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Episode 3, Part 1 - Failed Expansion Bids ... Ant Bear
EPISODE 3, PART 1: Failed Expansion Bids

Ant Bear - The Admin


The Cheese: Hi AB

Welcome to the Limburger Files

Thanks for joining me to discuss another controversial moment in Sweet FA history

I would like to discuss the time that you tried to keep the Expansion Bids a secret

Did this happen in S29?

AB: The Vampires and Serpents expansion bids were early in S29. Prior to that, towards the end of S28, there were some tentative feelers put out regarding expansion, but no serious bid was put forth.

The Cheese: You were Admin at the time

Did you support Expansion back then?

AB: I have always supported expansion. I ran for Admin on an expansion-positive platform, and advocated expansion in public forums since before I was captain of the Swamprats.

That doesn't necessarily equate to expansion at all costs, however - there had to be certain conditions met to ensure that any impact on existing clubs was minimal, and that the expansion bids could prove that they were viable and able to provide an enhanced experience for the league.

The Cheese: When did you find out about the Expansion Bids?

What did you do with this information??

AB: It was early in S29 Millky95 , whom I had a long association with going back to co-vice captaincy in S20 at the Rats under spookism, pm'd me advising that he was attempting to put together an expansion bid, and asking for advice on what parameters were required to get over the first hurdle, which is getting the bids to a point where they could be publicly announced and presented to Committee.

I gave him some advice, to the effect that the bid should not take more than one or two players from each existing list; that it should contain a high percentage of rookies and returning players; that it should have a unique identity, logo and culture; and that there should be a minimum number of players already committed before a bid could be presented (I don't recall if I said 16, 18 or 20 - something around that number). I cautioned that he should expect news to leak - the SFA has more holes than a sieve!

Soon after, haydo was added to the pm, and they advised that both of them were launching separate expansion bids. They were collaborating because they did not want to cross recruiting paths, and I must say that I was relieved that there were potentially TWO strong bids, which solved many of my initial concerns regarding a bye and overcoming the objections of existing clubs.

Again, I reset the parameters, to restrict their combined recruiting to no more than 3 players from strong clubs, and not more than 2 from a couple of clubs who were struggling. Both haydo and Millky presented logos, team names and a spiel about their teams' unique cultures, but at the time they did not have enough committed players to meet my targets. They did request that the conversation be kept private, to protect their reputations in case they couldn't progress beyond the minimum level - I advised them of a deadline by which the teams should be announced publicly, and could then be presented to Committee. This would then leave time for full discussion, voting and preparation for S30.

As it turned out, one of them, I think Millky, clumsily approached manangatang to join them, who was the Demons' Committee rep, and the game was up!

The Cheese: I understand the logic behind it ... BUT do you regret keeping the Expansion Bids a secret?

AB: Not at all. I always respect the sanctity of PMs, and was honouring the wishes of the bid leaders.

I can't be more clear - there was no intention to keep Committee out of the process. It was simply too early in the compilation of the lists of each bid to present them as serious expansion franchises for S30. They had a deadline, and if it was not met, there was no point wasting Committee time with it.

The Cheese: Fair enough

Do you think this played a major part in both Expansion Bids failing to get the numbers required though?

AB: No. I think that the bid leaders failed to make their case eloquently enough, in both public forums and in private discussions that they may have had, to sway enough Committee members. Both failed to remain calm and discuss their bids factually, and got emotionally involved in the arguments.

And in the end, it was down to one vote - I think the final count was a 7-5 no vote, where one vote change would have sent it to the Admin for the tie-breaking vote. And I am on record as saying that I was not convinced that both bids had made a sufficiently outstanding case for admission, and despite being pro-expansion, I was teetering with my casting vote, if it was needed.

The Cheese: Thanks for your time
I have been waiting for this thread to address the greatest travesty in Sweet FA history.
My omission from the s32 all sweet team
Debacle of the highest order.

We can both tell our stories in that episode

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Episode 3, Part 2 - Failed Expansion Bids ... Millky
EPISODE 3, PART 2: Failed Expansion Bids

Millky95 - Vampires Bid Leader


Cheese: Hi Millky

Thanks for agreeing to answer some questions about your involvement in the Failed Expansion Bids

Why did you decide to start up an Expansion Bid?

Millky: It was in 2020 back when the first big COVID lockdowns happened. I had spent sometime not only out of the league but off BigFooty as a whole. I came back a little in before then and much more in the start of 2020. I missed out on the season start and I didn't want to just join back in mid-season. So I made the decision to sit out until the July season. Then one day I was reading through threads and looking at all the activity and I thought the league was in a strong, healthy place. It would be a really cool thing if the league got an expansion side.

