Media TFLUA-Tiger Award Front Runners for Season 34

Who do you think will win the TFLUA-Tiger Award this season?

  • Tigerturbulance

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Chipmunk

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Hate

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • royboy2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bonz

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Someone else

    Votes: 3 33.3%

  • Total voters

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Over half-way through the season and the front-runners for the TFLUA-Tiger medal are putting up their hands. Awarded to the best performing player for the season, the medal was created as a way to reward players in other positions that didn’t get many Mobbs votes (ie. non-midfielders). But once again it looks like this award will probably go to another midfielder...

Tigerturbulance - Ruck Rover (OOB)
1st in DreamTeam average (97.6 DT per game)
1st in Tackles (50)

Tigerturbulance has been in insane form in the first 7 games of this season. Going above 80 DT in every single game, the Old Boys captain has led from the front to help forge the Ophidians first ever season. Averaging a whopping 97.6 DT per game, Turbo is well ahead of everyone in the competition with the next closest ruck rover being CakeEater with 87.3 DT per game average. Turbo is also the top tackler so far with 50 tackles from 7 games (7.1 per game).

Could another ruck rover win the award that was solely designed to not be given to them?

Chipmunk - Center (PHX)
1st in average marks (6.4 per game)
1st in average disposals (25 per game)

Chipmunk was smart enough to slot himself into Agent93 ’s center spot after he won last season’s TFLUA-Tiger medal and left to join the Warriors. It seems to be working out very well for Chip, as he is averaging 92.1 DT per game (second highest in the league) with the next centre sante trailing behind him with 88.1 DT per game. Chipmunk is equal 1st for average marks this season (6.4 per game) and also outright 1st for average disposals (25 per game).

Hate - Ruck (MBD)
1st in hitouts (105)

One of the best ruckman in Sweet-FA history (and about to overtake larrikin in total hitouts) is Hate who is having another outstanding season in the ruck role. Having already won a TFLUA-Tiger medal all the way back in season 20, Hate can join Tarkyn_24 as a dual TFLUA-Tiger medallist if he can keep up this excellent form.

Hate is averaging 15 hitouts per game this season (105 from 7 games) and is well ahead of second best GremioPower who is on 102 from 8 games (12.8 average). Hate is also outperforming (on average) the best hitout ruckman from last season CursingFijian who averaged 13 hitouts per game last season (234/18 games). In DT, Hate also comes in well ahead of his ruck counterparts with an average of 86 DT per game, ahead of second placed CatToTheFuture with 82 DT per game.

royboy2 - Half Forward Flank (ROY)
royboy2 is the only one of these 5 to not be number 1 in a statistic category so far, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be included. 496 DT points from their first 7 games (70.9 DT per game) is far higher than any other half-forward so far this season. Second best is DemonJim with 430 DT points (61.4 DT per game).

They have accumulated 124 disposals so far from the Half-forward flank with the next best player in that position DemonJim netting 104 disposals. royboy2 also has the highest marks from their position with 35 marks. The next best at half-forward is Braklet with 30 marks.

Bonz - Full Forward (OOB)
1st in average goals (5.4 per game)

Bonz is averaging 5.4 goals per game so far this season, ahead of second place Barrybran with 4.7 goals per game. In his FRED winning season (last season) he achieved 70 goals in 17 games which is ‘only’ 4.1 goals per game. Bonz looks to have stepped up his goal kicking this season and if he keeps it up, will definitely be in discussions for best performing player at the end of the season.

There are other players in different positions that still have a chance at grabbing the TFLUA-Tiger medal this season, but currently they aren’t as far ahead of their competition as these players. Still a long way to go before the end of the season so a lot can change...

Who do you think will win the TFLUA-Tiger Award for Season 34?

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Hows this going DenieD ?