The Robodebt Royal Commission

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Will lie low..can't bite the hand that feeds

Nobody is feeding KC anymore. She will never be allowed near the public service ever again and consultancies are far too on the nose currently for her to find a home there. She's been on a ridiculous wicket for the last couple of decades and is in her 60s, so she can retire more than comfortably, it will be out of spite that she takes others down.
AFR have a detailed article about it's establishment and the activities of the usual suspects. It was a project that was used to model potential gains and initial work suggested a 13% increase in debts recovered. Rapidly implemented in the real world despite concerns from many that it was not accurate or legal. The title of the article is wrong, it was not a spreadsheet error that lead to Robo-debt, raher it was human stupidity and cruelty.

'The trouble was, the 13 per cent figure didn’t stack up. The analysis had been done on the high-risk cohorts that the historical manual reviews had targeted. By definition, they generated better returns for the departmental debt collectors than other risk groups.

The sample itself was a mere 0.1 per cent of the total client base and was reliant on applying the same 13.06 per cent uplift figure to everyone whose annual income did not match their reported income, with no evidence how closely that aligned with reality.

Nor was there any real data to test how effective the online portal would be (it ultimately turned out to be a train wreck), meaning a central assumption that a majority of online debtors would pay up was simply speculative.

When Collins and her colleagues returned after Christmas they were alarmed the spreadsheet analysis had somehow morphed into a fully blown draft cabinet submission with promised integrity savings that totalled $1.7 billion, the largest Human Services savings proposal in more than 30 years.
The AFR is simply Liberal party propoganda at this point, though not nearly as unsubtle as 7, the Murdoch rags etc.

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The AFR is simply Liberal party propoganda at this point, though not nearly as unsubtle as 7, the Murdoch rags etc.
They're always taken a staunch neoliberal stance, which you'd expect from a publication that focusses solely on finance.
Really great to see Albo today definitely not learning the lessons from the RC about treating welfare recipients with respect and not using them as a political football
Scomo says "It wasn't me", "I wasn't there", "it was Billy". See his response in parliament today:
“I played no role and had no responsibility in the operation nor administration of the robo-debt scheme. The scheme had not commenced operations when I served in the [Social Services] portfolio, let alone in December 2016 and January 2017, when the commission reported that the unintended impacts of the scheme first became apparent. This was more than 12 months after I had left the portfolio,” he said.


He forgot to mention he was the minister who conceived it and started the implementation of it, he was the one who didn't do his due diligence and let an illegal and inaccurate system be introduced that caused untold harm to many Australians. The words 'Ministerial Responsibility' mean nothing to this man. No wonder his government was so F*****. The fish rots from the head.

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Morrison was the Federal Government's Social Services Minister, and he claims he didn't even know that under Social Security Law and Centrelink actual practice, that Centrelink fortnightly payments like Austudy/Abstudy, Youth Allowance, Jobseeker, Disability Support Pension, Carers Payment and Parenting Payment (and whatever previous names these payments went under) have for decades NOT been based on Financial Year Income averaging (unlike Centrelink Family Tax Benefits).

And correspondingly, there is only an end of year reconciliation done for the likes of Centrelink Family Tax Benefits.
There is breathtaking ignorance at all levels of Australian society about civics and government. To this day, you hear people confusing Services Australia (the department of Centrelink, Child Support and Medicare) and Service NSW (basically a state driver's licence department).
Really great to see Albo today definitely not learning the lessons from the RC about treating welfare recipients with respect and not using them as a political football

In Parliament yesterday the Federal Minister for Government Services, Bill Shorten outlined in detail, yet again, the findings of the Robodebt Royal Commission against him and the devastating effects his actions and his government's policies had on some of the most disadvantaged people in our society.

This was not, as your comment suggests and Morrison himself has said, to 'play 'politics' with the Royal Commission findings, but to call him and others to account for what they have done. Because if our political leaders representatives in Parliament are not publicly called out to account for their mis-deeds we are all condemned to seeing that history repeat.