Getting into the league can also be a bit hard, new rookies sometimes take a while to find their feet (I know I did) and I thought coming in with a new side might alleviate some of that. Less in-jokes to try and learn, you know? Plus most people around you are new and you can find some common-ground with that.

It just felt like the league was ready poster wise and a new influx of rookies was always a good thing. It's how the league grows. So at the time, it all felt right.

Cheese: How did the process start?

Deciding on an identity ... reaching out to other existing players??

Millky: Oh man hahaha firstly I read the rules to get my head around what was required for a team to qualify. I thought of a mascot first. I wanted something that wasn't already picked but I was struggling to think of a mascot. I looked at my games collection and I saw the game Vampyr and I just went with Vampires. Picked Pennsylvania as a location... colour wise I wanted black for night, red for blood and purple as a royal colour for the lore around Count Dracula and there was this, aura of royalty around them.

In hindsight though, I didn't probably research enough for a name or get challenge enough by those involved early on enough on it as the name was the lowest fruit the anti-expansionists went for. I liked Vampires as a mascot name (still do) but should have found a better location. Transylvania is the single most obvious one but even a made up place like "Blood Bay" or something would have worked. Or, lean more into the location and made it more Americanised. I think the Snakes at the time and the OOB now still even copped the "omg your name suuuucks" lines from the anti-expansionists anyway. Hell, the Gumbies is stupid but established. If I was going to do expansion again I'd go for a fictional place or chat to Mobbs more about Sweet lore in lower leagues and bring one of those clubs up. Which I kinda did in a sense. I wrote a whole stupid "background" of the club in a lower league trying to go from small club to too big to not be in the SFA. It was fun I think like, 4 people read it.

When reaching out to existing players initially it was a combination of who would I want to play with, who might be interested and who is good at recruiting rookies. My initial PMs went to 1 person from every club to gauge their interests. Not everyone was keen, some flat out ignored me which was fine. SarahSmiles and Dingster were the first ones on board and they helped out a lot more in the planning stages. The 3 of us then tried to make a plan around which clubs to recruit from, weaker clubs to avoid. Once we had 5 or so of us signed on (Chipmunk , Deaneus!) we went hunting for rookies.

I really wanted the core of our team to be rookies or returning players. The most important part of expansion was getting new players into the league, for me anyway.

Cheese: When did you find out there was another Expansion Bid being worked on?

Did you work together to try to get both new Clubs accepted by the Committee??

Millky: That's actually really funny. haydo was working on his own bid completely independently and PM'd me asking me to join his side as a returning player.

We originally were trying to see if our ideas would merge together and we'd both work on one bid but decided they were too separate so we decided to present 2 bids. We thought 2 bids would eliminate the complaints about a bye. We made sure they were as different from each other as possible and tried our best to co-ordinate which clubs we got established players from so it wouldn't look like we were raiding the same clubs. This didn't always work because a lot of players who were keen to sign on, also happened to be from the same clubs.

Cheese: I understand that the Admin at the time was advised of the Expansion Bids

Did you ask him for advice before making them public?

Millky: Yeah so Ant Bear was the admin at the time. We spoke to him a bit about it to let him know that 2 bids were being worked on, we were keeping them as low profile as possible until they were done (a lot of the listed players on both sides didn't want to advertise they were leaving until the season ended). He was basically our contact with the committee. We didn't ask him stuff like "how should we do X" things but it was more keeping him up to date with numbers, number of players signed from other clubs and that sort of, well, administration things

Cheese: Why did you send manangatang a Recruitment PM?

Were you unaware that he was a Club Captain??

Millky: He tickled my fancy in a thread. Thought he'd be worth a PM like a few others. If he said no or didn't reply, would not have bothered me at all.

Nope and I didn't care. I had club captains already signed on with me anyway

Cheese: Why did the bids get rejected?

Other than the branding of you proposed Club, do you think you should have done anything differently (in hindsight)?

Millky: The politically correct answer is a formal vote was cast and it resulted in a 7-5 split. Formal justifications were issues with identity, established club health and bid sustainability. People weren't convinced of haydo and myself as captains as we had both left the league before (and in my case this was my return) and how active our rookies were since we didn't formally introduce them until late in the season. The reason we held off on formal announcements was because we wanted the bid to tick off the rules set out around expansion before announcing it because if we didn't fit the rules, we couldn't join anyway so what was the point?

The simple answer is to point at the Old Boys and say "pretty much that" but a lot of what they did to get their bid up was based on a lot of what was said against the Vampires bid. So for our issues:

Identity: Our was different but still too safe. Old Boys went completely silly

Bid Sustainability: People worried about my leadership. Old Boys had more recent established leadership in Tigerturbulance

Rookies: We saved ours until very late in the season. Old Boys went much earlier

But without that pre-established "SFA Vibe on expansion", it is hard to say. Early on in the Old Boys process they PM'd me asking me about expansion, more detailed reasons as to why it didn't happen, what went wrong, what was said and built part of their bid around that knowledge to help their case. Which is awesome as we now have a fun 13th SFA side.

