Religion The God Question (continued in Part 2 - link in last post)

god or advanced entity?

  • god

    Votes: 14 40.0%
  • advanced entity

    Votes: 21 60.0%

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You haven't taken into account 'tool' evolution and the science of and desire for trans-humanism. This setting provides the selection niche, motivation, and mechanisms mirrored in the natural world. Time is all you need. So as you's not "silly" after-all.

more evidence for theory 2? possibilities.......................>
Succinct article on the Holographic Universe theory; one that I ascribe to, but thought it would be a 'bridge too far' to mention here. I came across this theory by reading Michael Talbot's works. Thanks again Jason. The revelations of the Quantum world are irrefutable (entanglement, wave/particle ambiguity etc). Now you have come this far I may as well 'crack the nut'. I propose that we are a holographic projection - Avatar, if you like.... that allows our ethereal, eternal selves to experience a gross-mass 'world' - the ultimate virtual reality game. This scenario...imo....explains the Holographic nature of the Universe, the Quantum state, evidence of reincarnation, NDE's and 'paranormal' experiences...... Arthur C Clarke once wrote that: "Any sufficiently advanced technology will be indistinguishable from magic"......sits back in a post party hangover state and awaits the incoming flak........
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Do you have tooth fillings??? Our physiology began as a a single cellular life-form and consider where some of us are now.....time and evolution is all it takes. Exponential and sentient computer systems coupled with nano technology- not too far away, will make anything possible.

Yep, I have fillings, but they don't have feelings in & of themselves.

Your notion/point about Avatars etc however stuck a chord with me.

Familiarize yourself with Plato's Republic, with special attention to his cave allegory....You'll see from whence such a notion first sprang....While your at it....Plato's theory of forms & his archetypes (His metaphysics) are worth a read too.:)
Yep, I have fillings, but they don't have feelings in & of themselves.

Your notion/point about Avatars etc however stuck a chord with me.

Familiarize yourself with Plato's Republic, with special attention to his cave allegory....You'll see from whence such a notion first sprang....While your at it....Plato's theory of forms & his archetypes (His metaphysics) are worth a read too.:)
You missed my point regarding the fillings...but oh well. At some point Tool evolution will transcend biological Evolution........I read "Republic" many moons ago and use the Cave allegory frequently. I included it in a post on BF I understand your reference..:) Have you studied Jung?

I'm reaching the 'craves KFC' phase of my hangover so I'll co-opt my wife to do a mercy trip...and take your answer later.:D
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Many scientists believe the universe is extraordinarily tuned to produce life.

true, and many believe the universe is tuned to exist. eg if certain variables were changed by a millionth of a percent then the universe couldn't exist. it's quite fascinating, really.

Lee Smolin took this last idea a stage further.

Smolin's hypothesis of cosmological natural selection, also called the fecund universes theory, suggests that a process analogous to biological natural selection applies at the grandest of scales. Smolin published the idea in 1992 and summarized it in a book aimed at a lay audience called The Life of the Cosmos.

Black holes have a role in natural selection. In fecund theory there is a collapsing[clarification needed] black hole causes the emergence of a new universe on the "other side", whose fundamental constant parameters (masses of elementary particles, Planck constant, elementary charge, and so forth) may differ slightly from those of the universe where the black hole collapsed. Each universe thus gives rise to as many new universes as it has black holes. The theory contains the evolutionary ideas of "reproduction" and "mutation" of universes, and so is formally analogous to models of population biology.​

hypotheses are fun and all, but even if we accepted this for argument's sake, it's still analogues to biological evolution, and not quite what we were talking about. ie we could accept that certain aspects of the universe follow similar "rules", but that wouldn't be quite the same thing as biological organisms transcending their physical roots via random mutations.
You haven't taken into account 'tool' evolution and the science of and desire for trans-humanism. This setting provides the selection niche, motivation, and mechanisms mirrored in the natural world. Time is all you need. So as you's not "silly" after-all.

we'll have to agree to disagree there.
Both are utterly ridiculous and no intelligent human being would entertain the prospect of either, unless they needed some form of reassurance about their simple existence on this earth.

We are just another animal...we were born, we get one life, then we become fertiliser.
We are nothing special other than sporting an advanced brain capable of extraordinary things...which of course includes the invention of all sorts of silly things like "gods".

