Movie Star Wars III

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marcuz said:
Does Obi-wan not want luke to kill his father? Luke says something like he cant kill him. I think at that point the prohecy was the furtherest thing from their minds

Luke doesn't want to kill him, but Obi-Wan says, "You cannot escape your destiny. You must face Darth Vader again"

Luke refuses to fight, but explodes in a rage when Vader suggest that Leia might be the one to turn to the ark side if Luke doesn't.

The end result is that Anakin's love for his son, causes him to turn back from the dark side, and destroy the Emperor, fulfilling the prophecy. Luke was never going to be the one who destroyed the Sith. It was always going to be Anakin, but without Luke, Anakin wouldn't have turned on the Emperor.

It's all one big circle!
The only thing that had me puzzled was that Obi-wan was at the birth of the twins correct, now fast forward to ESB when Obi says to Yoda that boy was our last hope? Yoda responds"No their is another", now surely Obi would have realised that if the force was strong in Luke it must have been in his sister as well.

I am on a few message boards and some people have said that the dialogue is terrible, what did you expect shakespear? Please just sit back and enjoy the next 130+ minutes of the film because i did and i have seen it twice now.

By the way i had a look on ebay and sure enough, someone has this up for sale on dvd right now. I rate this film as far better than the first two.
Palpatine has been controlling the war but it is riduculous to suggest he knows exactly when and where EVERY single person is going to be at EVERY single point in time.

No one said that, Dan.

There's no doubt he'd be keeping an eye out on Anakin and concentrate on him moreso IF he had any foresight. Which I am sure he does. With Windu though I am willing to admit that he's the superior swordsman than Palpatine.

Although Palpatine tells Anakin that he will soon witness the treachery of the jedi. What do you make of this Dan? Is this foresight?

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Thrawn said:
No one said that, Dan.

There's no doubt he'd be keeping an eye out on Anakin and concentrate on him moreso IF he had any foresight. Which I am sure he does. With Windu though I am willing to admit that he's the superior swordsman than Palpatine.

Although Palpatine tells Anakin that he will soon witness the treachery of the jedi. What do you make of this Dan? Is this foresight?

Palpatine is telling Anakin that the Jedi are traitors. If course he is wrong, they are not traitors, and even whan Anakin enters the room, they are not traitors. If Palpatine were able to, he would have killed Windu. If Anakin entered the room after Palaptine had killed Windu (hypothetically), he would have told Anakin that the Jedi tried to kill him (which they did.)

Part of it is film telling drama as well. Anakin had to arrive, in a storyline sense. Why would you NOT have Anakin there as a script writer?

The point is that Anakin still needed Palpatine alive, because he thinks Palaptine has the knowledge to save Padme. Anakin needed Palptine alive, regardless of Mace Windu's fate. It just happened that Mace was about to kill Palpatine so Anakin intervened.

I can assure you Mace forced Palaptine to lose his lightsabre.

The thing that annoys me is the people who think Palpatine can control everything, to the millionth degree. Yes, he controlling the war, but he can't determine where and when EVERY single person is going to be at every single moment! Did he plan for the Death Star to be destoyed? Or for Anakin to be burned alive?

I hardly think his grand plan was to deliberatley outpositon himself in a duel with Mace, risking his own life on the hope that Anakin would both a.) Show up? and B.) Turn to the dark side. That's not the way Palpatine does things! You know that!!

It's a bit rich to think that. Palaptine does not risk his life unless he has to. We know from his grand plan that he gets others to do his work for him.

That is the point in saga, Thrawn, where the galazy can go one of two ways. That is the point where Palaptine COULD have been defeated, hence the drama of that scene! There is no drama if Palpatine was always going to win! The drama is that Palpy was down and out, and Anakin had to make a choice. The choice that Anakin makes decides the fate of the galaxy!

If anyone believes Palpatine deliberately outpositioned himself because he knew everyhtring that was going to happen in the future (rubbish, obviously), then that totally destroys the drams of the scene, and destroys the drama of Anakins' choice.

Anakins choice decides the fate of the galaxy, not Palaptine's
Guys, for what it's worth, go grab the book (official screen adaptation) and read pages 321 - 335. Dan, I tend to also think it was all part of a bigger plan as the others seem to say. Sidious was continually playing mind tricks...his capture at the beginning of the film, being the perfect case in point. I read the book before seeing the movie, and it certainly helped fill in the blanks.

