The Otherworldly Circus - The America Thread

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Have you ever listened to him?

I have seen enough to know Tucker Carlson is a f**kwit shit talker who incites hatred and division and it only takes a couple of brain cells to realise he’s not someone anyone should be taking seriously.

Fox gave him the boot, but have replaced him with an even bigger f**kwit.

You should go and give Jesse Watters a watch. He’d be right up your alley.

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This toxicity we’ve been debating is spreading to corporates like the AFL who have no rival. With madness like this, made from an AFL executive with no experience outside their privileged private school, leafy suburbs lives.
We fans, will listen to who we wish, not because of their gender and race. And as Wayniac has mentioned, working classes will go down the intersectional pecking order…again.
If this is going to be mandatory in media commentary to cover AFL, how long to team selection has quotas? Five years? Ten years? At this rate I reckon about 5 years away?

There should be one rule get the best people to do the job.

Stupidity has no bounds
This thread is toxic in the extreme. Calling someone racist because they dont agree with your views is perverse. I'm not going to allude to what race or gender I am, all I will say is, it shouldn't matter on a resume.

Merit and experience. That's it.

Public discourse has lost the language of generosity.
So toxic, it's now comedic.
You can screech that all you want Yebach.

Every poster in here can see who the RWFW’s are.
Who cares who’s ’right’ wing or ‘left’ wing. One is not more correct than the other. I don’t barrack for either right or left. Problem is the extreme fringes of both have ridiculous policies and those that think they are only on one of the sides, think they should barrack for that extreme policy because it’s from their team.
The DEI/affirmative action stuff is ridiculous and I couldn’t care if you call it left or right, it’s nonsense, that many sensible people on the left and right ridicule it is a good thing. We need to stop worrying whether we are left or right and debate each topic on its merits. Remember Trump, who I dislike, gets extra supporters because of stuff like this, if you don’t like Trump, don’t be a supporter of this crap and call it out.
Who cares who’s ’right’ wing or ‘left’ wing. One is not more correct than the other. I don’t barrack for either right or left. Problem is the extreme fringes of both have ridiculous policies and those that think they are only on one of the sides, think they should barrack for that extreme policy because it’s from their team.
The DEI/affirmative action stuff is ridiculous and I couldn’t care if you call it left or right, it’s nonsense, that many sensible people on the left and right ridicule it is a good thing. We need to stop worrying whether we are left or right and debate each topic on its merits. Remember Trump, who I dislike, gets extra supporters because of stuff like this, if you don’t like Trump, don’t be a supporter of this crap and call it out.
Fresh, you’re sliding down the crazy path. I’ve always enjoyed your perspective on many things but something has got you in relation to US politics that (I’m being optimistic/hopeful here), isn’t the real you! I reckon you might be a normal, lovely bloke to have a beer which I hope to do at a Pub close to Marvel.
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I tell you one thing, it would not surprise me if Biden dies in the next 6 months. He looks cooked. I cannot believe the Dems hid/hung on to him so late. Fortuitously, I think it will work out and Trump will lose by plenty, democracy will be saved and Putin will die in 3-4 years as well.
Fresh, you’re sliding down the crazy path. I’ve always enjoyed your perspective on many things but something has got you in relation to US politics that (I’m being optimistic/hopeful here), isn’t the real you! I reckon you might be a normal, lovely bloke to have a beer which I hope to do at a Pub close to Marvel.
I believe in helping all who need it. Being a compassionate community. I love to see a great classic education for everyone who wants it.
But a bit like how you can’t believe anyone could defend what Hamas did on October 7 and many on the ‘left’ in the Universities and other institutions and individuals in Australia and around the world have tried to. I am like this with ‘affirmative action’. I despair and dispise it because of the ulterior motives it puts on everyone and all the other reasons discussed previously. Don’t underestimate why people turn from the Democrats to even a pig like Trump because of it.
What a weird world we live in when someone I have on ignore and wouldn't **** on shares some of my non-football opinions (thanks to the poster who pointed this out 👍). 🤪

There's a bunch of other posters I should add to the ignore list as their irrationality is beyond redemption, but tbh ICBF. Sometimes it's amusing to see how ignorant some people are of how society is/has evolved.

And again, while I see the attraction to Harris/Dems of Shapiro because of his geographical location, he is going to be problematic for them with his Gaza stance, and I think that is a major mis-step. Not sure the orange man and his name-hopping VP candidate are capable of leveraging that to their benefit though. Unfortunately for the orange man, Shapiro is Caucasian too...

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What a weird world we live in when someone I have on ignore and wouldn't **** on shares some of my non-football opinions (thanks to the poster who pointed this out 👍). 🤪

There's a bunch of other posters I should add to the ignore list as their irrationality is beyond redemption, but tbh ICBF. Sometimes it's amusing to see how ignorant some people are of how society is/has evolved.

