The Deletion Artist
- Jan 3, 2017
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- #276
They lock up.
cooney tries a punch, but JoshWoodenSpoon counters it with a roundhouse right.
JoshWoodenSpoon attempts a lariat, but cooney blocks it.
cooney attempts a bodyslam, but JoshWoodenSpoon counters it with a facerake.
JoshWoodenSpoon attempts a spinebuster slam, but cooney counters it with a kick to the head.
cooney tries a vertical suplex, but JoshWoodenSpoon blocks it.
JoshWoodenSpoon executes a side suplex against cooney.
The chants for JoshWoodenSpoon are deafening.
JoshWoodenSpoon tags out to Art Vandelay_.
JoshWoodenSpoon performs a power bomb against cooney.
Art Vandelay_ nails cooney with a flying dropkick.
Art Vandelay_ further incites the crowd.
JoshWoodenSpoon leaves the ring.
Art Vandelay_ runs into the ropes.
Art Vandelay_ misses with an elbow.
Art Vandelay_ goes for a rolling elbowsmash, but cooney ducks out of the way.
cooney tags out to Headless.
Headless runs into the ropes.
Art Vandelay_ hits Headless with an elbow.
Art Vandelay_ uses a flying dropkick on Headless.
Art Vandelay_ puts Headless in a figure-four leglock.
Headless inches his way towards the ropes after 6 seconds.
Art Vandelay_ runs into the ropes.
Headless tries a sleeperhold, but Art Vandelay_ counters it with a jawbreaker.
Art Vandelay_ further incites the crowd.
Art Vandelay_ goes for an Aztecan suplex, but Headless counters it with a go-behind.
Headless tries a dropkick to the knee, but Art Vandelay_ steps out of the way.
Art Vandelay_ does the Tranquilo pose.
Art Vandelay_ further incites the crowd.
Art Vandelay_ whips Headless into the ropes.
Art Vandelay_ hits Headless with a clothesline.
Art Vandelay_ whips Headless into the ropes.
Headless hits Art Vandelay_ with a kick.
cooney enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Headless and cooney whip Art Vandelay_ into the ropes.
They hit Art Vandelay_ with a double elbowsmash.
cooney leaves the ring.
Headless goes for a figure-four leglock, but Art Vandelay_ kicks him off.
Art Vandelay_ tags out to JoshWoodenSpoon.
cooney enters the ring, but gets cut off.
JoshWoodenSpoon and Art Vandelay_ hit Headless with a double lariat.
Art Vandelay_ leaves the ring.
JoshWoodenSpoon goes for a monkey flip, but Headless blocks it.
Headless hits a superkick on JoshWoodenSpoon.
The crowd is behind Headless all the way.
Headless uses a chop on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Headless runs into the ropes.
JoshWoodenSpoon tries a monkey flip, but Headless blocks it.
Headless hits a vertical suplex on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Headless uses a chop on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Headless performs a Saito suplex against JoshWoodenSpoon.
Headless runs into the ropes.
Headless misses with an elbow.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits Headless with a backdrop.
JoshWoodenSpoon tags out to Art Vandelay_.
Art Vandelay_ and JoshWoodenSpoon hit Headless with a double lariat.
JoshWoodenSpoon performs a kick to the head against Headless.
Art Vandelay_ takes Headless down with a release German suplex.
Art Vandelay_ and JoshWoodenSpoon whip Headless into the ropes.
They hit Headless with a double kick to the midsection.
JoshWoodenSpoon attempts a dropkick, but Headless steps out of the way.
The chants for Headless are deafening.
JoshWoodenSpoon leaves the ring.
Headless takes Art Vandelay_ down with an Aztecan suplex.
Both combatants' shoulders are on the mat.
Mike Uppet counts: One, Headless lifts a shoulder, two, kickout.
Headless takes Art Vandelay_ down with a release German suplex.
cooney enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
cooney takes Art Vandelay_ down with a back suplex.
Headless executes a diving flip piledriver against Art Vandelay_.
cooney leaves the ring.
Headless whips Art Vandelay_ into the ropes.
Headless performs a bodyslam against Art Vandelay_.
Headless tries a jumping neckbreaker, but Art Vandelay_ counters it with a backward kick.
Art Vandelay_ attempts a cartwheel kick, but Headless steps out of the way.
Headless attempts a figure-four leglock, but Art Vandelay_ blocks it.
