Rumour The Selwoods

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LOL, funniest thing i've read on here for a while.

Good to see someone is providing a laugh in this tough season :thumbsu:

My last word on it as idon't want the thread getting derailed and me getting blamed.

What i find funny on here is the flakiness of some of the posters. There are many people on here that psychologists would class as downward counterfactualists - if there is a disparity between what has hapenned or is hapenning and what they wanted to happen or thought was best/good/right they twist their perception so that what is/has hapenned is what they wanted all along and is the best/right/good outcome.

The people on here that bag me today for saying that Selwood is a useless tagger and not an AFL standard player, if Worsfold just decided one day out of the blue at trade week to trade him then the day after he is traded they would be on here saying that - it's fair enough / he was no good anyway / his disposal was woeful / he's not AFL standard now and never will be / the club that took him did us a favour / Worsfold made the right decision and the only possible decision / they would drag up stats to support the fact that Selwood is no good / whoever we traded him for would get elevated to rising superstar status in their minds. If he was still at the club because Worsfold has decided to retain him he is a superstar and Worsfold made the right call etc etc. The day after he gets traded it becomes that they never rated him, Worsfold made the right call, it's the best outcome for the club.

Likewise, many of the people bagging Staker on here, if he was still at the club Worsfold thought he was a good player even though he was still playing inconsistent footy and somebody like me came in and started bagging him and saying we should trade or delist him they would start up with the usual predictable name calling and personal attacks on myself etc. They would call me negative and pessismistic and i am a traitor and should hand in my membership etc, and they would drag up stats proving how good he is and say "what about the game 2 years ago where he kicked 3 goals or had 20 possesions or took 8 marks etc". But because he is gone all of a sudden now he is the worst player ever and totally useless and Worsfold made the right call getting rid of him and whatever we got for him, no matter how useless adn worthless, it was a good deal.

Whatever Worsfold and the club do it's the right decision and whatever the outcome of any decision it's a good outcome and what we really wanted anyway. You can't reason with these people.
Might be a decent option for a PSD pick but he's turning 27 next year and he's pretty injury prone.

Also, I highly doubt Joel would leave Geelong, even if it meant playing with his 3 brothers. He strikes me as the kind of dude who wants to play for 1 club forever. Probably a pass from me but I wouldn't be upset if we took him for nothing.

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A Selwood at West Coast? Now someone wants T Selwood? It just keeps getting worse. What next? Will we redraft Michael Embley? What about Ralph Priddis?
Troy Selwood has been told that he will not get another contract at Brisbane and has been in contact with West Coast officials about furthering his career in Perth with brothers Scott and Adam.

The plan is with the three Selwood boys playing for the Eagles, when Joel's (recently signed) contract is up he will link up with them at West Coast, perhaps even sooner. How tempting would it be for him? I don't think he would be able to resist to be honest.

I am a friend of the family and played with both Joel and Scoot if you are wondering where this is coming from and have this on pretty good word, which I know means f**k all sometimes but just thought I'd let you guys know. I don't often start rumours let alone on other teams boards but feel this is worth sticking my neck out for.

Interesting if not a troll.

I rate Scooter very highly and Adam is also a very good player when he has adequate support.

When both are playing well they are easily in our best 22.

As for Troy, I know he fills a similar defensive role as Adam sometimes but maybe not as well.

Joel would be a fantastic addition to the team.

I think though if we ended up in a situation where we had Joel, Adam and Scooter all pushing for selection, players like McGinnity and Priddis would be on the outer.
If we ever got 3 Selwoods running around on our team, I can guarantee we would have to make 3 forced changes at the selection table next week as they would all have had their heads/shoulders/neck busted up in some way shape or form.

3 changes every week in not good for team stability!
After once having the most dominating midfield in the competition are the eagles trying to build a tagging team? What other role can Troy play? Adam and Scott already play run-with roles usually.
If Joel Selwood was any chance of playing at West Coast I reckon we should do whatever it takes to make sure it happens.

Joel Selwood an Eagle = Woody

It will never happen, as said by the time his contract at Geelong is over so would Adam and Troy's AFL careers.
God no. I already noticed Scott trying to find his bro on the field despite better options and they ain't the Matera brothers.
WTF is Grandpa Selwood on the board or something.
My last word on it as idon't want the thread getting derailed and me getting blamed.

What i find funny on here is the flakiness of some of the posters. There are many people on here that psychologists would class as downward counterfactualists - if there is a disparity between what has hapenned or is hapenning and what they wanted to happen or thought was best/good/right they twist their perception so that what is/has hapenned is what they wanted all along and is the best/right/good outcome.

