Event SFAEW Season 35: SweetaMania V On Now!

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FWIW I play no part in booking of the Warriors Nwo storyline

Considering we are all Warriors I still don’t know why we haven’t merged and squashed this place.

Tell your boss.
JT_The_Man nails por_please_ya with a diving shoulderblock.
JT_The_Man hits a lariat on por_please_ya.
JT_The_Man tries a Gorilla Press, but por_please_ya blocks it.
por_please_ya tries a bulldog, but JT_The_Man counters it with an achilles tendon hold.
por_please_ya is struggling to reach the ropes.
por_please_ya makes it to the ropes after holding out for 5 seconds.
JT_The_Man whips por_please_ya into the ropes.
JT_The_Man misses with a kick.
por_please_ya misses with a clothesline.
JT_The_Man misses with an elbow.
JT_The_Man tries a powerslam, but por_please_ya counters it with a sunset flip.
Mike Uppet counts: One, kickout.
por_please_ya kicks JT_The_Man.
The crowd is behind por_please_ya all the way.
JT_The_Man hits por_please_ya.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
JT_The_Man kicks por_please_ya.
JT_The_Man kicks por_please_ya.
JT_The_Man is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
por_please_ya hits JT_The_Man.
JT_The_Man hits por_please_ya.
JT_The_Man whips por_please_ya into the ropes.
por_please_ya hits JT_The_Man with a shoulderblock.
por_please_ya is going for the cover.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, in the ropes...
por_please_ya whips JT_The_Man into the ropes, but JT_The_Man reverses it.
por_please_ya performs a spinning headscissors against JT_The_Man.
por_please_ya executes the Eeveelution on JT_The_Man.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
por_please_ya goes for the pin.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, shoulder up.
por_please_ya knocks down Mike Uppet.
Mike Uppet is out cold.
por_please_ya complains about a slow count.
por_please_ya goes for a release dragon suplex, but JT_The_Man counters it with a backward kick.
Mike Uppet is back on the job.
JT_The_Man executes the Medal Winner on por_please_ya.
por_please_ya is struggling to reach the ropes.
por_please_ya is valiantly trying to break the hold.
por_please_ya is inching her way towards the ropes.
por_please_ya is barely hanging in there.
Mike Uppet tells por_please_ya to respond or he'll stop the fight.
por_please_ya nods.
Mike Uppet asks por_please_ya if she's had enough.
por_please_ya shakes her head.
por_please_ya is close to passing out from the pain.
Mike Uppet asks por_please_ya if she's still there.
por_please_ya nods.
Mike Uppet asks por_please_ya if he should stop the fight.
por_please_ya shakes her head.
Mike Uppet asks por_please_ya if she's still there.
por_please_ya nods.
por_please_ya isn't moving anymore.
Mike Uppet asks por_please_ya if she's had enough.
por_please_ya shakes her head.
por_please_ya is close to passing out from the pain.
Mike Uppet asks por_please_ya if she's had enough.
por_please_ya shakes her head.
Mike Uppet asks por_please_ya if he should stop the fight.
por_please_ya shakes her head.
Mike Uppet checks por_please_ya's arm.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it stays up!
por_please_ya fights her way out of the hold after 1 minute.
por_please_ya chops JT_The_Man.
JT_The_Man kicks por_please_ya.
The crowd is vociferously booing JT_The_Man.
por_please_ya kicks JT_The_Man.
The crowd is giving por_please_ya a standing ovation.
por_please_ya hits JT_The_Man.
por_please_ya whips JT_The_Man into the ropes.
por_please_ya performs a bulldog against JT_The_Man.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
por_please_ya throws JT_The_Man into the turnbuckle.
por_please_ya charges in with a jumping knee strike, but JT_The_Man moves out of the way.
JT_The_Man executes the Medal Winner on por_please_ya.
por_please_ya is inching her way towards the ropes.
por_please_ya tries to fight the pain.
por_please_ya is writhing in pain.
Mike Uppet asks por_please_ya if she's still there.
por_please_ya nods.
por_please_ya is almost gone.
Mike Uppet asks por_please_ya if she's still there.
por_please_ya nods.
Mike Uppet asks por_please_ya if she's still there.
por_please_ya nods.
por_please_ya breaks the hold after 51 seconds.
por_please_ya tries a high knee, but JT_The_Man ducks out of the way.
JT_The_Man runs into the ropes.
JT_The_Man hits por_please_ya with an elbow.
JT_The_Man whips por_please_ya into the ropes.
JT_The_Man executes a takeover suplex against por_please_ya.
JT_The_Man is being booed out of the building.
JT_The_Man attempts a spinebuster slam, but por_please_ya counters it with a kneelift.
por_please_ya hits a flying double foot stomp on JT_The_Man.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
por_please_ya goes for a high knee, but JT_The_Man ducks out of the way.
JT_The_Man chops por_please_ya.
The crowd is vociferously booing JT_The_Man.
JT_The_Man punches por_please_ya.
Numerous fans are using JT_The_Man as target practice.
por_please_ya chops JT_The_Man.
por_please_ya kicks JT_The_Man.
The crowd is giving por_please_ya a standing ovation.
por_please_ya kicks JT_The_Man.
por_please_ya performs a Northern Lights suplex against JT_The_Man.
Mike Uppet counts: One, kickout.
por_please_ya executes the Eeveelution on JT_The_Man.
por_please_ya goes for the pin.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
por_please_ya executes the Eeveelution on JT_The_Man.
por_please_ya goes for the pin.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, three.