Cheese: There are strong ruours that "Club 14" will be fast-tracked in to the Sweet FA in time for S34

Would you consider going through the whole process again?

Millky: I would help a 14th club the same I way I helped the Old Boys and would help any other future expansion side that asked me. It would take an extraordinary playing list to get me to move from the Bears regardless if that club was expansion or not. If not for reasons I wouldn't have left the Swamprats in general and I am not one for changing sides.

As for going through it all again? Being captain, looking for rookies, balancing poster styles, which established posters want in and facing some of the things that were said to me, about me and about players on my squad that no one knew at the time? No. No, I wouldn't.

Cheese: There are still a few Rookies around that you recruited so it wasn't a total waste of time

Millky: This is what I remind people about when they ask me if expansion was a waste of time or a failure. It wasn't. The Vampires didn't fail. The Vampires succeeded in their goal: expand the league and bring in fresh faces. I'm so proud of the side and so proud of the rookies we brought in and what they achieved in their time in the league. Vampires may not have been the 13th SFA side but our influence is still felt. Couldn't be prouder.

Cheese: Thanks for sharing your story with me, mate

Millky: My pleasure, thanks for having me
Hell, the Gumbies is stupid but established.
Eddie Murphy Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live
I still think my "He Is Coming"/"Second Coming of Christ-NomenalV1" gimmick during the bidding process severely tanked the Vamps credibility.
I still think my "He Is Coming"/"Second Coming of Christ-NomenalV1" gimmick during the bidding process severely tanked the Vamps credibility.

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EPISODE 3, PART 2: Failed Expansion Bids

Millky95 - Vampires Bid Leader

View attachment 1502904

Cheese: Hi Millky

Thanks for agreeing to answer some questions about your involvement in the Failed Expansion Bids

Why did you decide to start up an Expansion Bid?

Millky: It was in 2020 back when the first big COVID lockdowns happened. I had spent sometime not only out of the league but off BigFooty as a whole. I came back a little in before then and much more in the start of 2020. I missed out on the season start and I didn't want to just join back in mid-season. So I made the decision to sit out until the July season. Then one day I was reading through threads and looking at all the activity and I thought the league was in a strong, healthy place. It would be a really cool thing if the league got an expansion side.

Getting into the league can also be a bit hard, new rookies sometimes take a while to find their feet (I know I did) and I thought coming in with a new side might alleviate some of that. Less in-jokes to try and learn, you know? Plus most people around you are new and you can find some common-ground with that.

It just felt like the league was ready poster wise and a new influx of rookies was always a good thing. It's how the league grows. So at the time, it all felt right.

Cheese: How did the process start?

Deciding on an identity ... reaching out to other existing players??

Millky: Oh man hahaha firstly I read the rules to get my head around what was required for a team to qualify. I thought of a mascot first. I wanted something that wasn't already picked but I was struggling to think of a mascot. I looked at my games collection and I saw the game Vampyr and I just went with Vampires. Picked Pennsylvania as a location... colour wise I wanted black for night, red for blood and purple as a royal colour for the lore around Count Dracula and there was this, aura of royalty around them.

In hindsight though, I didn't probably research enough for a name or get challenge enough by those involved early on enough on it as the name was the lowest fruit the anti-expansionists went for. I liked Vampires as a mascot name (still do) but should have found a better location. Transylvania is the single most obvious one but even a made up place like "Blood Bay" or something would have worked. Or, lean more into the location and made it more Americanised. I think the Snakes at the time and the OOB now still even copped the "omg your name suuuucks" lines from the anti-expansionists anyway. Hell, the Gumbies is stupid but established. If I was going to do expansion again I'd go for a fictional place or chat to Mobbs more about Sweet lore in lower leagues and bring one of those clubs up. Which I kinda did in a sense. I wrote a whole stupid "background" of the club in a lower league trying to go from small club to too big to not be in the SFA. It was fun I think like, 4 people read it.

When reaching out to existing players initially it was a combination of who would I want to play with, who might be interested and who is good at recruiting rookies. My initial PMs went to 1 person from every club to gauge their interests. Not everyone was keen, some flat out ignored me which was fine. SarahSmiles and Dingster were the first ones on board and they helped out a lot more in the planning stages. The 3 of us then tried to make a plan around which clubs to recruit from, weaker clubs to avoid. Once we had 5 or so of us signed on (Chipmunk , Deaneus!) we went hunting for rookies.

