The Merger Match

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Pessimistic said:
Amazing that they wanted a merger because melbourne had the money and hawthorn hd the players.

Now its the other way round

Another 10 years and it could be reversed.

Can't respect MFC enough to hate them though. the treatment of gutnick and a financial mess with an accountant as president says it all.
Pess never will be mate, we have more supporters and members so we will always have more cash then the Dees
By the way the 1st 3 years St.Kilda had the Waverly money they made huge losses.

It mustn't be that signifigant.

By the way enjoy sharing a training facility with a Rugby League and Soccer team Melbourne, we will be happy in our State of the art facility in the heartland of our supporterbase

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Hawkk said:
By the way the 1st 3 years St.Kilda had the Waverly money they made huge losses.

It mustn't be that signifigant.

By the way enjoy sharing a training facility with a Rugby League and Soccer team Melbourne, we will be happy in our State of the art facility in the heartland of our supporterbase
Ours will be state of the art in our heartland - whats your point?
Hawkk said:
Yeah but we dont have to share it with 2 dodgy teams!!!!!!!!
Doesn't bother me too much - you don't need to use it 24/7.
collingwood share theirs with the VIS, and it works fine.
it is always a good game this i can still see that mark robertson i think that was his name where he landed on his head that was one almighty mark glad he was ok afterwards he was lucky he didn't break his neck
The only decent post on this thread was by Demonheart.

Sundog is a liar.

Unlike the liar I was there in 1996. The vitriol directed at Ridley and his Board was extraordinary. Thousands couldn't get in to the venue to vote. The 'result' would've been challenged in the courts. As DHeart stated, you had to have been a member from June 31, you couldn't turn up on the night and join as Sunliar asserts.

A big part of Ian Ridley died that night. He loved Melbourne and saw no other option but to merge. History shows he was wrong.

I've never been in such an emotion charged room. 80% were anti merger. The same outside. Proxies from apathetic supporters delivered a result that was not reflective of true Dees supporters. As I said thousands outside that came to vote lined up in vain. They didn't get a chance. A sham. But the event on that night has subsequently been a friend to liars and small minds.

For the record I voted no.

Sundog, you should've been drowned at birth like all liars.
Trav 20 said:
The only decent post on this thread was by Demonheart.

Sundog is a liar.

Unlike the liar I was there in 1996. The vitriol directed at Ridley and his Board was extraordinary. Thousands couldn't get in to the venue to vote. The 'result' would've been challenged in the courts. As DHeart stated, you had to have been a member from June 31, you couldn't turn up on the night and join as Sunliar asserts.

A big part of Ian Ridley died that night. He loved Melbourne and saw no other option but to merge. History shows he was wrong.

I've never been in such an emotion charged room. 80% were anti merger. The same outside. Proxies from apathetic supporters delivered a result that was not reflective of true Dees supporters. As I said thousands outside that came to vote lined up in vain. They didn't get a chance. A sham. But the event on that night has subsequently been a friend to liars and small minds.

For the record I voted no.

Sundog, you should've been drowned at birth like all liars.

I guarantee you that just like my post yours will also be ignored by the hawthorn sheep that prefer to make up their own reality to suit their pathetic trolls. Having a firm grip on reality isn't a strong point with most hawthorn fans here.
Trav 20 said:
The only decent post on this thread was by Demonheart.

Sundog is a liar.

Unlike the liar I was there in 1996. The vitriol directed at Ridley and his Board was extraordinary. Thousands couldn't get in to the venue to vote. The 'result' would've been challenged in the courts. As DHeart stated, you had to have been a member from June 31, you couldn't turn up on the night and join as Sunliar asserts.

A big part of Ian Ridley died that night. He loved Melbourne and saw no other option but to merge. History shows he was wrong.

I've never been in such an emotion charged room. 80% were anti merger. The same outside. Proxies from apathetic supporters delivered a result that was not reflective of true Dees supporters. As I said thousands outside that came to vote lined up in vain. They didn't get a chance. A sham. But the event on that night has subsequently been a friend to liars and small minds.

For the record I voted no.