The winner is por_please_ya. Time of match: 0:17:19
Sim Rating: **** 1/4

And Porps joins Hate and Grav! We've got two slots up for grabs next week...and a very special announcement regarding the final spot!
LOL I finally won something!

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U2tigers: That is my first gift to you, now nobody can ever mess with my friends and expect to get away with it. Now for my second gift. I feel like the season we have had, we've really developed a close friendship and I want something to really help encapsulate that. To represent the beauty in this so for the first time ever, I've commissioned the painting of this:


serial_thrilla: This is unbelievable.

U2: I know right? It's a thing of beauty thrilla. But the third gift will be the one you like the most I reckon. My first gift I took care of business and righted wrongs of the PAST, the second gift is a beautiful representation of the our PRESENT friendship. But this next one is about what the FUTURE holds.

U2tigers unveils a belt.


U2: This is a replica belt of the SFAEW World Heavyweight Championship with your name printed on it. I believe that there is truly nobody in the wrestling ring that is better than you. Whatever happens at SweetMania, whether TheInjuryFactory or Bonz wins I know you can beat either of those two for the belt in Season 36.

U2tigers gives serial_thrilla the replica belt.

U2: Working alongside you this season is the most fun I have ever had in my time in the SFA. Our serial_stats segments, our carpool karaoke sessions on the way to the show, our dinners at fancy restaurants, our championship wins. I feel the most invigorated and enthusiastic I have been in a long time and it's all thanks to you. So whoever stands in our way - The Irrelevance, The nWo, Bonz, TheInjuryFactory. It doesn't matter. Next season, I got you. I'm gonna do everything I can to make sure you win the world heavyweight championship that you so richly deserve. Because you're my best friend, you're my brother, I love you man.

serial_thrilla holds and looks at the replica belt, starts crying.

serial_thrilla hugs U2tigers.

U2: Picture this... This time, next season. serial_thrila the SFAEW World Heavyweight Champion, U2tigers still the SFAEW Hardcore Champion and the two of us win back our SFAEW Tag Team Championships. We stand in this ring, both of us with a belt on each shoulder. You with me?

serial_thrilla wipes away his tears.

serial_thrilla looks at U2tigers in the eye.

serial_thrilla brings the microphone to his face....

ST: ...No.

serial_thrilla gives U2tigers a low blow.

serial_thrilla hits U2tigers with the Take My Money.

serial_thrilla rolls out of the ring.

serial_thrilla brings a chair back into the ring.

serial_thrilla hits U2tigers with a chair shot.

serial_thrilla hits U2tigers with a chair shot.

serial_thrilla hits U2tigers with a chair shot.

serial_thrilla hits U2tigers with a chair shot.

serial_thrilla hits U2tigers with a chair shot.

serial_thrilla hits U2tigers with a chair shot.

serial_thrilla hits U2tigers with a chair shot.


serial_thrilla hits U2tigers with a chair shot.

serial_thrilla hits U2tigers with a chair shot.

serial_thrilla sets up the chair

serial_thrilla hits U2tigers with a brainbuster into the chair.

serial_thrilla hits U2tigers with the batterd chair.

serial_thrilla hits U2tigers with a vicious chair shot to the head.

