FTA-TV The Biggest Loser 2011

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Joe hasn't been up before because the rest of them were gunning for him from the outset. As soon as he goes up, he is a dead man, unless the votes are stacked in his favour i.e Westrens are under with Challenors and Moons vote for Westrens.

It is a family game and if you have to put somebody up for elimination, it makes sense to put up the person with the lesser chance of going home. Knowing Nathaniel was popular with the others, it was a sound move and not as risky as it was when they put Damien up. That and the fact that they agreed on the person with the least weight loss percentage that week would be the one to go up, makes Nate a spoiled little boy.

And yes, that whole bullshit about punishing others for putting the wrong person up is a convenient excuse. Everybody seemed to side with Nate every time he went against his uncles, everybody knows he isn't seeing eye to eye with them, but they still punished him to get to them. Bunch of liars.

I am back to wanting the Westrens removed again. The Challenors are playing the game and are more upfront in doing so. The Moons are not playing the game in any way. The Westrens are playing the game but lying about doing so, and now think they are the moral compass of the show.
The Challenors will be above the line this week - barring any immunity. Damien and Joe are both losing enough to do this. They would have been above it last night except for Nathaniel.

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The Challenors will be above the line this week - barring any immunity. Damien and Joe are both losing enough to do this. They would have been above it last night except for Nathaniel.

Which is why Nathaniel was the one to go up for elimination. How can that whiny child not understand that?

Joe hasn't been up before because the rest of them were gunning for him from the outset. As soon as he goes up, he is a dead man, unless the votes are stacked in his favour i.e Westrens are under with Challenors and Moons vote for Westrens.

Joe's a pretty smart bloke, he knows he cant go up, not sure why Nathaniel couldnt see that.

-- Joe cant go up - will be eliminated
-- Damien cant go up - is still 170kgs ffs, will be eliminated to get back at Joe anyway.

Like I said, Nathaniel ****ed his chance at staying by saying his uncles ganged up on him. The moral arbiters in the Westrens lit up at that point and knew they could easily vote Nathaniel as a broadside to Joe.

Nathaniel wouldve stayed, and quite easily too, if he manned up and told the group that Reds agreed lowest percentage goes up, dont wanna go, still young, still need to learn, I love Sam etc etc.

He didnt. He tried to cuddle up to the other teams. Weak as piss.
Joe's a bigger wuss than Nathaniel, the difference is that he didn't turn on the water works. He knew which ever one of them went up, they'd get eliminated so he sacrificed his nephew, who; although he's 19 is still a child in many ways and needs the help more. Joe is in his 40s, how about being a man for the first time in your life.

Would hate to be on a sinking ship with him, he'd be pushing the women and the children out the way to get on a lifeboat.
Joe's a bigger wuss than Nathaniel, the difference is that he didn't turn on the water works. He knew which ever one of them went up, they'd get eliminated so he sacrificed his nephew, who; although he's 19 is still a child in many ways and needs the help more. Joe is in his 40s, how about being a man for the first time in your life.

Would hate to be on a sinking ship with him, he'd be pushing the women and the children out the way to get on a lifeboat.

I disagree that he knew Nathaniel would have been eliminated. Nathaniel was friendly with the Westrens and the Duncans and the Moons are neither here nor there really. You have to have strategy and put forward people who won't be eliminated and Nathaniel was their best shot. Joe is stronger than Nathaniel and has better endurance and is far better suited to challenges accordingly. Damien can not participate in most challenges.

There was an agreement in place as to who goes up and if Joe had the lower percentage he would have gone up and would have gone home. Even without an agreement, putting up Nathaniel made some sense. The Westrens desire to get rid of the Challenors now that the Duncans are decimated, is stronger than their desire to look after their friends. Bloody sooks will eliminate any Challenor necessary in order to get to Joe who they dislike.

The voting from here on in is obvious.

Challenors and Moons above the line = a Westren going home
Challenors and Duncans above the line = a Westren going home
Moons and Duncans above the line = line ball between a Westren and Joe
Moons and Westrens above the line = Joe going home
Duncans and Westrens above the line = Joe going home

I'd like to point out that a man in his 40s has less chance of getting his life back together fitness wise than a 19 year old. This age thing after he had already lost 35kg+ and is down to nearly 100kg is overblown IMO.
can someone tell me how i can watch the biggest loser tomorrow (Thursday) as it is on in NSW and QLD but not victoria as there is footy
Hate to admit I watch this crap but Lara is such a hypocrite - she dresses up her hatred all things Challenor in a holier than thou morality. Nathanial agreed that the person with the lowest numbers could go up for elimination then the immature wimp wanted to back out, believing the bullshit that the Westren's and the Moons peddle.

