Discussion The Random Discussion Thread

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correct me if i am wrong but the deal for Russia leaving Ukraine, was that Russia would get the Nukes and in return the Ukraine would get NATO support: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budapest_Memorandum

the reality is these countries wanted to leave Russia.

i don't see how anything justifies the Russian invasion. just like I don't think there was justification for Afghanistan or Iraq.

Nothing justifies it but they were also provoked. The US put in a puppet government and orchestrated a war for profit and destabilisation of other super powers. No-one is saying Russia are good guys either.

China is a good model. They do the same thing where they tie countries up in their financial orbit but through soft diplomacy. Paying for infrastructure in poor nations instead of flattening them. Doesn't mean they won't turn nasty at some point but right now they are a better world citizen than most of the western nations.
Russia is in all kinds of strife though. the birth rate dont look good. their economy looks like on the beginning of a long decline.

Most of the shit we read about our enemies has no truth to it. I'd put money of China and Russia over the next century more than the west. We are stumbling while they are uniting. BRICS will be a game changer for the global south. If the US dollar loses its supremacy and bulk countries drop it, they won't be able to print unlimited money and will have to pay down their extraordinary debt.
correct me if i am wrong but the deal for Russia leaving Ukraine, was that Russia would get the Nukes and in return the Ukraine would get NATO support: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budapest_Memorandum

the reality is these countries wanted to leave Russia.

i don't see how anything justifies the Russian invasion. just like I don't think there was justification for Afghanistan or Iraq.

Just saw this on twitter. He's an idiot but this sums up the way the US system operates.


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Why is he an idiot?
Idiot is not the best term. He was a brilliant environmental lawyer which no doubt makes him smarter than any of us footy nuffies.

But outside of his field of expertise, he has expressed a hell of a lot of stupid ideas, such as his belief that AIDS isn't caused by HIV, instead it's caused by gay guys abusing poppers.

He's an "alternative" health nut job and has absolutely no place being anywhere near the health authorities let alone running them.
Idiot is not the best term. He was a brilliant environmental lawyer which no doubt makes him smarter than any of us footy nuffies.

But outside of his field of expertise, he has expressed a hell of a lot of stupid ideas, such as his belief that AIDS isn't caused by HIV, instead it's caused by gay guys abusing poppers.

He's an "alternative" health nut job and has absolutely no place being anywhere near the health authorities let alone running them.
I had not heard that AIDS belief, tried googling but was of course inundated with the usual articles from the usual sources.

“Nut job” seems below you, very lazy.

“Health” isn’t in such hot shape in the West as it stands, a mix up is desperately needed.
I doubt he’ll truly get to run riot, however would be interesting to see if he was.
Far more interesting than being guided by this bloke anyway
I had not heard that AIDS belief, tried googling but was of course inundated with the usual articles from the usual sources.

“Nut job” seems below you, very lazy.

“Health” isn’t in such hot shape in the West as it stands, a mix up is desperately needed.
I doubt he’ll truly get to run riot, however would be interesting to see if he was.
Far more interesting than being guided by this bloke anyway
View attachment 2178184
I can't remember where I saw it, he was giving some speech somewhere.

It will be interesting for sure. But I'd love to go back to a time when politics was boring.
Idiot is not the best term. He was a brilliant environmental lawyer which no doubt makes him smarter than any of us footy nuffies.

But outside of his field of expertise, he has expressed a hell of a lot of stupid ideas, such as his belief that AIDS isn't caused by HIV, instead it's caused by gay guys abusing poppers.

He's an "alternative" health nut job and has absolutely no place being anywhere near the health authorities let alone running them.

A lot of law is memorizing a heap of random stuff. You can be really adept at that without understanding a lot of deeper science.
Brain worms I guess?

Roadkill bear might have had a say in that.

In other news, I apparently give off a "snake wrangler" vibe to neighbours, as one just popped over to be all "There's a snake in my house" only she hasn't seen it, cleaner did yesterday apparently and I had my phone out to call someone in case there actually was one as she's not important for that sort of BS.