We dont need to seek out silly explanations for our existence...we dont even have a purpose other than to perpetuate ourselves.

If you are desperate enough to need an explanation for life then you'll invariably find one.
Pick from any list u like...and there's no shortage of people trying to sell their explanation to you.

Ah, the good old 'you are unintelligent if you don't believe what I do' line.

Wonderful quotes from the /r/atheism sub I see.
Scientology beckons - I think it is time you went in for an audit
i am open to all possibilities, maybe i can go in for an audit the next time tom does and then post a report on the experience. new thread pending.
inside scientology a journey into the abyss. :)
You've gone to alot of trouble there.

No serious theistic scholar, who understands the history of the Bible or the nature of religion, would seek to interpret it literally....That is the privilege of the ignorant, the uneducated, the superstitious & the fundamentalist.

Exactly! The bible is a man-made fairytale storybook that is not the holy book of a God. If the Bible had been written by a supreme being, then it wouldn’t contain the mistakes that it does. If it was written by a truly superior being, and meant to be read as a literal history, then the Bible wouldn’t contain anything that it does.

There have been many books published on the anachronisms and historicity of the bible. Modern archaeologists regard the Bible as an artifact to be studied and evaluated rather than a work of divine inspiration that must be embraced as a matter of true belief. Leading theologians admit that all of the scriptures of any religion were written by human hands and were thus subject to the interpretations, impressions and perspectives of their primitive and often prejudiced and politically-motivated authors, and they cite this as the explanation behind many of the contradictions in those books, especially those in the Bible.

“with most scholars, I would exclude much of the Pentateuch, specifically the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers. Much of what is called in the English Bible poetry must also be eliminated from historical consideration. Ruth, Ester, Job and Daniel.” William Dever (Biblical Archaeologist).

Who are we to disagree with the belief by most archaeologists, biblical scholars and theologians that most of the stuff and characters in the bible never actually happened/existed??

I mean you can already disregard the entirety of the old testament because we know everyone is linked through the lineage/pedigree in the first chapter of 1 Chronicles. Even Jesus is considered a decendent of a non-existent person and his resurrection is clearly a lie. The bible clearly is a work of pure fiction very definitely written by men. This is why so much of it can be shown to be historically and scientifically dead wrong about damned-near everything back-to-front.

John Chapter 5 ."46 If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote about me. 47 But since you do not believe what he wrote, how are you going to believe what I say?" I believe this bible verse is incredibly insightful considering moses was never a real person.

Modern science & technology however, still supply us with no answer to the core mystery of life, or how to nurture our spirit & care for the soul....That is the Province of religion. Man's nature & his spiritual needs remain constant & perennial....As your picture re-captured beneath exemplifies so beautifully.

lol caring for sprit and soul??? You sound one of the crazy Christians always talking man-made abstract things. What the hell is a soul? “Nephesh” is the Hebrew word meaning life, soul and blood. It refers to consciousness/soul in the bible. The Bible states that plants, protozoa and insects do not have nephesh while cats, dogs, cattle and humans do have nephesh. The death of plants, protozoa and insects prior to human sin is not a problem. The death of nephesh organisms prior to human sin is an overwhelming hurdle! If death of nephesh beings occurred before sin, then death is common, and the death of one man on a cross is meaningless. It is only because death came into the universe as a consequence of human sin that the death of the One sinless man on a Cross may expunge our sins and give us eternal life! Scripture calls death an “enemy” (1 Corinthians 15:26, NKJV), and the whole plan of salvation was designed to eliminate death and bring humans back to God’s original plan of eternal life. But the wages of sin is not death for evolutionists, on the contrary death is very common and not an “enemy” but just the biological consequence needed for evolution.

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I dont understand why people still believe in the Christian God when even they admit that most of the bible is pure work of fiction filled with contradictions, inaccuracies and lies which would not be expected in God's holy book? Everyone knows the bible's historical and scientific claims are complete bogus and none of the people in the old testament are real yet people still clings on to Christianity.

