Radio The SEN Thread 10

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Hungry for a Thomas Pardon

The AFL Match Review Panel got the Lindsay Thomas suspension wrong. Thomas should not have been rubbed out, and I expect him to beat the rap tonight at the tribunal. Adam Goodes deserved to be suspended for going in with his knees and feet, and for being the second man into the contest. He had a duty of care. Thomas was first man to the contest and has every right to attack the ball and to turn to protect himself. The AFL’s DVD shows rough conduct with the player sliding in late not getting his hands on the ball first. There is no rule that says a player can’t be first to the ball, in fact, we protect that player. You do not have to be standing to take possession. Gary Rowan’s broken leg was purely an accident. This case has to be thrown out.
I’m KB, that’s my Take

No contrarian opinion here today between the Tuesday curmudgeons as Putz Smith also voices his disproval of Thomas getting an MRP holiday. Says the Monday night football shows “were drivel time.” … KB says he’s flabbergasted. All talkback agrees , and Putz hits the easy home run over centre field with: “I think there’s been an hysterical reaction from people in the media and supporters about the fact that the boy’s injury was very severe therefore we have to punish somebody.”… Paul Roos, who has been woeful in the media, gets toasted for his opinions by Putz. … The Thomas MRP Affair goes around and around; luckily Tony Abbott hasn’t yet been blamed by the Sports Minister, Kate Lundy for the egregious three-week ban. But, it is early in the week.

Putz is now all in for the 2&2 interchange (2 int/2 subs) … KB makes the superb point about modern tackling techniques on the back of Hawthorn griping which is interrupted by the now cantankerous Smith who claims sarcastically that “Hawthorn never does anything wrong, Kevin, so it’s somebody else’s fault.”

KB: The problem we’ve got is that once in football it was always “attack the hips,” every coach told you. Every time you got a tackling coach into the football club they’d say don’t watch the player, don’t watch the ball, just watch his hips and go at his hips. Now Dale Weightman was one of the greatest tacklers I’ve ever seen. He was a flea. But he used to tackle around the hips, and when he tackled he then let his legs drop to take his weight, and he’d just drag people down. Maurice Rioli did exactly the same thing. They were outstanding. What happens these days is because players are so good with their hands and the clubs are so concerned about the tackling of the guy around the hips, that if he’s goy his hands free he’ll give off a little handpass. So they’ve now decided that they’re going to start tackling around the biceps. So if you’re going to tackle around the biceps, I mean it doesn’t take much for another six inches for the arm to roll up. Next minute you’ve got him around the head and neck. So if Hawthorn wants to stop giving away free kicks to the Selwoods, I would suggest they start tackling the hips instead of the biceps and the trunk. Hawthorn needs some tackling practice, [Putz].

The Anzac Day Essendon/Collingwood exclusivity debate does the two-up with the SEN experts. Putz has changed his view on that exclusivity but that’s no surprise since he’s dumped Essendon and is now a self-confessed Tigers supporter. Gee, picked a real winner there, didn’t he!:rolleyes: … Usual tired rehashed arguments get turned over and over. KB does cite the Double M saying last year that other teams should play. Putz flat-out dismisses that categorically by inferring that Malthouse was only goading Eddie J. McGuire. Anzac Day argument redux goes into overdrive right through to the news.

Wait on, I feel something is missing. Oh, of course, no Gibberish of the Week.:eek:

Quote of the Day:
I don’t want to get the Blues fans upset too early but I think they’re going for back-to-back losses. I think they’ve got Freo coming up over in Perth and I think Ross Lyon – he’ll strangle Carlton. He’ll absolutely strangle Carlton to death.
Geriatric super-troll KB on his high horse about Essendon and Collingwood playing on ANZAC Day :rolleyes:

Apparently football had been played on ANZAC Day "for a hundred years" before 1995.

He's complaining about the AFL not being inclusive. Maybe next he'll complain about the finals not being inclusive because Richmond only play in September once every 15 years.

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Geriatric super-troll KB on his high horse about Essendon and Collingwood playing on ANZAC Day :rolleyes:

Apparently football had been played on ANZAC Day "for a hundred years" before 1995.

He's complaining about the AFL not being inclusive. Maybe next he'll complain about the finals not being inclusive because Richmond only play in September once every 15 years.

He's also advocating the opening game of the year, and the 'dreamtime' game being shared around.

There's only one person on their high horse....
The video review is working well, in fact, it’s been a great success this year. Collingwood coach Nathan Buckley doesn’t understand how the procedure works. He claimed yesterday because the umpires and the reviewing system couldn’t be sure whether Tyson Goldsack scored a goal, then they went for the lesser score. That was not the case! Before going to the review the goal umpire has to formulate, in his own mind, his decision. The goal umpire’s initial reaction was he thought it had hit the post but sought clarification. When the review panel could not confirm or deny, the goal umpire goes with his original decision. Now surely, everyone is happy with that.
I’m KB, that’s my Take
Putting aside what happened during his coaching career (I realise that might not easy for some!), I'm liking the work these days of Terry Wallace.

