The Chinese Communist party are campaigners

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Not that I know of.

I would not be surprised one little bit if Scotty from marketing did it all off his own bat.

The point still remains. There is nothing in it for Australia to be so bullish with the USA - Trump is a lunatic. And there is plenty for Australia to lose by being so aggressive towards China.

Australia must balance the respective relationships. Australia is not a major power. We need to stop overreaching.

If Australia is really committed to their position then let's start a conversation about trade restrictions with China. Stop selling them iron ore and stop selling them coal on principal. Show them how committed we really are.

But we are not quite that committed are we?

When push comes to shove all this damage to the Australian economy will ultimately be for nought.
How exactly did australia overreach? they didnt go far enough.
What precisely are you trying to achieve by going further?
Standing up for democracy and fighting authoritarinism. This whole crisis is a result of chinas authoritarian structure. The world needs to denounce the CCP like they have Nth Korea.

hong kong is about to get very scary. Hopefully this will wake everyone up.

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How exactly did australia overreach? they didnt go far enough.
When formulating foreign policy, your very first consideration should be the interests of your nation, not scoring some political points for being able to beat your chest and shout the loudest.

If Scomo had the interests of the nation at heart, he wouldn't have politicised the investigation. Calling for an investigation into 'China' and the 'origins' of the virus was dumb, it was always going to backfire. Not to mention, what are we going to learn from focussing on the actions of one country throughout this pandemic? Many countries made mistakes, we'd learn far more from an investigation into the 'global' response, not to mention it doesn't paint a big target on our back.

The EU's motion gained international support because it's sensible and apolitical.

We can't have it both ways. You don't get to have a fruitful trading relationship with China whilst trying to wage ideological war upon them.
Standing up for democracy and fighting authoritarinism. This whole crisis is a result of chinas authoritarian structure. The world needs to denounce the CCP like they have Nth Korea.

hong kong is about to get very scary. Hopefully this will wake everyone up.
It is completely fallacious to blame a global pandemic on China's political structure.

Communism causes pandemics, you heard it here first.
When formulating foreign policy, your very first consideration should be the interests of your nation, not scoring some political points for being able to beat your chest and shout the loudest.

If Scomo had the interests of the nation at heart, he wouldn't have politicised the investigation. Calling for an investigation into 'China' and the 'origins' of the virus was dumb, it was always going to backfire. Not to mention, what are we going to learn from focussing on the actions of one country throughout this pandemic? Many countries made mistakes, we'd learn far more from an investigation into the 'global' response, not to mention it doesn't paint a big target on our back.

The EU's motion gained international support because it's sensible and apolitical.

We can't have it both ways. You don't get to have a fruitful trading relationship with China whilst trying to wage ideological war upon them.

Not one of these Conservatives would have ever knocked back a single contract in the real world. In business the customer is always right and they would live by that - business is business after all.

But all of sudden morality Trumps everything and Australia could not possibly sell out.

It is completely fallacious to blame a global pandemic on China's political structure.

It isn't though, China has repeated history of neglecting pandemics in their own backyard and let it spread

It doesn't absolve the faults of foreign nations in failing to protect their own country from the virus, but China is still absolutely at fault with the blood of thousands on their hands
FFS - how is Australia’s democracy under threat?
Everyones is under threat. the leading countries of the planet for the past 300 years have been democracies. That could be very well about to change with the rise of china and the populist attacks on western democracies. Those who dominate guide the path of everyone else.
It is completely fallacious to blame a global pandemic on China's political structure.

Communism causes pandemics, you heard it here first.
No its not. Very strong chance the virus never spreads to more than 30-100 people globally if it wasnt for Chinas authoritarian structure thats primary focus is to promote the party and only tell higher ups good news. If they didnt silence doctors at the beginning this may well of been stopped.

look at whats happening in russia. Doctors being thrown out of windows and the virus has spread like wildfire.

authoritarianism restricts the flow of knowledge with disasterous consequences.
And what consequences would they be?

It is completely hilarious that everyone is all "Straya has to stand up to China" "we cannot let them bully us" "they cannot interfere with our domestic policy making" yada yada yada.

But the second the USA issues Straya with an ultimatum "that Australia better back the US in everything the US says and does in regards to China or the consequences for Australia would be severe" we are straight under the desk Monica Lewinsky style.

fu** off Trump
? The US have been an ally for many years. They significantly contribute to our national security. And there cultural and political systems generally align with ours. The relationship with the US isn’t perfect, and I would certainly agree that our involvement in US wars has been awful, but its been highly rewarding for Australians.

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No its not. Very strong chance the virus never spreads to more than 30-100 people globally if it wasnt for Chinas authoritarian structure thats primary focus is to promote the party and only tell higher ups good news. If they didnt silence doctors at the beginning this may well of been stopped.

look at whats happening in russia. Doctors being thrown out of windows and the virus has spread like wildfire.

authoritarianism restricts the flow of knowledge with disasterous consequences.
So you point to Russia and China as examples of how authoritarian political structures have resulted in the rapid spread of the virus.