How an umemployed 19 year old "can't do it on the outside" is such bullocks. He could train six hours a day - unlike Joe who has a family and a job with all the pressures it entails - bitch Lara would also have engineered Joe's exit if he had've gone up

Lara's weight will start to plateau soon so I am hoping Damian keeps dropping the big numbers and Jo keeps going the way he is going. It will kill me if the Westren's win
Lara's weight will start to plateau soon so I am hoping Damian keeps dropping the big numbers and Jo keeps going the way he is going. It will kill me if the Westren's win
Joe's a prick, but the Westren's are unbearable. Leigh's a dropkick, Lara's a backstabbing bitch and now she's lost a few kg's and no longer trying to send her family to an early death via meal time, Charlenne thinks she's mum of the year material. Christ even the annoying lesbian Moon is preferable to any of them.
How was he last night?!

"I wasnt cheering Damian on, because I didnt want him to beat me".

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Look, there is a lot that we don't see. Someone commented that Joe walks around all the time, being arrogant and declaring himself the winner. That would grate on your nerves for sure.

However, their assertions that he is weak for not going up for elimination when he is clearly gone the moment he does and his team is weakened as a result, is stupid to the extreme.

By all means, say that you would like to see him up for elimination because he is self centred and arrogant, but don't suggest he did the wrong thing by not guaranteeing himself elimination. They are the ones that made him safe by announcing they wanted him gone.

Joe is a dead man walking unless he manipulates the numbers. Potentially we have Moons and Challenors against Westrens and Duncans.

What's the bet that when the Westrens go under the line, that Charlene goes up, despite the fact that Lara no longer needs to be there, and Leigh too would be fine outside?

If she does the right thing and goes up because she least needs to be there, if she is up against a Moon, she gets voted out 2-1. If she is up against a Duncan, she is gone 5-0. If she up against a Challenor, she probably gets voted out 3-1. This is dependant on how big an impact she had while voting for Jodie after saying she had their back. We never get to see the true relationships though.
Hate to admit I watch this crap

Haha, easily my guiltiest pleasure. I've kept an eye on most seasons, but the casting has been rubbish. I reckon the casting this year has been pretty decent.

Couldnt watch last year because they tried to Masterchef it by putting it on 6 nights a week. Was unbelievably tedious. It still kinda is, but taping and fast forwarding the crap really helps.

Was pretty pissed off that last nights ep was canned for some football match :mad:

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Look, there is a lot that we don't see. Someone commented that Joe walks around all the time, being arrogant and declaring himself the winner. That would grate on your nerves for sure.

However, their assertions that he is weak for not going up for elimination when he is clearly gone the moment he does and his team is weakened as a result, is stupid to the extreme.

By all means, say that you would like to see him up for elimination because he is self centred and arrogant, but don't suggest he did the wrong thing by not guaranteeing himself elimination. They are the ones that made him safe by announcing they wanted him gone.

Joe is a dead man walking unless he manipulates the numbers. Potentially we have Moons and Challenors against Westrens and Duncans.

What's the bet that when the Westrens go under the line, that Charlene goes up, despite the fact that Lara no longer needs to be there, and Leigh too would be fine outside?

If she does the right thing and goes up because she least needs to be there, if she is up against a Moon, she gets voted out 2-1. If she is up against a Duncan, she is gone 5-0. If she up against a Challenor, she probably gets voted out 3-1. This is dependant on how big an impact she had while voting for Jodie after saying she had their back. We never get to see the true relationships though.

For a pair of former plumpers Lara and Leigh sure have a high self regard! Lara will dump him as soon as she gets out - she looks pretty good now but her Joe hatred is purely motivated by the threat he poses her team not by any higher motive. To say she is less ruthless than Joe is crap (Note to self: don't get too invested in this shit)
Sarah has got to be the dumbest contestant in the game.

Had absolutely no clue how to play a standard memory game. You could see the others wanting to smack her in the back of the head. Speaks like she has brain damage as well.