Dooku's death was far too sudden in the film, and neglected to truly reflect the betrayel he suffered at the hands of Sidious. I would at least have liked to have seen some of the dialogue between the two characters during this scene, where a plan was orchestrated: Kill Obi-Wan, and allow The Sith Lord to claim his prize. "You promised me immunity" cried Dooku as he faced the crossed swords at his throat...where was all that?

As for the Mace Windu is easier to construct this scene thru written word... He taped the initial entrance of the Jedi...."Treason, Murder!!" he cried, before destroying the recorder, and doing his damage...he played a game...created an epic universe-wide war as a means to an end...restore the Sith to the place of power. He worked on Anakin for 12 years...he was the prize worth playing games for...

"Fool", Sidious Cried. "Do you think the fear you feel is mine?"
Dan26 said:
Palpatine is telling Anakin that the Jedi are traitors. If course he is wrong, they are not traitors, and even whan Anakin enters the room, they are not traitors. If Palpatine were able to, he would have killed Windu. If Anakin entered the room after Palaptine had killed Windu (hypothetically), he would have told Anakin that the Jedi tried to kill him (which they did.)

The quote was something along the lines of: "you will soon witness the treachery of the jedi" - indicating that he had at least something planned. Anakin was in two minds before he entered the room, if he saw four dead Jedi with Palatine glaring at them with his lightsabre and saying "it wasn't me", do you believe Anakin would've believed him? No way.

Part of it is film telling drama as well. Anakin had to arrive, in a storyline sense. Why would you NOT have Anakin there as a script writer?

Irrelevant. We're suspending disbelief, not discussing how the film goes about with drama.

Anakin needed Palptine alive, regardless of Mace Windu's fate.

And Palpatine needed a way to convince Anakin to join him.

It just happened that Mace was about to kill Palpatine so Anakin intervened.

If Palpatine was bested, then why on earth did he continue hurling lightning at Mace to provoke him and motivate him to actually kill him? Do you think Palpatine wants to die just like that after years of meticulous planning?

The thing that annoys me is the people who think Palpatine can control everything, to the millionth degree.

But no one is stating that Dan.

but he can't determine where and when EVERY single person is going to be at every single moment!

No, he can't. Though he can possibly determine Anakin coming in the nick of time, and set up a perfect situation for himself to convince Anakin. His precognition powers have been displayed in ROTJ and in the EU. His abilities have not been contradicted, which is why I beleived he had forseen Anakin come "to his rescue".

I hardly think his grand plan was to deliberatley outpositon himself in a duel with Mace, risking his own life on the hope that Anakin would both a.) Show up? and B.) Turn to the dark side. That's not the way Palpatine does things! You know that!!

Palpatine is the master manipulator. Has for risking his own life, well that is considered whether you believe he faked it or not. He knew that if he looked helpless and harmless he'd convince Anakin, no question about it.

It's a bit rich to think that. Palaptine does not risk his life unless he has to.

He had to for Anakin to turn. Simple as that.

That is the point in saga, Thrawn, where the galazy can go one of two ways. That is the point where Palaptine COULD have been defeated, hence the drama of that scene! There is no drama if Palpatine was always going to win![/quote]

As I said before, we are not looking a the scene in the context of the movie's drama, we are looking whether or not Palpatine "faked" it. Whether or not it would make the move better is irrelevant.

If anyone believes Palpatine deliberately outpositioned himself because he knew everyhtring that was going to happen in the future (rubbish, obviously)

Who said he knew everything? Isn't it plausable that he had ONE foresight into the future, and that one was Anakin visiting his chambers?

then that totally destroys the drams of the scene, and destroys the drama of Anakins' choice.

Again, irrelevant.

Anakins choice decides the fate of the galaxy, not Palaptine's

You're right, he did. Even if Palpy DID kill off Windu by himself, I don't think Anakin would've bought his story with four Jedi corpses lying on the floor when he is in two minds and has to make a decision.

And how conveinent of you to leave out some very important points I had made earlier before relating to how powerful Palpatine actually was:

- He killed three jedi MASTERS in a short amount of time. Two of them instantly and one who he killed like a pawadan - with Windu present too. Were not two of them in the Jedi council?

- The duel between him and Yoda was a stalemate, but for most of the time Palpy seemed to have the upperhand. And Yoda is recognised as being FAR more powerful than Windu as far as being a Jedi goes.

