Universal Love Thanks Cyril, 11 amazing years, One of the greatest Hawks

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Absolutely loved watching Cyril play, even when he would turn our defenders inside out and kick goals that shouldn't be possible you just had to sit there with a smile on your face.

A great Hawthorn player and no doubt will be missed by the wider football community for his ability to turn even the most boring of games into something special.
Such a humble and grounded champion.

I’m glad we got to watch him, and even more pleased it was in the mighty brown and gold.

He’s moved on for the right reasons, he’s been away from his family for a long time, and I’m sure he’ll go on to do amazing things back home. He’s established a great connection between the club and the Tiwi Islands, there’s plenty of kids up north running around in brown and gold because of Cyril.
Jake is a very good writer and obviously a fantastic wordsmith.
Picasso put down his paint brush is a brilliant call.
Plus I fxxxxg hate today.
I posted the same article a couple of pages earlier.

One thing that I initially thought was:

Picasso? Rembrandt maybe. But Picasso?
Dr Picasso: "Hello Mrs Macini, yes we can certainly do your plastic surgery"
Mrs Mancini: *sees art on the wall*... "Um... no thanks Dr Picasso, I think I'll go somewhere else, at least my nose is in the centre of my face."

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I was in a meeting this morning. Several people mentioned how they saw the Cyril highlights package. One person remarked, "I never realised he was that good". I told him that was the tragedy. So many people crapping on the past 11 years about how over-rated he was and they had no appreciation of the fact they were watching a once-in-a-generation player. I wonder how many people watched and thought to themselves, "What do you know ... he really WAS as good as Hawthorn people told us he was".

I never watch Robbo's show, but I did last night because I sensed there would be some kind of tribute to Cyril. I did really like one comment Robbo made. (Paraphrasing) He said how people had been critical of Cyril because his lack of numbers, but when you think about it, he was so good in every other facet of the game, he would have probably been the greatest player of all time if he had the stamina of other players.

That incredible leap of Cyril's. The time the Crows defender went to handball over the top when Cyril just leapt off one step, he was at least 4 feet in the air, intercepted the pass and kicked a goal. That will be my enduring memory of Cyril. You underestimated him at your own peril. I heard he used to slam dunk basketballs in the gym during warm ups :)
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I received an insight into Cyril’s decision.
It seems to be very simple... the burn and the passion was gone.
The pull of home grew too great.

Ignore the gossip re Shannyn and Kennett. No one is unwell.
The media innuendo.... “personal issues dragged him home”...

It’s a simple case of a still very young man that’s done it all... wanting to go home.
I received an insight into Cyril’s decision.
It seems to be very simple... the burn and the passion was gone.
The pull of home grew too great.

Ignore the gossip re Shannyn and Kennett. No one is unwell.
The media innuendo.... “personal issues dragged him home”...

It’s a simple case of a still very young man that’s done it all... wanting to go home.

Cheers for sharing mate! Makes me feel more content that Cyril is doing what's best for Cyril and he will be happy at home. Glad we got to be his temporary home as long as we did.
I received an insight into Cyril’s decision.
It seems to be very simple... the burn and the passion was gone.
The pull of home grew too great.

Ignore the gossip re Shannyn and Kennett. No one is unwell.
The media innuendo.... “personal issues dragged him home”...

It’s a simple case of a still very young man that’s done it all... wanting to go home.
Thanks for sharing, Sizz.

I get it. You’ve climbed the mountain 4 times....do you hang about to see if you can do it all again, when you’re ultimately pretty content with what you have achieved and family is calling?

Fair play, Cyril. Fair call.
I received an insight into Cyril’s decision.
It seems to be very simple... the burn and the passion was gone.
The pull of home grew too great.

Ignore the gossip re Shannyn and Kennett. No one is unwell.
The media innuendo.... “personal issues dragged him home”...

It’s a simple case of a still very young man that’s done it all... wanting to go home.

Beautifully put.

If anyone hasn't watched the AFL video that's been shared just about everywhere featuring Cyril and his Dad, watch it now and see how strong the bond is between the two. Cyril has spent almost half his life away from his family and country. Could sense a massive weight off his shoulders and excitement to be heading home in the interview he did with Bruce McAvaney yesterday.

Good on him, he deserves it.

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Had held back the tears until I read these.

Wow, didn't realise how attached to this little superstar I am.

Has been a great ride Cyril. Enjoy your family time. Happy to die a Hawk with you champ!!
"CYRIL THE MAGNIFICENT". We celebrate one of the best modern day Hawthorn Players.

There are not enough superlatives to bestow upon this magnificent Human Being. My family and I have had the great pleasure of meeting and talking to Cyril on many occasions. Always accommodating for a photo shoot, always with a smile, always playing down his extraordinary feats on the football field.

Humility one of his great virtues, softly spoken and yet he played with such aggressiveness the way he attacked the ball, his ferocious tackling and his unbelievable leaps and marks. He changed the way a forward pocket player played the game. His pressure on the ball carrier coming out of the back line was revolutionary. Richmond can thank Cyril for the way they play the game today.

