State of Origin State of Origin Series XVI Series - Congratulations South Australia

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Tune in later tonight it's Friday, we knockoff at 3pm and get stuck in.
I take it it's only lunch time over there, is it still Thursday or are you up to Friday?
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Crapoli you are a true passion fingers, every thread you touch you fu** it up! Let's take this to another place.
That was you ****ing with ND and Marlowe causing the '**** up' of this thread, same as the Roys V Furies thread where you ****ed with The Half Back. We're done here.
Skipper Interviews - Vic Metro

NaturalDisaster - Vic Metro
TiF: Congratulations NaturalDisaster, you’re back for your second series as the skipper for Vic Metro, and as incoming admin have made the State of Origin your first order of business coming into the role. As an avid supporter of the concept, just how important is the State of Origin to you?

ND: I think it is an integral part of the SFA experience that is enjoyed by many. In the past it has died off and been brought back several times, but we are now running it for the third year in a row and I think it's gaining more and more interest each time.

TiF: You’ve selected Antonio BlueVein as your vice captain for the series, how did that come about? and what do you think he’ll bring to the side and to your leadership group for Series XVI?

ND: Originally, I wasn't even going to captain the side. I did approach a few of the seasoned campaigners, but they weren't interested. KohPhi would have been my replacement, but he is on a temporary retirement so he can GAGF. Anyway, I decided on BlueVein as my VC. Admittedly, during the last series I did actually consider him for a very brief moment as a bit of a left of field choice, but decided against it.

Despite this, he still showed a lot of leadership last series by bombarding me with PMs, offering to help with recruitment and everything else. I also believe he has done a fine job taking over from WW19 at the Bombers and has become a much respected and well liked poster in the league. I think he will make a fine choice as not only my deputy, but as a potential replacement for me in the future.


TiF: Your Vic Metro side barnstormed your way through the competition last series and on to a commanding victory in the Grand Final. You’ll be looking to be the first side to go back to back since WA all the way back is Series III, what’s going to be the key for you?

ND: Using my new admin powers to rig the result. Just do what we did last season really, dominate, kick goals, crack open some beers and have a ******* good time.

TiF: Who do you see playing off in the decider this series?

ND: As long as it's not Vic Country, it doesn't bother me who we have to defeat to go back to back. Considering Crybaby Clarkey and The Full Turd are co captaining, they are going to be absolutely unbearable in this series.

TiF: I’m going to give you a list of 5 names, and I want you to give me the first word that comes to mind for each of them;


spookism - Meh
Kennedy Parker - Narcissist
ClarkeM - Crybaby
The Half Back - Flog
Tarkyn_24 - fu**off tarks

TiF: You’ve been a strong supporter of the State of Origin concept, and now as admin it was one of the first things you put on the agenda. What’s been your most memorable State of Origin moment?

ND: Obviously winning the flag last series, especially beating SA in order to do so. spookism would have had a huge headwobble had they been allowed to go B2B, don't think the league needs that.

TiF: There’s some new faces in the side this series, who are you most excited about pulling on the jumper with?

ND: Marlowe. One of the quality posters of the league and a funny guy, will be an excellent addition to our side.

TiF: Thanks ND, all the best to you in your first State of Origin series as admin, I'm sure the series will be a roaring success and a nice springboard into your first season at the helm of the competition.

Let me know if you need any tickets to the Grand Final, I know you'll be there cheering on WA in the decider. :thumbsu:

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BLUEALLTHRU sits down by his computer. He opens up the State of Origin thread. "Ooh, someone else posted. What did they say? Eh, who cares. I got this burning desire in my heart to post something." The screws inside BLUEALLTHRU's head begin turning - all five of them. "Ho ho ho, boy do I have a zinger for tonight. Check this out for size, K-e-n-n-e-d-y P-a-r-k -- hehe heh, what a dumb name":


Happy with another night's hard work, he kicks up his feet, dusty as they are, and cracks opens a can of something with just a generic white label on it that just reads "alcohol XXX" as Roger Daltrey's scream from Won't Be Fooled Again (as immortalised in the CSI: Miami intro) plays in his head on repeat 'til the point where it morphs into Bono's "yeah yeah yeah" from the Vertigo track.
:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Another ******* boring as sh*t post.
I'm sorry that you feel that way about the content that I post friend. Contrary to what you might believe, viewing my posts is not actually compulsory and it is a perfectly acceptable action to simply scroll down to the next post or click into another thread.

