So why are you a Cats fan?

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Re: So why are you actually a cats fan?

As many have said already - it's a family tradition from Mum and her brothers, their wives, my cousins and my Grandma. Probably earlier than her too!

Mum told me when I was a kid: "You can support any team, but I'll only take you to Geelong games and pay for Geelong merchandise." That was good enough for me! :p

I was pretty much a Geelong fan already though, given that it was my home town. Plus Andrew Bews was my favourite footy player. :thumbsu:
Re: So why are you actually a cats fan?

I moved from Wollongong NSW to Melbourne to study engineering in '81. Even though I played rugby as a kid, I had no real enthusiasm for it and started playing footy in a local suburban league as a break from study (I have to admit, I'm fairly tall so I got the job as a ruckman even though I couldn't mark, kick or handpass (sound like someone else??))

Anyway, I saw Geelong like a 'sister city' to Wollongong, thought the dark blue hoops were pretty cool (cf most of the other jumpers) and have always followed the Fords in the V8s. Once I'd tuned in, I became enamored with exploits of Gary senior, Billy B et al.

A few years ago, I took my young son to his first game - it was against St Kilda! It was a fabulous come-from-behind win! The atmosphere was fantastic and my son has been a dedicated Cats fan ever since. This Saturday I'll be taking him to our second grand final. Hopefully the result will be more favorable than the first one we attended (couldn't get tickets in '07 - so we went to KP - excellent atmosphere and recommend it to any who can get to the MCG).

I'm so proud to be a Geelong supporter. I'm proud that we've rebuilt the team without tanking, have an family tradition (Scarlett, Ablett, Hawkins), have a long history (1859!!), and represent regional/provincial Australia.
Re: So why are you actually a cats fan?

I absolutely hated... no loathed AFL football when I was much younger. It wasn't until I was 13 yo and I went to an actual live game I fell in love with it. :eek:

Dad was Essendon, Mum was Geelong.

I chose Geelong. :)

Also didnt hurt a player called Gary Ablett was at FF. ;)

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Re: So why are you actually a cats fan?

I was born in Geelong into a family of Geelong supporters, so it was in my blood.

But it could have been very different. My father moved to Aus from Scotland as a young teacher, started working at Eltham High, and people suggested he barrack for Collingwood, as this was the "local" club, on the same train line. So he started as a Pies supporter.

Luckily he didn't stay there long, and by the time I was born my family had been living in Geelong for a few years, and had converted to the Cats. Although I was only nine months old when we left Geelong, by that time the whole family were dyed in the wool Cats fans, and we have been ever since.

So thanks to the education department for giving my father a job at Belmont High, or otherwise I might've ended up as a collingwood feral!

thats my old high school.
Re: So why are you actually a cats fan?

In a word: Dad.

Had me shrouded in Cat's gear when I was a baby. I never stood a chance.;)

Took me to my first game when I was 4. I remember going to family days, meeting Tommy Hafey, Scratcher Neal, Michael Turner etc....

...Aaahh, great days.
Re: So why are you actually a cats fan?

Originally from NSW came to Melbourne in 1961 ( I'm one of the oldies) as a 9 year old. Moved to Altona and in those days you just barracked for Footscray. Younger brother started school and the kid he became best mates with gave him a Geelong jumper. Well would you believe 48 years later he still goes to the footy with that kid from school. The whole family became Geelong supporters and I was in the cheersquad in 1969 for a couple of years. Left to travel to NZ and returned three years later and continued to follow my beloved cats.
Did rejoin the cheersquad in 1989 with my young son who is also a mad cat supporter. Hubby and I have been going interstate to cheer the catters on for ten years.
Re: So why are you actually a cats fan?

Several reasons.

