The reason I rarely read this Board

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I'm one of the many HHQ-ers fanatics (or losers, call it what you will) and IMO it really is a good place, we're one big happy family, you should see the Hay threads, it's like ivy or something, they're growing by the minute.

You don't always get shot down though, I've posted some irrelevant and wasteful stuff in the past and i was just ignored or picked on in a good way! Better than getting shot down i guess!

The other week HHQ went Bye Bye for a few days and i decided to come over here and check out the joint, i joined last year but didn't see the need to look/post.
Now i come over at least once a day for a look-see... but nothing takes my fancy apart from the Reality tv board :eek: ..

Anyway just thought i'd add in my 1 cent for good measure.
Cheer Up Vandenbergfan it's not that bad.
Cranny Pete is a strange but special dude in his own way and Jacqui's a great passionate Hawks supporter! Yeah they're ok those kids.

P.S Hi Grendal! :)
Vandenbergfan said:
I posted on this site last week and found out later the post had been deleted. There was no profanity, trolling or personal abuse in the post - it was just a description of my getting banned from HHQ.

Which was self-indulgent grandstanding all about err YOU. The forum reads "Hawthorn board" not "Vandenberfan board". Now if it did, your post might have had a place being on here. As it didn't, it went.

Given that the post does not fit into the categories you've listed for deleting/editing posts; how come it was deleted?

See above.

I wouldn't have needed to start the little sook fest if the thread at the top of this forum wasn't locked.

Or if you had the common sense enough to send a pm to me asking why perhaps? Maybe I need to explain it to you once more (it's in the locked thread, top of the page).

"it is the Hawthorn forum." I.e not the Vandenbergfan forum.

Clear with it yet? Glad to see though you admit what it really is you are doing here though, having a sook.

At the end of the day you don't really want opinion on this Board, you want something that complies with the cursory rules you've set down. Personally, I would prefer to see posters put a little bit of passion/interest into their posts, even if this meant they contravened some of your stupid rules.

In other words what you are in effect saying is that you'd like the forum to operate under your rules better than 'my' rules? And if I didn't like your rules? Hold a mirror up sparky and see the two-facedness of your position.

Btw the 'rules', you agree to them when you join the site. It's YOUR choice to join. If you don't like the rules, then why join in the first place? Or let me take a wild guess, you didn't actually read the conditions of membership and just signed on because it's an internet footy fan site and you are an internet footy fan?

Fair enough I suppose, most people are in the same situation more than likely. Still doesn't change the base fact that they are rules you have agreed to abide by does it.

At the moment this Board consists of posts that are either inarticulate or flat out dumb, eg.

Philhawk: 'I hope we don't get a repeat of the Murphy father/son fiasco. I don't know if Josh Kennedy lives in Melbourne' ....... Then why are you posting it, if you don't know what your talking about.

Hawkk: a 14 year old kid, he asks the question 'who will get the converted number 23'.....enough said.

crannypete: I'm starting to get tired of the dope smoking moron crap, dude.

Bennycoff: 'I'd just like to confirm Hawthorn would definitely be interested in'.... who the heck are you - AC, Bucky or Pelchen.

Gary Shadworth: has this bloke ever said anything worthwhile.

Cyberkev: 'I'd just like to introduce one of the most knowledgable posters on BigFooty'.....cough, cough.

Jacqui: I've heard from people that have seen you, that your a pipsqueak. And yeah, I've learnt to differentiate between the sensible and the stupid, you fall into the latter category.

So given all that, why would you want to enter into it? That's kind of.. dumb.

As for contributing to articulate or interesting topics, thus far on the forum (aside from this thread and the hhq whinge) you have started err... one thread, back in April. "How the heck is Dixon an AFL player". Now there's some deep and meaningful discussion.

You see Mr moderator these are opinions, as opposed to the typing that normally gets posted in this forum. Now, given that your scared of opinion I can't see this post remaining.

Anyone else make sense of that inarticulate paragraph above? Me neither.

You've had your whinge, here is mine.

The board is here for the express purpose of discussing the HFC. It's not here to slag off other forums who's moderators decided that you should be booted from having access to.

The board has rules and guidelines, not only when you sign up for b/f membership but also again at the top of the page.