Not sure what others think, but he just comes across (at least on SEN) as a genuine bloke with a real passion for discussing footy. Unlike with many other former players and coaches, Wallace appears genuinely interested in engaging with callers, hearing and discussing callers' opinions and does not come across as patronising or too 'good' for anyone.

He also draws on his own coaching experience to give some interesting insights into various aspects of the game. I only caught some of it, but yesterday, on the Hour of Power with Daniel Harford, he discussed Collingwood's use of Harry O'Brien as the "plus one" in Collingwood's defence. Wallace tried to inform listeners about the debates that he thought that the Essendon coaching staff would have been having in the box about allowing O'Brien to be loose and backing their own game, versus manning him up, and the effects that each tactic would produce. Nothing particularly earth-shattering, but a slightly different and more detailed analysis to that typically provided by most former players and coaches.

Again, I am talking strictly about his position with SEN, not what happened during his coaching career. Any thoughts?
this is a link to the wallace segment on thursdays hard time that you are talking about.

Terry Wallace is great in his knowledge of football.

He was a great player and but for luck could have been a premiership coach at the dogs.

Richmond in hindsight didn't have the talent that he had at the dogs.
Hungry for a Different Anzac Day

More black days for Melbourne fans as their forward progress continues in reverse under the weight of Cameron Schwab’s mighty integrity. Oops, I’m mean Melbourne’s integrity. With the alleged Dees detractor, Grunk Denham at the Bartlett Non-Alcoholic Bar for yet another Thursday/Friday double shot of Denhamography, it’s time for those Dees fans to blow off the hours, days, weeks, months, years, and decades of footy futility and bust out one of society’s better societal equalizers in a bottle of Black Douglas scotch whiskey. So it’s bottoms up and a toast of sorts to Chopper Read who soon, sadly for him, will become one less Collingwood supporter on the planet.:( Well, if you’re a Melbourne supporter you take what you can get where you can get it.

Seems there can only be one major topic on the agenda and that’s video review although Brendan Gale’s mouthpiece whose name I would never mention - other than his initials KB – is still whining about other clubs not getting in on the Anzac Day action. … Andy Marta Hari audio from Morning Glory about the Dons and Pies having exclusivity on the game only stirs up No. 29 ire. … The Grunkster fires his first shot of the day by siding with Marta Hari siting that it’s now almost tradition. KB returns fire with his predictable cherry-picked stat siting the 1977 attendance of 92,000 between - oh look – Richmond, and Collingwood.

Talkback arrives and there is a better chance of getting Taliban, al-Qaeda, and, Hezbollah members off the new arriving fleets hitting our shores and into the new AFL prayer rooms than getting KB to see a different point of view. Anyone miss John Howard yet? Ah well, back to KB who treads carefully knowing his Richmond has the Victorian season opener and the Dreamtime game. Not bad for a team that has done jack since 1982’s GF loss. He admits, as he must, that those games should involve other teams. Changing the teams of that season opener may get his tipping off to a better start to boot.:) KB praises the bugler at Wednesday’s game but thankfully doesn’t whine that a sax, trombone, or flute player deserves to be inclusive in the playing of the Last Post.

Grunk gets called to account by a caller for his jibe about Carlton having a bye against the Bombers and in true journo fashion he blames the Blue boys with “I can’t help if Carlton get ahead of themselves.” He even stole KB’s favourite phrase about Carlton. The Grunkster apologizes to the listener and then move back to the video rule he claims is the best new rule for some time. KB disagrees, suggesting “hands in the back.”:rolleyes:

The law of unintended consequences regarding video review gets dissected every which way, and loose. … Mensa TS makes its inevitable appearance with the suggestion that the AFL plays six or seven games on every Anzac Day so everyone gets their slice of the pie. The definition of “pie” is not broken down by any of the pro sports theorists on hand. Let’s see, the NBA’s five Christmas Day games takes up midday to midnight in the States so six or seven AFL Anzac Day games more often on a Monday through Friday than a Saturday/Sunday would result in …? A kickback cheque to Seven and Fox? Just leave it the way it is, reiterates Grunk.

Next brainstorm caller suggests a version of cricket’s “hot spot” technology currently NOT being used on the Caribbean tour. Grunk dismisses this idea for the obvious reason of cameras, technological equipment, and financial costs. Well, he actually said “cameras.” … Blowfish from Woodend is on the blower to KB with his suggestion that the winner keeps one slot for next year’s Anzac clash and the highest finishing Victorian team this year earns the right to the other slot next year. … KB makes some incontrovertible points on the fairness of inclusively of all teams which are erroneously attacked by Grunk who also misinterprets the Blowfish’s ideas. Sloppy work by Denham who is saved by KB going to a commercial break.

