The Deletion Artist
- Jan 3, 2017
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- East Side Hawks, Matt Hardy
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- #1,176
They lock up.
DemurePrincess tries a rolling clothesline, but Wosh ducks out of the way.
Wosh runs into the ropes.
DemurePrincess performs a rolling clothesline against Wosh.
DemurePrincess performs a fireman's carry against Wosh.
DemurePrincess works the crowd.
DemurePrincess is eliciting a sizable round of boos.
DemurePrincess gives her a bodyslam, but Wosh doesn't budge.
DemurePrincess throws Wosh out of the ring.
DemurePrincess goes through the ropes.
DemurePrincess uses a side kick to the midsection on Wosh.
Mike Uppet counts: 1.
DemurePrincess climbs back into the ring.
Wosh rolls back in under the bottom rope.
DemurePrincess whips Wosh into the ropes, but Wosh reverses it.
Wosh misses with a shoulderblock.
DemurePrincess hits Wosh with a clothesline.
DemurePrincess whips Wosh into the ropes, but Wosh reverses it.
Wosh misses with a shoulderblock.
DemurePrincess tries a knee to the face, but Wosh steps out of the way.
Wosh gives her a powerslam, but DemurePrincess shows no reaction.
Wosh performs an inverted atomic drop against DemurePrincess.
The crowd is behind Wosh all the way.
Wosh puts DemurePrincess in a side headlock.
DemurePrincess reaches the ropes after holding out for 5 seconds.
Wosh goes for a headsmash into the turnbuckle, but DemurePrincess reverses it.
DemurePrincess puts Wosh in a guillotine choke.
Wosh is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Wosh breaks the hold after 9 seconds.
Wosh attempts a forearm smash, but DemurePrincess blocks it.
DemurePrincess tries a monkey flip, but Wosh blocks it.
Wosh runs into the ropes.
Wosh misses with a clothesline.
Wosh performs a clothesline against DemurePrincess.
Wosh uses a hiptoss on DemurePrincess.
Wosh uses an inverted atomic drop on DemurePrincess.
Wosh whips DemurePrincess into the ropes, but DemurePrincess reverses it.
Wosh uses a clothesline on DemurePrincess.
Wosh gets the STF on DemurePrincess.
DemurePrincess gets ahold of the ropes after being trapped for 7 seconds.
Wosh uses a low blow on DemurePrincess.
Wosh uses a hair pull takedown on DemurePrincess.
Wosh uses an elbowdrop on DemurePrincess.
Wosh runs into the ropes.
Wosh hits DemurePrincess with a kick.
Wosh whips DemurePrincess into the ropes.
DemurePrincess and Wosh get hit with a double clothesline.
DemurePrincess executes a hair pull against Wosh.
DemurePrincess goes for a rolling clothesline, but Wosh ducks out of the way.
Wosh hits a series of forearm smashes on DemurePrincess.
The crowd is giving Wosh a standing ovation.
Wosh whips DemurePrincess into the ropes, but DemurePrincess reverses it.
Wosh misses with a shoulderblock.
Wosh hits DemurePrincess with a kick.
Wosh whips DemurePrincess into the turnbuckle.
Wosh charges in with a handspring elbow.
Wosh hits a clothesline on DemurePrincess.
Wosh throws DemurePrincess out of the ring.
Mike Uppet counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, DemurePrincess reenters the ring.
Wosh runs into the ropes.
Wosh misses with a clothesline.
Wosh attempts a clothesline, but DemurePrincess counters it with a belly-to-belly suplex.
DemurePrincess works the crowd.
DemurePrincess further incites the crowd.
DemurePrincess puts Wosh in a flying armbar.
Wosh grabs the ropes after being locked up for 6 seconds.
DemurePrincess sends Wosh into the turnbuckle.
DemurePrincess runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Wosh lifts her knee.
Wosh attempts a clothesline, but DemurePrincess ducks out of the way.
DemurePrincess goes for a capture suplex, but Wosh counters it with an elbowsmash.