And if there was any doubt as the arrogance and lack of accountability of the former Prime Minister for his actions, THIS is a montage of the expressions of the Member for Cook as the findings of the Royal Commissioner in to the a scheme she described as “Robodebt was a crude and cruel mechanism, neither fair nor legal, and it made many people feel like criminals. In essence, people were traumatised on the off-chance they might owe money. It was a costly failure of public administration, in both human and economic terms” were read out in Parliament...


Oh and a reminder of his hateful hypocrisy.


This man still sits in Parliament FFS.
In Parliament yesterday the Federal Minister for Government Services, Bill Shorten outlined in detail, yet again, the findings of the Robodebt Royal Commission against him and the devastating effects his actions and his government's policies had on some of the most disadvantaged people in our society.

This was not, as your comment suggests and Morrison himself has said, to 'play 'politics' with the Royal Commission findings, but to call him and others to account for what they have done. Because if our political leaders representatives in Parliament are not publicly called out to account for their mis-deeds we are all condemned to seeing that history repeat.

And if there was any doubt as the arrogance and lack of accountability of the former Prime Minister for his actions, THIS is a montage of the expressions of the Member for Cook as the findings of the Royal Commissioner in to the a scheme she described as “Robodebt was a crude and cruel mechanism, neither fair nor legal, and it made many people feel like criminals. In essence, people were traumatised on the off-chance they might owe money. It was a costly failure of public administration, in both human and economic terms” were read out in Parliament...


Oh and a reminder of his hateful hypocrisy.


This man still sits in Parliament FFS.
yeah they love Robodebt,

they can get up on their soap box and talk about how bad the coalition is

never mind the fact that since getting into power they ramped up debt collection, refused to do anything they said from opposition should be done about welfare payments

keep demonizing welfare recipients publicly and are basically just more neoliberal hacks with a war on poor people

just complete ****ing hypocrites
About time people woke up to the fact that no matter who you vote for, the government gets in. And in this duopoly, Labor and LibNat are simply two sides of the same coin.

Honestly thought we might be in with a chance with Albo. Stage 3 tax cuts confirmed, committing to AUKUS, etc etc, disappointment is weighing heavily on me.
About time people woke up to the fact that no matter who you vote for, the government gets in. And in this duopoly, Labor and LibNat are simply two sides of the same coin.

Honestly thought we might be in with a chance with Albo. Stage 3 tax cuts confirmed, committing to AUKUS, etc etc, disappointment is weighing heavily on me.
Yep, starting to feel the same way. It seems its impossible to get anything that isn't beholden to big business. What are the Teals doing?

Its just the same shit, different day

Festerz oh yeah this too

Faux Outrage. Of course it is a change that should be implemented. But suggesting it won't is politically motivated nonsense.

The reality is that the RoboDebt Royal Commission was handed down just over three weeks ago. A report of over 1000 pages (not including appendices) with 57 recommendations..

Following the release of the report, a taskforce led by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, the Attorney-General's Department, and the Australian Public Service Commission was established to support Ministers in preparing the Government's response. The PM has said Cabinet will undertake a detailed review of each of the 57 recommendations of the Royal Commission Report and make a comprehensive integrated public response as to how it will deal with each of them - that will include making any legislative changes necessary - including the recommendation relating to setting a sunset clause on debt recovery.

Dealing with such an important and comprehensive Report such as this in an integrated and considered manner makes absolute sense from a public policy perspective. As opposed to taking knee jerk changes to legislation out of context.

You have criticised the Albanese Government for playing politics on the RoboDebt Royal Commission. Conveniently ignoring the fact that this is exactly what the Greens are doing in wanting this one recommendation acted on immediately without proper Cabinet consideration and as part of an integrated response to ALL of the Commission findings.

Makes good headline though doesn't it - 'Government refuses to act on RoboDebt Recommendation' . Heartless basterds!!

Good policy and legislation takes time, an understanding of context and getting the views of stakeholders, legislators and policy experts before making change. A process to ensure any proposed legislative change is stress tested, and that there aren't any unintended consequences.

It is not something achieved with a rush amendment to legislation already on the floor of the Senate. An amendment being sought purely for publicity reasons.

'Patience Young (Green) Grasshopper'.
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