You can blame Gary Ablett Snr for supporting this club, his exhilarating extra-terrestrial jaw-dropping legendary feats out on the football field were just too hard to resist and made sure no other club got a look-in . He along with his teammates seduced me into supporting this club. As a little tacker I saw the late 80s early 90s Geelong side that played mesmerizing beautiful free flowing football to be the Brazilian/Dutch version of Aussie Rules. As a matter of fact that’s what this club is known for (play the game as it should be play which the club is hell-bent to live up to this motto :thumbsu: :thumbsu: :thumbsu:)hence the puerile tag of handbagger…pfft. If you can’t win in style then it’s not worth winning at all.

The blue and white stripes. Dark blue is one of my favourite colours. Other club colours and design struck me as rather boring (collignwood black and white..meh bummers/bitchmond with awful poncy red/yellow miss universe sashes yuck mayblooms piss and poo need I say more? etc..…). Geelong won hands down yet again. I fleetingly considered supporting the blues but being decked out all in blue, calling themselves the “blues” reeked of lazy unoriginality not to mention farrrking ridiculous and plainly moronic so I thought better of it.. lol

Futhermore I feel no affiliation to run-of-the-mill. suburbs such as Essendon, Carlton, Collingwood they’re all indistinguishable from each other. I’m from Melbourne and if I was gonna support a club from here it was gonna be the Dees and not some random little insignificant inner-city suburb. To this day I still don’t get how people can support a club that essentially has no home, very weird if you ask me. I’ve never lived in Geelong and probably never will but this club has a real history and culture tied to a real tangible place which attracted me to it as well.

That’s about it. The only thing I have to complain is the Cats moniker. I’m not a big cat lover myself but you can’t have everything I suppose. That said the 80s Cat was rather fierce looking and it gradually grew on me. Shame I can’t say the same about the latest incarnations though.
Re: So why are you actually a cats fan?

I was ten yuears old living in Sydney. I was watching the 1991 semi final between Geelong and St Kilda. IT was a great game and i loved the way the cats played. Geelong won and i decided to go for the cats. Funnily enough, if St Kilda won that day i would have gone for them!

Wow funny how small things can make for a life changing expeirience. I have gained a lot from being a Geelong fan. Made some good friends that i wouldnt have if i wasnt a geelong fan!
Re: So why are you actually a cats fan?

Several reasons.

As a little tacker I saw the late 80s early 90s Geelong side that played mesmerizing beautiful free flowing football to be the Brazilian/Dutch version of Aussie Rules.

I moved from Bris Vegas to Melbourne for work 5 years ago and had never seen a game of AFL live - the Lions played second fiddle to the Broncos even during its golden years.

Living in Melbourne's west I went to watch the Bulldogs, and then the Saints a few times (with a mate) ... and then I discovered the Cats. Geelong's attractive fast-flowing, risk-taking, zone-breaking game got me hooked and I didn't look back.

Probably makes me a borderline wagon jumper (though this was well before the GF in 2007) but I don't care. I just hope the Cats keep playing the Brazilian version of Aussie Rules ... even if the GF window starts to close next year (as Cam Mooney thinks it will).

Go Cats!
Re: So why are you actually a cats fan?

I was young and a bit of a rebel (or a tryhard one at that) and did not want to support WCE whatsoever as my entire family were already diehard WCE fans. So I began watching the 88 season as a bit of a neutral, just catching games here and there, and Ablett started attracting my attention. If I recall he started that year in blistering form and it wasnt long before I began to watch every Geelong game. Gradually over the season I began to learn about the other players on the team and well.. there you go.
Re: So why are you actually a cats fan?

My earliest memory is supporting the cats is 1989. I was 6 years old and think that maybe I picked them in the grand final to barrack for and havent changed my mind since.

This is the exact same day i started barracking for the cats, and i was 6 at the time as well! We went to watch the GF at my uncles house, who was a mad Hawthorn supporter. He said he wouldn't let me in unless i was going to barrack for the Hawks, so of course i told him i was going for Geelong :D Even though we lost, it just stuck!
Re: So why are you actually a cats fan?

i moved to australia when i was 18 (i'm 28 now) and i'd never met my biological father before. i showed up at the airport and called him on his mobile; he was pretty much standing right next to me; i had no idea what he looked like or who he was.

needless to say it was an akward ride back from tullamarine. we were small chatting and my father asked me, "do you follow AFL"

i replied, "no, what's AFL"

he said "well you do now, and you go for Geelong"

thus started my journey with the great GFC. it turns out my family has supported Geelong for generations. My grandfather said to me one time; "geelong is the most frustrating team"

i hope for his sake more than anyhting that the boys get up on sat.