You can't accept that, then move on. If you can, then contribute as you like. Like you have in 21 threads, none of your posts edited by me over the last six months of you posting on this forum.
Nicely summed up Grendel - This bloke is nothing but a gutless sniper that has a huge chip on his shoulder. By the way Vanderdribble - what is your claim to fame that we should bow down in awe and hang of every word. I welcome all who are passionate hawthorn people regardless of age. If you don't rate someone - move on or enter into a discussion - not personal cheap attacks hiding behind an alias. Now that l've said that this will be the last time l respond to any of your sniper posts. Hawkk, crannypete, Bennycoff, Gary Shadworth, Cyberkev, etc - I look forward to reading your posts - GO HAWKS!

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Grendel said:
Which was self-indulgent grandstanding all about err YOU. The forum reads "Hawthorn board" not "Vandenberfan board". Now if it did, your post might have had a place being on here. As it didn't, it went.

No, I don't think it was grandstanding. It was a legitimate post on a Hawthorn related matter, the reason the post was deleted was because you didn't like it. The fact is I don't like a lot of the posts on this site either (including yours) but I don't have the option of deleting them and nor for that matter would I wish to.

Grendel said:
Or if you had the common sense enough to send a pm to me asking why perhaps? Maybe I need to explain it to you once more (it's in the locked thread, top of the page).

That certainly was a possibility, although it was one that didn't occur to me. Regardless, I don't think any harm has been done by having posters view this discussion; as for your comment earlier that the fact this thread has not been closed is proof that you are not authoritarian in moderating this site, that is just a bit rich. If you had closed this thread it would have for all time closed the debate on what is acceptable discussion on this site, that is the sort that complies to your standards.

Grendel said:
So given all that, why would you want to enter into it? That's kind of.. dumb.

As for contributing to articulate or interesting topics, thus far on the forum (aside from this thread and the hhq whinge) you have started err... one thread, back in April. "How the heck is Dixon an AFL player". Now there's some deep and meaningful discussion.

The reason I gave the examples of other posters/postings is to show that 90 percent of what gets written on this site is complete crap. As for entering into discussion on this site I rarely do, read the topic of this thread. The post you deleted was no less valid then a lot of what I read on this site, other then that you didn't like it.

The Dixon thread was one of the best reads on this Board, it went for about a month and would have been about 8 to 9 pages of discussion. In a way Dixon is symptomatic of everything that has gone wrong with this club so is a worthwhile issue for discussion. A ten year player who has never polled in the top ten of the B & F, yet has been paid at a level well above the odds for his modest ability and has carried on with the prima donna attitude to boot eg. minibar incident. A club that was at one time known for being the most relentless football team going around to being a joke, with a softness about them that meant getting on top of them early meant the game was as good as over. I contribute a lot of the blame in this regard to self indulgent soft footballers like Dixon, who over his career has set the standard for solarium tans and coiffured hair. So yeah, I’ve got issues with Dixon, as I’d like to see the side I support be successful.

Grendel said:
Anyone else make sense of that inarticulate paragraph above? Me neither.

You've had your whinge, here is mine.

The board is here for the express purpose of discussing the HFC. It's not here to slag off other forums who's moderators decided that you should be booted from having access to.

That confirms that you are too close to the moderators on HHQs. In fact, I've read some of your posts on HHQs where you complain about "newbies" on that Board not playing by the rules; and this confirms my original contention that this Board is too close to HHQ and has been run as an imitation of that forum.

What I would like is an alternative, and I think some other posters would agree.
Vandenbergfan said:
No, I don't think it was grandstanding.

You wouldn't. I did and do.

It was a legitimate post on a Hawthorn related matter.

Denial of access to an unofficial Hawthorn internet posting board is hardly a Hawthorn related matter. It's between you and the organisers of that site.

What that has to do with Hawthorn is in a nutshell, nothing whatsoever.

the reason the post was deleted was because you didn't like it.

Damn straight I didn't like it because this forum is nothing to do with airing of personal differences between any posters and where they can or cannot access other forums on the net.

The fact is I don't like a lot of the posts on this site either (including yours) but I don't have the option of deleting them and nor for that matter would I wish to.

Fact probably would be I dislike even more of the posts on B/F than you do. Your posts don't really bother me one way or the other. Sometimes I've agreed with what you have written, other times I've found some of the things you have said laughable.