"Christianity has fought, still fights and will fight science to the desperate end over evolution, for evolution destroys utterly and finally the very reason Jesus' earthly life was supposedly made necessary. Destroy Adam and Eve and the original sin, and in the rubble you will find the sorry remains of the son of God. Take away the meaning of his death. If Jesus was not the redeemer who died for our sins, and this is what evolution means, then Christianity is nothing" - G. Richard Bozarth
i am open to all possibilities, maybe i can go in for an audit the next time tom does and then post a report on the experience. new thread pending.
inside scientology a journey into the abyss. :)
your idea of aliens inhabiting our soul is very similiar to Scientology doctrine. I thought you were borrowing from it.

According to Hubbard's son Ronald DeWolf (born L. Ron Hubbard, Jr.), his father stated that thetans are immortal and perpetual, having willed themselves into existence at some point several trillion[11] years ago.[12][13] After they originated, thetans generated "points to view" or "dimension points", causing space to come into existence. They agreed that other thetans' dimension points existed, thus bringing into existence the entire universe. All matter, energy, space, and time exists solely because thetans agree that it exist

In the primordial past, according to Scientologist teachings, thetans brought the material universe into being largely for their own pleasure.."[14] The universe is thought to have no independent reality, but to derive its apparent reality from the fact that most thetans agree it exists.[15] Scientologists believe that thetans fell from grace when they began to identify with their creation, rather than their original state of spiritual purity.[14] Eventually, they lost their memory of their true nature, along with the associated spiritual and creative powers. As a result, thetans came to think of themselves as nothing but embodied beings.[15][16]

Thetans are believed to be reborn time and time again in new bodies through a process called "assumption" which is analogous to reincarnation.
No I don't
The Jewish sect of Gnostics had a long tradition of fictionalizing their own spiritual lessons. As has been repeatedly posted here, there is zero contemporary accounts or mention of Jesus by any source - zip. During a period where there is quite a lot of writings both obscure and main events. Think of the Romans like nazis - they record stuff all the time. And lots of writings concerning the self same period when Jesus had existed should have been mentioned. Romans in the provinces would write official reports and letters back home. But nothing of Jesus.

Then look at the story and its similarities to Egyptian myths, Greek myths, Indian myths even the story of Odin and more.

The Jesus story is a new synthesis a Jewish synthesis of contemporary and ancient myths.

Yep, a Jesus may have existed but the Jesus as described in the bible clearly never did.

There is NO trace of Jesus in his lifetime, the earliest mention of him is decades after his death. Why is there no mention in the Bible of Jesus between the ages of 12 and 30?? It's like he suddenly disappeared into nowhere. The Jesus story also shows extensive similarities to other myths of the time (especially Dionysus, Mithra, and Horus). Jesus is worshiped on Sunday because he is a sun god, like Mithra, Zeus/Jupiter, Horus, Attis, Dionysus, Adonis, Tammuz, Hercules, Perseus, Bacchus, Apollo, Helios, and Sol Invictus -- whose birthdays are also on the old winter solstice of December 25, when the sun is “reborn.” There were more than a dozen other deities and saviors who were resurrected after violent deaths -- Mithra, Osiris/Serapis, Inanna/Ishtar, Horus, Perseus, Bacchus, Attis, Hermes, Adonis, Hercules/Heracles, Tammuz, Asclepius, and Prometheus.

A good read about Jesus in comparative mythology:

Christianity began with the Gnostic faith, and then the Docetics, and Ebionites, and their completely different perspectives of Jesus were eventually combined into a kind of compromise called Orthodoxy. Other Christian subsets like the Luciferians were overrun and discredited by further Biblical revisions.

The rest of what became the New Testament was canonized in the 4th century in a series of committee decisions at a convention at Nicea. Four gospels were accepted and sixteen more were rejected, all by a show of hands, as if the facts of the matter could be evaluated or dismissed by popular vote. So the council simply accepted as gospel whatever few relevant stories the uneducated masses happened to like at that time. But they still opted to remove more than a dozen books from the Bible even though they were still referenced by other books they chose to include. All 4 canonical gospels are written by anonymous Greek-speaking second generation Christians living 40-75 years after the death of Jesus. There are no eye witness accounts from anyone who saw anything Jesus did during his lifetime.

God’s nature and his actions, throughout the OT and NT, are not consistent. In the OT, the stories of Yahweh are often violent, aggressive and cruel. From the commands of the Canaanite genocide, the story of Job, to Elisha, to the entrapment of Eve in the Garden, to drowning the whole world in a global flood - these are not actions that to me are consistent with a loving, caring, wise deity. I cannot see a way to reconcile the OT and NT gods.