- No one in the jedi council had any suspicions of Palpatine at all until episode 3 (with the exception of Obi-Wan talking to Anakin in ATOC). And certainly none of them had any suspicions that he was a Sith Lord. Though Yoda did give him "the glare" at one point.

- Didn't Yoda mention the Dark side as one of the reasons for why they couldn't single out anything suspicious specifically?

These all show how powerful indeed Palpatine was with the force, and his abilities. Ever the more reason why it is unlikely Windu would've bested him so easily without Palpy faking it.
Dan26 said:
But, when the duel started, he wasn't pretending to be weak at all.
Why the hell would he? The pretence was entirely for the benefit of Anakin...anyhow I believe we agree on this point.

He was full on trying to kill, Windu, and Windu had him beat in the corner. It was ONLY when Anakin came in that Palpatine, out of desperation, acted all weak, but he had already been legitimately outpositioned by this point.
Out of desperation? Where's the proof of that? In fact where's the proof at all that Palpatine was really bested by Windu?

Read the novel and you will see.
I will then see what was in the novel..... novels and film adaptations are often very different, even on important plot devices. All over the 'net there are people talking about the differences between the novel and the film.

The novel was not even written by Lucas, it was written by Matthew Stover, and was only based on the screenplay.

The official script ( says: "They stop as Mace forces Paplatine to drop his sword"
Yes, I have read that scene of the scipt, and what it highlights to me more than before, is that it is a mixed-up scene.

They stop as MACE forces PALPATINE to drop his sword. PALPATINE and MACE start yelling at each other. 
PALPATINE: Help me! Don't let him kill me. I can't hold on any longer. Ahhhhhhh . . . ahhhhhhh . . . ahhhhhhh . . . 
PALPATINE: I can't ... I give up. Help me. I am weak ... I am too weak. Don't kill me. I give up. I'm dying. I can't hold on any longer. 
Just as MACE is about to slash PALPATINE, ANAKIN steps in and cuts off the Jedi's hand holding the lightsaber. 
As MACE stares at ANAKIN in shock, [b]PALPATINE springs to life[/b]. 
The [b]full force of Palpatine's powerful Bolts [/b]blasts MACE. He attempts to deflect them with his one good hand, but the force is too great. As blue rays engulf his body, he is flung out the window and falls twenty stories to his death. No more screams. No more moans. PALPATINE lowers his arm. 
[b]PALPATINE: Power! Unlimited power! [/b]

If Palpatine was really in such bad shape in that fight, how can he suddenly spring to life, and unleash powerful force bolts? Makes more sense that he could do that if he was really in control of the whole fight all along, allowing Windu to dominate, but always ready to slap him back down if he was in real danger.

"Palpatine has been controlling the war but it is riduculous to suggest he knows exactly when and where EVERY single person is going to be at EVERY single point in time."
No-one said anything about EVERY person. Don't know where u pulled that one from. But Anakin, being the pivotal figure in the whole is not implausible to think that Palpatine would be monitoring him.

It's silly to think that Palpatine knew the 4 Jedi would walk in at that exact moment and that he knew he would deliberatley kill 3 of them, and delberately not kill one of them
It's not silly in the slightest. Palpatine is exceptionally intelligent and manipulative, and he knew exactly what he was doing when he revealed his true identity to Anakin. Do you dispute that he knew Anakin would tell the Jedi? It's ridiculous to assume Palpatine would make such a major tactical blunder, and far more reasonable to assume he told Anakin at that moment precisely because he knew it would draw some of the stronger Jedi to him, where he would be waiting to dispose of them. Just look at the beginning of the what state did the Jedi find Palpatine? Sitting imperiously on his throne, no guards, nothing...sitting there hands by his sides, doing nothing. And he reacted with not the slightest bit of surprise when they burst into his room. He was waiting for them.

then deliberatly lose his lightsabre to the one who was alive, because he knew that Anakin would come in at that exact moment, and then he knew that Anakin would turn to the dark side at that exact moment. I mean, come on..
Anakin did not turn to the Dark Side in one moment, it was a progressive change....

I hate these silly theories like the one you just said here. Whenever someone can't explain an argument in one of these movies they say stuff like, "Oh, he must be using the force."