But they're all still there, check for yourself. Except a post that you started as a personal dispute between yourself and hhq. That went and it went for reasons explained.

You don't like it, tough. Complain to admin if you like. It's no bother to me.

That certainly was a possibility, although it was one that didn't occur to me.

Fair enough.

Regardless, I don't think any harm has been done by having posters view this discussion; as for your comment earlier that the fact this thread has not been closed is proof that you are not authoritarian in moderating this site, that is just a bit rich. If you had closed this thread it would have for all time closed the debate on what is acceptable discussion on this site, that is the sort that complies to your standards.

So that means I can't satisfy you either way? Close it and it's proof I run things to my 'standards'. Leave it open and give detalied reply as to why things are run as they are run (i.e the rules, something you have yet to mention) and no reply to that whatsoever.

The reason I gave the examples of other posters/postings is to show that 90 percent of what gets written on this site is complete crap.

Your opinion, still makes me wonder why you would bother then to try for the extra 10% of posters (who are they btw) to enter into your discussion/threads. Or maybe you don't want that at all and just want a forum to .. grandstand about injustice of being booted off another site?

Sorry Vfan but this isn't the place for it. Seems I keep saying that, seems you keep insisting it is.

As for entering into discussion on this site I rarely do, read the topic of this thread. The post you deleted was no less valid then a lot of what I read on this site, other then that you didn't like it.

I read the topic, didn't reply until it got to the stage that until I did your little tanty seemed like it was never going to end. You've been given reasons, valid reasons. You don't like it, sorry. Again, complain to admin if you feel that strongly about it.

But it's not going to change the base fact that the post in question had nothing to do with the HFC and everything to do with you and your removal from hhq.

The Dixon thread was one of the best reads on this Board, it went for about a month and would have been about 8 to 9 pages of discussion.

Bored the heck out of me with one poster continually droning on and on and ON about his dislike for Dixon. Most people disagreed with the one poster who went on and on and ON over the four pages and two weeks
that it generated replies.

But hey, if you think different, fine by me.

In a way Dixon is symptomatic of everything that has gone wrong with this club so is a worthwhile issue for discussion.

Thread is still open, dig it up for review if you like.

A ten year player who has never polled in the top ten of the B & F, yet has been paid at a level well above the odds for his modest ability and has carried on with the prima donna attitude to boot eg. minibar incident. A club that was at one time known for being the most relentless football team going around to being a joke, with a softness about them that meant getting on top of them early meant the game was as good as over. I contribute a lot of the blame in this regard to self indulgent soft footballers like Dixon, who over his career has set the standard for solarium tans and coiffured hair. So yeah, I’ve got issues with Dixon, as I’d like to see the side I support be successful.

Or segue into here, either is good...

That confirms that you are too close to the moderators on HHQs. In fact, I've read some of your posts on HHQs where you complain about "newbies" on that Board not playing by the rules; and this confirms my original contention that this Board is too close to HHQ and has been run as an imitation of that forum.

Fine. You'd be wrong in thinking it (more so seeing as I've been a mod here longer than hhq has been on-line) though but I can't stop you thinking it.

But it also confirms what I've thought and said all along in this thread. That the post in question had nothing to do with the HFC and everything to do with complaining over what you see as mis/unfair treatment from the moderators on hhq (or as I said "slagging them off").

That is not the purpose and will NOT be the purpose of this board however much you might want that to be different.

What I would like is an alternative, and I think some other posters would agree.

You have alternatives. Other sites are out there, find them.

Or stick by the rules here (something that in all of your reply you failed to mention ONCE) and post and enlighten us with your posts on matters relating (like Dixon for instance) to the Hawthorn Football Club.

And not about Vandenbergfan vs hhq.
Grendel said:
You wouldn't. I did and do.

Denial of access to an unofficial Hawthorn internet posting board is hardly a Hawthorn related matter. It's between you and the organisers of that site.

What that has to do with Hawthorn is in a nutshell, nothing whatsoever.

Damn straight I didn't like it because this forum is nothing to do with airing of personal differences between any posters and where they can or cannot access other forums on the net.

Fact probably would be I dislike even more of the posts on B/F than you do. Your posts don't really bother me one way or the other. Sometimes I've agreed with what you have written, other times I've found some of the things you have said laughable.