And again, while I see the attraction to Harris/Dems of Shapiro because of his geographical location, he is going to be problematic for them with his Gaza stance, and I think that is a major mis-step. Not sure the orange man and his name-hopping VP candidate are capable of leveraging that to their benefit though. Unfortunately for the orange man, Shapiro is Caucasian too...

Stop pi**ing on people Geoff. It’s super weird!!
Not that it matters one bit but Shapiro wouldn't be my choice.

If out was given reports its now down to 3 he'd be 3rd behind Walz and Kelly.

But it makes sense from a political point of view given he is a popular governor of a battleground state and would go a long way to negating the bogus Republican talking point that Harris is anti-israel and by logical (in their minds) extension an anti-semite. Its going to be fun watching on if he does become the VP candidate how Republicans walk the tightrope of criticising him with out reverting to type and dog whistling their anti-semitism given how all in they are on supporting Israel.

It's nuts the strange bedfellows that the ultra-conservative evangelical wing of the Republican Party has tied the party in knots with. Due to their absolutely mental belief in the end of times, the rapture and all that entails. But here we are.

I suspect that if Shapiro is the nominee the republican strategy will merely see Trump doubling down on his long held view that any Jewish person who votes for a democrat is disloyal to the state of Israel. Which is a very weird take for the somebody who aspires to lead a country that is all about America first, the flag and whatever other patriotic nonsense that they espouse to get elected. Having said that there has never been a consistent through line in his thoughts from one minute to another. Let alone a ideological philosophy underpinning Trumps life. One thats seen him identify as a democrat, give political donations to many other democrats including both Hillary Clinton and inconveniently ...Kamala Harris.

Thats because he's a political opportunist who is only interested in the trappings and accumulation of wealth and power that the office can bring him. He was canny enough to recognise that the easiest way to attain it was selling Republican rubes the horseshit that is MAGA. Which the great orange marketer ripped off from the equally shallow and reprehensible Ronald Reagan.

Its a sad fact of life that the VP decision will ultimately be one of political expediency where they will weigh the influence of the competing interests and do what is in their best interests to get elected. And given the Jewish vote has overwhelming historically favoured the democratic party, they'll probably go with the guy who gives them the best chance of doing that.

And it that means ignoring the concerns of the pro-Palestinian wings of the party and risking them sitting out the election.

Then thats what they'll do.
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Sad but true Norm. The bottom line for any politician in the AUKUS orbit, regardless of party/idealogical flavour, is try to get into power, then try to stay there. Its not even compromising on principles any more for the greater good, or long-term policy development. Power is the aim, and all the snout-troughing that accompanies it.
Sad but true Norm. The bottom line for any politician in the AUKUS orbit, regardless of party/idealogical flavour, is try to get into power, then try to stay there. Its not even compromising on principles any more for the greater good, or long-term policy development. Power is the aim, and all the snout-troughing that accompanies it.

I guess the realpolitik of the situation is that any prospective candidate even a V.P. cannot institute change from outside of system of government where ultimate power is vested in one person.

Sometimes you need to hold your nose and do whatever it takes to get there. Especially if you believe that your opponent is an existential threat to American democracy.

This is a true indication of how far down the rabbit hole the Republican Party and anywhere between 30 and 40% of the country has fallen. By getting sucked into the insane Jonestown like vortex of Trumps cult of personality.

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Sad but true Norm. The bottom line for any politician in the AUKUS orbit, regardless of party/idealogical flavour, is try to get into power, then try to stay there. Its not even compromising on principles any more for the greater good, or long-term policy development. Power is the aim, and all the snout-troughing that accompanies it.
That mainly happens with those who work through the major parties. However there are still some politicians with integrity in the major parties. The problem is they get trampled by the party machine and the faction system. They rarely if ever rise to the top.

It's not so much the case with the independents who have a particularly difficult path just to get elected and rarely get any further than sitting on the cross-bench. Most of them are there for the right motives whether you agree with their politics or not. However if you look hard enough you might even find some examples of snout-troughing (trough-snouting?) there as well.
I guess the realpolitik of the situation is that any prospective candidate even a V.P. cannot institute change from outside of system of government where ultimate power is vested in one person.

Sometimes you need to hold your nose and do whatever it takes to get there. Especially if you believe that your opponent is an existential threat to American democracy.

This is a true indication of how far down the rabbit hole the Republican Party and anywhere between 30 and 40% of the country has fallen. By getting sucked into the insane Jonestown like vortex of Trumps cult of personality.

Trump is a f**king traitor.
I got told a week ago that it was him. Not surprised and she needs Pennsylvania so the pick makes sense.

It’s a shame that Pete isn’t the choice.
Roasting Joe Biden GIF by Norwalk Brew House

Walz it is. You need better US government inside sources, lol.

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The Otherworldly Circus - The America Thread

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