The Liberal Party - How long?

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Says a lot about how people feel about politics when the opposition leader goes on the attack and loses as much ground as ScoMo in preferred pm stakes.
Again, what's he supposed to do? Morrison's doing pfhuckc all to lead this country out of COVID; the vaccination rollout is a pathetic joke, he's phucked his responsibilities in aged care big-time, and done precisely zero to build quarantine facilties. By any objective measure he's an embarrassing dud. But he has the majority of the media saying he's doing a great job, and anyone who tried to go on the attack just gets swamped with BS from Morrison's barrackers in the media. Hard to know what to suggest, but meanwhile, the country's going down the gurgler.
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Again, what's he supposed to do? Morrison's doing pfhuckc all to lead this country out of COVID; the vaccination rollout is a pathetic joke, he's phucked his responsibilities in aged care big-time, and done precisely zero to build quarantine facilties. By any objective measure he's an embarrassing dud. But he has the majority of the media saying he's doing a great job, and anyone who tried to go on the attack just gets swamped with BS from Morrison's barrackers in the media. hard to know hat to suggest, but meanwhile, the country's going down the gurgler.

Unless you live in Victoria the country is going great, no where else in the world would you have wanted to be for the last 18 months.

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It's a real problem for a country with as much potential as Australia that so many voters are willing to settle for such a crappy government.
This is what Pisses me off, Australia has the chance to be a legit world power but we content in our ways and making sure greedy bastards have power instead of the state.

With our resources we all should be paying zero tax but we wasted it and have nothing to show for it.

If you want to ban political donations that are solely about undue influence and financial gains, then why not unions?

They donate time and money, government gives them more members resulting in them getting more money. Or is that ok but businesses donating in expectation of support is bad?

Either you ban them all from influencing or you look like your just trying to limit donations to one party whilst not restricting the other parties ability to raise funds.
If you want to ban political donations that are solely about undue influence and financial gains, then why not unions?

They donate time and money, government gives them more members resulting in them getting more money. Or is that ok but businesses donating in expectation of support is bad?

Either you ban them all from influencing or you look like your just trying to limit donations to one party whilst not restricting the other parties ability to raise funds.
Business and unions are the same? I don’t think so. Affiliated unions have a say in the ALP anyway. It’s transparent.

Businesses donate to both the LNP and Labor so both parties would be limited.
Unless you live in Victoria the country is going great, no where else in the world would you have wanted to be for the last 18 months.
Well our success of the last 18 months is about to be pissed up against the wall of the next 18 months thanks to this turkey of a government.

As Bob Carr said the other day, our federal government has been really good at doing the easy stuff (closing down the shutters) and unbelievably schittehouse at doing the hard stuff (vaccinations, actual quarantine instead of makeshift hotel quarantine, aged care).

We are about to get totally left behind by other advanced economies that have pretty much finished their vaccinations while we've really only just gotten started. I was talking just today to an Aussie friend who lives in he US. She's just survived four years of Trump stupidity and then when Biden came in and the vaccine programme got rolling, she said it was just breathtaking what the Americans did once that idiot was out of the way. Back to good ol' American Can Do.

Meanwhile, Morrison is expending what little energy he seems to have, on photo ops and announcing schemes with all the substance behind them of the Wizard of Oz.

The voters' approval of Morrison has all the hallmarks of Stockholm Syndrome.
Looks like the LNP us going to try and get the Religious Freedom Bill up and running again. You know the important stuff. So sick and tired of these useless muppet campaigners.

That's just ****ing disgusting. It's not religious freedom. Its open season for discrimination and bigotry bill
having lindsay tanner on the board and later as el presidente must have eased that pain a bit tho.:)
A bit. He turned out to be a bit milquetoast as club president unfortunately, but I met him a couple times in work capacities and he is a good man. One that was a real shame in being lost to politics as early as he was.

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A bit. He turned out to be a bit milquetoast as club president unfortunately, but I met him a couple times in work capacities and he is a good man. One that was a real shame in being lost to politics as early as he was.
top bloke. had a personality by-pass tho.
Looks like the LNP us going to try and get the Religious Freedom Bill up and running again. You know the important stuff. So sick and tired of these useless muppet campaigners.

In a bid to make it an election issue, Freedom for Faith challenged any MP who disagreed about the need for strong religious freedom laws “to make their position clear to all voters so that they can decide at the ballot box whether we should vote for them”.

Oh, please do make it an election issue.
At least Libs will have something to talk about this time round
Again, what's he supposed to do? Morrison's doing pfhuckc all to lead this country out of COVID; the vaccination rollout is a pathetic joke, he's phucked his responsibilities in aged care big-time, and done precisely zero to build quarantine facilties. By any objective measure he's an embarrassing dud. But he has the majority of the media saying he's doing a great job, and anyone who tried to go on the attack just gets swamped with BS from Morrison's barrackers in the media. hard to know hat to suggest, but meanwhile, the country's going down the gurgler.
Exactly, I read a free copy of the West that was on every table in the cafe I had lunch in today and it was just wall to wall Liberal Party and particularly Morrison butt licking. Not even a hint of critical journalism.
Looks like the LNP us going to try and get the Religious Freedom Bill up and running again. You know the important stuff. So sick and tired of these useless muppet campaigners.

Religious folk are the derpiest of all folk.
If you want to ban political donations that are solely about undue influence and financial gains, then why not unions?

They donate time and money, government gives them more members resulting in them getting more money. Or is that ok but businesses donating in expectation of support is bad?

Either you ban them all from influencing or you look like your just trying to limit donations to one party whilst not restricting the other parties ability to raise funds.

scrap the senate and fill it with those prepared to stump up big $$$ to the treasury to be there. On a weekly basis mind. Make them give value for the influence they peddle
Gee that Taylor family must really be having a go cause they sure get a go. How good is socialism for the wealthy? Or as some call it, corruption.

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Gee that Taylor family must really be having a go cause they sure get a go. How good is socialism for the wealthy? Or as some call it, corruption.

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Holy **** - how do they get away with this?

Isn't Richard Taylor the LNP president now?
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