Thai Soccer Team Trapped In Cave

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This is crazy and possibly sad.

So far down it'll take ages to drill and there's a chance drilling is going to just make the cave roof collapse. Can't teach them to dive and also can't use a system where a diver takes a kid each because it's too narrow. Man.

One of those things where someone with gonads and smarts makes your officers call and ends up a hero.
Been inside one once (not deep thou). A miracle they found them and fantastic but honestly don't know how they are going to get them out. These things run up and down and through all sorts of passageways. They obviously found them in high ground (must have got lost) but if the low part is flooded due to the moonsoons they are stuck. Will have to scuba or drill. And scuba diving is not easy. And if you f it up in a cave it's not like you can swim up for air.

They could wait for the dry season but that is months away. Nearly have to drill and escavate somehow if not too deep.
I didn’t think they were down that deep. More so 1km or so in to the cave (relatively horizontally), though I stand to be corrected.

That's the thing thou. Horizontal feels normally safe but due to the angle of the mountains you actually are going deeper and are in more danger if things go bad.

Also I'm not the claustrophobic type but even been in a tunnel/confined space in the dark for half an hour started to challenge me. 11 days mental health is a real risk.

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apparently they are trying to run a really long internet cable so they can talk to their parents.

You would think if it's too dangerous someone will make the call to wait it out as long as it doesn't completely flood, from what I read the main issue is that they can't swim at all so diving is exponentially more dangerous
They need to call International Rescue.

Horrible situation to be in.
Looks like they will have to wait it out or perhaps be drilled out. Some reports have talked of a possible chimney where the kids reportedly heard voices and chickens. It seems unlikely but you never know. There could be a chimney next to a village or near surface rescue group. Or they could just be going mad after 12 days underground. Horrifying.
Waiting a few months seems to be the safest bet. Yes it's a long wait but they've got their wholes lives ahead of them, the diving option seems too risky.

3km swim to get out through a tiny hole and they won't be able to see where they are going.

I'm a poor swimmer and that sounds like my worst nightmare.
Even if they were a team of Ian Thorpes the water would be near zero visibility.

Heard a cave expert explain it...he said it would be like making a coffee and then trying to look through the glass.

If there is no risk of the water rising up to dangerous levels then just wait it out...just wait it out
One of the rescuers has died while on a return trip after delivering oxygen to the kids. :(

no way poor dude, that pretty much ends any hope of the kids diving out.

i don't think this story is going to have a happy ending
no way poor dude, that pretty much ends any hope of the kids diving out.

i don't think this story is going to have a happy ending
Apparently he was an ex-Navy seal with plenty of diving experience. I think you're right, you can't expect kids, who can't even swim, to navigate that.

Would hate to imagine how cold the water would be too, with having absolutely no sunlight to warm it up.
Apparently he was an ex-Navy seal with plenty of diving experience. I think you're right, you can't expect kids, who can't even swim, to navigate that.

Would hate to imagine how cold the water would be too, with having absolutely no sunlight to warm it up.

The problem is if the kids panic and then drown the bloke trying to save them as well

I also read they were trying to drain the caves and some idiot directed the outflow so that it went back into the cave, absolute amateur hour

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Too big a risk to wait. Moonsoon can last a few months there. Too far to drill. Nearly need to take a risk and have a very very controlled explosion to blow the top off the mountain than drill the last bit. But then that risks the whole thing coming down on top.
Too big a risk to wait. Moonsoon can last a few months there.
The risk is huge either way. I guess someone is going to need to do a risk assessment on all the options and make a bloody difficult call. Either way, I think the chances of this ending happily are diminishing. :(
Definitely no diving now seeing as a navy seal died. They only have two options left: wait it out or drill.

Given the urgency of some of the folk around there, I have a feeling that the chamber they are in fills up during monsoon season.
The risk is huge either way. I guess someone is going to need to do a risk assessment on all the options and make a bloody difficult call. Either way, I think the chances of this ending happily are diminishing. :(

Nearly have to lay the options out and let the kids/coaches/parents make the call. They are the ones that are stuck after all.

You could partially pump some water out near he etrance but they are 3k deep so that's like bailing with a bucket on the Titanic.
Definitely no diving now seeing as a navy seal died. They only have two options left: wait it out or drill.

Given the urgency of some of the folk around there, I have a feeling that the chamber they are in fills up during monsoon season.

Drill. You can always wait as a last resort but there is too big a risk to do nothing. Typhoon season as well in a month and that could flood it more.
Drill. You can always wait as a last resort but there is too big a risk to do nothing. Typhoon season as well in a month and that could flood it more.

Yep I'd drill too. they have to come up with a plan of protecting the hole from being flooded with water though. So maybe some sort of dome around the drill hole.
Jesus christ. You don't get to being a navy seal without being good at what you do but more importantly a tough ****er with heaps of will power and ability to improvise.

And if they're having to deliver oxygen to the kids well how smart is waiting? You can't trust nature to go to plan either. It could be a year before it's dry enough to navigate. The risk of them all dying by drowning is too ****in horrible as well so this is where someone with heaps of military experience, some intelligence, but huge ****in go nads makes a bold call. Nothin to lose now.

This is where you need your Sully Sullenberger operator.
Yep I'd drill too. they have to come up with a plan of protecting the hole from being flooded with water though. So maybe some sort of dome around the drill hole.
Why can't you drill a few metres at a time with a tool that goes a bit further with a camera / sensor attached to survey the earth nearby to see how dense the ground is or where the water sits?
Jesus christ. You don't get to being a navy seal without being good at what you do but more importantly a tough ****** with heaps of will power and ability to improvise.

And if they're having to deliver oxygen to the kids well how smart is waiting? You can't trust nature to go to plan either. It could be a year before it's dry enough to navigate. The risk of them all dying by drowning is too ****in horrible as well so this is where someone with heaps of military experience, some intelligence, but huge ****in go nads makes a bold call. Nothin to lose now.

This is where you need your Sully Sullenberger operator.

Yeah it's a complicated situation that is for sure. They also have to manage their waste etc. Waiting could be just as bad as going right now.

An experienced navy seal running out of oxygen just tells you how serious this cave system is. Another experienced diver likened the cave to mount Everest and said that even the best cave divers in the world wouldn't even attempt to dive this cave system.

Why can't you drill a few metres at a time with a tool that goes a bit further with a camera / sensor attached to survey the earth nearby to see how dense the ground is or where the water sits?

Not a bad idea. Seeing as this cave system isn't really mapped well they might have to do something like this. Otherwise drilling a hole by largely estimating could turn out to be a waste of time. Didn't it take three bore holes for the chilean miners?
An experienced navy seal running out of oxygen just tells you how serious this cave system is. Another experienced diver likened the cave to mount Everest and said that even the best cave divers in the world wouldn't even attempt to dive this cave system.

Articles are saying a five hour dive for an experienced diver; so you'd think even longer for the kids.

Best hope is that the weather holds off for a few days and they can somehow get them fed well enough to make it to a couple of dry stopping points enroute.

Amazing that they were even found, reading that the British civilian divers had to enlarge the underwear passageway to get through to find them.

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Thai Soccer Team Trapped In Cave

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