Art Vandelay_ tags out to JoshWoodenSpoon.
Art Vandelay_ attempts a cartwheel kick, but Headless steps out of the way.
Art Vandelay_ leaves the ring.
Headless executes a knee to the back against JoshWoodenSpoon.
Headless hits an enzuigiri on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Headless whips JoshWoodenSpoon into the ropes.
Headless hits JoshWoodenSpoon with an elbow.
PM Bangers enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
PM Bangers gives the sign for the power bomb.
PM Bangers performs a power bomb against JoshWoodenSpoon.
The chants for PM Bangers are deafening.
Headless goes for a diving flip piledriver, but JoshWoodenSpoon
counters it with a backdrop.
In turn, Headless counters it with a sunset flip.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, shoulder up.
PM Bangers leaves the ring.
Headless uses a Northern Lights suplex on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Headless complains about a slow count.
PM Bangers enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
PM Bangers tries a swinging side slam, but JoshWoodenSpoon counters it with a facerake.
PM Bangers rolls out of the ring.
JoshWoodenSpoon tries a flying cross body press, but Headless counters it with a powerslam.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Headless uses a dropkick on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Headless tags out to PM Bangers.
Headless tries a dropkick, but JoshWoodenSpoon steps out of the way.
The crowd is behind JoshWoodenSpoon all the way.
Headless leaves the ring.
JoshWoodenSpoon executes an electric chair facebuster against PM Bangers.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, shoulder up.
JoshWoodenSpoon tries a high speed sunset flip, but PM Bangers blocks it.
PM Bangers uses a bodyslam on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Headless enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Headless uses a dropkick on JoshWoodenSpoon.
PM Bangers goes for an inside cradle, but JoshWoodenSpoon blocks it.
Headless leaves the ring.
JoshWoodenSpoon attempts a Blue Thunder Bomb, but PM Bangers blocks it.
PM Bangers performs a swinging side slam against JoshWoodenSpoon.
PM Bangers tags out to Headless.
Test Tickle enters the ring and throws PM Bangers out of the ring.
JoshWoodenSpoon and Test Tickle whip Headless into the ropes.
They hit Headless with a double backdrop.
Test Tickle leaves the ring.
JoshWoodenSpoon whips Headless into the ropes.
JoshWoodenSpoon goes for a spinebuster slam, but Headless counters it with a kneelift.
Headless nails JoshWoodenSpoon with a reverse neckbreaker.
The crowd is giving Headless a standing ovation.
PM Bangers enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
PM Bangers uses a swinging side slam on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Headless nails JoshWoodenSpoon with a diving flip piledriver.
PM Bangers leaves the ring.
Headless uses a knee to the back on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Headless tries a superkick, but JoshWoodenSpoon counters it with a legsweep.
JoshWoodenSpoon tags out to Test Tickle.
Test Tickle and JoshWoodenSpoon whip Headless into the ropes.
Test Tickle and JoshWoodenSpoon hit Headless with a double lariat.
Test Tickle and JoshWoodenSpoon whip Headless into the ropes.
Test Tickle and JoshWoodenSpoon hit Headless with a double bodyslam.
JoshWoodenSpoon leaves the ring.
Test Tickle runs into the ropes.
Headless executes a chop against Test Tickle.
Headless takes Test Tickle down with an Aztecan suplex.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Headless complains about a slow count.
Test Tickle performs a knee to the back against Headless.
Test Tickle executes a snap mare against Headless.
Test Tickle runs into the ropes.
Headless misses with a clothesline.
Headless hits a dropkick to the knee on Test Tickle.
Headless tags out to PM Bangers.
PM Bangers and Headless hit Test Tickle with a double bodyslam.
PM Bangers and Headless whip Test Tickle into the ropes.
They hit Test Tickle with a double backdrop.
Headless leaves the ring.
PM Bangers runs into the ropes.
PM Bangers misses with a clothesline.
Test Tickle hits PM Bangers with a backdrop.
JoshWoodenSpoon enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Test Tickle and JoshWoodenSpoon whip PM Bangers into the ropes.
They hit PM Bangers with a double fist to the midsection.
Headless enters the ring and throws JoshWoodenSpoon out of the ring.
Headless hits a dropkick on Test Tickle.
PM Bangers performs an inside cradle against Test Tickle.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Headless leaves the ring.