Sundog, you should've been drowned at birth like all liars.
Nah, but generalisations and saying that all Melbourne supporters were pro-merger are more fun aren't they? :rolleyes:
Did anyone say that no Melbourne person voted no? It was just that the majority voted no. Geez get your pants back on people. Just blow your own trumpet that it wasn't you who voted yes but believe this.... we Hawks voted mostly no... more than you lot.

You're on top of the ladder.... why drag it out again and again. Are you hoping for more pennies in the bank that you haven't been able to garner until now.

Geez, we only like baiting you because you clearly are harbouring pent up frustration of being branded as squibs prepared to let your club die.( and no I don't mean all of you) But it sure looked like all of you wanted it to happen no matter what given what happened. It ain't the Hawks who keep screaming about this, it is you lot. You sit in absolute embarrassment about it and cannot let it go.

We hawks like to add to it because it is a despicable occurrence that one club could be prepared to do what was proposed.

Be glad to meet you on Saturday and play the game well. You'll probably beat us because you are better placed but we'll sure have a damn fine crack at it and don't you ever say that we didn't save you because we did.

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Trav 20 said:
Sundog, you should've been drowned at birth like all liars.

I'll say this once. I bought a membership specifically to vote at that meeting - I DID NOT SAY I BOUGHT IT ON THE DAY.
If you'll recall your history then you'll know that the merger not takeover with the Hawks had been mooted since before mid-year. I joined the MFC as a member in early May.
Why did I do that? Simple. I'm a passionate supporter of footy but not so much of any club...BUT if any then I was a supporter of the Fitzroy footy club since I went to those games as a kid - my dad played just under 100 games with the Roys, over 100 if you count the ressies.
I saw what was happening and had happened to the Lions. I did not want to see ANOTHER 2 teams fall into history. That Hawthorn voted to survive was a credit to them, that you voted not to is an indictment on you (maybe not you personally).

Since you can't seem to comprehend that a non-supporter like myself would spend money to support YOUR club from extinction, you'd probably be surprised to know that I had also bought Hawks membership that year. for that same reason.

Your inability to accept the past and your eagerness to change it by your own version of events is a testament to the type of Pro-merger supporter I have, and always will, be yelling against on gameday.

As a last note, I still have my Melb membership ticket of that year. Would you like me to post it here for proof? Perhaps you'd also post yours if you have one.
Trav 20 said:
I've never been in such an emotion charged room. 80% were anti merger. The same outside. Proxies from apathetic supporters delivered a result that was not reflective of true Dees supporters. As I said thousands outside that came to vote lined up in vain. They didn't get a chance. A sham. But the event on that night has subsequently been a friend to liars and small minds.

For the record I voted no.

Sundog, you should've been drowned at birth like all liars.
:rolleyes: The majority voted yes. Any figures you make up will be treated with the contempt they deserve. History doesn't lie.

You may well have voted no. So may Yze_magic and Demonheart. But the majority of Melbourne members did not. How you can reconcile yourself to forgive your fellow members is beyond me (assuming you did vote no).
Sundog said:
I look forward to these matches every year, and I try to never miss a Melb-Haw match. As a supporter of the game and not of either club I become quite passionate over these matches.....
....and I passionately support Hawthorn in each one.

These matches represent the time that the supporters of a proud clubwillingly voted for their own extinction. They looked at their future and decided that their team as it was had no part in that future. They were willing to send their team to the scrapheap and support a disgusting hybrid with no history and no soul.
They supported the merge. They voted for it. And finally they faced a team that decided to do the hard yards whatever the cost and fight for their own existence.
That's why for one game at least a year I passionately support the Hawks - for having the guts, the courage and the PASSION to remain the Hawthorn Football Club.

Both teams now are moderately successful, whether on or off the field. both have many members and money in the bank - and good on them!
But I'll always support Hawthorn in this match and I'll be there on Saturday to remind some Melb supporters that they just didn't have the guts to fight.

As an aside, I went to Dallas Brooks Hall that night. I bought a membership especially, just to get in and vote. I was there and I saw what the vote was and I remember how bad I felt about our game that supporters would actually want this.

Melbourne voted for their own extinction and it was Hawthorn's refusal to comply that saved Melbourne - perhaps they should add a 'thank-you' to their banner on Saturday. :rolleyes:


MFC is a joke. Imagine voting something you love out of existance. Farce.