He burst onto the scene 10 years ago. He would run 30-40mtrs just to put pressure in the forward line without registering a disposal all for the team, causing a turnover downfield. Backmen were always anxious with Cyril around. He could be 20mtrs away from his opponent but in a split second he would run them down. Nobody was safe when 'Cyril The Magnificent' was lurking around.

One of my greatest memories of Cyril would have to be the 2008 Grand Final. As an 18year old kid in the 3rd qrt he laid 2-3 tackles on the wing against the cats and was rewarded with a free. This heroic act along with Stuart Dew turned the momentum of the Grand Final in our favour.

Just imagine being a teammate of Cyril and witnessing this great piece of bravery from a kid, you would have grown an extra leg saying to yourself there is no way we will this game.

Cyril would have played a lot more games if it were not for his hamstring problems. For a guy to come back so many times after being struck down with his injuries and change his running style.

People seem to forget Cyril had to change the way he ran. I come from an athletic background and it is not easy when someone says to you "mate you have to take shorter steps, stay with 20-30mtr radius and do not run very far. Andrew Russell needs to be congratulated for his work on Cyril, he was the reason Cyril became more of an impact player with short bursts without causing him any more 'hami' problems.

Some stats in 'The Age' today on Cyril.

From 2008 - 2016 for 'Knock-ons' Cyril was rated number 1 in the AFL, during that period.
'Run-Down' tackles during that period he was rated number 1, in that period.
'Score Assists' he was rated number 2 in the AFL in that period.
'Forward 50' tackles he was rated number 3 in the AFL throughout that period.

We will miss Cyril and his Extraordinary Feats....he was beautiful to watch, he gave us so much pleasure.

You have a greater calling in your life now Cyril, with your family and your Dad. You have been away since you were a 14year old kid with Scotch College. Enjoy and take care of your family and community.

From all us Hawthorn Supporters we Salute you 'Cyril The Magnificent'.
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Cheers Cyril for the amazing highlight reel of memories. You certainly aided in enhancing my love for the brown and gold!

Came to the club as a shy, humble, young man and maintained that the whole way throughout your career. Ego free. I reckon Shaun Burgoyne would've clipped you one, if you went any other way.

All the best to you and your family for the next chapter.
Beautifully put.

If anyone hasn't watched the AFL video that's been shared just about everywhere featuring Cyril and his Dad, watch it now and see how strong the bond is between the two. Cyril has spent almost half his life away from his family and country. Could sense a massive weight off his shoulders and excitement to be heading home in the interview he did with Bruce McAvaney yesterday.

Good on him, he deserves it.
I believe he came to Melbourne as a 14 year old and it’s hard to imagine what a cultural change it must have been for him at the time and all those years. And that goes for any indigenous players particularly those from the wider outskirts of the country. So one can hardly blame him feeling it’s time to pack up and leave. Hell, if I could leave the rush of city life I’d be on my way too.
Genuine champion that did it on the biggest stage, the game is poorer without Cyril. Comes across as a terrific lad and you’d think leaves the game with no regret. I wish him all the best, thanks Cyril.
Be sure to watch Dermott’s presentation of Cyril’s highlights real. It’s basically 25min of Cyril’s best. I challenge any other past player that has a highlights real as good as this. The only one that may come near is Buddy when he calls it a day. But Cyril had it all. Freakish marks, goals, tackles and runs. He had it all.
I believe he came to Melbourne as a 14 year old and it’s hard to imagine what a cultural change it must have been for him at the time and all those years. And that goes for any indigenous players particularly those from the wider outskirts of the country. So one can hardly blame him feeling it’s time to pack up and leave. Hell, if I could leave the rush of city life I’d be on my way too.
I recall an interview he had where he said he basically cried himself to sleep every night for the first year or so. Must have been such a tough transition.

My fave Cyril moment was against the Swans must have been around 2010-11. They had a kick in after a point, Cyril made up 10-15 metres to spoil the kick in and in his efforts went to ground, the player he spoilt landed on his feet and took off to get the ball, Cyril sprang to his feet, dove under the Swans player and punched the ball 15 metres clear into Buddy’s path who swooped on it to kick a goal. Intercept, spoil, knock on, score involvement/assist all without recording a single possession. Sums him up nicely.

Will miss ya Sizzle!
I have been watching highlight package after highlight package tonight.
What a loss....
Sad for us that the magic has ended.
But I am pleased for him that he is doing what is right for him and his family.
My favorite player ever, and a reason to never miss watching a game, as I didn't want to miss one of the freakish things that he generally did a couple of times a game. Thanks for happening, Cyril!
I want hawks fans Saturday night to clap and chant Cyril one more time... we just need a 33 minute quarter?! Can we make it happen? The blues home game is to far away so let's do it!

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Universal Love Thanks Cyril, 11 amazing years, One of the greatest Hawks

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