U2tigers is busted open.


serial_thrilla throws U2Tigers through the painting.

The painting is broken in half.

serial_thrilla wedges the battered chair between the turnbuckles.

serial_thrilla rams U2Tigers' head into the wedged chair.

U2Tigers is bleeding like hell.


serial_thrilla grabs the battered chair.

serial_thrilla hits U2tigers with a chair shot.

serial_thrilla hits U2tigers with a chair shot.

serial_thrilla hits U2tigers with a chair shot.

serial_thrilla hits U2tigers with a chair shot.

serial_thrilla hits U2tigers with a chair shot.


U2Tigers is out cold.

The crowd is left in stunned silence.

serial_thrilla walks back up the ramp, looks at the carnage in the ring with a conflicted expression.

See you next week!
Last edited:
They lock up.
T2B_ goes for a Russian legsweep, but TigerTurbulance counters it with an elbowsmash.
TigerTurbulance takes T2B_ down with a release German suplex.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
TigerTurbulance executes a forearm to the back against T2B_.
TigerTurbulance hits a lariat on T2B_.
TigerTurbulance nails T2B_ with a lariat.
TigerTurbulance goes for a vertical suplex, but T2B_ blocks it.
T2B_ gives him an enzuigiri, but TigerTurbulance only stares at him.
T2B_ nails TigerTurbulance with a fisherman suplex.
T2B_ whips TigerTurbulance into the ropes.
TigerTurbulance performs a lariat against T2B_.
TigerTurbulance performs a forearm to the back against T2B_.
TigerTurbulance executes a release German suplex against T2B_.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
TigerTurbulance says, "Get in the Hot Seat!".
TigerTurbulance hits a release German suplex on T2B_.
TigerTurbulance says, "Get in the Hot Seat!".
TigerTurbulance throws T2B_ into the turnbuckle.
TigerTurbulance charges into the corner, but T2B_ moves out of the way.
T2B_ uses a jawbreaker on TigerTurbulance.
T2B_ uses an elbowsmash on TigerTurbulance.
T2B_ tries a spinning mule kick, but TigerTurbulance blocks it.
TigerTurbulance executes an overhead belly-to-belly suplex against T2B_.
Numerous fans are using TigerTurbulance as target practice.
TigerTurbulance launches T2B_ across the ring with a release German suplex.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
TigerTurbulance throws T2B_ out of the ring.
TigerTurbulance jumps onto him with a sunset flip power bomb.
TigerTurbulance runs T2B_ into the ringsteps.
TigerTurbulance attempts a release German suplex, but T2B_ counters it with an elbowsmash.
T2B_ whips TigerTurbulance into the guardrail.
T2B_ throws TigerTurbulance into the guardrail.
T2B_ performs a chop against TigerTurbulance.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
TigerTurbulance executes a knee strike against T2B_.
TigerTurbulance throws T2B_ back into the ring.
TigerTurbulance tries to put T2B_ in the Hot Seat.
TigerTurbulance stuffs T2B_ in the Hot Seat.
TigerTurbulance tightens the straps.
The crowd is vociferously booing TigerTurbulance.

The winner is Tigerturbulance. Time of match: 0:04:17
Sim Rating: ***

Yeah, no surprises there.
245kg was always going to smash the avocado

just hope T2B_ recovers and finds something else that he might be good at

The crowd is behind Frothies McVeigh all the way.


Frothies McVeigh tries a kick to the thigh, but Braklet counters it with a dragon screw.

My first team taught me well

Mike Uppet stops the match after 34 seconds.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.

The winner is Braklet. Time of match: 0:20:03
Sim Rating: **** 1/4

And there you have it! Brak will face off with ShaunDuggan for the IC Championship in the opening match of SweetaMania!

Mmmmm, that frothy went down crisp and tasty!
U2tigers: That is my first gift to you, now nobody can ever mess with my friends and expect to get away with it. Now for my second gift. I feel like the season we have had, we've really developed a close friendship and I want something to really help encapsulate that. To represent the beauty in this so for the first time ever, I've commissioned the painting of this:

View attachment 1710419

serial_thrilla: This is unbelievable.

