a long time a la the St Kilda pair. It isn't ideal, and clearly we are not educating the boys very effectively, as they just shouldn't be finding themselves in this position in this day and age, it is too big a risk!
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

I hope the boys involved are still punished regardless though, what disappointing me the most was that one of the alleged player involved was the first player that I thought of before his name was leaked.

Like someone mentioned before, we have a great group of guys and we can't let a few bad eggs disrupt that chemistry.

Also - group sex is disgusting especially when more than 1 sausage is involved, I just can't understand why anyone, let alone a footy player would put themselves in that positions.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

"Twitter account, Everitt says: 'Yet another alleged girl, making alleged allegations, after she awoke with an alleged hangover and I take it an alleged guilty conscience'.

'Girls!! When will you learn! At 3am when you are blind drunk & you decide to go home with a guy ITS NOT FOR A CUP OF MILO! Allegedly......'
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

"Twitter account, Everitt says: 'Yet another alleged girl, making alleged allegations, after she awoke with an alleged hangover and I take it an alleged guilty conscience'.

'Girls!! When will you learn! At 3am when you are blind drunk & you decide to go home with a guy ITS NOT FOR A CUP OF MILO! Allegedly......'

Telling it like it is haha Spida!
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

I hope the boys involved are still punished regardless though, what disappointing me the most was that one of the alleged player involved was the first player that I thought of before his name was leaked.

Like someone mentioned before, we have a great group of guys and we can't let a few bad eggs disrupt that chemistry.

Also - group sex is disgusting especially when more than 1 sausage is involved, I just can't understand why anyone, let alone a footy player would put themselves in that positions.

Why! didnt realise someones work place had any rights to tell you how to live your life in your own time.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

Why! didnt realise someones work place had any rights to tell you how to live your life in your own time.

Just the hint of sexual assault would get you suspended pending investigation in a few jobs

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Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

The girl at the centre of the allegations has been named. Her name is Nick Reiwoldt.
She claims that 3 Collingwood players molested her repeatedly over a 2 hour period on Saturday.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

Just the hint of sexual assault would get you suspended pending investigation in a few jobs

The point the poster was making was that if they were innocent they should still be punnished.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

Also - group sex is disgusting especially when more than 1 sausage is involved, I just can't understand why anyone, let alone a footy player would put themselves in that positions.

Some people like to be strangled or wear nappies or be tied up and abused (male and female), there are swingers who share partners and cuckolds who like their partner cheating and you find group sex disgusting?

Trouble with this kind of thing is society tells a girl who likes it that she's a skank or a **** so when the inhibitions kick in sans alcohol she goes into denial and cries rape.

Not saying this is the case here, but it's judgemental people, friends, parents whatever that make people ashamed of what they actually enjoy doing.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

You don't think they should be punished for putting the club into this position?

If all they did was have consensual sex with someone who regretted it then they're not the ones who put the club into this position, the accuser is.

If they forced her, then jail awaits.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

Alot of comments here about there being no suprises over who the alleged player is. For one I am very suprised I am not sure if to many people no this alleged offender but dispite his appearance I am under the impression(through friends who know him well) that he is a ripping bloke of good character who had enormous leadership potential.

I am suspecting some people are judging the alleged premiership player by his apperance without actually knowing too much about him.

Would be a real shame for all involved if true

On a side note I have also heard that the non premiership player(the one who was named by that silly blog)that everyone seems to think is a player who may be on the outer is not him and has been mixed up with another young player who has had some senior experience.

Both players are reportedy adament that it was consented.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

"Twitter account, Everitt says: 'Yet another alleged girl, making alleged allegations, after she awoke with an alleged hangover and I take it an alleged guilty conscience'.

'Girls!! When will you learn! At 3am when you are blind drunk & you decide to go home with a guy ITS NOT FOR A CUP OF MILO! Allegedly......'

LOL good on him.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

I think, from what I've read, even from her admissions it was all consented.

Her allegations centre on her feeling intimidated and pressured.

Group sex isn't exactly an unusual practice (not confined to heterosexuals either, but for Aker's sake we'll keep quiet on that), and shouldn't be automatically synonymous with rape.

If everyone is into it, then there's no problems. The issue here is that there was a woman who - allegedly - was distressed and pressured into it, and that's what's disturbing.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

Alot of comments here about there being no suprises over who the alleged player is. For one I am very suprised I am not sure if to many people no this alleged offender but dispite his appearance I am under the impression(through friends who know him well) that he is a ripping bloke of good character who had enormous leadership potential.

I am suspecting some people are judging the alleged premiership player by his apperance without actually knowing too much about him.

Would be a real shame for all involved if true

On a side note I have also heard that the non premiership player(the one who was named by that silly blog)that everyone seems to think is a player who may be on the outer is not him and has been mixed up with another young player who has had some senior experience.

Both players are reportedy adament that it was consented.

He is a ripping young fella, but unfortunatey this isn't his first incident, althought the others have been minor.

Needs to pull his head in a little bit. Even more so now.

Knowing what I do about the bloke, I would put my left testicle on the fact that it was consentual (and yes, I'm not overly attached to my jingle jangles anymore because they are letting me down but I still like them where they are).

I can't see them being punished by the law. I mean how to you make a conviction on such incident where there will be so many stories and more to the point, lies.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

If all they did was have consensual sex with someone who regretted it then they're not the ones who put the club into this position, the accuser is.

If they forced her, then jail awaits.

This :thumbsu:

Keep it in perspective people, consensual group sex isn't against the law ffs.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

I think, from what I've read, even from her admissions it was all consented.

Her allegations centre on her feeling intimidated and pressured.

Group sex isn't exactly an unusual practice (not confined to heterosexuals either, but for Aker's sake we'll keep quiet on that), and shouldn't be automatically synonymous with rape.

If everyone is into it, then there's no problems. The issue here is that there was a woman who - allegedly - was distressed and pressured into it, and that's what's disturbing.

I just find the whole pressure thing a bit of a cop out for some reason. Maybe it's because I'm a strong minded human being, but I mean if you do it, and you don't have a gun held to your head or a knife to your throat, well there must be a part of you that was a little bit into it.

I guess these days it's hard to believe these situations, I mean about 2 weeks ago a young woman from Mt. Martha faked that she was held at knife point on the beach and r*ped.

It really makes it hard to believe these situations and these girls that ccry wolf really destroy it for women whom are actually abused and need all the help we can give them.

If they just stopped using sex and pregnancy and rape as a weapon, we could start believing them.

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Sexual assault allegations

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