GO the CATS!!!

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Re: So why are you actually a cats fan?

well originally i was a freo supporter :eek:. but i don't think i was ever truly a freo supporter. i remember we went to a game once when i had tipped against them, and inside i was actually going for melbourne :confused:

Anyway i think i was like 12 so 2002 i just randomly decided thats it im going for geelong. i still can't remember why i chose them i just did and i have never looked back. my family were always calling me traitor/ benedict arnold etc etc. but i didn't care.

It was the best decision i have ever made and I am now a mad geelong supporter forever.
Re: So why are you actually a cats fan?

Went to school at St Joey's since grade 3, saw Polly Farmer at school giving footy lessons, used to walk to KP for home games and have followed us since 1964.
You had to be a Cat fan going to Joey's, all my family are 1-eyed Cats, and now my 3 kids aged 16-21 are committed Just the way it is. Even my Kiwi wife is a Cat fan=condition of marriage.
The Abletts are obvious highlights and looking forward to Gazza the 3rd!
My father used to take us to all the away games in Melbourne suburbs which we HATED as kids. Could never see a thing, seats weren't yet invented and we could never find the car after the game. Sure made us appreciate living in Geelong as kids, so bit bizarre we live in outer east Melbourne now.
Re: So why are you actually a cats fan?

Arrived in the country in 1995. Brother-in-law (from family of Cats fans) took me to my first game. Friday night, Geelong v North Melbourne at the MCG. Carey at one end, Ablett at the other. Didn't have much idea what was going on but I could recognise greatness when I saw it. Ablett holding off his man with one arm and taking a mark with the other, ending up sitting on his arse holding the ball up.

No one ever told me I should hate Collingwood. I just knew.
Re: So why are you actually a cats fan?

The local club where I live were know as the cats when I was growing up so because of this me and most of my mates support the mighty cattas! That and there was also a man by the name of Garry Ablett prowling around the forward line, using defenders as a step ladder and kicking a lazy 1021 goals for the club.
Re: So why are you actually a cats fan?

i live in QLd have done for last 20 years, but grew up in Geelong.
My great grandfather was until he passed awy the oldest living AFL player and played for Geelong i am guessing at early 1900's (he's on the jumper i beileive) then one of his sons played, then nephews etc. So obviously i didn't make the grade but i love my footy and the cats.
Anyone in town who knows me know not to come to my place and interupt when Cats are playing it's a faimly thing (see in QLD they say they get it but it isn't in the veins.....yet!).
I have watched from afar lots of close calls so now just like when the Aussie cricketers killed everyone i am soaking it it up.

Go Catters

Love Grand Final week and can't wait.
Re: So why are you actually a cats fan?

Being an American who moved to Melbourne in April '07, I had no clue what AFL was. Never heard of the game. My father inlaw thought I would like it if I gave it a chance (he loves gridiron almost as much as footy so we had that in common too). So while sitting at home unable to work (my visa at the time didn't allow me to work) and everyone else off at work or at uni I turned on the TV to figure out what this footy game was all about. First game happened to be Cats vs. someone. Next week by chance it was again a Cats replay. Third, fourth, fifth weeks again for some reason I always found the Cats vs. someone being replayed through the week.
They quickly became the first team I could actually identify a player and eventually players on so I began making sure whatever game I watched it was a geelong game at least then I didn't feel so adrift and foreign.
Much to the chagrin of my wife and inlaws (Carlton and St. Kilda supporters) I became a Cats fan (and have since converted my wife who only begrudgingly follows footy).
Initially my wife gave me an ultimatium on which teams I was allowed to barrack for and which I was not (no interstate teams, no collingwood or essendon) and somehow I managed to pick the one team she forgot to put on either list.
After the 07 Grand Final win I became a member and plan to stay one forever. I may seem like I jumped on the bandwagon and while that is debateable, I won't be jumping off ... ever.