U2: I know right? It's a thing of beauty thrilla. But the third gift will be the one you like the most I reckon. My first gift I took care of business and righted wrongs of the PAST, the second gift is a beautiful representation of the our PRESENT friendship. But this next one is about what the FUTURE holds.

U2tigers unveils a belt.

View attachment 1710422

U2: This is a replica belt of the SFAEW World Heavyweight Championship with your name printed on it. I believe that there is truly nobody in the wrestling ring that is better than you. Whatever happens at SweetMania, whether TheInjuryFactory or Bonz wins I know you can beat either of those two for the belt in Season 36.

U2tigers gives serial_thrilla the replica belt.

U2: Working alongside you this season is the most fun I have ever had in my time in the SFA. Our serial_stats segments, our carpool karaoke sessions on the way to the show, our dinners at fancy restaurants, our championship wins. I feel the most invigorated and enthusiastic I have been in a long time and it's all thanks to you. So whoever stands in our way - The Irrelevance, The nWo, Bonz, TheInjuryFactory. It doesn't matter. Next season, I got you. I'm gonna do everything I can to make sure you win the world heavyweight championship that you so richly deserve. Because you're my best friend, you're my brother, I love you man.

serial_thrilla holds and looks at the replica belt, starts crying.

serial_thrilla hugs U2tigers.

U2: Picture this... This time, next season. serial_thrila the SFAEW World Heavyweight Champion, U2tigers still the SFAEW Hardcore Champion and the two of us win back our SFAEW Tag Team Championships. We stand in this ring, both of us with a belt on each shoulder. You with me?

serial_thrilla wipes away his tears.

serial_thrilla looks at U2tigers in the eye.

serial_thrilla brings the microphone to his face....

ST: ...No.

serial_thrilla gives U2tigers a low blow.

serial_thrilla hits U2tigers with the Take My Money.

serial_thrilla rolls out of the ring.

serial_thrilla brings a chair back into the ring.

serial_thrilla hits U2tigers with a chair shot.

serial_thrilla hits U2tigers with a chair shot.

serial_thrilla hits U2tigers with a chair shot.

serial_thrilla hits U2tigers with a chair shot.

serial_thrilla hits U2tigers with a chair shot.

serial_thrilla hits U2tigers with a chair shot.

serial_thrilla hits U2tigers with a chair shot.

View attachment 1710430

serial_thrilla hits U2tigers with a chair shot.

serial_thrilla hits U2tigers with a chair shot.

serial_thrilla sets up the chair

serial_thrilla hits U2tigers with a brainbuster into the chair.

serial_thrilla hits U2tigers with the batterd chair.

serial_thrilla hits U2tigers with a vicious chair shot to the head.

U2tigers is busted open.

View attachment 1710428

serial_thrilla throws U2Tigers through the painting.

The painting is broken in half.

serial_thrilla wedges the battered chair between the turnbuckles.

serial_thrilla rams U2Tigers' head into the wedged chair.

U2Tigers is bleeding like hell.

View attachment 1710429

serial_thrilla grabs the battered chair.

serial_thrilla hits U2tigers with a chair shot.

serial_thrilla hits U2tigers with a chair shot.

serial_thrilla hits U2tigers with a chair shot.

serial_thrilla hits U2tigers with a chair shot.

serial_thrilla hits U2tigers with a chair shot.


U2Tigers is out cold.

The crowd is left in stunned silence.

serial_thrilla walks back up the ramp, looks at the carnage in the ring with a conflicted expression.

See you next week!
No Way Omg GIF by WWE
I deserved that Beating.

Pretty sure no one has ever been as lame as I was last night.
It's a reference to this awesome segment between Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens.

It's a reference to this awesome segment between Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens.

Like I said I deserved the flogging. LOL

And Jericho deserved a whole lot more.

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World Heavyweight Championship​
@damicky & @HARPSichord​
World Tag Team Championships​
Intercity Championship​
Hardcore Championship​
Trios Championships​

Dates and stats correct as of 14/6/23.

ClarkeMoney in the Bank​
Championship Board updated.