The people on here that bag me today for saying that Selwood is a useless tagger and not an AFL standard player, if Worsfold just decided one day out of the blue at trade week to trade him then the day after he is traded they would be on here saying that - it's fair enough / he was no good anyway / his disposal was woeful / he's not AFL standard now and never will be / the club that took him did us a favour / Worsfold made the right decision and the only possible decision / they would drag up stats to support the fact that Selwood is no good / whoever we traded him for would get elevated to rising superstar status in their minds. If he was still at the club because Worsfold has decided to retain him he is a superstar and Worsfold made the right call etc etc. The day after he gets traded it becomes that they never rated him, Worsfold made the right call, it's the best outcome for the club.

Likewise, many of the people bagging Staker on here, if he was still at the club Worsfold thought he was a good player even though he was still playing inconsistent footy and somebody like me came in and started bagging him and saying we should trade or delist him they would start up with the usual predictable name calling and personal attacks on myself etc. They would call me negative and pessismistic and i am a traitor and should hand in my membership etc, and they would drag up stats proving how good he is and say "what about the game 2 years ago where he kicked 3 goals or had 20 possesions or took 8 marks etc". But because he is gone all of a sudden now he is the worst player ever and totally useless and Worsfold made the right call getting rid of him and whatever we got for him, no matter how useless adn worthless, it was a good deal.

Whatever Worsfold and the club do it's the right decision and whatever the outcome of any decision it's a good outcome and what we really wanted anyway. You can't reason with these people.

Spot on. That sums it up well.

Being a passionate and loyal supporter on BF apparently means one must follow the crowd and be an unthinking robot, who tows the club's line - which is BF popular opinion, unwaveringly. Any deviation from popular thought is seemingly disloyal according to the mindless minions.
adam selwood is the personification of what's holding our club back. we should be looking to trade him rather than bring in his even more limited twin brother.

another one-paced plodder with shoddy skills is the LAST thing we need, no matter how much of a 'role model' and how 'courageous' he is.

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How long was Joel's deal? 3 years. Thats a long time to wait and keep 3 Selwoods on the list, 2 of which are no good and not AFL standard, just to try and have a carrot to dangle at Joel in 3 years time. I wouldn't take Troy and i would move on Adam because if you are slow and can't kick you probably don't belong in the elite competition.

But we took Dalziell off Brisbane's hands when he probably wouldn't have got another contract up there. In fact not only did we take him we traded a 100 game KP player with elite agility, versatility and kicking skills who was in our best dozen players and who we had invested 7 years developing for Dalziell who is not even in our top 25 even though we have the weakest midfield in the comp and who Brisbane invested nothing in developing and were going to discard anyway. So it's possible we will take Troy. Maybe we can keep the tradition going and trade Josh Kennedy or Le Cras to Brisbane for him.
are you f**king for real? that guy was useless and im glad we got rid of him.
My last word on it as idon't want the thread getting derailed and me getting blamed.

What i find funny on here is the flakiness of some of the posters. There are many people on here that psychologists would class as downward counterfactualists - if there is a disparity between what has hapenned or is hapenning and what they wanted to happen or thought was best/good/right they twist their perception so that what is/has hapenned is what they wanted all along and is the best/right/good outcome.

The people on here that bag me today for saying that Selwood is a useless tagger and not an AFL standard player, if Worsfold just decided one day out of the blue at trade week to trade him then the day after he is traded they would be on here saying that - it's fair enough / he was no good anyway / his disposal was woeful / he's not AFL standard now and never will be / the club that took him did us a favour / Worsfold made the right decision and the only possible decision / they would drag up stats to support the fact that Selwood is no good / whoever we traded him for would get elevated to rising superstar status in their minds. If he was still at the club because Worsfold has decided to retain him he is a superstar and Worsfold made the right call etc etc. The day after he gets traded it becomes that they never rated him, Worsfold made the right call, it's the best outcome for the club.

Likewise, many of the people bagging Staker on here, if he was still at the club Worsfold thought he was a good player even though he was still playing inconsistent footy and somebody like me came in and started bagging him and saying we should trade or delist him they would start up with the usual predictable name calling and personal attacks on myself etc. They would call me negative and pessismistic and i am a traitor and should hand in my membership etc, and they would drag up stats proving how good he is and say "what about the game 2 years ago where he kicked 3 goals or had 20 possesions or took 8 marks etc". But because he is gone all of a sudden now he is the worst player ever and totally useless and Worsfold made the right call getting rid of him and whatever we got for him, no matter how useless adn worthless, it was a good deal.

Whatever Worsfold and the club do it's the right decision and whatever the outcome of any decision it's a good outcome and what we really wanted anyway. You can't reason with these people.

Mate, never rated Staker, and i'm sure if i search hard enough i'm sure i could locate some previous posts where i've said that, can't be bothered though.

And just to clear it up, i'm not a Worsfold fan either, never have been and the sooner he's gone the better.