I mean, honestly, you can justify every argument, if you just say, "Oh, so-and-so can sense everything."
I hate people who put words in peoples' mouths. Blow it out your exit.

There are plenty of examples in the other movies where Yoda, (for instance) uses the force to probe the future. In Episode V, Luke asks him, "Will they die", and Yoda says, "Difficult to see. Always emotions, the future"
And there are plenty of other occasions where people see the future with perfect clarity. Anakin was only able to be such a good pilot as a boy because he could see "the future" well enough to make adjustments. Let's leave the argument about changing the future, and the implications of the changes on the original prescience, because it is paradoxical, it is ignored by the authors, and it is outside the scope of our argument.

Mace had the Supreme Chancellor out positioned in the corner befoe Anakin arrived.
Sure he did. But was he allowed to out-position him by Palpatine, or not? You provide no evidence for your view.

There is no evidence to suggest Palpatine knew Anakin would turn up at that exact moment and even if he did, there is no evidence to suggest that he new what Anakin's choice was going to be.
Of course there is no concrete evidence - there is no evidence either way. But there are things which support the idea:

- We know that those powerful in the Force can see the future, and that they can see the very near future more clearly than the distant future.

- We know that Palpatine revealed his identity to Anakin, it is reasonable to assume that a short time later a posse would arrive.

I mean, Jesus, you're acting as though Palpatine knew what Anakin was going to do, even though Anakin himself was conflicted! it was Anakin's choice, and I don't think you are understanding that.
Palpatine may not have known 100% what Anakin was going to do, but he had spent years cultivating Anakin's trust, and was an exceptional tactitian and manipulator...even if it was a gamble (and battles always are), he had to make his play.

This movie is about a tragedy, that happens because one individual CHOOSES to go a certain way. It was Anakin's decision, and Palpatine can influence his mindset, but ultimately Palpatine has to rely on Anakin making that choice.
Of course it is Anakin making his own decision which is the classic tragedy in this drama. But I think you are underestimating the extent to which Palpatine played him.

Like I said, read the novel, or watch the film again.
I suggest you take your own advice. I have already watched the scene several times, and am satisified with the version put forward by Thrawn, myself and others in this thread.

He would have rather just killed all the Jedi if he could have and then when Anakin came in, he could jsut tell him that they 4 of them tried to kill him (which technically would be true)
If he had simply done that, there would have been no betrayal of Windu (and hence the Jedi as a whole) by Anakin, and his path to the Dark Side would not have been complete. What a pointless suggestion.
There seems to be some debate from you guys that Palpatine stood more to gain from NOT killing Mace straight away. I maintain he simply couldn't kill Mace and was bested in the duel, which is what we see in the movie.

If Palptine killed Mace straight away, as he obviously wanted to, but couldn't do.

- He doesn't run the major risk of his plan backfiring on him (what if Anakin didn't turn?)
- He doesn't get his body messed up
- He proves to Anakin how powerful the darkside can make one, which is what can save his wife.

When Anakin jumps into defend Palpatine, he's not basing his choice on any moral ethic or code - he's basing it on wanting to save Padme, and he's using the Jedi Code as an excuse. At that moment he kills Windu, it's not about the Jedi "traitors", it's about Padme, and it would have been about Padme regardless.

The plan for turning Anakin was the same as it was before the Mace fight, and the same as it was after the Mace fight - the promise of Padme surviving.

As soon as he knows that the Dark side can save Padme the die is cast. This isn't a choice between good and evil so to speak, but a choice between saving Padme or the Jedi. Palpatine need not throw a fight for this decision to be in Anakin's mind. Palpatine did not plan the "fight", necessarily.

Remember, before Anakin rushes off to Palpatines quarters? We flat-out hear Palpatine's voice saying "keeping him alive is the only way he can stop his wife from certain death".

We don't hear quotes about Palpy saying how the jedi want power and all that other crap he's been feeding Anakin, and we don't hear them for a very good reason - the fact that, essentially and truly, Anakin knows they aren't true. Fear is another answer here, it's his fear of loss that leads him down the dark path.

It's his fear that Palpatine is right about Padme that is blatantly shown here.

Add this scene to his "What have i done?" after striking Mace and it's really clear that Anakin knows full well he made the wrong choice - he just might've saved Padme's life (in his mind). But he realizes that he made the wrong choice.

"What have i done?" - Anakin knows what he did and what he's about to do, some of the fans don't.