Bonz damicky HARPSichord ShaunDuggan U2tigers JoshWoodenSpoon thewizardmelon Ned_Flanders
This Sunday!

It's the final stop before SweetaMania; the SFAEW Preliminary Finals!

Let's see what's on the card:

r21 pick v froth.png

r21 senor m v nd.png

We've got two ClarkeMoney in the Bank qualification matches as Pickitt takes on Frothies Mcveigh and Senor M faces NaturalDisaster!

We'll also have a special announcement regarding the sixth entrant, so stay tuned!

r21 nwo summit.png

The nWo regroup for an intra-faction summit following their War Games loss! Can The Filth Wizard, Hate, The Half Back and pantskyle pinpoint what went wrong?

r21 wazzas v turbos.png

Speaking of War Games, winners Tonga Bob and Agent93 challenge the married marvels Tigerturbulance and Mrs Turbo for a shot at Musical Cheese's Tag Titles at SweetaMania!

r21 wonders v oobs.png

The Trios Title contenders will be decided as well! Can Ligma and Robertio co-operate with former OOB Callums_Guns to best Grand Uncle Horace, JT_the_Man and the debuting Brenton Davy?

r21 serial stats.png

We've got a special edition of serial_stats, with serial_thrilla speaking about his actions towards U2tigers last week!

And in the main event of the prelims:

r21 main event.png

It's a special, on-off 3-v-3 Anarchy in the Arena match!

The six most important wrestlers in SFAEW face off on the eve of SweetaMania.

In the red corner, World Champ Bonz, No. 1 Contender TheInjuryFactory, and SFAEW Commissioner PhenomenalV1.

In the blue corner, Intercity Champ ShaunDuggan, and World Tag Champs damicky and HARPSichord.

See you Sunday!​
This Sunday!

It's the final stop before SweetaMania; the SFAEW Preliminary Finals!

Let's see what's on the card:

View attachment 1713497

View attachment 1713498

We've got two ClarkeMoney in the Bank qualification matches as Pickitt takes on Frothies Mcveigh and Senor M faces NaturalDisaster!

We'll also have a special announcement regarding the sixth entrant, so stay tuned!

View attachment 1713496

The nWo regroup for an intra-faction summit following their War Games loss! Can The Filth Wizard, Hate, The Half Back and pantskyle pinpoint what went wrong?

View attachment 1713500

Speaking of War Games, winners Tonga Bob and Agent93 challenge the married marvels Tigerturbulance and Mrs Turbo for a shot at Musical Cheese's Tag Titles at SweetaMania!

View attachment 1713502

The Trios Title contenders will be decided as well! Can Ligma and Robertio co-operate with former OOB Callums_Guns to best Grand Uncle Horace, JT_the_Man and the debuting Brenton Davy?

View attachment 1713499

We've got a special edition of serial_stats, with serial_thrilla speaking about his actions towards U2tigers last week!

And in the main event of the prelims:

View attachment 1713495

It's a special, on-off 3-v-3 Anarchy in the Arena match!

The six most important wrestlers in SFAEW face off on the eve of SweetaMania.

In the red corner, World Champ Bonz, No. 1 Contender TheInjuryFactory, and SFAEW Commissioner PhenomenalV1.

In the blue corner, Intercity Champ ShaunDuggan, and World Tag Champs damicky and HARPSichord.

See you Sunday!​
Pickitt L
It's Sunday, you know what that means!

It's time for the SFAEW Preliminary Finals!

Kicking us off this evening:


Pickitt faces Frothies Mcveigh for a spot in the ClarkeMoney in the Bank match!​
They lock up.
Frothies McVeigh tries a fireman's carry into a roundhouse kick, but Pickitt blocks it.
Pickitt goes for a Russian legsweep, but Frothies McVeigh counters it with an elbowsmash.
Frothies McVeigh runs into the ropes.
Frothies McVeigh hits Pickitt with a clothesline.
Frothies McVeigh points to his mythical third eye.
The chants for Frothies McVeigh are deafening.
Frothies McVeigh locks Pickitt in a half Boston.
Pickitt manages to grab the ropes after holding out for 6 seconds.
Frothies McVeigh uses an enzuigiri on Pickitt.
Frothies McVeigh hits a dropkick on Pickitt.
Frothies McVeigh nails Pickitt with a roundhouse kick.
Frothies McVeigh points to his mythical third eye.
The crowd is giving Frothies McVeigh a standing ovation.
Frothies McVeigh hits a side suplex on Pickitt.
Frothies McVeigh whips Pickitt into the ropes.
Frothies McVeigh misses with an elbow.
Pickitt misses with a shoulderblock.
Pickitt hits Frothies McVeigh with a clothesline.
Pickitt goes for a dragon screw, but Frothies McVeigh counters it with an enzuigiri.
Frothies McVeigh is going for the cover.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
Frothies McVeigh goes for a snap mare, but Pickitt blocks it.
Pickitt performs a European uppercut against Frothies McVeigh.
Pickitt hits a fist to the midsection on Frothies McVeigh.
Pickitt performs a kneelift against Frothies McVeigh.
Pickitt runs into the ropes.
Frothies McVeigh misses with a shoulderblock.
Frothies McVeigh hits an enzuigiri on Pickitt.
Frothies McVeigh uses a German suplex on Pickitt.
Blacky counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Frothies McVeigh points to his mythical third eye.
The crowd erupts.
Frothies McVeigh runs into the ropes.
Frothies McVeigh hits Pickitt with a shoulderblock.
Frothies McVeigh performs a swinging DDT against Pickitt.
The crowd erupts.
Frothies McVeigh is going for the cover.
Blacky counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Frothies McVeigh nails Pickitt with a swinging DDT.
Frothies McVeigh hits a German suplex on Pickitt.
Blacky counts: One, kickout.
Frothies McVeigh goes for a kick to the thigh, but Pickitt blocks it.
Pickitt catches Frothies McVeigh in a choke against the ropes.
Blacky warns Pickitt to let go.
Blacky counts: One, two, three.
Pickitt hits a fisherman buster on Frothies McVeigh.
Pickitt is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Pickitt attempts a jumping elbow thrust, but Frothies McVeigh steps out of the way.
Frothies McVeigh executes a diving Meteora against Pickitt.
Blacky counts: One, kickout.
Pickitt springs to his feet.
Pickitt performs a bodyslam against Frothies McVeigh.
Pickitt works the crowd.
Pickitt further incites the crowd.
Pickitt performs a backbreaker against Frothies McVeigh.
Pickitt works the crowd.
Pickitt tries a legdrop, but Frothies McVeigh moves out of the way.
Frothies McVeigh points to his mythical third eye.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Frothies McVeigh.
Pickitt springs to his feet.
Pickitt sends Frothies McVeigh into the turnbuckle, but Frothies McVeigh reverses it.
Frothies McVeigh charges in with a basement dropkick, but Pickitt moves out of the way.
Pickitt nails Frothies McVeigh with a jumping neckbreaker.
Pickitt whips Frothies McVeigh into the turnbuckle.
Pickitt charges in with a high knee.
Pickitt works the crowd.
Pickitt is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Pickitt executes a dragon screw against Frothies McVeigh.
Pickitt chops Frothies McVeigh.
Frothies McVeigh chops Pickitt.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Frothies McVeigh.
Frothies McVeigh hits Pickitt.
Frothies McVeigh executes a snap mare against Pickitt.
Frothies McVeigh performs a vertical suplex against Pickitt.
Frothies McVeigh whips Pickitt into the ropes.
Pickitt misses with a shoulderblock.
Frothies McVeigh executes a roundhouse kick against Pickitt.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Frothies McVeigh tries a swinging DDT, but Pickitt throws him off.
Pickitt uses a knee to the face on Frothies McVeigh.
Pickitt hits a slingshot cutter on Frothies McVeigh.
Pickitt throws Frothies McVeigh out of the ring.
Pickitt jumps onto him with a plancha.