But yeah, I dunno what she was thinking, like she stated it was under chair and then barefoot, walked to the chair to take a cover off before even going "can you turn it on its side?". Like WTF, if there was actually a snake you just gave it a buffet and reason to be pissy, woman. Use that noggin cause it's not there to be pretty.

tldr: nasi goreng noodle isn't as tasty as it sounds, it was actually kind of bland.
I had not heard that AIDS belief, tried googling but was of course inundated with the usual articles from the usual sources.

“Nut job” seems below you, very lazy.

“Health” isn’t in such hot shape in the West as it stands, a mix up is desperately needed.
I doubt he’ll truly get to run riot, however would be interesting to see if he was.
Far more interesting than being guided by this bloke anyway
View attachment 2178184

Health has pushed too far into an industry but modern medicine in absolutely miraculous. Commoditising heath for financial gain is what you RWNJs fetishise isn't it?

It's more than just big Pharma too. It's the way research is funded to chase the profitable over the beneficial.

If anyone suggests government funding research and you all freak out and call it communism.

Putting up pics of a trans to prove that the whole industry is off the rails makes you look like Fox News level of analysis. That's below you, you little rascal.
A lot of law is memorizing a heap of random stuff. You can be really adept at that without understanding a lot of deeper science.

I know lawyers who are ****ing idiots. A few of the smartest people I know were terrible students and find it hard to focus. There are lots of different types of intelligence.

As a hippy I rate people who chase their own dreams and direction instead of going and working a horrible job to pay off a mortgage on a big house to impress people who don't like you anyway.

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They are the billionaires, the PACS, Israel, the mega corps and financiers of the 2 major parties. The only thing I like about Trump is that he talks about pissing off the neocon war mongers. Don't think he actually will though.

The scam is that war is money laundering. The cash goes back to the corporations. The US government operates like the British East India Company on a grander scale. Or maybe just the mafia.
Sometimes the links between governments and big business are obvious and sometimes we make assumption's that simply aren’t true.

Are there people in government who benefit from taking a position on foreign policy, absolutely. Just the same as politics is full of lobbyists and kick backs that aren’t so obvious. The yearly transfer of massive amounts of public money into private hands via defence spending is breathtaking. Some of those who benefit is a matter of public record, others are hiding in plain sight and some you’d need to spend a lifetime and probably a fortune to expose and then who would care ?.

Funny enough that stuff with Milosevich is quite topical now with a lot about the deliberate break up of the balkans and US bombing when they had no right to. The guy writing is very much a status quo type who is taking the US mainstream neocon narrative as gospel.

Pilger exposed the whole war machine and while he got heaps wrong, was prone to over the top hyperbole and over simplification he was right on most of the main topics in hindsight. Guys like Meersheimer and Sachs are more mainstream but have pretty much backed his view on the history of the US from forced regime changes to illegal attacks and theft.

Trump riffs off all those guys that exposed the dirty underbelly of the US neocon war machine. I always thought Pilger was a bit of a loony that was too extreme but he really wasn't that far off the truth. History has been kind to him not guys like GW Bush, Cheney, the Clintons, Kissinger etc.
The guys from Britain and works for the mainstream but I could have posted many more pretty much the same. Pilger was an interesting guy until it became evident he was really a loony, sloppy liar.

I don’t subscribe to the black and white view of the world so he was interesting when I was much younger. I find the current state of the world quite depressing, the transfer of wealth is only accelerating. I often wonder how far you can push people in western wealth countries before they’ll snap. But what are they going to do change governments, wow same same all too often. Then of course you don’t need to look back to far to see people in London living in poverty and being treated like human garbage.

Jack London the abyss is written about the time my grandmother was born. She remembered open sewers in Melbourne and bark humpys on Kew boulevard. Take a look at the homeless here and elsewhere people just shrug. Take a look at the poverty some people live in around the world, say india nothing happens, people just take it.

Massive change is coming that much is obvious and as per usual many who think nothing off it or think they’re part of the ruling class because they have a few million in assets are in for a very rude awakening imo. I worry for my kids and grandkids and for future generations. I feel like we fell asleep at the wheel or looked the other way because life was good and we shared in the prosperity.

No easy answers to this one I’m afraid.
I had not heard that AIDS belief, tried googling but was of course inundated with the usual articles from the usual sources.

“Nut job” seems below you, very lazy.