PM Bangers throws Test Tickle out of the ring.
Mike Uppet counts: one, Test Tickle reenters the ring.
PM Bangers chops Test Tickle.
Test Tickle chops PM Bangers.
Test Tickle is being booed out of the building.
PM Bangers kicks Test Tickle.
Test Tickle hits PM Bangers.
Test Tickle chops PM Bangers.
Test Tickle executes a kick to the head against PM Bangers.
Test Tickle runs into the ropes.
PM Bangers uses a belly-to-belly suplex on Test Tickle.
Headless enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Headless tries a dropkick, but Test Tickle steps out of the way.
Headless leaves the ring.
Test Tickle tries a tiger suplex, but PM Bangers counters it with a backward kick.
PM Bangers runs into the ropes.
Test Tickle hits PM Bangers with an elbow.
Test Tickle performs a forearm to the back against PM Bangers.
Test Tickle executes a tiger suplex against PM Bangers.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
Test Tickle runs into the ropes.
Test Tickle hits PM Bangers with a shoulderblock.
Test Tickle tries a short lariat, but PM Bangers blocks it.
PM Bangers goes for a facerake, but Test Tickle blocks it.
Test Tickle uses a facerake on PM Bangers.
Test Tickle performs a forearm to the back against PM Bangers.
Test Tickle goes for a facerake, but PM Bangers blocks it.
PM Bangers executes a bodyslam against Test Tickle.
PM Bangers throws Test Tickle out of the ring.
PM Bangers goes outside.
Headless comes over to make it two-on-one.
Art Vandelay_ comes over and lays out Headless.
Test Tickle and Art Vandelay_ hit PM Bangers with a double elbowsmash.
Test Tickle executes an Exploder suplex against PM Bangers.
Mike Uppet counts: 1.
Art Vandelay_ comes over to make it two-on-one.
Test Tickle and Art Vandelay_ hit PM Bangers with a double bodyslam.
Test Tickle performs an Exploder suplex against PM Bangers.
Mike Uppet counts: 2.
Test Tickle reenters the ring.
PM Bangers follows him back in.
Test Tickle tries a slap, but PM Bangers reverses it.
PM Bangers executes a facerake against Test Tickle.
PM Bangers nails Test Tickle with a spear.
PM Bangers attempts a vertical suplex, but Test Tickle counters it with a small package.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Test Tickle performs a jumping DDT against PM Bangers.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Test Tickle tags out to Art Vandelay_.
cooney enters the ring, but gets cut off.
Art Vandelay_ and Test Tickle whip PM Bangers into the ropes.
Art Vandelay_ and Test Tickle hit PM Bangers with a double chop.
Test Tickle leaves the ring.
Art Vandelay_ hits an elbowsmash on PM Bangers.
Art Vandelay_ is going for the pin.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Art Vandelay_ runs into the ropes.
PM Bangers performs a belly-to-belly suplex against Art Vandelay_.
PM Bangers tries an electric chair facebuster, but Art Vandelay_ counters it with a rana.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
Art Vandelay_ tags out to JoshWoodenSpoon.
Headless enters the ring and throws Art Vandelay_ out of the ring.
Headless tries a dropkick, but JoshWoodenSpoon steps out of the way.
Art Vandelay_ and Test Tickle rush the ring, and attack Headless.
Wosh storms to ringside.
Wosh nearly takes off Test Tickle's head with the SFAEW Hardcore Championship.
Wosh executes the Demon Press Slam on Art Vandelay_.
Wosh lines up JoshWoodenSpoon.
Millky95 crawls out from under the ring.
Wosh goes to hit JoshWoodenSpoon, but Millky95 trips her up.
Millky95 handcuffs Wosh to the ropes.
Millky95 is handed a mic.
M95: Sorry about this Wosh, but your boys are about to cop one hell of a beating!
JoshWoodenSpoon runs into the ropes.
PM Bangers attempts a facerake, but JoshWoodenSpoon blocks it.
JoshWoodenSpoon executes the Good Blend on PM Bangers.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is behind JoshWoodenSpoon all the way.
The winners are Test Tickle, JoshWoodenSpoon and Art Vandelay_. Time of match: 0:13:35
Sim Rating: *** 1/4
And NNNEEEEEWWWWWW Trios Champions...Josh, Testy and Vandelay!
