The AFL is a monster!!!

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If you're after a laugh, pop on the crowd thread and go back through some of the crowds that have been called 'good' or 'great' ... Funny (though amazing) . There are some crowds they are proud of that the A League and the NBL would be ashamed to have :p


I often watch the Rugby League Footy Show on Thursday nights while working on my AFL Supercoach and AFL Dreamteam after the gf has gone to bed.

Usually watch a couple of Origin matches each year.

Think I've seen the second half of each Storm Grand Final.

Been to two Origin games in melbourne including the famous "Great sizzle, pity about the sausage" match.

Saw today that the Storm are now on top of the ladder so might watch the Gf again this year.

Can't imagine ever going onto a Rugby League forum though or talking about League with people.

What possesses League fans to spend hours talking about footy that they claim they dislike.
What will Gould write next?

Probably an article suggesting the NRL arm it's forces to prepare for an invasion of WA, hoping that placing a WA reds team there, they will pound the WCE and Freo supporter bases, convert them all to Rugby League. Soon after a few months of battle, they will capture WA from AR. From there, they will launch another invasion into NT, by converting all Aboriginal Australians from their native game into the 'mans' game, however this operation fails and they are driven out from NT. Demorilised, the NRL retreats, and instead launches an assault from the West and East to take over SA. They easily dispose of the Port Adelaide fanbase, convert them to League, and after a hard tussle, convert the Crow fans to League.

Then they attack Victoria in hope to finally crush AR.

I wouldn't be surprised the idiot writes something like this, even though the above will never happen
I don't get why Aussie Rules fans have a fixation with destroying the other codes. There's plenty enough fans for the AFL, the NRL and even the A-League if they ever work out what they want to achieve.

Who say's we do? Anyway league is doing a pretty good job of it themselves.

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Roy Masters & Phil Gould had a double act of AFL war talk on the weekend in the Sydney Morning Herald.

The funny thing is Masters was his usual arrogant tosser self pontificating that AFL is no threat in Western Sydney, whilst Gould went the other way 'the sky is falling in" due to AFL. ;)

So both Sydney papers are pumping out anti AFL propaganda. No doubt the insular Sydney rugby league fan, who let's face it might have the collective IQ of a wombat, will lap it up as truth. :rolleyes:
I'm utterly gobsmacked by how scared they are, it's gone beyond even what I was expecting. Those blokes threatening to 'walk' on that show are at least semi-serious. The fear and insecurity is oozing from every pore. It's really just sad.
AFL won't destroy rugby league in the GWS area - not next year, not in 20 years, not in our lifetime, not ever. It won't happen. There is not going to be a mass defection of people renouncing their interest in rugby league and converting exclusively to the Giants.

Western Sydney is a big place. Our game can carve out a fruitful existence for itself, and grow our game there. AFL is expanding, albeit off a very low base. But the effect on rugby league will be negligible.

The funny thing is AFL don't want people to stop following NRL they want them to follow both codes.

It's just another scaremongering article, basically the big bad AFL wants to kill of all other codes in it's conquest to brainwash the country...blah blah.
That's classic!

Geyer and Gus's threats to walk if their show ever puts an AFL clip on again, hilarious! "Do they ever show the big hits in rugby league on their show? huh? Huh? HUH?" ****en comedy gold! :thumbsu:

I'm so close to walking...:p

If someone can cut just the roast segment with the funny lines I'd appreciate it.
The funny thing is Masters was his usall arrogant tosser self pontificating that AFL is no threat in Western Sydney, whilst Gould went the other way 'the sky is falling in" due to AFL. ;)
i personally loved that roy masters article

because after years of fighting an imaginary war, hes declaring imaginary victory
To the idiot who said most AFL fans want league to die, do you care to back up this claim? Come on Einstein, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence so give it a shot pal.
I'm waiting in anticipation for the League TV rights. I am just hoping that they pass the AFL figures just so i can see the arrogance and smugness wiped off the face of all the one dimensional numb buts who have posted in this thread.

The bitterness will be a lovely toxic shade of yellow acid.

Till then enjoy your pissing comp, i am just glad i have the ability to accept all codes.


No one wants league to disappear, it's good for both codes to have a form of competition. Why do you think anyone would think otherwise?

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I'm waiting in anticipation for the League TV rights. I am just hoping that they pass the AFL figures just so i can see the arrogance and smugness wiped off the face of all the one dimensional numb buts who have posted in this thread.

