Sexual assault allegations

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Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

Its out there in the media, why close off a thread that has minimal public impact. It's sort of burying your head in the sand, people want to discuss one of the most contentious things to happen in the history of the club. Closing the thread only serves to diminish the reason for a supporter based discussion forum.

What's to discuss without any more facts? Just getting very gossipy and stupid sounding to me.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

North supporter here,

Congratulations on win - best team all year.

For the sake of the competition and your mob in particular hope there is nothing to this story - both from the woman's perspective and the players involved. No need to say anymore.

From an AFL perspective the NRL as has been mentioned earlier is going to go into melt down soon with their betting scandal. This would be a great time for the AFL to go into overdrive with GC17 and GWS coming in, these type of stories true or not take the gloss off the game.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

it is a recipe for disaster but the two players involved are both young kids and entitled to a presumption of be honest bit surprised as I think I saw them at Mad Monday as would have thought if very very serious Club may not have allowed it.

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Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

What's to discuss without any more facts? Just getting very gossipy and stupid sounding to me.
Then don't read the Main Board one. That is just Shocking what is in that Thread:rolleyes:
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

Don't get too carried away there. We all said the same thing after the hawks won the flag in 08. Look at them now. Lot's of things can change. A few key injuries (pies were very fortunate in that area this year), tougher draw, an extra team in the comp. Opposition teams will now focus on collingwoods game plan a lot more and pick it apart just like they did with the hawks. No doubt the pies have an exciting young list but other teams won't stand still. Even the cats really didn't have a "dynasty". Dynasties these days aren't what they were in the good ol' days.

I can't agree with you on any one of your points.

I don't think the cats have finished yet, and a Dynasty isn't just about flags! There can only be one winner each year even though two or three are in contention. A Dynasty is a period in time when you dominate but you can still miss the flag or two, but get several along the way.

We have the most depth in the competition and an injury or two wont hurt us one bit.

We have a game plan that even MM has said will take other clubs a few years to catch up, and that's without any further improvement.

The drawn means naff all when you are the best. You still have to beat all comers, and we got the players on the paddock to do so. And because they are quite young, they will do for several years to come.

Now that is a Dynasty.

Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

it is a recipe for disaster but the two players involved are both young kids and entitled to a presumption of be honest bit surprised as I think I saw them at Mad Monday as would have thought if very very serious Club may not have allowed it.

Depends how much the Club Knows about it but I guess you can take it as the Club think they have done nothing wrong
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

What's to discuss without any more facts? Just getting very gossipy and stupid sounding to me.

That describes the whole site/forum. But people still need a forum in which to vent, discuss, whatever they want to do. If you close this thread, all you do is stand accused of trying to bury the subject because its disagreeable. As long as the discussion isn't slanderous, it should be allowed. And of course it will go around in circles and others from other clubs will have their 5 cents worth, but that's what you get in an open forum. Discussion will happen in other forums, especially on this BF site, so why close it on the very forum where it is most pertinent?
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

How is this ruining anyone's feelings about the flag.

1) I hope if true the woman gets the justice she deserves. Disgraceful behaviour if happened as reported.

2) If true glad the players best week of his life has become his worst - just like the woman's.

3) Other than the hurt on another human being, I couldn't give a stuff about some players actions after the granny as how it relates to me. I had a ball across the two weeks and a memory I'll never forget on Saturday.

As for the player I hope he gets what he deserves - depending on the facts- either nothing at all through to jail time. As to how it affects me and the premiership it does not change one thing.

If true it will only affect me in that another person has had something tragic occur to them and anger as to what a man has done to a woman - no different to other sad news I hear.

Well said, no player or his actions are bigger than the club and it's supporters. If true I hope she will be OK and recovers and that he faces the full force of the law and of course has his career finished...:thumbsdown:
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

Well said, no player or his actions are bigger than the club and it's supporters. If true I hope she will be OK and recovers and that he faces the full force of the law and of course has his career finished...:thumbsdown:

Agree hope the Female is not Traumatized and IF proven Guilty the Player/Players get Kicked out of the Club and the AFL
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

You guys do realise that Sexual Assault may be someothing as simple as a pinch on the bum don't you? Im not condoning pinching girls on the bum but i think it's a bit bloody rich to start saying the player should be kicked out of the club if found guilty. At this point i support the player and i think a few people are getting a bit high and mighty about it...

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Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

You guys do realise that Sexual Assault may be someothing as simple as a pinch on the bum don't you? Im not condoning pinching girls on the bum but i think it's a bit bloody rich to start saying the player should be kicked out of the club if found guilty. At this point i support the player and i think a few people are getting a bit high and mighty about it...

i hope its that but it is nothing but wishful thinking
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

You guys do realise that Sexual Assault may be someothing as simple as a pinch on the bum don't you? Im not condoning pinching girls on the bum but i think it's a bit bloody rich to start saying the player should be kicked out of the club if found guilty. At this point i support the player and i think a few people are getting a bit high and mighty about it...

Most felt the same way until this was added

"The woman has been examined by police forensic officers and was found to have injuries consistent with rape, it is alleged."

Now that we know severity of the claims, it is hard to blindly support the players, back to being neutral.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

I said to a mate after the finalk on Saturday, I hope the club tells the players to be on their best behaviour during the off season. They have a right to let their hair down, and most incidents get blown out of proportion, but there are some things that destroy careers and damage the club's integrity.

Players seem to be either ignoring the incident today or know more about it, still seem very happy in mad monday celebrations. Good on them anyway, they deserve to celebrate without interruptions
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

Keep it open. No one is being outlandish and it would seem respect is being paid to all parties.

We as supporters can set an example for outsiders visiting our board. There is sympathy for the alleged victim and legal temperance for the accused.

It will all come out in the wash.

Thats incredibly well put. Have seen both from opposition supporters and from Pie fans, on BF... with a dash of crap and toolery here and there which should be largely ignored.

It shouldn't dampen your Premiership celebrations, because that game, the amazing way you played should have nothing to do with this very very personal matter.

Good luck for next year - and enjoy many more drinks and replays of the replay as you like!
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

Well the article in the Australian said the woman had injuries consistent with rape. Not bloody good.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

Isn't it only 1 player being accused and the other a witness? well that's how i read it yet people are saying 2 are involved.
A woman has alleged she was assaulted by a member of Collingwood's grand final winning team early yesterday at a house in South Melbourne, after she agreed to have sex with another man.

The woman has been examined by police forensic officers and was found to have injuries consistent with rape, it is alleged.

An affidavit prepared by investigating police alleges the woman was subjected to a further assault by another man as she was leaving the room.

The player has been interviewed by police over his suspected involvement in the alleged assault and released.

A second Collingwood player has also provided a statement to police.

Really do feel for the girl if it's true.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

herald sun would be all over the affidavit allegations if it was for real. the australian excerpt is a jumbled mess.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

I guess it depends on who the "another man" was. It's pretty horrible in any case.

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Sexual assault allegations

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