Wosh uses a backdrop on DemurePrincess.
Wosh tries a forearm smash, but DemurePrincess blocks it.
DemurePrincess whips Wosh into the ropes.
Wosh hits DemurePrincess with a kick.
Wosh is going for the cover.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
Wosh hits a drop toe hold on DemurePrincess.
Wosh uses a low blow on DemurePrincess.
Wosh performs a handspring elbow against DemurePrincess.
Wosh whips DemurePrincess into the ropes, but DemurePrincess reverses it.
DemurePrincess hits Wosh with a shoulderblock.
DemurePrincess tries a capture suplex, but Wosh counters it with an elbowsmash.
Wosh hits a kick to the midsection on DemurePrincess.
Wosh uses a DDT on DemurePrincess.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Wosh performs a low blow against DemurePrincess.
Wosh puts DemurePrincess in a side headlock.
DemurePrincess is valiantly trying to break the hold.
DemurePrincess tries to escape the hold.
DemurePrincess breaks the hold after 19 seconds.
DemurePrincess attempts a vertical suplex, but Wosh reverses it.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
In turn, DemurePrincess counters it with a slidedown.
DemurePrincess hits a jumping knee strike on Wosh.
DemurePrincess throws Wosh out of the ring.
DemurePrincess goes for a flying cross body press, but Wosh
moves out of the way.
Wosh shoves DemurePrincess into the guardrail.
Mike Uppet counts: 1.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Wosh uses a kick to the midsection on DemurePrincess.
Mike Uppet counts: 2.
Wosh executes the Roy Press Slam on DemurePrincess on the concrete floor.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Wosh.
Wosh executes a forearm smash against DemurePrincess.
Wosh takes DemurePrincess down with a bodyslam.
Wosh runs DemurePrincess into the ringsteps.
Wosh hits a low blow on DemurePrincess.
Wosh uses a DDT on DemurePrincess.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Wosh executes a forearm smash against DemurePrincess.
Mike Uppet counts: 3.
Mike Uppet counts: 4.
Wosh throws DemurePrincess into the guardrail.
Wosh climbs back into the ring.
DemurePrincess climbs back into the ring.
Wosh executes a Gorilla Press against DemurePrincess.
Wosh hits a power bomb on DemurePrincess.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Wosh hits a low blow on DemurePrincess.
Wosh attempts a backdrop, but DemurePrincess counters it with a sunset flip.
Mike Uppet counts: One, shoulder up.
DemurePrincess tries a capture suplex, but Wosh counters it with a headbutt.
Wosh hits a swinging neckbreaker on DemurePrincess.
Wosh throws DemurePrincess out of the ring.
Mike Uppet counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine,
DemurePrincess reenters the ring.
Wosh performs a kick to the midsection against DemurePrincess.
Wosh uses a DDT on DemurePrincess.
Wosh runs into the ropes.
Wosh hits DemurePrincess with a shoulderblock.
Wosh tries a forearm smash, but DemurePrincess blocks it.
DemurePrincess runs into the ropes.
Wosh uses a kick to the midsection on DemurePrincess.
Wosh executes a DDT against DemurePrincess.
The crowd is behind Wosh all the way.
Wosh performs a hair pull takedown against DemurePrincess.
Wosh goes for a headsmash into the turnbuckle, but DemurePrincess reverses it.
DemurePrincess puts Wosh in a choke against the ropes.
Mike Uppet warns DemurePrincess to let go.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, three, four.
DemurePrincess locks Wosh in a choke against the ropes.
Mike Uppet warns DemurePrincess to let go.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, three, four.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, three, four.
DemurePrincess performs a hair pull against Wosh.
DemurePrincess executes the Armbar on Wosh.
Wosh tries to escape the hold.
Wosh is writhing in pain.
Wosh submits after 6 seconds.
DemurePrincess is eliciting a sizable round of boos.
The winner is DemurePrincess. Time of match: 0:12:06
Sim Rating: ***
A huge upset win for Prinny in her SweetaMania debut!