Il Famiglia add the Trios Titles back to their collection, and Millky seems to have made a new enemy in Wosh...
cooney tries a punch, but JoshWoodenSpoon counters it with a roundhouse right.
JoshWoodenSpoon attempts a lariat, but cooney blocks it.
cooney attempts a bodyslam, but JoshWoodenSpoon counters it with a facerake.
JoshWoodenSpoon attempts a spinebuster slam, but cooney counters it with a kick to the head.
cooney tries a vertical suplex, but JoshWoodenSpoon blocks it.
JoshWoodenSpoon executes a side suplex against cooney.
The chants for JoshWoodenSpoon are deafening.
JoshWoodenSpoon tags out to Art Vandelay_.
JoshWoodenSpoon performs a power bomb against cooney.
Art Vandelay_ nails cooney with a flying dropkick.
Art Vandelay_ further incites the crowd.
JoshWoodenSpoon leaves the ring.
Art Vandelay_ runs into the ropes.
Art Vandelay_ misses with an elbow.
Art Vandelay_ goes for a rolling elbowsmash, but cooney ducks out of the way.
cooney tags out to Headless.
Headless runs into the ropes.
Art Vandelay_ hits Headless with an elbow.
Art Vandelay_ uses a flying dropkick on Headless.
Art Vandelay_ puts Headless in a figure-four leglock.
Headless inches his way towards the ropes after 6 seconds.
Art Vandelay_ runs into the ropes.
Headless tries a sleeperhold, but Art Vandelay_ counters it with a jawbreaker.
Art Vandelay_ further incites the crowd.
Art Vandelay_ goes for an Aztecan suplex, but Headless counters it with a go-behind.
Headless tries a dropkick to the knee, but Art Vandelay_ steps out of the way.
Art Vandelay_ does the Tranquilo pose.
Art Vandelay_ further incites the crowd.
Art Vandelay_ whips Headless into the ropes.
Art Vandelay_ hits Headless with a clothesline.
Art Vandelay_ whips Headless into the ropes.
Headless hits Art Vandelay_ with a kick.
cooney enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Headless and cooney whip Art Vandelay_ into the ropes.
They hit Art Vandelay_ with a double elbowsmash.
cooney leaves the ring.
Headless goes for a figure-four leglock, but Art Vandelay_ kicks him off.
Art Vandelay_ tags out to JoshWoodenSpoon.
cooney enters the ring, but gets cut off.
JoshWoodenSpoon and Art Vandelay_ hit Headless with a double lariat.
Art Vandelay_ leaves the ring.
JoshWoodenSpoon goes for a monkey flip, but Headless blocks it.
Headless hits a superkick on JoshWoodenSpoon.
The crowd is behind Headless all the way.
Headless uses a chop on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Headless runs into the ropes.
JoshWoodenSpoon tries a monkey flip, but Headless blocks it.
Headless hits a vertical suplex on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Headless uses a chop on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Headless performs a Saito suplex against JoshWoodenSpoon.
Headless runs into the ropes.
Headless misses with an elbow.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits Headless with a backdrop.
JoshWoodenSpoon tags out to Art Vandelay_.
Art Vandelay_ and JoshWoodenSpoon hit Headless with a double lariat.
JoshWoodenSpoon performs a kick to the head against Headless.
Art Vandelay_ takes Headless down with a release German suplex.
Art Vandelay_ and JoshWoodenSpoon whip Headless into the ropes.
They hit Headless with a double kick to the midsection.
JoshWoodenSpoon attempts a dropkick, but Headless steps out of the way.
The chants for Headless are deafening.
JoshWoodenSpoon leaves the ring.
Headless takes Art Vandelay_ down with an Aztecan suplex.
Both combatants' shoulders are on the mat.
Mike Uppet counts: One, Headless lifts a shoulder, two, kickout.
Headless takes Art Vandelay_ down with a release German suplex.
cooney enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
cooney takes Art Vandelay_ down with a back suplex.
Headless executes a diving flip piledriver against Art Vandelay_.
cooney leaves the ring.
Headless whips Art Vandelay_ into the ropes.
Headless performs a bodyslam against Art Vandelay_.
Headless tries a jumping neckbreaker, but Art Vandelay_ counters it with a backward kick.
Art Vandelay_ attempts a cartwheel kick, but Headless steps out of the way.
Headless attempts a figure-four leglock, but Art Vandelay_ blocks it.