So, if your hypothesis holds true, we should see comparatively low infection rates in democratic countries? Say like the US, the UK, Brazil, Spain and Italy?

In many western democracies we have conservative governments that show a disdain for science and have sought to undermine experts every step of the way. If authoritarianism restricts the flow of knowledge with disastrous consequences, I'd suggest conservatism does exactly the same.
I like Albos remark when Joel (long known for his Chinese sympathies) comments were played back to him.

I speak for the Labour Party (not Joel)
Adani doublespeak mk II. Translation Joel is speaking for the ALP to keep the donations flowing and ensure they dont trigger the loan shark like reqts in their deal with deparate Dan but Albo wants to pretend it isnt

On SM-G570F using mobile app
No but without their military China would be an even bigger defence risk to us than they are now.
so what would happen to us if the USA no longer existed or decided to no longer help because of america first?

wouldnt a global order help protect us? So we wouldnt be invaded by China. Doesnt globalism help protect cultures of small nations rather than have them destroyed as a result of invasion from the biggest.
So you point to Russia and China as examples of how authoritarian political structures have resulted in the rapid spread of the virus.

So, if your hypothesis holds true, we should see comparatively low infection rates in democratic countries? Say like the US, the UK, Brazil, Spain and Italy?

In many western democracies we have conservative governments that show a disdain for science and have sought to undermine experts every step of the way. If authoritarianism restricts the flow of knowledge with disastrous consequences, I'd suggest conservatism does exactly the same.
Different problem. The virus started in china at a single source. Stop that one source from spreading and you kill the virus. There is no single source for the rest of the world. They are getting it from multiple border crossings. They cant stop it without closing themselves off from the entire world which is impossible when so many of your own citizens are overseas and want to return home.

ps regardless i think you will find the countries with the greatest problems are ones where the leaders have authoritarian tendencies and as a result large swathes of the community arent listening to medical experts Be ause authoritarians are skeptical of expert advice. There is a reason why the USA, Russia and Brazil are the top 3 countries and its due to weaker influence of medical advice.
Different problem. The virus started in china at a single source. Stop that one source from spreading and you kill the virus. There is no single source for the rest of the world. They are getting it from multiple border crossings. They cant stop it without closing themselves off from the entire world which is impossible when so many of your own citizens are overseas and want to return home.

ps regardless i think you will find the countries with the greatest problems are ones where the leaders have authoritarian tendencies and as a result large swathes of the community arent listening to medical experts Be ause authoritarians are skeptical of expert advice. There is a reason why the USA, Russia and Brazil are the top 3 countries and its due to weaker influence of medical advice.
I Can't speak for Russia and Brazil. but here in the USA we had our medical experts saying this was not a worry early on. frankly I thought differently. and assumed they just didn't want a early panic. then they lied about masks saying wearing them didn't help, when they were just worried about having enough PPE for the front line workers. imo if they had just told the truth about masks people would have made their own and saved some of the spread and deaths.

Bring home our citizen from China was poorly handled. too many too fast. then trusted them to self isolate. turns out nearly 400,000 people from China came over in January. then we allowed countless people from Europe after that. if Trump had listen to his gut like Morrison did we would have been much better off. when Trump banned travel from China the experts said he was wrong for doing it. so that's as far as it went.
so what would happen to us if the USA no longer existed or decided to no longer help because of america first?

wouldnt a global order help protect us? So we wouldnt be invaded by China.
But the US does exist. Luckily for us its also in America's interest to have us in this region of the world so our alliance has a long way to run. If the US didn't exist or decided we weren't worth protecting we would get invaded in a matter of weeks and there's no force on the face of the earth that would stop it even if it could. Your stark raving mad if you think the UN or Nato would step in.
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What makes us (USA) so powerful isn't our military might that help's but it's our dollar. if it were lost that would be the beginning of the end. China knows that well.
Growing up and still now for me us the UK & Australians together are the example of unity of nations. UK getting out of the EU allows this bond to be stronger in the future. the EU is good for those other counties. they will follow our lead most of the time. when they don't it's their mistake. they will learn from it lol
How bout we stick with Joel loves murderous dictatorships
So the ALP has 1 thought. Albo's.

Sounds rather autocratic, but seems about right.

Do you know who is on the Treasury benches?
I'll give you a hint, it isn't Labor.

Sooooooo much scrutiny of what Labor does or doesn't do or says or doesn't the opposition...but the actual govt...let's give them a free pass because ...???????...who f'n knows.
Do you know who is on the Treasury benches?
I'll give you a hint, it isn't Labor.

Sooooooo much scrutiny of what Labor does or doesn't do or says or doesn't the opposition...but the actual govt...let's give them a free pass because ...???????...who f'n knows.

Why would the government get a free pass?

Do only see in absolutes and there is only 100% right and 100% wrong?
I appreciate the sentiment around getting manufacturing back on our shores, but we have little competitive advantage for producing our own products. As long as people are aware we're likely to pay 2-3 times more for products if they are made here, because workers have basic rights and safety.

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The Chinese Communist party are campaigners

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