The inside word...what is REALLY wrong at the MFC

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Guys, I have had delete a number of posts for fighting & name calling, can I remind everyone to keep the conversation on topic & try be civil. Any more of that in this thread & it will be closed.


i don't like your attitude ;)
Guys, I have had delete a number of posts for fighting & name calling, can I remind everyone to keep the conversation on topic & try be civil. Any more of that in this thread & it will be closed.



Close it. This thread is full of utter bullshit anyhow.
Ok....where to start???

Firstly - this is at best a second hand rumour. Now I'm not going to completely write it off (publically at least), but we can safely assume that about 50% of what you wrote is out of context/exagerrated/incorrect.

Secondly - any and all workplaces have "fractions" within them. Some guys get along, some don't. Hell, I reckon a lot of people on this forum might not like me, and there are some that I probably wouldn't like in person, but we can still all contribute to the forum. I know it's not a great analogy, but these guys are paid to be footballers, not have a St Kilda style orgy love fest.

Thirdly - from my conversations with players, most of what you say is (and I'm being kind here) hyperbole. It's ceretainly not too far a stretch to think an older player who was gifted games when we were shit might be a bit disenchanted, but to extrapolate that to being the entire playing group at each others throats as intimmated in the OP is just too far a stretch for me.

Fourthly - Why did we only hear about all this after everyone else had already melted down??? Surely, this feeling didn't just come out last week? After one week of absolute shit our players are suddenly at a loss with the coach? Surely, if there was any truth to this, you would have posted it earlier.

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I believe we might have the same source mate. I've heard exactly the same things, even that this player is talking to other clubs. Very worrying tbh, theirs only one solution and that is Bailey to leave....

...because you are the same person, perhaps?
Usually I am not one for starting baseless rumours and starting threads for the sake of stirring the pot, however, I have been informed by a friend who is a business associate of a player on the current list (don't ask me to name the player, won't happen) that the problems at the MFC go beyond just a lack of game plan.

My source, who is not a football follow at all, tells me the said player described the problems at the MFC in the following ways:

- Many of the senior/older players are pissed off at Bailey and the FD. They feel that they are not getting opportunities and are more or less being forced to play at Casey simply because the FD is solely interested in getting games into the younger blokes.

- Many of this group feels that this is unfair and are disenchanted with the coaching teams attitude. They feel that if a player is not performing and is not the best player on form, they do not deserve a spot in the team. I tend to agree.

- A lot of the senior group were angry at the decision to let Junior go and also to move on a couple of other members of the playing group.

- A lot of the players do not get along with each other. There is no sense of unity (it shows on the park). I am led to believe that there is a core group of 'friends' at the club but others that are not within the group do not feel that they are part of the 'team'. We do not have a team of mates who want to be alongside one another. This scares the hell out of me. Reason: I have had this feeling just from seeing the players on the field and in warm-ups.

- Th players don't like the style of play that the coaching staff ask them to play. What **** me! as if this wasn't obvious. You see Moloney, Watts and others all throw there hands up in the air when they extract the footy, look up and have not a ****ing thing ahead of them, so they retreat and handball to a flat footed opponent who is under even more pressure, he looks backward get the point!

- The said player has indicated that he is seriously considering giving the game away at season's end .... what a worry!

I was really shocked and angry to hear this info from a source who nI trust and who would have no reason to throw fuel on an already burning fire. However, was I suprised? Not really! This had been my casual observations for a while.

So, what can we do? Well if all of what I have said above is true, and I have no reason to believe that it isn't, Bailey has lost the playing group and failed in his role of mentor and needs to go at season's end. He has failed to get the fire in the belly, the desire to win, the passion to play as a unit and build the passion for the MFC. The last sentence is the biggest worry. Those 40 something blokes on our list should appreciate, respect and care about pulling on that famous jumper everytime they run out. I don't see it. Bailey doesn't know it, so how can he teach it!

We have united this club in so many ways in recent years. Off field we are a united group. The on-field story is different. We need to sell the passion to the players. This passion can only be sold by one, the auctioneer if you like; THE COACH.

DB you may be a nice fella and all, but you just ain't got the fire, the passion, the plan, the desire and the credibility to go beyond this season.

If I am wrong, and DB takes us to the next premiership, i am happy to have eggs thrown in my face. We NEED to bring MFC people into our FD department and coaching team. Those that have experience good and bad teams, those that bleed red and blue, and Bails ... that just ain't you!

People, tbh im 50/50 on this one. I do believe in disharmony in the work place and i am postive that not all players are the best of friends, but in saying that this post doesnt completly convice me. But what i did notice the other day on a segment of 'beamers bumps and bruises' while flying to the Gold Coast, Beamer approached Davey to say a few words and flash totally gave him nothing! It was fair to say Beamer wasnt impressed.. maybe it was just my imagination but there seemed to be a little tension between them.
Interesting to see how Davey goes tomorrow. Had a 'mare against the Eagles where he looked disinterested and was clearly frustrated against the Lions when he was being tagged to buggery.

Hasn't looked himself this year tbh.
Guys, I have had delete a number of posts for fighting & name calling, can I remind everyone to keep the conversation on topic & try be civil. Any more of that in this thread & it will be closed.



You use to be cool, but then you changed :(

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nothing to see here.

Leigh Matthews and Don Scott, didn't just not socialize together - they openly hated each others guts. They also formed possibly the best Ruckman/rover combinations of all time. Just because your not best bosom buddies doesn't mean you can't work together or play footy together.

If true this is coming from a disgruntled player who rates his own ability a lot higher than the FD do. Given that he would also be earning well in excess of 100k per year -it is a totally unprofessional mentality, drop him from Casy1's to the2's or even better delist him now. Plenty of other footballers willing to give their all for good money.
Fourthly - Why did we only hear about all this after everyone else had already melted down??? Surely, this feeling didn't just come out last week? After one week of absolute shit our players are suddenly at a loss with the coach? Surely, if there was any truth to this, you would have posted it earlier.

I didn't post this during the so called 'MELTDOWN' coz I dont suffer MFCSS. In fact this is my first post in respect of any of this 'meltdown' issue.

I don' care whether you believe me or not. I have no reason to lie for the sake of it.
Let this crap fall of page 1 please - is there a way to hide certain useless threads on BF?

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The inside word...what is REALLY wrong at the MFC

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