Art Vandelay_ tags out to JoshWoodenSpoon.
Art Vandelay_ attempts a cartwheel kick, but Headless steps out of the way.
Art Vandelay_ leaves the ring.
Headless executes a knee to the back against JoshWoodenSpoon.
Headless hits an enzuigiri on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Headless whips JoshWoodenSpoon into the ropes.
Headless hits JoshWoodenSpoon with an elbow.
PM Bangers enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
PM Bangers gives the sign for the power bomb.
PM Bangers performs a power bomb against JoshWoodenSpoon.
The chants for PM Bangers are deafening.
Headless goes for a diving flip piledriver, but JoshWoodenSpoon
counters it with a backdrop.
In turn, Headless counters it with a sunset flip.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, shoulder up.
PM Bangers leaves the ring.
Headless uses a Northern Lights suplex on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Headless complains about a slow count.
PM Bangers enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
PM Bangers tries a swinging side slam, but JoshWoodenSpoon counters it with a facerake.
PM Bangers rolls out of the ring.
JoshWoodenSpoon tries a flying cross body press, but Headless counters it with a powerslam.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Headless uses a dropkick on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Headless tags out to PM Bangers.
Headless tries a dropkick, but JoshWoodenSpoon steps out of the way.
The crowd is behind JoshWoodenSpoon all the way.
Headless leaves the ring.
JoshWoodenSpoon executes an electric chair facebuster against PM Bangers.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, shoulder up.
JoshWoodenSpoon tries a high speed sunset flip, but PM Bangers blocks it.
PM Bangers uses a bodyslam on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Headless enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Headless uses a dropkick on JoshWoodenSpoon.
PM Bangers goes for an inside cradle, but JoshWoodenSpoon blocks it.
Headless leaves the ring.
JoshWoodenSpoon attempts a Blue Thunder Bomb, but PM Bangers blocks it.
PM Bangers performs a swinging side slam against JoshWoodenSpoon.
PM Bangers tags out to Headless.
Test Tickle enters the ring and throws PM Bangers out of the ring.
JoshWoodenSpoon and Test Tickle whip Headless into the ropes.
They hit Headless with a double backdrop.
Test Tickle leaves the ring.
JoshWoodenSpoon whips Headless into the ropes.
JoshWoodenSpoon goes for a spinebuster slam, but Headless counters it with a kneelift.
Headless nails JoshWoodenSpoon with a reverse neckbreaker.
The crowd is giving Headless a standing ovation.
PM Bangers enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
PM Bangers uses a swinging side slam on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Headless nails JoshWoodenSpoon with a diving flip piledriver.
PM Bangers leaves the ring.
Headless uses a knee to the back on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Headless tries a superkick, but JoshWoodenSpoon counters it with a legsweep.
JoshWoodenSpoon tags out to Test Tickle.
Test Tickle and JoshWoodenSpoon whip Headless into the ropes.
Test Tickle and JoshWoodenSpoon hit Headless with a double lariat.
Test Tickle and JoshWoodenSpoon whip Headless into the ropes.
Test Tickle and JoshWoodenSpoon hit Headless with a double bodyslam.
JoshWoodenSpoon leaves the ring.
Test Tickle runs into the ropes.
Headless executes a chop against Test Tickle.
Headless takes Test Tickle down with an Aztecan suplex.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Headless complains about a slow count.
Test Tickle performs a knee to the back against Headless.
Test Tickle executes a snap mare against Headless.
Test Tickle runs into the ropes.
Headless misses with a clothesline.
Headless hits a dropkick to the knee on Test Tickle.
Headless tags out to PM Bangers.
PM Bangers and Headless hit Test Tickle with a double bodyslam.
PM Bangers and Headless whip Test Tickle into the ropes.
They hit Test Tickle with a double backdrop.
Headless leaves the ring.
PM Bangers runs into the ropes.
PM Bangers misses with a clothesline.
Test Tickle hits PM Bangers with a backdrop.
JoshWoodenSpoon enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Test Tickle and JoshWoodenSpoon whip PM Bangers into the ropes.
They hit PM Bangers with a double fist to the midsection.
Headless enters the ring and throws JoshWoodenSpoon out of the ring.
Headless hits a dropkick on Test Tickle.
PM Bangers performs an inside cradle against Test Tickle.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Headless leaves the ring.
PM Bangers throws Test Tickle out of the ring.