This makes sense historically as the war god Yahweh, one of several deities around in the pre-monarchy period of Israel, was united with the rest of the pantheon of gods into a deity that more closely resembled the gentle father figure god (originally El Elyon) from a period of 1000CE to 500BCE. In fact the stories of genesis are very similar to other belief systems in the olden days like the Canaanites. You can’t deny that Christianity had a polytheistic origin with many religions and Gods pre-dating Yahweh. And you can’t deny that men love to invent Gods. Why are there hundreds of denominations in the Christianity faith that all claim that they are right and have been told by God that they are right?

This youtube video gives the best account of the history and origin of the Christian God that i've ever seen

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your idea of aliens inhabiting our soul is very similiar to Scientology doctrine. I thought you were borrowing from it.

According to Hubbard's son Ronald DeWolf (born L. Ron Hubbard, Jr.), his father stated that thetans are immortal and perpetual, having willed themselves into existence at some point several trillion[11] years ago.[12][13] After they originated, thetans generated "points to view" or "dimension points", causing space to come into existence. They agreed that other thetans' dimension points existed, thus bringing into existence the entire universe. All matter, energy, space, and time exists solely because thetans agree that it exist

In the primordial past, according to Scientologist teachings, thetans brought the material universe into being largely for their own pleasure.."[14] The universe is thought to have no independent reality, but to derive its apparent reality from the fact that most thetans agree it exists.[15] Scientologists believe that thetans fell from grace when they began to identify with their creation, rather than their original state of spiritual purity.[14] Eventually, they lost their memory of their true nature, along with the associated spiritual and creative powers. As a result, thetans came to think of themselves as nothing but embodied beings.[15][16]

Thetans are believed to be reborn time and time again in new bodies through a process called "assumption" which is analogous to reincarnation.
i did know that, had heard and read it in the past. it clicked as soon as i saw your post. no i was't borrowing from it unless it was subconscious. i appreciated the humor, even if that wasn't your intention. does read a bit like my 2nd option ie. the inhabiting of the body. but those "thetans" sound more like our gods that some people believe in, rather than my scenario of just more highly evolved versions of us.
maybe hubbards version should have been a 3rd option in my OP? :)
The rest of what became the New Testament was canonized in the 4th century in a series of committee decisions at a convention at Nicea. Four gospels were accepted and sixteen more were rejected, all by a show of hands, as if the facts of the matter could be evaluated or dismissed by popular vote.
The author, God, didnt even get a vote.

The most brutal publishers ever!
but those "thetans" sound more like our gods that some people believe in, rather than my scenario of just more highly evolved versions of us.
nah. they are advanced aliens from another planet like your second example.
I'll let South Park explain.


And play my favourite religious hymm

Yep, a Jesus may have existed but the Jesus as described in the bible clearly never did.

There is NO trace of Jesus in his lifetime, the earliest mention of him is decades after his death. Why is there no mention in the Bible of Jesus between the ages of 12 and 30?? It's like he suddenly disappeared into nowhere. The Jesus story also shows extensive similarities to other myths of the time (especially Dionysus, Mithra, and Horus). Jesus is worshiped on Sunday because he is a sun god, like Mithra, Zeus/Jupiter, Horus, Attis, Dionysus, Adonis, Tammuz, Hercules, Perseus, Bacchus, Apollo, Helios, and Sol Invictus -- whose birthdays are also on the old winter solstice of December 25, when the sun is “reborn.” There were more than a dozen other deities and saviors who were resurrected after violent deaths -- Mithra, Osiris/Serapis, Inanna/Ishtar, Horus, Perseus, Bacchus, Attis, Hermes, Adonis, Hercules/Heracles, Tammuz, Asclepius, and Prometheus.

A good read about Jesus in comparative mythology:

Christianity began with the Gnostic faith, and then the Docetics, and Ebionites, and their completely different perspectives of Jesus were eventually combined into a kind of compromise called Orthodoxy. Other Christian subsets like the Luciferians were overrun and discredited by further Biblical revisions.