Ah, the dance of lady chance......

What a great story! And great to see you are blue and white for life. Welcome and cheers to you.

For me Geelong was an inevitability. I was born in the town and all my family are Geelong fans. There is the odd family member who isn't really into the game, though, truth be told, even they will intensely support the cats in finals.

I was given a Geelong jumper at age three or four, so i had no say really. Not that i mind one bit. I have loved supporting this club: from the first game i attended (against the Dees at the MCG in 1980), through the so-so eighties, the late eighties/ninties Grand Fianal defeats, and through to the recent years of success. As a Geelong supporter i am proud of the free flowing style of play that has always been the Cats trademark (except for the Ayres years, when i lost a bit of interest due to the 'dour' style he had the team playing).

Having lived in Sydney for nearly twenty years i have had to beg various bar staff at various establishements to turn Geelong games on over League, or else find a compromise (i watched the GEE v BRIS PF of 2004 (or 2005?) on a small television in the TAB section of a pub with the trots being played all around, for instance). Yet for some reason these difficulties have only made me enjoy being a Geelong supporter all the more.

Heres hoping we all get to enjoy the clubs eighth flag come Saturday.
Re: So why are you actually a cats fan?

Moved from Kalgoorlie to Ballarat in about 1980 as a 5 year old. All my mates seemed to be Cats fans, so I jumped on board, even had a Cats backpack in Grade 2 or 3. Moved back to WA in '86 and refused to jump ship to a WAFL team as was the go at the time, or the Weagles or Shockers when they came on board, despite all of my Perth mates being local team supporters.
Don't actually ever remeber watching a game prior to about 1990, my family never really followed AFL. Have had to put up with a lot of crap from West Coast supporting mates over the years, but stood strong, even as some of them 'turncoated' over to the bombers in their heyday.
Have never really understood how the Dockers have any supporters over the age of 20 or so, other than the old farts in Freo that never followed the AFL until the Dockers joined, instead sticking with the WAFL. How do they find it so easy to just decide that they no longer support one team and want to support another? Where is the passion?
Paid off in '07, was painful in '08, but redemption is at hand. Have the kids brainwashed now, hopefully it will stick.
Re: So why are you actually a cats fan?

Some ripper stories so far. Mine is pretty lucky!

I'm a Cats fan thanks to my old man.

He grew up in a family of Collingwood supporters. Although he didn't support one side, he 'liked' Collingwood (forced upon the family so he says!) and Richmond. His uncle use to take him and his brother to all the Collingwood games at Victoria Park. In 1967, Collingwood had won every game they had seen at Victoria Park, until they played Geelong in Round 12. When the final siren sounded on that day, the Cats won and my old man (10 at the time) declared himself a Geelong supporter simply because he ''liked watching Collingwood lose''. (and to also have the sibling rivalry would of edged his decision!)

I'm wrapped my old man went his own way to support a team (and lucky enough Geelong was the first team to beat Collingwood that he saw) and passed on the colours to me and my brother!

(He also goes on about how we were robbed of a Grand Final back in '67 - when the Cats were getting a roll on in the last quater, Richmond's full-back marked a ball that was kicked over the goal line, but was paid the mark!)
Re: So why are you actually a cats fan?

Dad's a Collingwood supporter, mum's a Bombers girl. I grew up in Warrnambool and Dad's best mate lives in Highton. On winter weekends as a kid, Dad and his mate would take the four kids out for the afternoon, and we'd always end up at Kardinia at three quarter time and walk in the open gates to watch the final quarter of the Cats game in the standing section. The four kids would stack beer and coke cans up to make stilts and we'd watch Ablett Snr. torment whoever they were playing. That's how I fell in love with the Cats - it reminds me of the best afternoons with Dad, my brother and friends as a kid.

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So why are you a Cats fan?

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