Caller Johnny from Greensborough: I think it was last year sometime I was talking to an old chap – a veteran – and I think [he] was a Richmond supporter and he said “thanks to Collingwood and Essendon that they brought Anzac Day to young people … and they deserve to have it. But just in case that’s not good enough for you, thefact that you’re jealous and it irks you, KB, is good enough for me why these two side should play every year. So that’s fantastic.
KB: I’m not jealous; I’m trying to be fair.

Yes, KB, fair – like Castro, Chavez, Gillard, Obama, Ahmadinejad, Putin, and al-Assad?

Next caller to beclown himself suggests a quick trip to Dick Smith for some spy cams and “ya get it right.” Righto then champ! KB asks how far up the post should they go? “Put four or five up,” says the caller which irks an irate Grunk and KB who've previously discussed the costs involved for all this stuff with David Barham of Channel Ten. More of the same old ideas of who should play whom on Anzac Day follow and KB believes the AFL Commission will “never have the courage to change and make it inclusive to others in my mind.” Yep, KB, just like the NFL in America won’t budge on moving Thanksgiving Day games away from Detroit and Dallas no matter how much people complain. Time to get a grip on it, KB.

Grunk takes proceedings to half-time by doing the math on Essendon’s loss leaving only two teams undefeated. Hopefully that’s it for video review and rules, and more rules, and more and more rules talk blather.

Leigh Mathews has put forward a possible radical rule change that a player can’t take possession of a ball unless standing on his feet. If you’re on the ground, you would have to knock the ball out. The suggestion relates to sliding and Gary Rowan’s broken leg. Let’s remember Lindsay Thomas didn’t take possession on the ground, he knocked the ball to a teammate. We don’t play with a round ball as they do in Gaelic football where that rule exists. We have an oval ball which’s harder to predict plus we are a contact sport that crunches players to the ground. Handballing on one’s knees is a great art; it has the capacity to clear congestion, and also to set up passages of play. And we’ve also seen goals kicked as well when a player’s been on the ground. The fabric of the game has never changed, and I don’t want it to.
I’m KB, that’s my Take


AT least KB can't bung-on too long about the art of handballing on one’s knees. :)

Leigh Matthews audio gets things rolling just the way KB rolls. And here’s Grunk and he’s in KB’s corner and would hate to see no more Stevie J. goals while lying on the ground and no more Daniel Kerr thirty metre handballs from his knees. Oh no, back to rules and stuff. KB asks: “Are people confused?” Sheez mate, have you listened to your talkback babblers over the last several years? That question for the callers about confusion can be applied to the coin toss! …

KB now confuses the confused with today’s favourite word: “I don’t really think people are confused. Surely they’re not confused. It’s not that difficult to be confused. I think Damien Hardwick is wrong there. I’d be surprised if Damien’s confused. I don’t think that anyone could really be confused over what has taken place and what has been set down and the procedure that you go through to actually get the correct score. Or help to get the correct score with what technology is available. Is anyone out there actually confused? I want to take a poll on that. … Can I start with you [Grunk]? Are you confused?”

Grunk knows it’s a case of black and white and he states so. … Brad Scott’s suggestion of highest score being taken after confused video review is dumped on by both SEN combatants, which again proves why coaches should always be persona non grata on rules. … Lindsay Thomas incident, score review, confusion for fans at the game is all dissected over and over. … KB clearly and superbly defines the fundamentals and the fabric of the historical elements of the game and their importance …

Johnny from Greensborough had the better of KB on Thursday so the bullish-feeling caller is back again and this time saying he almost fell off his chair when KB said he didn’t want the fundamentals of the game to change. He adds, “The only thing you haven’t changed is the way the score is-” But savvy KB was waiting and ready to pounce.

KB: No, no, well you tell me what fundamental has changed from the game, Johnny?
Johnny from Greensborough: Oh, look, without sort of being specific, you guys have changed much too many things-
KB: No, but you’ve got to be specific, Johnny. You can’t say we’ve changed the fabric of the game and not have one specific example.
Johnny from Greensborough: I’ve listened to you, KB … It would take too long to mention … (no examples are forthcoming)


Back to solution stupidity on KB’s Hungry for Devices. The next brilliant Sumner Miller solution from talkback is about the issue of sound. I’ll have to quote. “Why can’t they implement some sort of sound device (how about The Buzz?) to connect to each sort of post, like how you’ve got snicker [sic] in cricket where the ball hits the bat or you’ve got in tennis where they serve it and if it hits the net it’s called a let because there’s a beep sound that goes off. Why can’t we implement that in our game?” Doesn’t he mean snicko which ALSO is not being used in the current Caribbean tour! Grunk goes the comedy angle which this idea deserves but actually hits the first of many possible home runs in regards to the law of unintended consequences when he suggests seagulls to play havoc with the idea especially when one lands on top of the goal post. KB is more diplomatic and pragmatic with the proposition of gizmos like snicko and hot spot. Again, KB has already sounded out experts on his show as to the equipment and cost of what is required in broadcast vans alone to bring some of these ideas to fruition.

