I see both sides to this. I'm interested in your view on the available alternative courses of action at the time. Not trolling, genuinely interested. I've spent time thinking about all this and I'm not sure what other options would have led to better outcomes.I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt as I‘ve rarely, if ever, seen you post on this topic.
As for a couple of the frauds who liked your post … Wow.
Hindsight? These posters wailed and gnashed their teeth for two whole years at people who warned these terrible outcomes were inevitable.
Governments mandated a vaccine that had no long-term safety data while providing total and complete immunity to the multi-billion dollar pharmaceuticalcartelscorporations who produced them, and you lot need hindsight to tell you that wasn’t going to end well?
How hard is it for the cretins in here to say that was wrong?
How hard is it to say “The vaccine should’ve been pursued, available, but never mandated.”
Apparently, very f*cking hard.