Mike Uppet counts: one, Test Tickle reenters the ring.
PM Bangers chops Test Tickle.
Test Tickle chops PM Bangers.
Test Tickle is being booed out of the building.
PM Bangers kicks Test Tickle.
Test Tickle hits PM Bangers.
Test Tickle chops PM Bangers.
Test Tickle executes a kick to the head against PM Bangers.
Test Tickle runs into the ropes.
PM Bangers uses a belly-to-belly suplex on Test Tickle.
Headless enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Headless tries a dropkick, but Test Tickle steps out of the way.
Headless leaves the ring.
Test Tickle tries a tiger suplex, but PM Bangers counters it with a backward kick.
PM Bangers runs into the ropes.
Test Tickle hits PM Bangers with an elbow.
Test Tickle performs a forearm to the back against PM Bangers.
Test Tickle executes a tiger suplex against PM Bangers.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
Test Tickle runs into the ropes.
Test Tickle hits PM Bangers with a shoulderblock.
Test Tickle tries a short lariat, but PM Bangers blocks it.
PM Bangers goes for a facerake, but Test Tickle blocks it.
Test Tickle uses a facerake on PM Bangers.
Test Tickle performs a forearm to the back against PM Bangers.
Test Tickle goes for a facerake, but PM Bangers blocks it.
PM Bangers executes a bodyslam against Test Tickle.
PM Bangers throws Test Tickle out of the ring.
PM Bangers goes outside.
Headless comes over to make it two-on-one.
Art Vandelay_ comes over and lays out Headless.
Test Tickle and Art Vandelay_ hit PM Bangers with a double elbowsmash.
Test Tickle executes an Exploder suplex against PM Bangers.
Mike Uppet counts: 1.
Art Vandelay_ comes over to make it two-on-one.
Test Tickle and Art Vandelay_ hit PM Bangers with a double bodyslam.
Test Tickle performs an Exploder suplex against PM Bangers.
Mike Uppet counts: 2.
Test Tickle reenters the ring.
PM Bangers follows him back in.
Test Tickle tries a slap, but PM Bangers reverses it.
PM Bangers executes a facerake against Test Tickle.
PM Bangers nails Test Tickle with a spear.
PM Bangers attempts a vertical suplex, but Test Tickle counters it with a small package.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Test Tickle performs a jumping DDT against PM Bangers.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Test Tickle tags out to Art Vandelay_.
cooney enters the ring, but gets cut off.
Art Vandelay_ and Test Tickle whip PM Bangers into the ropes.
Art Vandelay_ and Test Tickle hit PM Bangers with a double chop.
Test Tickle leaves the ring.
Art Vandelay_ hits an elbowsmash on PM Bangers.
Art Vandelay_ is going for the pin.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Art Vandelay_ runs into the ropes.
PM Bangers performs a belly-to-belly suplex against Art Vandelay_.
PM Bangers tries an electric chair facebuster, but Art Vandelay_ counters it with a rana.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
Art Vandelay_ tags out to JoshWoodenSpoon.
Headless enters the ring and throws Art Vandelay_ out of the ring.
Headless tries a dropkick, but JoshWoodenSpoon steps out of the way.
Art Vandelay_ and Test Tickle rush the ring, and attack Headless.
Wosh storms to ringside.
Wosh nearly takes off Test Tickle's head with the SFAEW Hardcore Championship.
Wosh executes the Demon Press Slam on Art Vandelay_.
Wosh lines up JoshWoodenSpoon.
Millky95 crawls out from under the ring.
Wosh goes to hit JoshWoodenSpoon, but Millky95 trips her up.
Millky95 handcuffs Wosh to the ropes.
Millky95 is handed a mic.
M95: Sorry about this Wosh, but your boys are about to cop one hell of a beating!
JoshWoodenSpoon runs into the ropes.
PM Bangers attempts a facerake, but JoshWoodenSpoon blocks it.
JoshWoodenSpoon executes the Good Blend on PM Bangers.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is behind JoshWoodenSpoon all the way.
The winners are Test Tickle, JoshWoodenSpoon and Art Vandelay_. Time of match: 0:13:35
Sim Rating: *** 1/4
And NNNEEEEEWWWWWW Trios Champions...Josh, Testy and Vandelay!
Il Famiglia add the Trios Titles back to their collection, and Millky seems to have made a new enemy in Wosh...