Disagree with ODN's comment that "a man in his 40s has less chance of getting his life back together fitness wise than a 19 year old". It depends on the context, Joe Challenor apparently used to be a decent cyclist and as a result was once fit and lean. His nephew appears to be the type of kid that's always been fat and wouldn't know what it takes to get fit without a heap of help and that help certainly wouldn't come from parents who made him fat in the first place. People like him often believe they were destined to be fat, not having known anything else and never get it off. Joe has been fit and although he's let himself go over the years, he knows he can get the weight off, it's why he wouldn't dare put himself in the firing line, he knows he can win it. People like Nathaniel often stay fat because they believe it's "genetics, 'my metabolism'" etc and never make it on their own.
I must be one of the few to still like the Westrens the most. I think that they are definitely playing the game, but not to the extent of the Challenors. For instance, when given the choice of Moons to vote out, they chose the least threatening player - Jodie - and instead of wishing Sarah to continually fail in the temptation tonight like Damien was, they were wanting her to win it as soon as she could (by the way, I agree about how stupid she was at that game, honestly don't understand the thought process behind what she was doing. Easily the least intelligent one there). Yes, they're playing the game, but only against their threats - makes sense to me.

They also seem to have each others backs, Joe not wanting to cheer on Damien because he didn't want to lose just shows how selfish he is. Seriously, what were the odds of Damien beating him at sit ups? Not very likely, although he did very well - a bit of support from his brother might have been nice. Choosing Rebecca over Damien was an odd one, I understand that he wants the Moons to have a sense of loyalty to him, but what are the odds that a Moon girl would have given Joe that reward? Not likely. And I don't think that they will in the future - they'll be too busy protecting their own family. It was a strange decision and his confusion about why it was so wrong was a little concerning.
Joe is just the ultimate strategist - who'll fail in the end.

Idea behind choosing Rebecca was simple. Currently there are two voting blocks, the Red + Black and White + Blue. The numbers are currently 5 - 4 in his favour. With the game now an 'individual' game, numerous players from the same team can be under the yellow line. With the black team being the smallest losers each week, he needs to make sure only one of the Moons are below the yellow line. He protects himself and Rebecca and trusts Kellie won't fall. If she does and Damien loses enough to stay above the line, he has the voting favour above the yellow line to take out a blue or Megan.

Where his plan will fail? Once all the returning contestents eventually come back to compete for a spot, every single one of them except possibly Jodie will be hostile towards him since he willingly feed his family to the lions. He also can't protect the weakest players for long.
Wednesdays episode will be great; Michelles reaction should be one for the ages.

Shits me how they make out like leaving the house is a death sentence. While the weight may come off slower, it will generally a lot healthier and sustainable than doing it in a pressure filled and sterile environment.
I understand that Sarah thinks Damien will continue to lose weight and threaten her but FFS she lost less than 2kg and routinely is down near the bottom of the percentages. Everyone is a threat.

The stupid thing is that the Westrens and remaining Duncan are a solid four voting bloc. The Moons and Challenors were 5. Just like Survivor, you diminish the opposition numbers before your own. Now they are 4-4 and even if a Duncan or Westren goes under, it will undoubtedly be against a Moon and the lowest percentage goes home ... most likely a Moon. Sarah couldn't get any more stupid if he tried.

Joe was trying to sure up the voting advantage and didn't think Damien would go under the line and had no reason to expect he would given how much easier it is to lose bulk weight when you are that heavy. Even so, he would have expected the Moon alliance to hold firm and Damien to be saved.

It just takes one idiot. Now the voting is on a knife edge and whichever alliance loses a person, is every chance to be decimated. I fully expect a Moon to go home next week.
I fully expect a Moon to go home next week.
Hopefully Sarah. I'm hoping the last remaining Duncan wins. I want the Westrens all to go even more after last night.

Sharlene 'super mum' I just wanted to have Damien sit on and crush on the way out. FFS you've been a bad mother and example for your kids and family, a few weeks of eating right doesn't make up for years of killing them kindly.

****, it's hard to find any worth cheering for, but on the principle of least annoying my preferred winner to loser list would be:









<light of a thousand suns>

The mother of all backfires.

I thought giving the weight to Rebecca was a decent idea. Joe (rightfully) wouldve thought Damien would be good for a 5+ week.

Sarah is probably the dumbest person on this earth. There are 2 year olds out there better at Memory than her. Not once, not twice, but three times, she opened that same Immunity box then went searching for the other box. Mind-numbingly dumb.

Sarah is stone-cold last on the list of weight loss, was last this week again and thinks Damien is a threat? Man, at her rate, Hayley is a bigger threat than Sarah.

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FTA-TV The Biggest Loser 2011

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