The one they don't rate (and they're wrong)

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From Essendon it's probably Hooker. Started like a house on fire last year- I think he conceded about a dozen goals in the first 8 rounds (including Cloke, Petrie, J Riewoldt, J Brown and Darling). Just don't let him kick it
Didn't Cloke destroy Hooker to the point where Hurley was moved onto him, or was that the second game or someone else?

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That says more about Essendon's list than his ability.

He's a very good kick, and can find space well. He's far too much of an outside player, though, and hasn't improved since his first year.

That's complete bullshit.

He's been improving the whole time.

Unless you're just looking at stats, which if so, there's no use continuing this discussion with you.
Didn't Cloke destroy Hooker to the point where Hurley was moved onto him, or was that the second game or someone else?
second game. Cloke kicked 3 on Hooker on ANZAC Day, 2 of them lucky shots from 55 out
Small to medium defenders seem to get forgotten all the time.

Toovey, Dempster and Patful don't get enough love for the job that they do. Smith seems to getting his dues after Sydney GF win, but he had been very good for a couple of years.
Tom Lonergan for me.

Many believed including me, that he was a big spud and he only kept his spot on the list due to losing his kidney. And while it did take a little while once he came back into the side to change anyone's mind of that, his move back has been outstanding and i honestly believe he has flourished into one of the best key defenders in the league.
I think he had developed into a very good player well before most of the media and supporters had cottoned on. That includes narrow minded Geelong supporters who wouldn't change their opinion of him due to the fact that they would have been wrong about something, despite being consistently good week in week out. Personal Family members are included :)

Even though one of my favourite players at Geelong, I am stunned at how much Harry Taylor is praised externally and still how much Lonergan is underrated, when the majority of the time it is 'beans' (as I and my mates have dubbed him due to the kidney incident (kidney beans)) who goes to the monster forward. I couldn't be happier i was wrong about him.

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Cotchin aside, Tigers and Roos do not have one player on their combined lists who looks as likely or has shown as much as Heppell. Not sure why they have such an issue here. Incredible first couple of years and showed round 1 what we are likely to see spending more time on the ball. Young Gun!
Def Harry O for us. Looks likely as a mobile marking wing/forward flanker.
For Richmond, I'd say Jake King.

'Everyone' knows he's a spud, but gee, Richmond wins a lot more often when he's playing than when he's not.

Not questioning his importance to your side, but in 88 games he has won just 30 times..

For us it's probably Maxwell. People just think he needs to be a superstar because he is captain, but he is a very solid player for us, had a great 2012 after missing games in 2011 through injury. He was one of our best last night also IMO
Has been mentioned, but it is Jake King for us. Even from Richmond supporters I hear all the time that he has a 'lack of skill but makes up for it with his intensity/desire' etc. This is not true, King is really agile and has some serious smarts when he is around the ball in the forward half. Yes he is a maniac and yes he did used to butcher the ball when he played off half back but to say he lacks talent and only gets by through work ethic is severely misjudging him.
Thought he played pretty well Thursday
Definitely Westhoff. Significantly better than most give him credit for...even his own supporters.
Schoenmakers . Everybody notices the mistakes but he's a 22 yr old key defender playing on monsters above his weight each week. He has the talent and with Lake able to take the big forward each week (as he should) Schoey will start to show his talent. Not to mention the fact that he spent his entire junior career as a forward, he's done quite well so far.

He had a fantastic grand final but I guess nobody notices him when he plays well, as is almost always the case with key defenders.
Scott McMahon.

Nowhere near a star but, as they say in the NBA, he's a glue guy. Holds the team together and makes the defence better. Had a case of The Hives last year, missed half a season, came back in, and our defence stopped leaking like a sieve and we went on a tear. Missed him horribly last night.

North's kick-outs have always been pretty average even going back to the Brady Rawlings long down the line option of yesteryear, but McMahon made us a bit better. Last night was like a throwback to the bad old days of kick-ins.

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