Suppose they wanted 12 months in the snow per year...
Trav20's right. We didn't vote ourselves out of existence. The result of the vote was dubious and would have been challenged on many grounds. A lot of members were turned away and there were several other reasons why the vote would have been ruled invalid including the presence of a number of "guest" proxy voters. If you were at the hall on the night you would realise that the great majority of members were against merging with the Hawks.

Anyhow, it's over now and we're forging an independent identity free of those sh1tty colours and any relationship to the Dorks.

Thank god for that!
Jesus... is this ********** brought up before every Melbourne-Hawthorn game to cover for the fact that we are likely to smash you?
Some of the crap in this thread is so wrong and so past its use-by-date... why do Hawthorn supporters still bother?

We will let our game do all the talking. How many of you will bring up the 'merger' once the game is over, if we end up thrashing you by 15 goals?
The generalisations in this thread is as redicilous as me saying that all Hawthorn supporters are liars and hold onto old grudges.

Bottom line is, we are still very much around and we will be a dominant force in the competition for a few years to come. As Hawthorn supporters, you should concentrate on getting to that position too, instead of bringing up crap from the past!
To the tune of "Hello, Goodbye" by those Liverpool lads:

You said yes
We said no
We said stop
And you said go, go, go!

You voted yes
And we voted no.
rick James said:
As a matter of fact when the VFL forced us to share our home ground, and essentially broke contract. no cash though mate, no cash.
Rubbish - now you really are making it up as you go along.
We never owned Waverley, just as much you never owned the 'G.
We had home-ground rights at Waverley before StKilda did, so our circumstances are similar in regards to you & Richmond.
You still play at the 'G, we don't still play at Waverley, and there's the difference - BROKEN contract! You're never going to play 22 games at the one ground, so clubs sharing is not unreasonable - getting booted off a ground for good that both parties agreed to play on for 40 years, is.

Hypocrite. Don't bag Hawthorn supporters for 'distorting' the truth when you yourself are doing it.
Sundog said:
I'll say this once. I bought a membership specifically to vote at that meeting - I DID NOT SAY I BOUGHT IT ON THE DAY.
If you'll recall your history then you'll know that the merger not takeover with the Hawks had been mooted since before mid-year. I joined the MFC as a member in early May.
Why did I do that? Simple. I'm a passionate supporter of footy but not so much of any club...BUT if any then I was a supporter of the Fitzroy footy club since I went to those games as a kid - my dad played just under 100 games with the Roys, over 100 if you count the ressies.
I saw what was happening and had happened to the Lions. I did not want to see ANOTHER 2 teams fall into history. That Hawthorn voted to survive was a credit to them, that you voted not to is an indictment on you (maybe not you personally).

Since you can't seem to comprehend that a non-supporter like myself would spend money to support YOUR club from extinction, you'd probably be surprised to know that I had also bought Hawks membership that year. for that same reason.

Your inability to accept the past and your eagerness to change it by your own version of events is a testament to the type of Pro-merger supporter I have, and always will, be yelling against on gameday.

As a last note, I still have my Melb membership ticket of that year. Would you like me to post it here for proof? Perhaps you'd also post yours if you have one.

Once again you're talking crap, you have your dates totally wrong, there was no official declaration from the club that there was going to be a vote when you claim to have bought your membership, the was only a rumour. If what you say is correct then everytime there was a barest mention of the m word then you would have bought memberships for all of the other clubs rumoured like the kangaroosx4, fitzroyx5, Lions and about a dozen bulldogs memberships, and I haven't even started at Carlton's attempted takeover of the kangaroos. What you made up has so many holes in it that only the desperate dork fans could possibly believe.
^they broke the contract that we would play ALL of our games as sole tenant of the MCG. Cheers.

but either way, the hawthorn supporters seem to be prone to major bull********ting in this thread. Most of the melbourne fans seem to actually be talking sense.

And yeah, you might outnumber us at the game (I doubt it though), but once again, none of you will make a sound. I'm taking it upon myself to be even more vocal than I was last year when you thermos carrying pillow biters and elderly citizens got thrashed.

In fact, I'm hoping to draw a "line in the sand" at some point, so hopefully the little turds talking crap here will be just as petulant in standing room so I know who to target.

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The Merger Match

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