Thanks for the laugh anyway.
What needs to be remembered is that Joel grew up a passionate Cats fan, was drafted by the Cats, is about to commence his 3rd contract for the team, and will be made captain either next year or the year after. Find something more feasable to talk about as their is no chance of Joel leaving.
Troy is a real hard nut and a handy back up. So if we could tee up with joel to request a trade from Geelong this year and we exchange pick 4 and 26, we will take Troy in the pre season draft.
What needs to be remembered is that Joel grew up a passionate Cats fan, was drafted by the Cats, is about to commence his 3rd contract for the team, and will be made captain either next year or the year after. Find something more feasable to talk about as their is no chance of Joel leaving.

ohk obviously troy would not be good for our club on the field. but if we can find a spot for him we may be an outside chance at then convincing joel.
Heres the sich as i see it.
ohk say we get troy and chuck him on our list and say delist a player like Wilkes who we probably wouldnt of delisted otherwise. troy would add about the same amount on the field as Wilkes. that would be just about 0 unless one of the other selwoods was injured like adam now and he could cover.
troy Selwood would basically be at the club as just a good role model for the kids around the track setting a good example to show courage etc. So basically he would offer similiar to what wilkes would except for one key factor

With troy we would have 3 out of 4 brothers making joel feel left out. Say joel doesnt care coz he's in a premiership team what happens when his contract runs out in 3 years or even before then. abbletts of to GC and many geelong players would likely to have retired already or would be about to. here are
key players that would be over 30 at geelong by then and therfore probably retired
Chapman 32
Corey 31
enright 32
hunt 31
steve j 30
kelly 30
ling 32
milburn 36
mooney 34
ottens 33
pods 32
rooke 32
scarlett 34
wojinski 33
That would not leave a very good team at all. and its not as if theyve got much young talent coming through with low d picks and compromised drafts.

Whereas the eagles team would be beginning to push for a premiership again with a number of young high draft picks showing their talent. if abblett goes we will surely be a better team than geelong in 3 years time with a brighter future. then we go to joel with the question how bout you come west join your brothers and win a few more premierships? it would be hard to say no.

The question is is it worth the risk having a player on our list for 3 years who is unlikely to offer us much just so we can maybe in the future convince a gun player to join us?
Also west coast would always be known as the team that had the 4 selwoods f/s picks anyone?
ohk obviously troy would not be good for our club on the field. but if we can find a spot for him we may be an outside chance at then convincing joel.
Heres the sich as i see it.
ohk say we get troy and chuck him on our list and say delist a player like Wilkes who we probably wouldnt of delisted otherwise. troy would add about the same amount on the field as Wilkes. that would be just about 0 unless one of the other selwoods was injured like adam now and he could cover.
troy Selwood would basically be at the club as just a good role model for the kids around the track setting a good example to show courage etc. So basically he would offer similiar to what wilkes would except for one key factor

With troy we would have 3 out of 4 brothers making joel feel left out. Say joel doesnt care coz he's in a premiership team what happens when his contract runs out in 3 years or even before then. abbletts of to GC and many geelong players would likely to have retired already or would be about to. here are
key players that would be over 30 at geelong by then and therfore probably retired
Chapman 32
Corey 31
enright 32
hunt 31
steve j 30
kelly 30
ling 32
milburn 36
mooney 34
ottens 33
pods 32
rooke 32
scarlett 34
wojinski 33
That would not leave a very good team at all. and its not as if theyve got much young talent coming through with low d picks and compromised drafts.

Whereas the eagles team would be beginning to push for a premiership again with a number of young high draft picks showing their talent. if abblett goes we will surely be a better team than geelong in 3 years time with a brighter future. then we go to joel with the question how bout you come west join your brothers and win a few more premierships? it would be hard to say no.

The question is is it worth the risk having a player on our list for 3 years who is unlikely to offer us much just so we can maybe in the future convince a gun player to join us?
Also west coast would always be known as the team that had the 4 selwoods f/s picks anyone?

Might want to do some research on that one mate.

As for Joel, he'll be captain next year or the year after and he ain't going anywhere.
adam selwood is the personification of what's holding our club back. we should be looking to trade him rather than bring in his even more limited twin brother.

another one-paced plodder with shoddy skills is the LAST thing we need, no matter how much of a 'role model' and how 'courageous' he is.
No need to hold back, say what you mean man
Interesting if not a troll.

I most definitely am not trolling.

It will never happen, as said by the time his contract at Geelong is over so would Adam and Troy's AFL careers.

As I said before, contracts can be negotiated around. Fev was contracted at Carlton and was still traded.

If Joel doesn't want to be there anymore a trade will occur.

What needs to be remembered is that Joel grew up a passionate Cats fan

I'm pretty sure he grew up a passionate Selwood as well :rolleyes:

Find something more feasable to talk about as their is no chance of Joel leaving.

In your opinion. You know what you think isn't necessarily fact right?

No one has asked you to come across to another teams board and comment either btw...

Lions to delist Selwood

Interestingly enough a few hours after I started this thread this article about his delisting pops up.
I would want Troy for nothing - PSD

and would offer pick 4 and Schofield for Joel but I want him here next year as Adam and troy may not be around in another 2 years

Kerr, Selwood, Shuey

The midfield starts to look good

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Rumour The Selwoods

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