Banter The Adelaide Board Politics/COVID Thread Part 2 (WARNING NOT FOR THE FAINT-HEARTED)

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So you got it horribly wrong and can’t admit it. Seems to be a common theme with you.

But they’re still isolating COVID cases for 2 days longer than we are, f**k me what will we do? NZ “last to the party”. How embarrassing for them, hey? :D

As I said, in NZ their settings are now pretty much identical to what we have in Australia i.e. next to no restrictions in place other than for COVID cases and in highest risk settings. It’s a great result that we’re here, and I’m glad we took a gradual approach rather than releasing the handbrake on day 0 and hoping for the best as you’ve advocated for.

I wouldn’t have thought subtle differences in approach like this from country to country (which have always been there) were worth pissing your pants over, but here we are.

Your pedantism on this is pretty sad mate. Like I said, move on with your life.
You supported this from a woman who told you that you could catch Covid from a football or a pizza box.

Can’t wait to hear your reasons how those are true. I’m listening…

See, you're the same as CTID. You both think that knowing my view on one particular topic means that you know my view on everything. It's hilarious projection.

Interesting also that, if you took one second to actually read the comments you respond to (rather than froth at the mouth and resort to juvenile name-calling), you would have seen that I have not once commented on whether or not any particular measure that was put in place was correct. I have simply stated that there is logical reasoning behind one particular decision that was being discussed, and that you refuse even to try to understand what that is.

You go ahead and live in your little angry bubble Slippery. CTID is there waiting for you.

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Imagine actually showing and promoting literal Russian propaganda.

You watch this and really get an understanding of why the slide into conspiracy is so easy.

And the reason I know it's propaganda is I follow the Russian telegram channels this stuff comes from, almost word for word.

Carlson is one of the worst propangandist on Fox, of course there are many.
And then when the gullible believe him and he is called out on it he says “no one would believe that am actually telling the truth, it’s just entertainment.”
Problem is that a hell of a lot of Trumpers actually do believe what he says.
Hiding in plain sight
They even play his stuff on Russian State TV which says it all and he visited Orban lately for more advice and talking points 🤣
Carlson amd Trump love Dictators and we all know Trump wants to be a forever King such is his Megalomanic sickness.
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If you were stupid enough to buy that, you would’ve bought the rest of it, absolutely.

I’d bet a trolley load of gold bricks on it.

There's that classic Slippery projection, and continued inability to even attempt to understand logic and reason.

You're so hyped up on feelings Slippery. Are you okay?
There's that classic Slippery projection, and continued inability to even attempt to understand logic and reason.

You're so hyped up on feelings Slippery. Are you okay?

You bought all of it. Everyone here knows it, stop trying to re-write history.

You questioned not a single thing about the Covid/lockdown/vaccine mandate narrative.

Not a thing.

Show me a post where you did, and I’ll ban myself from this thread for a month.
Carlson is one of the worst propangandist on Fox, of course there are many.
And then when the gullible believe him and he is called out on it he says “no one would believe that am actually telling the truth, it’s just entertainment.”
Problem is that a hell of a lot of Trumpers actually do believe what he says.
Hiding in plain sight
They even play his stuff on Russian State TV which says it all and he visited Orban lately for more advice and talking points 🤣
Carlson amd Trump lobe Dictators and we all know Trump wants to be a forever King such is his Megalomanic sickness.

I hope he has the top rating Cable News show for a longgggggg time…

Just to drive you nuts.
You bought all of it. Everyone here knows it, stop trying to re-write history.

You questioned not a single thing about the Covid/lockdown/vaccine mandate narrative.

Not a thing.

Show me a post where you did, and I’ll ban myself from this thread for a month.

'Stop trying to re-write history'

Show me this history you speak of Slippery. You literally make things up, and then state them as fact.

'You questioned not a single thing about the Covid/lockdown/vaccine mandate narrative.

Not a thing.

Show me a post where you did, and I’ll ban myself from this thread for a month.'

You're literally making my point. I have not said one way or the other my view on measures. I have never claimed that I have.

The truth is that I supported some measures at some times, and have not supported other measures at some times. It is not an 'all or nothing at all times' situation, despite you taking that position.

In this thread, I've simply tried to point out the logic and reason (and supporting evidence) behind some of the decisions.

Look at you frothing over this, it is hilarious. Go back and read my posts when you've calmed down Slippery. You clearly need to lie down for a while.
Read the post I replied to. Apparently people just need to suck it up - for once.

Believe it or not a short notice day off on a Thursday will hurt some people. If it doesn’t effect you, that’s fine. But don’t tell people impacted to get over it.
We don't live in a perfect world...

Too many worry about issues they can't control, rather than just dealing with them.
See, you're the same as CTID. You both think that knowing my view on one particular topic means that you know my view on everything. It's hilarious projection.

Interesting also that, if you took one second to actually read the comments you respond to (rather than froth at the mouth and resort to juvenile name-calling), you would have seen that I have not once commented on whether or not any particular measure that was put in place was correct. I have simply stated that there is logical reasoning behind the a decision that you refuse to try to understand.

You go ahead and live in your little angry bubble Slippery. CTID is there waiting for you.
Good points, what the revisionists like Slippery fail to even understand or acknowledge in any way is that it was a rapidly evolving pandemic with a continually mutating NOVEL virus and scientists and Public Health were scrambling to work out how and why it spread and yes some errors were made as they would be. They watched with horror at what happend in Italy and New York with the ancestral and other strains.
And just look at what happened with the Ruby Princess when infected passengers spread far and wide.

Slippery and other self anointed experts never seem to accept what the situation really was back then and why decisons were made.
Yes they closed playgrounds for a short while as at that time they believed it was fomite spread and wanted to protect children. Nothing sinister in that.
They kept people in their own geographical areas as a containment method which also made sense and is a regular Public Health measure, identify and contain to as small an area as possible.
There was hope the vaccines would reduce spread and assist with herd immunity and while they might have in the early strains they certainly proved not to be sterilising once Omicron mqde its appearance. Omicron changed everything.
Still the vaccines did reduce disease severity.

Even the lockdowns weren’t that long in most states.
One thing the pandemic has highlighted is how little some are willing to be inconvenienced in order to protect someone else.

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It's probably worth noting that references to "The Queen" in the Constitution actually refer to Queen Victoria (not Lizzie II), who was the reigning monarch at the time of Federation (when the Constitution came into effect).
Surely it would have clauses about the heir to the throne.
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