The rest of what became the New Testament was canonized in the 4th century in a series of committee decisions at a convention at Nicea. Four gospels were accepted and sixteen more were rejected, all by a show of hands, as if the facts of the matter could be evaluated or dismissed by popular vote. So the council simply accepted as gospel whatever few relevant stories the uneducated masses happened to like at that time. But they still opted to remove more than a dozen books from the Bible even though they were still referenced by other books they chose to include. All 4 canonical gospels are written by anonymous Greek-speaking second generation Christians living 40-75 years after the death of Jesus. There are no eye witness accounts from anyone who saw anything Jesus did during his lifetime.

God’s nature and his actions, throughout the OT and NT, are not consistent. In the OT, the stories of Yahweh are often violent, aggressive and cruel. From the commands of the Canaanite genocide, the story of Job, to Elisha, to the entrapment of Eve in the Garden, to drowning the whole world in a global flood - these are not actions that to me are consistent with a loving, caring, wise deity. I cannot see a way to reconcile the OT and NT gods.

This makes sense historically as the war god Yahweh, one of several deities around in the pre-monarchy period of Israel, was united with the rest of the pantheon of gods into a deity that more closely resembled the gentle father figure god (originally El Elyon) from a period of 1000CE to 500BCE. In fact the stories of genesis are very similar to other belief systems in the olden days like the Canaanites. You can’t deny that Christianity had a polytheistic origin with many religions and Gods pre-dating Yahweh. And you can’t deny that men love to invent Gods. Why are there hundreds of denominations in the Christianity faith that all claim that they are right and have been told by God that they are right?

This youtube video gives the best account of the history and origin of the Christian God that i've ever seen

Jesus being a man and everyone knows that for males 12 to 30 are the "dickhead " years. So nothing worth reporting.
Exactly! The bible is a man-made fairytale storybook that is not the holy book of a God. If the Bible had been written by a supreme being, then it wouldn’t contain the mistakes that it does. If it was written by a truly superior being, and meant to be read as a literal history, then the Bible wouldn’t contain anything that it does.

There have been many books published on the anachronisms and historicity of the bible. Modern archaeologists regard the Bible as an artifact to be studied and evaluated rather than a work of divine inspiration that must be embraced as a matter of true belief. Leading theologians admit that all of the scriptures of any religion were written by human hands and were thus subject to the interpretations, impressions and perspectives of their primitive and often prejudiced and politically-motivated authors, and they cite this as the explanation behind many of the contradictions in those books, especially those in the Bible.

“with most scholars, I would exclude much of the Pentateuch, specifically the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers. Much of what is called in the English Bible poetry must also be eliminated from historical consideration. Ruth, Ester, Job and Daniel.” William Dever (Biblical Archaeologist).

Who are we to disagree with the belief by most archaeologists, biblical scholars and theologians that most of the stuff and characters in the bible never actually happened/existed??

I mean you can already disregard the entirety of the old testament because we know everyone is linked through the lineage/pedigree in the first chapter of 1 Chronicles. Even Jesus is considered a decendent of a non-existent person and his resurrection is clearly a lie. The bible clearly is a work of pure fiction very definitely written by men. This is why so much of it can be shown to be historically and scientifically dead wrong about damned-near everything back-to-front.

John Chapter 5 ."46 If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote about me. 47 But since you do not believe what he wrote, how are you going to believe what I say?" I believe this bible verse is incredibly insightful considering moses was never a real person.

lol caring for sprit and soul??? You sound one of the crazy Christians always talking man-made abstract things. What the hell is a soul? “Nephesh” is the Hebrew word meaning life, soul and blood. It refers to consciousness/soul in the bible. The Bible states that plants, protozoa and insects do not have nephesh while cats, dogs, cattle and humans do have nephesh. The death of plants, protozoa and insects prior to human sin is not a problem. The death of nephesh organisms prior to human sin is an overwhelming hurdle! If death of nephesh beings occurred before sin, then death is common, and the death of one man on a cross is meaningless. It is only because death came into the universe as a consequence of human sin that the death of the One sinless man on a Cross may expunge our sins and give us eternal life! Scripture calls death an “enemy” (1 Corinthians 15:26, NKJV), and the whole plan of salvation was designed to eliminate death and bring humans back to God’s original plan of eternal life. But the wages of sin is not death for evolutionists, on the contrary death is very common and not an “enemy” but just the biological consequence needed for evolution.

Most of the points & criticisms you have made here are well-worn one's since "The Enlightenment." Especially by the philosophers of that time; chief among whom were Hume, Diderot & Voltaire....No doubt, the addition of Darwinism to that mix has only served to reinforce such criticisms.