“Health” isn’t in such hot shape in the West as it stands, a mix up is desperately needed.
I doubt he’ll truly get to run riot, however would be interesting to see if he was.
Far more interesting than being guided by this bloke anyway
View attachment 2178184

How dare you knock straight shooter Levine

Nothing justifies it but they were also provoked. The US put in a puppet government and orchestrated a war for profit and destabilisation of other super powers. No-one is saying Russia are good guys either.

China is a good model. They do the same thing where they tie countries up in their financial orbit but through soft diplomacy. Paying for infrastructure in poor nations instead of flattening them. Doesn't mean they won't turn nasty at some point but right now they are a better world citizen than most of the western nations.
China are terrible gringo, they are handing out a state version of subprime loans then taking over the infrastructure build with them. At the same time they have leveraged those loans by coercing countries into favourable trade deals and support of Chinese positions at the UN etc.

Absolute crap neighbours trying to grab control of the South China Sea and other countries exclusive economic zones despite having a ruling against them showing their claims are baseless. Human rights abuses abound, border disputes with India and many others, yeah nah not nice at all 🤣🤣.

Very smart though, buying gold along with India in large quantities without making a lot of noise, why. Seems like a play against the US dollar is well and truly on the agenda. Where’s our gold as a matter of interest ?.
I feel like Fallon is the antithesis of Letterman.
There's a saying in Latin, "Ejusdem generis". It sums up the whole stinking media industry accurately. Letterman is no different, he just sounds a bit smarter. Narcissists. All of them. They are all mercenaries, the definition of which is someone who does something really awful for a lot of money
I know lawyers who are ****ing idiots. A few of the smartest people I know were terrible students and find it hard to focus. There are lots of different types of intelligence.

As a hippy I rate people who chase their own dreams and direction instead of going and working a horrible job to pay off a mortgage on a big house to impress people who don't like you anyway.

I studied Engineering, and tried to get a full grasp of the concepts in my head, so i could sort of visualize things.
Some of the things i never quite grasped i scraped through by remembering rules and formulas.
Some of them i actually had epiphanies years later " ahhh it all makes sense now " the formulas are easier to remember if you know why they work.
I didn't get great results, and later in my working life, it became clear to me that some of my colleagues who had achieved straight A's, had forgotten a lot of what they had studied.
China are terrible gringo, they are handing out a state version of subprime loans then taking over the infrastructure build with them. At the same time they have leveraged those loans by coercing countries into favourable trade deals and support of Chinese positions at the UN etc.

Absolute crap neighbours trying to grab control of the South China Sea and other countries exclusive economic zones despite having a ruling against them showing their claims are baseless. Human rights abuses abound, border disputes with India and many others, yeah nah not nice at all 🤣🤣.

Very smart though, buying gold along with India in large quantities without making a lot of noise, why. Seems like a play against the US dollar is well and truly on the agenda. Where’s our gold as a matter of interest ?.

They do the same as the US but offer it without the aggression was what I meant.
As living alone is apparently trippy, I was just sitting here you know casually looking at the cricket (NZ v ENG), going "I CBF" and nomming on white bread with butter and some chocolates cause sweet fatty content, and all of a sudden I lose power.

So I do a walk around, you know is "anything amiss" fire off a message to the sis all "no power here, there?" and yep isolated outage, fun! Turn everything off at the switch, nada, flick things like lights and random switches off at the fuse and nothing, hang for like 10mins and suddenly safety switch stays up.

Oh fun!

So I then go through the process of switching things back on, fridge fine, freezer fine so kitchen fine, this room fine, blah blah get to "my room" since I use surge protector instances and well suffice to say cascading everything back on and everything stays on. So I'm now confused AF.

If it's not isolated.
It it wasn't tripped by something.
If no one anywhere attached to here went "yep; outage" despite me not having power to check things, how TF did it turn off for like 30mins?
Nothing was hot, nothing cold, nothing shows a "burn", there was no "warning" to it, I'm now thinking one of two things;
Actual wiring in walls, ceiling and such or, one of the two external plugs "in use" as even if covered, maybe since rain there was splashback somewhere?
If they are, they should definitely not be disclosing on the internet lol

Unless they run pump and dump, in which case; anyone responding affirmative to, please touch base, just don't tell anyone where they came from and cut me in afterwards.... wink wink nudge nudge.

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