But they're all still there, check for yourself. Except a post that you started as a personal dispute between yourself and hhq. That went and it went for reasons explained.

You don't like it, tough. Complain to admin if you like. It's no bother to me.

Fair enough.

So that means I can't satisfy you either way? Close it and it's proof I run things to my 'standards'. Leave it open and give detalied reply as to why things are run as they are run (i.e the rules, something you have yet to mention) and no reply to that whatsoever.

Your opinion, still makes me wonder why you would bother then to try for the extra 10% of posters (who are they btw) to enter into your discussion/threads. Or maybe you don't want that at all and just want a forum to .. grandstand about injustice of being booted off another site?

Sorry Vfan but this isn't the place for it. Seems I keep saying that, seems you keep insisting it is.

I read the topic, didn't reply until it got to the stage that until I did your little tanty seemed like it was never going to end. You've been given reasons, valid reasons. You don't like it, sorry. Again, complain to admin if you feel that strongly about it.

But it's not going to change the base fact that the post in question had nothing to do with the HFC and everything to do with you and your removal from hhq.

Bored the heck out of me with one poster continually droning on and on and ON about his dislike for Dixon. Most people disagreed with the one poster who went on and on and ON over the four pages and two weeks
that it generated replies.

But hey, if you think different, fine by me.

Thread is still open, dig it up for review if you like.

Or segue into here, either is good...

Fine. You'd be wrong in thinking it (more so seeing as I've been a mod here longer than hhq has been on-line) though but I can't stop you thinking it.

But it also confirms what I've thought and said all along in this thread. That the post in question had nothing to do with the HFC and everything to do with complaining over what you see as mis/unfair treatment from the moderators on hhq (or as I said "slagging them off").

That is not the purpose and will NOT be the purpose of this board however much you might want that to be different.

You have alternatives. Other sites are out there, find them.

Or stick by the rules here (something that in all of your reply you failed to mention ONCE) and post and enlighten us with your posts on matters relating (like Dixon for instance) to the Hawthorn Football Club.

And not about Vandenbergfan vs hhq.

I have returned to reignite this passionate debate. I thank those that have supported me in my very sincere bid to become this boards new moderator, and I never underesimate the opinion of the silent majority.

I wish to take issue with a statement you made here about someone who went on and on about Ben Dixon being dumped. Grendel this is the case of the pot calling the kettle black. I recall a very similar incident where you had your thesuras handy when making comments about brendon fevola coming to hawthorn.

Another issue is the double posters that post on here and HHQ and exactly copy past from that site, just take a look at the Steven Greene thread, it has become an absolute carbon copy of HHQ.

I'm calling for a poll to be conducted of bigfooty hawthorn board users, people can nominate to become the new moderator the winner shall be put to the general managers and a contender to be the new moderator and they will then take on grendel in another poll.

Grendel this board has become HHQ poor cousin with your dictatorship like rule ruining it for all, just take a look at other clubs boards the discussion is not dry and boring like it is here, where any minor debate is quickly moderated and the "offending posters" warned.
hecks99 said:
Another issue is the double posters that post on here and HHQ and exactly copy past from that site, just take a look at the Steven Greene thread, it has become an absolute carbon copy of HHQ.

Well to start off with , being a member of both boards myself I fail to see why you have an issue with a thread labelled Steven Greene is not allowed to be on Big Footy. There was an article in The Age about it and a member posted it to see what other Big Footy members thought about it.

hecks99 said:
I'm calling for a poll to be conducted of bigfooty hawthorn board users, people can nominate to become the new moderator the winner shall be put to the general managers and a contender to be the new moderator and they will then take on grendel in another poll.

Fine so be it , call your poll
hecks99 said:
Grendel this board has become HHQ poor cousin with your dictatorship like rule ruining it for all, just take a look at other clubs boards the discussion is not dry and boring like it is here, where any minor debate is quickly moderated and the "offending posters" warned.

considering I post on both boards, I fail to see why you have an issue with this site. People come both here and on HHQ to talk about Hawthorn related issues , not to here jealous pri*ks like you go on about how they wish to be a moderator. Tell me , what would you do that would be completely different to Grendel - nothing. If you dont like it here , dont visit here and dont post here - nobody will miss you either here or on HHQ
philhawk said:
considering I post on both boards, I fail to see why you have an issue with this site. People come both here and on HHQ to talk about Hawthorn related issues , not to here jealous pri*ks like you go on about how they wish to be a moderator. Tell me , what would you do that would be completely different to Grendel - nothing. If you dont like it here , dont visit here and dont post here - nobody will miss you either here or on HHQ
I was a non-member reader of this board since it begun. Eventually finding some time on my hands I thought I would get involved in discussion about our beloved Hawks. I thought I would go with one board only and by doing so carried out a personal appraisal of what I considered had better quality threads. I had observed HHQ and put it behind this one.