Moreover, it does seem quite a concerning pattern that you are awake late at night almost every day, posting negative comments to others. This runs contrary to core values of the SFA Community which has long been built on an attitude of inclusivity and fostering of a diverse range of personalities and posting styles.

Do you ever ask yourself why you feel the need to approach this community with such a negative attitude? Do you take joy out of tearing others down? Or are you simply projecting frustration and insecurities about your position in life onto someone else?

In any case, I hope you do some self-reflection on why your heart is so filled with hate and intolerance and instead take on a more positive outlook towards the SFA.

In doing so, I hope that you may find inner peace and happiness 🥰🌈😇🦄😊💛🍭

NaturalDisaster - Vic Metro
TiF: Congratulations NaturalDisaster, you’re back for your second series as the skipper for Vic Metro, and as incoming admin have made the State of Origin your first order of business coming into the role. As an avid supporter of the concept, just how important is the State of Origin to you?

ND: I think it is an integral part of the SFA experience that is enjoyed by many. In the past it has died off and been brought back several times, but we are now running it for the third year in a row and I think it's gaining more and more interest each time.

TiF: You’ve selected Antonio BlueVein as your vice captain for the series, how did that come about? and what do you think he’ll bring to the side and to your leadership group for Series XVI?

ND: Originally, I wasn't even going to captain the side. I did approach a few of the seasoned campaigners, but they weren't interested. KohPhi would have been my replacement, but he is on a temporary retirement so he can GAGF. Anyway, I decided on BlueVein as my VC. Admittedly, during the last series I did actually consider him for a very brief moment as a bit of a left of field choice, but decided against it.

Despite this, he still showed a lot of leadership last series by bombarding me with PMs, offering to help with recruitment and everything else. I also believe he has done a fine job taking over from WW19 at the Bombers and has become a much respected and well liked poster in the league. I think he will make a fine choice as not only my deputy, but as a potential replacement for me in the future.


TiF: Your Vic Metro side barnstormed your way through the competition last series and on to a commanding victory in the Grand Final. You’ll be looking to be the first side to go back to back since WA all the way back is Series III, what’s going to be the key for you?

ND: Using my new admin powers to rig the result. Just do what we did last season really, dominate, kick goals, crack open some beers and have a ******* good time.

TiF: Who do you see playing off in the decider this series?

ND: As long as it's not Vic Country, it doesn't bother me who we have to defeat to go back to back. Considering Crybaby Clarkey and The Full Turd are co captaining, they are going to be absolutely unbearable in this series.

TiF: I’m going to give you a list of 5 names, and I want you to give me the first word that comes to mind for each of them;


spookism - Meh
Kennedy Parker - Narcissist
ClarkeM - Crybaby
The Half Back - Flog
Tarkyn_24 - fu**off tarks

TiF: You’ve been a strong supporter of the State of Origin concept, and now as admin it was one of the first things you put on the agenda. What’s been your most memorable State of Origin moment?

ND: Obviously winning the flag last series, especially beating SA in order to do so. spookism would have had a huge headwobble had they been allowed to go B2B, don't think the league needs that.

TiF: There’s some new faces in the side this series, who are you most excited about pulling on the jumper with?

ND: Marlowe. One of the quality posters of the league and a funny guy, will be an excellent addition to our side.

TiF: Thanks ND, all the best to you in your first State of Origin series as admin, I'm sure the series will be a roaring success and a nice springboard into your first season at the helm of the competition.

Let me know if you need any tickets to the Grand Final, I know you'll be there cheering on WA in the decider. :thumbsu:
BLUEALLTHRU sits down by his computer. He opens up the State of Origin thread. "Ooh, someone else posted. What did they say? Eh, who cares. I got this burning desire in my heart to post something." The screws inside BLUEALLTHRU's head begin turning - all five of them. "Ho ho ho, boy do I have a zinger for tonight. Check this out for size, K-e-n-n-e-d-y P-a-r-k -- hehe heh, what a dumb name":

View attachment 1030130

Happy with another night's hard work, he kicks up his feet, dusty as they are, and cracks opens a can of something with just a generic white label on it that just reads "alcohol XXX" as Roger Daltrey's scream from Won't Be Fooled Again (as immortalised in the CSI: Miami intro) plays in his head on repeat 'til the point where it morphs into Bono's "yeah yeah yeah" from the Vertigo track.
Pictured: Family Christmas at BLUEALLTHRU's household (credit: Marlowe's sense of humour)
This is rather ironic given the fact that I’ve obtained footage of yourself and Chipmunk at the East Side Hawks Christmas break up.


