FTA-TV The Biggest Loser 2011

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Joe is just selfish and only cares about the money.
Even if he thought his brother would stay above the yellow line, it is just too much of a risk especially with someone who is still very overweight and desperately needs to be there.
Joe is just the ultimate strategist - who'll fail in the end.

Idea behind choosing Rebecca was simple. Currently there are two voting blocks, the Red + Black and White + Blue. The numbers are currently 5 - 4 in his favour. With the game now an 'individual' game, numerous players from the same team can be under the yellow line. With the black team being the smallest losers each week, he needs to make sure only one of the Moons are below the yellow line. He protects himself and Rebecca and trusts Kellie won't fall. If she does and Damien loses enough to stay above the line, he has the voting favour above the yellow line to take out a blue or Megan.

Where his plan will fail? Once all the returning contestents eventually come back to compete for a spot, every single one of them except possibly Jodie will be hostile towards him since he willingly feed his family to the lions. He also can't protect the weakest players for long.

Even the Moons might be unimpressed by his transparent attempts to get them onside in a voting block. Who'd want to be associated with him?

Damian was on radio this morning, said he didn't think much of his brother for what he did.

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The sad thing is that Damian has been there for 2 months, lost 60 kilos, and is still 30-40 kg heavier than most of the others were when they started...

As much as it is a game, he is still dangerously overweight, and unlike a lot of the others he still needs to be there.

Joe's decision wasn't one of evil, it was just a major backfire of what was in theory a reasonable strategic move. Sarah had immunity, which makes Rebecca the weakest link. At all costs he didn't want two moons going under the yellow line. Lara going under would've fit well into his plan, but of all the people to go with her, no one would have expected Damian.

I think people in the game are overlooking Lara as a threat. She is a small, young girl. She could easily get down to about 55-65 kg by the end. Starting at around 110kg, if she was to lose 50 that would give her an end percentage of about 45%.
Damo, at about 234 kilos, would have to lose 105+ kilos to beat her. The point is, Damo is a threat because he has a lot to lose, but Lara is a threat because she has the potential to be the lightest of all of them. Guys like Leigh for example will soon come to a point where they can't lose much more.
wtf has Sharlene done? I haven't seen her in any challenge. She thinks she is winning cause her kids are doing good but ffs she is still in a huge amount of denial about what it actually takes. 10 bucks says she puts it all back on after the show.

One of the Moons for the win, just cause commando has had to put up with all the shit...

ALSO Commando smiley face:

Sharlene sits on the sidelines and bosses people around. Has never competed in a challenge.

Did anyone hear Sharlene when Leigh fell off his bike? She yelled out "quick, get him another bike".

Does she think she runs the whole show or something?
Sharlene... 10 bucks says she puts it all back on after the show.

Reckon quite a few will from this year's show.

Especially Meg and Nathaniel.

About a year ago I saw Garry, the 6'7, 206kg giant from series 3.

Lost something stupid like 71kg.

Stacked it all back on.

And then some...
Sharlene sits on the sidelines and bosses people around. Has never competed in a challenge.

Did anyone hear Sharlene when Leigh fell off his bike? She yelled out "quick, get him another bike".

Does she think she runs the whole show or something?

Fk she annoys me.

And agree with that MagpiesPower, a few will have a fair bit of it back on in no time imo.
The problem with this year's season is just how damn unlikable all of the contestants are. There isn't a single person on there that I want to do well.
Channel 10 really needs to work on it's previews. On tonight's episode they showed that Leigh and Lara were competing for the 'contest immunity', but then said that later on the remaining contestants battle it out in the 'challenge immunity'...with Leigh competing. Kind of wrecked the suspense on who won the contest, but whatever, I guess.

I was a bit surprised that Leigh would go and help out his mum - sure, she was stuck in the sand and I'm sure that wasn't exactly fun, but come on, it wasn't going to change anything and Kellie was never far enough behind to justify that sort of arrogance. I thought Sharlene would have told him to leave her and go on, but nope, strange.

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Wait, did I hear that right? The Westrens saved Sarah because she needs to be there?

Why then did they twice vote Damien out? Hypocrites.

Painfully obvious that Sarah, the Moon family outcast because she has consistently failed to work hard enough to drop an acceptable percentage, did a deal with the devil, when she saved Lara at Damien's expense.

Stupid cow now has created an imbalance in her voting alliance. The only way for Joe or the Moons to survive now is for no Moons or Joe to be under the yellow line.

Mind you, the competition was stacked in the Westrens favour with those immunities last week. Clearly Lara and Leigh were favoured in the physical tasks.
Wait, did I hear that right? The Westrens saved Sarah because she needs to be there?

Why then did they twice vote Damien out? Hypocrites.
Not hypocrites, just liars. I'd respect them more if they say what's written all over their faces, that they are voting out the biggest threats. None of this 'Really close to both, <contrived reason to keep person losing least in>' bullshit.

The best chance a non-Blue has is viewer discontent and drop in numbers if it becomes obvious it's a 1 family race and they stack a competition against them, or allow a couple of non-blue housemates to return.
Wait, did I hear that right? The Westrens saved Sarah because she needs to be there?

Why then did they twice vote Damien out? Hypocrites.

Hardly hypocritical, they said family first and they're not going to vote one of their own out of altruism. Damien was up against Lara. If he'd been against Kellie and they voted Damien out, then throwing out the hypocrite tag might be valid.
Hardly hypocritical, they said family first and they're not going to vote one of their own out of altruism. Damien was up against Lara. If he'd been against Kellie and they voted Damien out, then throwing out the hypocrite tag might be valid.
And they voted Damien out the first time when he was up against Jodie, in order to teach his family a lesson.

The hypocrites label stands.

The criteria is 'person who needs to be here, unless they are a threat, and if we like them.'
And they voted Damien out the first time when he was up against Jodie, in order to teach his family a lesson.

The hypocrites label stands.

The criteria is 'person who needs to be here, unless they are a threat, and if we like them.'

Yeh we have a guy from the Challenor's who is a shit bloke, the detestable Lara and her hypocrite family and the whinging Moons - not much incentive to watch really
Greg has a rare/unique 2nd chance and he is blowing it. What an idiot!

He asked for help. He is getting help and yet he refuses to work hard.

He is a disgrace. Michelle should have got the ice cream van back and made him eat everything in the van - like Homer with the donut machine in Hell.
No I don't think that would suffice. He'd eat the Icecream truck as well- even the man serving the ice cream. My gosh what a liar Greg is and it little wonder that Joe is looking over and thinking 'Oh my God shut up with all of your excuses already, Greg!".

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FTA-TV The Biggest Loser 2011

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