I've never had an issue with Grendel's moderating and find his posts generally great reading which obviously evolves from some profound thinking and a broad knowledge of our grand ole club not to mention his passion and love for it.

I have also observed many other boards on BF, not just footy ones. As a prolific reader of books and literature, I disagree with one poster's notion that this board is dry and boring. I understand some people are not great shakes on expressing points of view, much to do with, I suspect, *struggling with keyboard skills, but their love and passion and thinking overrides all that in proffering concern for our team's and overall club's performances.

By all means maintain some democracy and have, say, an annual poll for anyone who would like to be a moderator (I suppose it gets down to what the owners / administrators policy is). However, keep in mind the time it takes Grendel to be one.

Without observent and alert moderators Big Footy chat would not survive, for, I would imagine, there would be quite serious legal / libel morality behaviour aspects to deal with. If there is not such control chat-boards would not exist.

*What I notice is new posters working at initiating threads and replies get better and better and they, IMO, become quite good writers - keep at it as quality comes about from practice just like footy players working at skills. The more you work at it the better one becomes.
I don't post here, mainly during the off season 'cause I'm not particularly interested in the endless speculation of "who will we pick up", "who will play where" "my draft choices for 2007" etc etc.....

Come the season proper I get a bit more vocal.

I'm one of those supporters who slags my own players (just the ********house ones) and, as a result my opinion isn't worth much on this board - but that's OK. The one thing I would like to see more of on the board is levity. Humour.
Given our last decade, it's the only thing keeping me from killing myself.

Fwiw, I enjoy hecksy, Vfan, tige19 just as much as LH15 and Hodge is God, NW, etc...... the more varied the better....... i_love_boys, Andrew Coombs... it makes it a bit more exciting.

*Disclaimer* I spend most of my time on the General Talk board so I have no credibility whatsoever.
my word it is hawk hero, the amount of support I have been receiving on the forums and just from passers by in the street is overwhelming, the one word i keep here is change, its time for a change

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Grendel said:
But it's not going to change the base fact that the post in question had nothing to do with the HFC and everything to do with you and your removal from hhq.

Grendel, I'm wondering if you could enlighten me on the relevance of the thread "Grendel's a champion" to the HFC and if you concede there wasn't any relevance, why wasn't it deleted for the same reason my post was removed.

I trust you wouldn't want posters on this site to believe you have double standards and therefore, there should be consistency with how the rules are applied.
Grendel said:
First, the post title is 'Grendel, Champion'.

Second, the post is in relation to drafting of players (i.e, about football). That's the relevance.

Third, don't you have PRE to troll?

I joined PRE once, they are very harsh their i was banned for prior offences after only three posts.

Is their going to be an election?
Grendel said:
First, the post title is 'Grendel, Champion'.

Second, the post is in relation to drafting of players (i.e, about football). That's the relevance.

Third, don't you have PRE to troll?

First, bet that title was manna to your eyes.

Second, "Grendel personifies thousands of Hawks fan's passion and spirit". I'm starting to see a pattern here, given that this was one of the posts in the aforementioned thread. There is very little about this post that was HFC related, it sounds as if you won't need to do any spruicking yourself as you've got collection of sycophants all lined up prepared to do your handiwork. It strengthens my initial claim that this forum has become boring and predictable, as posters here are as concerned with the approval of the moderator as they are of providing stimulating football debate.

Third, I've never understood what the problem is in having people post on club football sites for sides they don't support (a.k.a. trolling). I enjoy it immensely, most of the posters on PRE I would imagine are quite pleased with themselves when they log-off after believing they've put me in my place.

And of course, as you know I have that other problem of being banned by HHQ. I usually space out my visits to PRE so I won't be going there this evening but you can be fairly sure I'll be back there after the national draft to rub their collective noses in it. :)
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