Susan Alberti Appreciation Thread

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I'll make it simple for you.

I can call you a dick head, because I would be telling the truth.

Sam cannot call Susan Alberti a liar, because she is not a liar.

And by the way, it doesn't matter if you are male or female, I can still call you a dick head.
Let's keep this thread on track please ladies. The purpose of this thread is for anyone who wishes to express their appreciation of the marvellous work of Susan Alberti.

Feel free to post your concerns and opinions that are contrary to this view in one of the many, many, many, many other threads on this site dedicated to doing just that.
It is a case of slander, some of you blokes need to chill - Susan was defamed and she had every right to pursue legal action. It has nothing to do with her being a woman(although it is somewhat of a victory for women in football). Channel nine's employees publicly slandered her, and her position with us. That is unacceptable, and I would expect any human being, man or woman, in her position to pursue the same action.

It is both unnecessary and misleading to take all of this out of context and think that it is some kind of "political correctness gone mad" issue. You cannot say those kind of things about anyone in the public sphere - particularly in a way that undermines their job(if there is no evidence to support the slander).

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Of course, I am a ******** but what exactly did Sam say that was slanderous to Susan? I thought Sam said "The Women in AFL board rooms are and have been useless?" This of course is slanderous to women and Susan. Thus, clearly the whole matter is completely an exercise in political correctness. It is a sexist comment. For if Sam had said the same of men, we would all become bemused and laugh.

So lets at least be honest enough to say what it is - political correctness - we are uncomfortable with observations based on race, gender or sexual preference. And Sam knows exactly the game he is playing. This is called identity politics.

Unfortunately, identity politics runs headlong into paradox when confronted by older democratic institutions which are, at least ostensibly, blind to these identifications. Thus identity politics descends into trying to make amends for past wrongs. Unfortunately, the angst is misplaced as the perpetrators are of another time and place. And thus everyone who participates in this game becomes like me a ********.

Congratulations to Susan for standing up for her equal rights by appealing to our notion of the distressed female. Now that is a feather in her fascinator.
Of course, I am a ******** but what exactly did Sam say that was slanderous to Susan?

To steal a quote from SLF

"she didn't sue because she was offended over a joke, she sued because she was called a liar and hypocrite.

She is a successful professional in her own right and has every right to defend herself against unfounded charges of lying and hypocrsiy, especially coming from a neanderthal like Sam Newman".

I'm glad she fought this and won it.
Of course, I am a ******** but what exactly did Sam say that was slanderous to Susan? I thought Sam said "The Women in AFL board rooms are and have been useless?" This of course is slanderous to women and Susan. Thus, clearly the whole matter is completely an exercise in political correctness. It is a sexist comment. For if Sam had said the same of men, we would all become bemused and laugh.

So lets at least be honest enough to say what it is - political correctness - we are uncomfortable with observations based on race, gender or sexual preference. And Sam knows exactly the game he is playing. This is called identity politics.

Unfortunately, identity politics runs headlong into paradox when confronted by older democratic institutions which are, at least ostensibly, blind to these identifications. Thus identity politics descends into trying to make amends for past wrongs. Unfortunately, the angst is misplaced as the perpetrators are of another time and place. And thus everyone who participates in this game becomes like me a ********.

Congratulations to Susan for standing up for her equal rights by appealing to our notion of the distressed female. Now that is a feather in her fascinator.

Bugger off with your misogynist pomo sooking and whinge in a thread designated for that purpose.
For the record, my opinion is that the initial issue was none of her business. Why she felt the need to write a protest letter, and stick her nose in is beyond me - weak as p**s. She should have had the balls to speak to Newman and confront him if she was so aggrieved.

I hope she donates the money to charity, she doesn't deserve it.

Maybe next time a woman degrades a man on tv I might write a letter and set in motion my own big pay day

The whole saga is PATHETIC.

I don't agree.

I also find it astounding that people aren't sticking up for ONE OF OUR OWN who has had the guts to stand up for her legal rights as an individual who has been slandered on national TV.

So much for Footscray people sticking together.

Bugger off with your misogynist pomo sooking and whinge in a thread designated for that purpose.

Why stop with misogynist, I am surely racist, homo phobic, chain smoking, and a global warming denier?

My one wish is to become enlightened, to judge things on their merits and be genuinely tolerant of different people and their opinions. But unfortunately my questions are clearly illustrative of a diseased mind, a misogynist mind as you say.

In how many infinite ways my questions must oppress women, batter them, degrade them, stalk them, ... But as Bush said "your either with us a again us" So I am with you, but find myself again you. What do you make of that?

I am sure all of this misogyny must really pain the wounded and deformed children in Iraq. I am sure they would admire your zeal to protect poor Susan at being called a liar by a football comic. I am sure the little girls of Iraq also feel how hard done by Susan. For Susan is all women isn't she? And Sam is all men who oppress all women.

"the lord is my I walk through evil will I fear.
Why didn't you respond to the argument, you know the one that TOTALLY contradicted you yebiga?

To steal a quote from SLF

"she didn't sue because she was offended over a joke, she sued because she was called a liar and hypocrite.

She is a successful professional in her own right and has every right to defend herself against unfounded charges of lying and hypocrsiy, especially coming from a neanderthal like Sam Newman".

I'm glad she fought this and won it.

Respond, if you cannot your misogynistic behaviour is revealed.
Why didn't you respond to the argument, you know the one that TOTALLY contradicted you yebiga?

Respond, if you cannot your misogynistic behaviour is revealed.

What argument? Oh, the one where David Smorgon takes Sam to court for being called a liar!

Don't all men hate women. Isn't all that equality stuff merely keeping the peace? Sam should know better.
I don't agree.

I also find it astounding that people aren't sticking up for ONE OF OUR OWN who has had the guts to stand up for her legal rights as an individual who has been slandered on national TV.

So much for Footscray people sticking together.


Really, just because she's a board member I should instantly agree and have no thoughts of my own........please

I just don't think she should have gotten involved in the first place.

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Susan Alberti Appreciation Thread

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