But I still think you're missing the point!

How & why is it that Christianity has both captured & ruled the Western Mind/ World now for 2 Millennium?

It has nothing to do with the overly-simplistic allegorical nature of it's foundational stories. But everything to do with the humanity & essential truths that lie at the heart of it's message....Even today, it's spread & popularity around the world has not diminished.

The facts are that we live in a Christian Democratic society & that the underlying core values which inform our cultural heritage are Christian one's; regardless of whether you & I like it or not.

As for death & salvation, they are 2 different things entirely....The notion of the eternity of the soul has a long tradition & is a common belief going back to the Egyptians & exists among many other religions/cultures around the world.

God/The great spirit & Religion exist as answers to the great mysteries of life throughout the entire world....To the things for which man alone cannot provide an answer to. Why are we here?....What is the meaning of this thing we call life?

As human beings we partake of that great mystery via our very existence & in grasping the nature of our existence via that very conscious spirit we are unable to see behind/beneath....And no amount of science can ever answer nor undermine that metaphysical truth.

Like it or lump it.:)
Both are utterly ridiculous and no intelligent human being would entertain the prospect of either, unless they needed some form of reassurance about their simple existence on this earth.

We are just another animal...we were born, we get one life, then we become fertiliser.
We are nothing special other than sporting an advanced brain capable of extraordinary things...which of course includes the invention of all sorts of silly things like "gods".

We dont need to seek out silly explanations for our existence...we dont even have a purpose other than to perpetuate ourselves.

If you are desperate enough to need an explanation for life then you'll invariably find one.
Pick from any list u like...and there's no shortage of people trying to sell their explanation to you.

I commend you for having a forthright thoughtful opinion you're not afraid of expressing.

I've been in the same place until personal experience and the ability to use the intelligence and compassion you clearly display to understand the personal experience.

All but white science recognizes this planet is a living organism and their has been involvement in our life from outside this solar system. I think that the op doesn't recognize the fact god may be more than one thing and the possibility of a combination of both things he mentions.
God/The great spirit & Religion exist as answers to the great mysteries of life throughout the entire world....To the things for which man alone cannot provide an answer to. Why are we here?....What is the meaning of this thing we call life?
thanks for the post interesting reading.
why does there have to be a meaning to why we are here? or this thing we call life? we just exist. our sole purpose or meaning if you like is- like every other species on this planet to survive and propagate. at least that is what i believe with the available evidence.
maybe we look for meaning because the world that human kind has created for ourselves to live in is not fulfilling enough for the majority of the population so we look for a reason for that.
thanks for the post interesting reading.
why does there have to be a meaning to why we are here? or this thing we call life? we just exist. our sole purpose or meaning if you like is- like every other species on this planet to survive and propagate. at least that is what i believe with the available evidence.
maybe we look for meaning because the world that human kind has created for ourselves to live in is not fulfilling enough for the majority of the population so we look for a reason for that.

But as we "we" are part of the universe, part of the Big Bang , part of whatever was before the Big Bang, what made the it Bang. It's all our story and we are connected to it.It would be nice I suppose to parcel it up into just propagate. But some want to know our story and some would say it points to creation with love. Maybe due to our propagation ability. Mother/ father loves their creation more than themselves. Who knows?
But as we "we" are part of the universe, part of the Big Bang , part of whatever was before the Big Bang, what made the it Bang. It's all our story and we are connected to it.It would be nice I suppose to parcel it up into just propagate. But some want to know our story and some would say it points to creation with love. Maybe due to our propagation ability. Mother/ father loves their creation more than themselves. Who knows?
for arguments sake lets assume the human race is wiped off the face of this planet by a virus, we are no more we cease to exist. species on the planet become extinct all the time, the planet and the universe go on as though we/they were never here. i just don't think we are that significant are we?
i would be quite happy to be proven wrong, i don't mind admitting mistakes, i've made a few. the god although i prefer the word creator could exist, i may be wrong i am not so dogmatic as to suggest there is zero chance of me being wrong.
who knows when i die one of two options will happen.
1. i will cease to exist in any form. so i wont be able to sit back nice and smug and think gee i was right there is nothing.
2. i will ascend or descend to another realm, if i beat you there we can continue our discussion:)
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