View attachment 1030161

And duelling:

View attachment 1030162

The last bit of footage is NSFW, but it involved a lot of squealing.
The results on the Cahuna comparing contest are being debated as we speak, there were fraudulent inches involved in the result that saw Chipmunk 'win' and we're not going to accept these results, my people are very confident of winning a legal battle against these results
The results on the Cahuna comparing contest are being debated as we speak, there were fraudulent inches involved in the result that saw Chipmunk 'win' and we're not going to accept these results, my people are very confident of winning a legal battle against these results
You got beaten by a six-inch gerbil? Yikes.
You got beaten by a six-inch gerbil? Yikes.
This was a large gerbil, the largest I've ever seen, and CNN, you know what CNN did? CNN got pictures and measurements when I wasn't prepared or ready for the measurements, I had no chance to warm up, because after a warm up my cahunas, my cahunas are huuuuuge, the hugest!
This was a large gerbil, the largest I've ever seen, and CNN, you know what CNN did? CNN got pictures and measurements when I wasn't prepared or ready for the measurements, I had no chance to warm up, because after a warm up my cahunas, my cahunas are huuuuuge, the hugest!

Timing is everything dear Bangers
Skipper Interviews - South Australia

spookism - South Australia
TiF: Congratulations spookism on once again leading South Australia into Series XVI of Sweet FA State of Origin, that’s three series on the trot now. As a big supporter of the concept, just how important is the State of Origin concept for the Sweet FA in your opinion?

spookism: It's a good concept in the fact it mixes the status quo up. I feel being able to put aside club allegiances and angsts aside for 3 weeks helps the Sweet FA grow. Getting players outside their own bubble from the everyday day season is a great thing.

Also, as we've been relatively successful in recent times - I think State of Origin is very important.

TiF: You’ve selected Golumless and philreich as your vice captains for the series, how did that come about? and what do you think they’ll bring to the side and to your leadership group for Series XVI?

spookism: Golumless is again my Vice Captain, with philreich also coming into be a 2nd Vice-Captain. Last year we had kdavva74 up in Vice Captain with the plan being he takes over this year. Unfortunately, real life came into it for him and that sort of fell through. So, Golly and I decided for some experience instead and brought in Phil. He is on a strict dad joke ban during training camp though.


TiF: Things didn’t quite go to plan for South Australia in Series XV. You’ll be looking for redemption this time around I’m sure, what’s going to be the key for you?

spookism: I mean making the Grand Final is still a pretty good effort, however, I'm going to look at the success of the Royals this season (at time of writing we are still about to play the Prelim Final, so if we lose - ignore this) and replicate some of that.

I'll look for a #stackedsix in the backline and I might put myself at Full Forward because I'm Captain and I desperately need yet another All State of Origin Selection

TiF: Who do you see playing off in the decider this series?

spookism: Us and whoever wants to lose.

TiF: I’m going to give you a list of 5 names, and I want you to give me the first word that comes to mind for each of them.


NaturalDisaster - Try Hard
Kennedy Parker - Wannabe
ClarkeM - Still Alive?
The Half Back - All of the Above
Tarkyn_24 - Who?

TiF: The concept has it’s critics, but you’ve been a big supporter of the concept throughout your career. You’ve got a few series under your belt now, so what’s been your most memorable State of Origin moment?

spookism: Winning two years ago, completely destroying Kennedy Parker immediately after.

TiF: There’s some new faces in the side this series, who are you most excited about pulling on the jumper with?

spookism: I'm actually pretty stoked to see some old faces return with MannumPower and a few other others who sat out the last few State of Origins. In terms of newbies, we've got both Bradesmaen and Western Stand Warrior who've already made an impression in the league and we will be looking forward to them shining in January.

TiF: Thanks spook, all the best to you in your third State of Origin series in a row in charge of the croweaters, if the last two series are anything to go by, I'm sure we'll see SA up there again come the pointy end of the competition.

Let me know if you need any tickets to the Grand Final, I know you'll be there cheering on WA in the decider. :thumbsu:

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State of Origin State of Origin Series XVI Series - Congratulations South Australia

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