Pickitt is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Pickitt throws Frothies McVeigh into the guardrail.
Pickitt goes for a Russian legsweep, but Frothies McVeigh counters it with an elbowsmash.
Frothies McVeigh reenters the ring.
Pickitt follows him back in.
Frothies McVeigh throws Pickitt out of the ring.
Frothies McVeigh rolls out under the bottom rope.
Frothies McVeigh throws Pickitt into the ringsteps.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Frothies McVeigh nails Pickitt with a German suplex.
Frothies McVeigh shoves Pickitt into the guardrail.
Frothies McVeigh performs a kick to the thigh against Pickitt.
Blacky counts: 1.
Frothies McVeigh shoves Pickitt into the guardrail.
Blacky counts: 2.
Frothies McVeigh reenters the ring.
Pickitt follows him back in.
Frothies McVeigh whips Pickitt into the ropes.
Pickitt executes a jumping knee strike against Frothies McVeigh.
Pickitt is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Pickitt goes for a dragon sleeper, but Frothies McVeigh blocks it.
Frothies McVeigh kicks Pickitt.
Frothies McVeigh punches Pickitt.
The crowd is giving Frothies McVeigh a standing ovation.
Frothies McVeigh takes Pickitt down with a bodyslam.
Frothies McVeigh performs a spinning headscissors against Pickitt.
Frothies McVeigh runs into the ropes.
Frothies McVeigh performs a swinging DDT against Pickitt.
The crowd is giving Frothies McVeigh a standing ovation.
Frothies McVeigh executes the Cobra Stretch on Pickitt.
Blacky asks Pickitt if he should stop the fight.
Pickitt shakes his head.
Pickitt is inching his way towards the ropes.
Pickitt tries to fight the pain.
Pickitt is barely hanging in there.
Blacky checks Pickitt's arm.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it stays up!
Pickitt fights his way out of the hold after 41 seconds.
Pickitt nails Frothies McVeigh with an Ace Crusher.
Pickitt whips Frothies McVeigh into the turnbuckle.
Pickitt hits a kneelift on Frothies McVeigh.
Pickitt runs into the ropes.
Frothies McVeigh hits a kick to the chest on Pickitt.
Frothies McVeigh uses a dropkick to the knee on Pickitt.
Frothies McVeigh performs an elbowsmash against Pickitt.
Frothies McVeigh executes a forearm to the back against Pickitt.
Frothies McVeigh hits an elbowsmash on Pickitt.
Frothies McVeigh performs a forearm to the back against Pickitt.
Frothies McVeigh whips Pickitt into the turnbuckle, but Pickitt reverses it.
Pickitt charges in with a high knee.
Pickitt performs a knee to the back against Frothies McVeigh.
Pickitt whips Frothies McVeigh into the ropes.
Frothies McVeigh and Pickitt get hit with a double clothesline.
Frothies McVeigh attempts an enzuigiri, but Pickitt steps out of the way.
Pickitt whips Frothies McVeigh into the ropes, but Frothies McVeigh reverses it.
Pickitt misses with an elbow.
Pickitt hits Frothies McVeigh with a clothesline.
Frothies McVeigh falls out of the ring.
Blacky counts: one, Frothies McVeigh reenters the ring.
Pickitt throws Frothies McVeigh into the turnbuckle.
Pickitt charges in with a high knee, but Frothies McVeigh moves out of the way.
Frothies McVeigh performs a pumphandle half nelson driver against Pickitt.
Blacky counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Frothies McVeigh throws Pickitt into the turnbuckle.
Pickitt comes back, but is met with a kick to the midsection.
Frothies McVeigh performs a spin kick against Pickitt.
Frothies McVeigh takes Pickitt down with an armdrag takedown.
Frothies McVeigh goes for a pumphandle half nelson driver, but Pickitt counters it with an armdrag takedown.
Pickitt gives the sign for the TKO.
Pickitt tries the TKO, but Frothies McVeigh counters it with an armdrag takedown.
Frothies McVeigh hits Pickitt.
The crowd erupts.
Frothies McVeigh kicks Pickitt.
Pickitt hits Frothies McVeigh.
Pickitt hits Frothies McVeigh.
Pickitt goes for a knee to the face, but Frothies McVeigh steps out of the way.
The crowd erupts.
Frothies McVeigh executes the Cobra Stretch on Pickitt.
Pickitt tries to fight the pain.
Pickitt submits after 14 seconds.

The winner is Frothies Mcveigh. Time of match: 0:11:38
Sim Rating: *** 3/4

And Froth is through to the ladder match! We'll find out the last qualifier later tonight!

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