The Robodebt Royal Commission

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Surely the finding of the inquiry must be that the NACC don't actually know what their job is.
They are doing exactly what the ALP intended - create the impression they will investigate and do something but under no circumstances actually do anything to pollies or senior Canberracrats. I am sure eventually some junior staff will cop it so they can say look what we can do.

Basically we were promised one like the NSW one and got the equivalent of Dodgy Dan's neutered Victoria one. Not much better than Scomos never have one but a lot more pricey.

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For those unaware of who Gail Furness is she was the chief head kicker at the CSA Royal Commission. Her role now is to investigate whether the NACC followed its procedures with regard to the Robodebt referrals.

It will prove one of two things - the NACC is a neutered organisation or that they pulled up on their own.

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