DemurePrincess tries a rolling clothesline, but Wosh ducks out of the way.
Wosh runs into the ropes.
DemurePrincess performs a rolling clothesline against Wosh.
DemurePrincess performs a fireman's carry against Wosh.
DemurePrincess works the crowd.
DemurePrincess is eliciting a sizable round of boos.
DemurePrincess gives her a bodyslam, but Wosh doesn't budge.
DemurePrincess throws Wosh out of the ring.
DemurePrincess goes through the ropes.
DemurePrincess uses a side kick to the midsection on Wosh.
Mike Uppet counts: 1.
DemurePrincess climbs back into the ring.
Wosh rolls back in under the bottom rope.
DemurePrincess whips Wosh into the ropes, but Wosh reverses it.
Wosh misses with a shoulderblock.
DemurePrincess hits Wosh with a clothesline.
DemurePrincess whips Wosh into the ropes, but Wosh reverses it.
Wosh misses with a shoulderblock.
DemurePrincess tries a knee to the face, but Wosh steps out of the way.
Wosh gives her a powerslam, but DemurePrincess shows no reaction.
Wosh performs an inverted atomic drop against DemurePrincess.
The crowd is behind Wosh all the way.
Wosh puts DemurePrincess in a side headlock.
DemurePrincess reaches the ropes after holding out for 5 seconds.
Wosh goes for a headsmash into the turnbuckle, but DemurePrincess reverses it.
DemurePrincess puts Wosh in a guillotine choke.
Wosh is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Wosh breaks the hold after 9 seconds.
Wosh attempts a forearm smash, but DemurePrincess blocks it.
DemurePrincess tries a monkey flip, but Wosh blocks it.
Wosh runs into the ropes.
Wosh misses with a clothesline.
Wosh performs a clothesline against DemurePrincess.
Wosh uses a hiptoss on DemurePrincess.
Wosh uses an inverted atomic drop on DemurePrincess.
Wosh whips DemurePrincess into the ropes, but DemurePrincess reverses it.
Wosh uses a clothesline on DemurePrincess.
Wosh gets the STF on DemurePrincess.
DemurePrincess gets ahold of the ropes after being trapped for 7 seconds.
Wosh uses a low blow on DemurePrincess.
Wosh uses a hair pull takedown on DemurePrincess.
Wosh uses an elbowdrop on DemurePrincess.
Wosh runs into the ropes.
Wosh hits DemurePrincess with a kick.
Wosh whips DemurePrincess into the ropes.
DemurePrincess and Wosh get hit with a double clothesline.
DemurePrincess executes a hair pull against Wosh.
DemurePrincess goes for a rolling clothesline, but Wosh ducks out of the way.
Wosh hits a series of forearm smashes on DemurePrincess.
The crowd is giving Wosh a standing ovation.
Wosh whips DemurePrincess into the ropes, but DemurePrincess reverses it.
Wosh misses with a shoulderblock.
Wosh hits DemurePrincess with a kick.
Wosh whips DemurePrincess into the turnbuckle.
Wosh charges in with a handspring elbow.
Wosh hits a clothesline on DemurePrincess.
Wosh throws DemurePrincess out of the ring.
Mike Uppet counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, DemurePrincess reenters the ring.
Wosh runs into the ropes.
Wosh misses with a clothesline.
Wosh attempts a clothesline, but DemurePrincess counters it with a belly-to-belly suplex.
DemurePrincess works the crowd.
DemurePrincess further incites the crowd.
DemurePrincess puts Wosh in a flying armbar.
Wosh grabs the ropes after being locked up for 6 seconds.
DemurePrincess sends Wosh into the turnbuckle.
DemurePrincess runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Wosh lifts her knee.
Wosh attempts a clothesline, but DemurePrincess ducks out of the way.
DemurePrincess goes for a capture suplex, but Wosh counters it with an elbowsmash.
Wosh uses a backdrop on DemurePrincess.