I really wanted the core of our team to be rookies or returning players. The most important part of expansion was getting new players into the league, for me anyway.

Cheese: When did you find out there was another Expansion Bid being worked on?

Did you work together to try to get both new Clubs accepted by the Committee??

Millky: That's actually really funny. haydo was working on his own bid completely independently and PM'd me asking me to join his side as a returning player.

We originally were trying to see if our ideas would merge together and we'd both work on one bid but decided they were too separate so we decided to present 2 bids. We thought 2 bids would eliminate the complaints about a bye. We made sure they were as different from each other as possible and tried our best to co-ordinate which clubs we got established players from so it wouldn't look like we were raiding the same clubs. This didn't always work because a lot of players who were keen to sign on, also happened to be from the same clubs.

Cheese: I understand that the Admin at the time was advised of the Expansion Bids

Did you ask him for advice before making them public?

Millky: Yeah so Ant Bear was the admin at the time. We spoke to him a bit about it to let him know that 2 bids were being worked on, we were keeping them as low profile as possible until they were done (a lot of the listed players on both sides didn't want to advertise they were leaving until the season ended). He was basically our contact with the committee. We didn't ask him stuff like "how should we do X" things but it was more keeping him up to date with numbers, number of players signed from other clubs and that sort of, well, administration things

Cheese: Why did you send manangatang a Recruitment PM?

Were you unaware that he was a Club Captain??

Millky: He tickled my fancy in a thread. Thought he'd be worth a PM like a few others. If he said no or didn't reply, would not have bothered me at all.

Nope and I didn't care. I had club captains already signed on with me anyway

Cheese: Why did the bids get rejected?

Other than the branding of you proposed Club, do you think you should have done anything differently (in hindsight)?

Millky: The politically correct answer is a formal vote was cast and it resulted in a 7-5 split. Formal justifications were issues with identity, established club health and bid sustainability. People weren't convinced of haydo and myself as captains as we had both left the league before (and in my case this was my return) and how active our rookies were since we didn't formally introduce them until late in the season. The reason we held off on formal announcements was because we wanted the bid to tick off the rules set out around expansion before announcing it because if we didn't fit the rules, we couldn't join anyway so what was the point?

The simple answer is to point at the Old Boys and say "pretty much that" but a lot of what they did to get their bid up was based on a lot of what was said against the Vampires bid. So for our issues:

Identity: Our was different but still too safe. Old Boys went completely silly

Bid Sustainability: People worried about my leadership. Old Boys had more recent established leadership in Tigerturbulance

Rookies: We saved ours until very late in the season. Old Boys went much earlier

But without that pre-established "SFA Vibe on expansion", it is hard to say. Early on in the Old Boys process they PM'd me asking me about expansion, more detailed reasons as to why it didn't happen, what went wrong, what was said and built part of their bid around that knowledge to help their case. Which is awesome as we now have a fun 13th SFA side.

Cheese: There are strong ruours that "Club 14" will be fast-tracked in to the Sweet FA in time for S34

Would you consider going through the whole process again?

Millky: I would help a 14th club the same I way I helped the Old Boys and would help any other future expansion side that asked me. It would take an extraordinary playing list to get me to move from the Bears regardless if that club was expansion or not. If not for reasons I wouldn't have left the Swamprats in general and I am not one for changing sides.

As for going through it all again? Being captain, looking for rookies, balancing poster styles, which established posters want in and facing some of the things that were said to me, about me and about players on my squad that no one knew at the time? No. No, I wouldn't.

Cheese: There are still a few Rookies around that you recruited so it wasn't a total waste of time

Millky: This is what I remind people about when they ask me if expansion was a waste of time or a failure. It wasn't. The Vampires didn't fail. The Vampires succeeded in their goal: expand the league and bring in fresh faces. I'm so proud of the side and so proud of the rookies we brought in and what they achieved in their time in the league. Vampires may not have been the 13th SFA side but our influence is still felt. Couldn't be prouder.

Cheese: Thanks for sharing your story with me, mate

Millky: My pleasure, thanks for having me
Long live the vamps!
Millky95 may not have got the vamps over the line but he did help immensely with the initial establishment of the Old Boys bid,
so a big influence in expansion although not in a expansion team (yet ;))

Is Millky an honorary OOB?
Expansion huh? How many seasons do you think it'll take before people get sick of byes?
I love the bye. but more importantly, the league just isn't ready for expansion. Weaker teams would suffer to much at the hands of a 14th team.
I love the bye. but more importantly, the league just isn't ready for expansion. Weaker teams would suffer to much at the hands of a 14th team.


I thought it was a fait accompli
I love the bye. but more importantly, the league just isn't ready for expansion. Weaker teams would suffer to much at the hands of a 14th team.
That argument has sailed I'm afraid

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