The bitterness will be a lovely toxic shade of yellow acid.

Till then enjoy your pissing comp, i am just glad i have the ability to accept all codes.


If League get more for their TV rights I won't care.

In fact, given it is a made for TV sport centred on areas of high population, they really get more.
No i didn't watch it - but i am just assuming that's just a normal natural reaction? It's a RL show, the codes promising talents have been poached by another code that wants to expand into their turf - oh how dare one of the most passionate NRL people have a gut full..i mean the hide of him!

Sheesh it seems to the AFL fan - NRL people are not allowed to show any sort of emotion or passion and just need to shut up and put up with it.

And which AFL commentators are laughing at them? Care to point out which ones? Yeah i didnt think so.
blah blah blah .... or... you could watch the video?
Until then your opinion on it is INVALID.
if you had watched the video, you wouldnt NEED TO ASK
Gerard whately, ABC footy commentator and fox sports contributor.
Caro Wilson, 3AW special commentator and channel 9 contributor, writer for the age.
We care because its FUNNY, to see genuine fear from people like Gould threatening to walk off the set, just because K. Hunt kicked a goal.

I think you have got FEAR mixed up with PASSION.

Care to explain how it's fear?

IS Phil Gould is a foetal position shaking uncontrollably while muttering "AFL are coming AFL are coming!"

No all he did was state that he is fed up of hearing about a code he doesnt really like and that he is on A NRL SHOW which should be talking about NRL and not AFL.

Why do you find this hard to comprehend?
the hysteria they've whipped up is a pretty big monster. do they really have that much to worry about? it's an ingrained product i would have thought that could survive an afl club opening up in GWS. they've lost all sense and reason. they make it hard on themselves by having such a needless preoccupation.
I think you have got FEAR mixed up with PASSION.

Care to explain how it's fear?

IS Phil Gould is a foetal position shaking uncontrollably while muttering "AFL are coming AFL are coming!"

No all he did was state that he is fed up of hearing about a code he doesnt really like and that he is on A NRL SHOW which should be talking about NRL and not AFL.

Why do you find this hard to comprehend?

Becuase it's childish and reeks of insecurity.
Becuase it's childish and reeks of insecurity.

This is childish

THE clever marketing work of the Bulldogs in taking NRL games to South Australia could be wiped out under the new AFL-brokered $450 million redevelopment deal for Adelaide Oval approved this week.

We hear the AFL will try to ensure the NRL doesn't get the benefit of the new venue. Note to NRL HQ - the N in your name stands for National and Adelaide is a natural expansion market.
No all he did was state that he is fed up of hearing about a code he doesnt really like and that he is on A NRL SHOW which should be talking about NRL and not AFL.

Why do you find this hard to comprehend?

Why is the show talking about AFL so much anyway?

Can't see anything wrong with referencing codes in other sporting programs (we saw plenty of Hunt and Falou playing rugby on our shows) now and again where its relevant, but if it's being talked about so much that hosts are threatening to walk then that's also odd.
It actually reduces the credibility of the competition MORE if the league itself rewrites the rules to gift certain teams advantages, as opposed to a "rogue" team cheating.

Suppose the AFL announced next season to help GWS and GCS, every goal they scored would be worth 7 points instead of 6 (and let's be honest, if any sporting organisation in the world has the audacity to try something this blatant, it's the AFL, and if any group of fans are docile enough to accept it, it's most AFL fans).
Would you still be saying "Oh thats in the rules, so it's okay"?
You responded to an example of blatant cheating with examples of concessions allowed by an administrative body.

At least compare apples to apples. That was my point.
This is childish

THE clever marketing work of the Bulldogs in taking NRL games to South Australia could be wiped out under the new AFL-brokered $450 million redevelopment deal for Adelaide Oval approved this week.

We hear the AFL will try to ensure the NRL doesn't get the benefit of the new venue. Note to NRL HQ - the N in your name stands for National and Adelaide is a natural expansion market.

Since when has the Sydney DTelly had a clue about the Adelaide Oval redevelopment?

Total nonsense.
This is childish

THE clever marketing work of the Bulldogs in taking NRL games to South Australia could be wiped out under the new AFL-brokered $450 million redevelopment deal for Adelaide Oval approved this week.

We hear the AFL will try to ensure the NRL doesn't get the benefit of the new venue. Note to NRL HQ - the N in your name stands for National and Adelaide is a natural expansion market.

Hook, line & sinker. Well done Daily Tele.

Prove it. :rolleyes:
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