Again, it doesn't address what I said. What is it to you how long they take to execute them, to the point where you think they should get it over and done with?
Your view is based on what exactly? I say 'probably' because I am not there, and have no way of assessing them aside from what the media have shown. I did see them on 'What happens in Bali' and on a couple of news stories and apparently they have been great influences on other prisoners and implemented programs to help them. They have no other way to show they have reformed, regardless of how cynical you want to be.
My view is that drug trafficking is not something you are compelled to do. You do it to make a quick buck for the most part. Murders, rapists, paedophiles however, in a lot of cases they have a compulsion and are more likely to reoffend.
Prisons cost money, overcrowding isn't a great idea. That doesn't mean rush the judicial system. Whatever that time frame be (5 years, etc) that is fine. Make sure the process if followed from the trial to the sentence, to the if need be execution.
My view is based on common sense. Lawyers know what judges, judicial officers want to see. They want 'model' prisoners and thus their lawyers will be drumming it through their heads to be good, etc. Now have they reformed, maybe, but I am far from convinced. Prisoners will do anything to TRY and get their sentence reduced, it makes sense. I am happy they have brought programs in, perhaps they should have done that in Australia rather than getting in a drug trafficing ring.
I am far from 'happy' that these two are going to be executed BUT they had the chance to not do the crime. To me that isn't hard.