"I....can't live without her" he says as he bows down to Palpatine, again - Anakin is in torment as he realizes what he's about to do. Which is forsake his calling, betray his best friend and go after the Jedi - all because, as he, again, says himself:

"I can't live without her"

To get back on thread: Mace owned Palpatine. Palpatine needed Anakin to survive. Anakin could have chosen the other path, and Palpatine's reign would have been over.

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Dan26 said:
There seems to be some debate from you guys that Palpatine stood more to gain from NOT killing Mace straight away. I maintain he simply couldn't kill Mace and was bested in the duel, which is what we see in the movie.

If Palptine killed Mace straight away, as he obviously wanted to, but couldn't do.

- He doesn't get his body messed up

I think his body was already that way. When we first saw Palpatine as Sideous in the 2nd movie I'm pretty sure you'll find he had that deformed look in the part of his face you could see. He did at the beginning of this one when he was presented as Sideous too (before Palpatine was uncovered as Sideous and the duel with Windu). I think he must have had some sort of power to disguise his true form with the more "human" look of the chancellor Palpatine. 10 minutes after Anakin turned dark his eyes went yellow...Palpatine, who'd obviously been using the dark side of the force for a long time, had been deformed long before.

I think as he was faking his supposed "near defeat" he released his guise, which made it look as if he was near death and suffering heavily to Anakin who had obviously never seen his true form. After all was done, it then suited his purpose not to use the guise again as it was "evidence" of the attack on him by the jedi! I mean, in ROTJ, Luke faced a similar torture, yet nothing happened to his face.

And as people have said, there's no way, that if his pain was legitimate, and if he really was deformed by that duel, that Sideous could have recovered so quickly as to attack Windu again.
I saw it yesterday, and the only gripe i had was the wussy sound of the super battle droids. They should sound more like the ones in a PC game i have called Star Wars Republic Commando.
3rdEchelon said:
I saw it yesterday, and the only gripe i had was the wussy sound of the super battle droids. They should sound more like the ones in a PC game i have called Star Wars Republic Commando.

I suppose living in isolation for the best part of 20 years would age you quicker than expected.
Dan26 said:
Mace owned Palpatine. Palpatine needed Anakin to survive. Anakin could have chosen the other path, and Palpatine's reign would have been over.

Palpatine spells out to Anakin that he will soon see that the Jedi are trying to take over.

Palpatine totally nails three Jedi within a couple of seconds and then forces Mace back out the door and into the room with the window. It’s only at the point where Mace can go back no further that the fight becomes a ‘stalemate’.

This continues on for a bit until Palpatine then conveniently loses his sabre the split second before Anakin arrives, thus appearing like the unarmed victim. Palpatine obviously senses Anakin’s presence.

Mace wants to arrest Palpatine, but this is not good enough, so Palps goes all funkytown with the Sith Lightning forcing Mace to try to kill him and (the most important part) Anakin to make a decision.

...It also has to be noted that Palpatine has no problem using Sith Lightning to rip Yoda’s sabre out of his hand in the senate fight.

This all sounds extremely straightforward.
If Luke couldn't defeat the Emperor (from all reports he was actually stronger in the force than Anakin) than I doubt Mace would
Sidious/Palps was faking it clearly, that's part of the setup of the character. He arranged everything in the previous two movies (the invasion of Naboo, the clone wars etc) he just needed Anakin to help him dispatch Mace to help turn Skywalker to the Dark Side
weevil said:
Palpatine spells out to Anakin that he will soon see that the Jedi are trying to take over.

He says to Anakin that he will soon witness the treachery of the Jedi. This is very starighforward. Palpatine knows the time is close to him revealing himself as a Sith. When this does happen, he knows the Jedi will try to kill him. He obviously doesn't know exactly when or who will attack him, but he knows the Jedi will come and get him once his identity is revelaed. And he will use this attack (whenver it happens) as "evidence" of the treachery of the Jedi.

weevil said:
Palpatine totally nails three Jedi within a couple of seconds and then forces Mace back out the door and into the room with the window. It’s only at the point where Mace can go back no further that the fight becomes a ‘stalemate’.

Mace forces Palaptine to lose his lightsabre, and has him beaten in the corner.

We KNOW Palaptine is legitmately beaten, because he MUST be for the drama of the scene to work, in a theatrical sense. The whole point of the scene is that Anakin has to make a choice and he can choose to side with Mace and have Palaptine killed or he can side with Palpatine and save his wife (in his mind.), and the future of the galaxy hinges on the decision.