Wosh tries a forearm smash, but DemurePrincess blocks it.
DemurePrincess whips Wosh into the ropes.
Wosh hits DemurePrincess with a kick.
Wosh is going for the cover.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
Wosh hits a drop toe hold on DemurePrincess.
Wosh uses a low blow on DemurePrincess.
Wosh performs a handspring elbow against DemurePrincess.
Wosh whips DemurePrincess into the ropes, but DemurePrincess reverses it.
DemurePrincess hits Wosh with a shoulderblock.
DemurePrincess tries a capture suplex, but Wosh counters it with an elbowsmash.
Wosh hits a kick to the midsection on DemurePrincess.
Wosh uses a DDT on DemurePrincess.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Wosh performs a low blow against DemurePrincess.
Wosh puts DemurePrincess in a side headlock.
DemurePrincess is valiantly trying to break the hold.
DemurePrincess tries to escape the hold.
DemurePrincess breaks the hold after 19 seconds.
DemurePrincess attempts a vertical suplex, but Wosh reverses it.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
In turn, DemurePrincess counters it with a slidedown.
DemurePrincess hits a jumping knee strike on Wosh.
DemurePrincess throws Wosh out of the ring.
DemurePrincess goes for a flying cross body press, but Wosh
moves out of the way.
Wosh shoves DemurePrincess into the guardrail.
Mike Uppet counts: 1.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Wosh uses a kick to the midsection on DemurePrincess.
Mike Uppet counts: 2.
Wosh executes the Roy Press Slam on DemurePrincess on the concrete floor.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Wosh.
Wosh executes a forearm smash against DemurePrincess.
Wosh takes DemurePrincess down with a bodyslam.
Wosh runs DemurePrincess into the ringsteps.
Wosh hits a low blow on DemurePrincess.
Wosh uses a DDT on DemurePrincess.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Wosh executes a forearm smash against DemurePrincess.
Mike Uppet counts: 3.
Mike Uppet counts: 4.
Wosh throws DemurePrincess into the guardrail.
Wosh climbs back into the ring.
DemurePrincess climbs back into the ring.
Wosh executes a Gorilla Press against DemurePrincess.
Wosh hits a power bomb on DemurePrincess.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Wosh hits a low blow on DemurePrincess.
Wosh attempts a backdrop, but DemurePrincess counters it with a sunset flip.
Mike Uppet counts: One, shoulder up.
DemurePrincess tries a capture suplex, but Wosh counters it with a headbutt.
Wosh hits a swinging neckbreaker on DemurePrincess.
Wosh throws DemurePrincess out of the ring.
Mike Uppet counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine,
DemurePrincess reenters the ring.
Wosh performs a kick to the midsection against DemurePrincess.
Wosh uses a DDT on DemurePrincess.
Wosh runs into the ropes.
Wosh hits DemurePrincess with a shoulderblock.
Wosh tries a forearm smash, but DemurePrincess blocks it.
DemurePrincess runs into the ropes.
Wosh uses a kick to the midsection on DemurePrincess.
Wosh executes a DDT against DemurePrincess.
The crowd is behind Wosh all the way.
Wosh performs a hair pull takedown against DemurePrincess.
Wosh goes for a headsmash into the turnbuckle, but DemurePrincess reverses it.
DemurePrincess puts Wosh in a choke against the ropes.
Mike Uppet warns DemurePrincess to let go.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, three, four.
DemurePrincess locks Wosh in a choke against the ropes.
Mike Uppet warns DemurePrincess to let go.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, three, four.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, three, four.
DemurePrincess performs a hair pull against Wosh.
DemurePrincess executes the Armbar on Wosh.
Wosh tries to escape the hold.
Wosh is writhing in pain.
Wosh submits after 6 seconds.
DemurePrincess is eliciting a sizable round of boos.
The winner is DemurePrincess. Time of match: 0:12:06
Sim Rating: ***
A huge upset win for Prinny in her SweetaMania debut!