We know that Palpatine's character gets others to do his dirty work, and we know he doesn't take silly risks. He is not going to deliberately outposition himself in the "hope" that Anakin will choose a certain path. That's not Palpatine's style. Palpy has already revlealed himself as a Sith to Anakin, so Anakin would certainly expect Palpatine to be fighting and defending himself with the dark side. Anakin wants to save his wife, it's got nothing to do with Palpatine painting the Jedi as traitors. Notice Anakin thinking about Padme in the immolation scene, directly beforehand? He is rushing there to save his wife.

weevil said:
This continues on for a bit until Palpatine then conveniently loses his sabre the split second before Anakin arrives, thus appearing like the unarmed victim. Palpatine obviously senses Anakin’s presence.

He doesn't "conveniently" lose his sabre. Mace forces him to lose it. The novel says this, the script says it, and it is clear as day in the film (which I have seen three times.)

You don't seem to understand the reasons behin Anakin's choice. Anakin wants Palpatine alive to save his wife. It has nothing to do with the jedi "treachery." Nothing! Anakin says: "What have I done?" upon killing Mace, knowing he has done the wrong thing. He says to Palpatine, "I can't live without her"

When Anakin rushes off to Palpatines quarters, we hear Palpatine's voice saying: "Keeping me alive is the only way he can stop his wife from certain death". Palatine's act (after he was already beaten) is one of desperation. Anakin knows the choice is wrong, and says as much, but he does it anyway to save his wife. Palaptine's act (while beaten by Windu in the corner) does not influene Anakin. Essentially he has already made his choice, and Palaptine didn't need to "act" for him to make it. He wants to save Padme from certain death.

The fact that you don't seem to understand this, shows you are missing the whole point of the scene. It is vital that you understand it. Mace has Palpatine defeated, the future of the galaxy hinges on Anakins choice (hence the drama!) Palaptine out of despertaion starts his act, but Anakin is so in love he will do anything for Padme. He kills Mace and sides with Palpatine, and even after this he still says, "What have I done" he knows it is wrong yet convinces himself, that the Jedi are traitors, to justify his decision. The real reason he made his choice was to save Padme. Palaptine didn't need to deliberately out-position himself for Anakin's choice to be made, which further proves that Palaptine was legitimately beaten and the future of the galaxy was in the hands of Anakin. Mace is a powerful Jedi and George Lucas has himself said that Windu and Yoda can match it with Palpatine.

weevil said:
...It also has to be noted that Palpatine has no problem using Sith Lightning to rip Yoda’s sabre out of his hand in the senate fight.

The Yoda/Palpatine duel is 50-50 at best. Look at the fear in Palaptine as Yoda hurls the spinning Senate Pod at him. Palpatine's strength is his mind manipulations. Yoda has to desert the fight because, whilst he can match it with the Emperor, he can't possibly beat the Emperor plus the full resources of the Empire
Just saw it and found it outstanding.
Full of action and tinged with great sadness as Anakin turns.
Seeing the opening credits made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, as did the creation of Darth Vader.
Loved every minute of it.
yeah have seen it twice already and will see it again. loved every second. i just love the fact that even though it answered so many questions it has raised even more. there is always something to think about and i love it! :D
You ain't gonna like this but:
1. The opening of the movie, where the story is introduced, left me feeling bored; it was written in a childish manner and failed to excite.
2. Acting: very wooden, mostly. Ewan McGregor tries to look serious but can't carry it off; Hayden C can't act at all & is not convincing; Natalie P actually tries too hard and looks far from natural. Some of you 15 year-olds might think she's cute but that's why she's in the movie.
3. Dialogue: very contrived and unimaginative.
4. Story: very sketchy, too heavy on the politics, implausible...
5. Special effects: incredibly involved and complex, which is the film's main downfall. Usual USA garbage, where the Yanks never heard of Overkill...and boy does ol' Georgie boy go overboard on this one !!! Far too detailed and intricate, and what little story there is, is totally swamped by CG and digital composites.
Overall, I found it as uninteresting as the first 2 movies. My two sons absolutely loved it because of the action and the effects.
So it naturally appeals to certain age groups, and in that respect, it wins.
But I hated it.

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Movie Star Wars III

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