The next caller gets to air with Collingwood and Essendon playing Carlton and Richmond; as in the two teams combine and play the other two combined. Surprisingly there is no Houdini here as KB asks caller to clarify. The caller continues, finally admitting his trying to be funny. (Sigh) Look out ESPN.:rolleyes: … Next edgy question from talkback is to why the goal post position at the Punt Road end has been changed … wait on – he means the Punt Road oval where no one plays. The reason may be the traffic use in the goal area of a training-only facility but the only brain-racking required here is whether my first Black D in a short should be a double or a triple with less ice as the NFL draft is about to begin?

Time for some Tigers talk as a suddenly sombre-sounding KB asks whether Jack Riewoldt is the most disappointing player in the game this year. He mentions Tyrone Vickery too, but adds that the once future viceroy of big men “Vickery is not a big name like Jack Riewoldt.” KB is of course referring to the sidler, as in sidling up next to Mr. Kreuzer. Grunk selects a Melbourne player (Tehe:D) in James Frawley as most disappointing this year. Yes, Grunk hits pay dirt as caller accuses him of Melbourne-hating and smoking something silly. Grunk quips that he’s “given up” smoking silly stuff. … Other nominees for most disappointing: Goldstein, Daisey Thomas, Sam Reid, John Butcher.

SMS: You’re a flog. In Melbourne’s one hundred point loss to West Coast [Frawley's] opponent only kicked one goal and the same with Jack Riewoldt only kicking one goal as well. That’s two considered goals in a combined 160 point loss and over 120 inside-fifties. You are a flog.

KB again predicts he will win the tipping competition for the 13th year in a row.:rolleyes:

KB Tips: Essendon, Fremantle, Western Bulldogs, North Melbourne, Hawthorn, West Coast, St. Kilda, Geelong, Port Adelaide. KB passes on a Ratten tip as it could be twins; Grunk predicts a boy.

Surveying The Weekly Denhamography
a) Anzac Day blockbuster should remain a Dons/Pies affair.
b) Video review is the best introduction of a new rule since the kicking rule.
c) Apologizes for claiming Essendon would be a bye for Carlton in round 4.
d) It will be a while before the Dees play on Anzac Day.
e) James Frawley is the most disappointing AFL player this year.

Off Topic – Damn the Integrity:
Bruce Irvin was originally a high school dropout who ended up jail. One day after his pro day to impress NFL scouts he was arrested for disorderly conduct and property damage. But Irvin was the best pass rusher in the draft and picked by Paul Allen’s Seahawks as a first-round selection. Multi billionaires don’t have to worry about their own personal resumes; Cameron Schwab does. Grunk Denham has only been 1000% right on every thing he’s said about Melbourne since the team’s thirty goal belting by Geelong. And the Fevolution 4.0 continues to sell tickets for – Yarrawonga. Go Dees!:(

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If Peaky and Cooney could do any more advertising for Alan Mance, the Pankace Parlour and what not, that'd be terrific.

Don't worry about sport fellas Just spend 20 minutes every hour rambling on about Alan ****ing Mance.

Catching Up With What's Up With Rita "Softpaws" Panacea

What’s up with the AFL’s blind support of Jason Mifsud? How is a bloke who’s made a habit of running to the media with his version of private conversations, and he’s refused to return a CEO’s call for three weeks, still employed? And if Mifsud could be so wrong about Aaron Davey and Mark Neeld, what’s to say that he didn’t also misrepresent Matt Rendell’s words and tone?

What’s up with the AFL tackling the big issues in the game like how many times the team song is played after the game? Never mind the Mifsud affair, the widely inequitable draw, clubs in perilous financial positions, huge blowouts on the scoreboard. Thank God someone has put a stop to an away team’s song being played more than once. We can all relax now.

What’s up with the FFA and their refusal to accept Newcastle’s departure from the competition? Frankly the FFA are carrying on like an obsessive ex-boyfriend unwilling to accept that the relationship is over. Soon they’ll be parked outside Newcastle’s house and writing them pleading letters explaining how much they’ve changed. Seriously, when will the soccer community accept that the game is still a rabble in this country? And why is it that after the World Cup bid debacle and all the issues plaguing the FFA, so many soccer enthusiasts continue to have blind faith in the judgement of one Mr. Frank Lowy.

What’s up with A Current Affair paying Leanne Edlesten to reveal details - intimate nauseating details - of her eight-year affair with Clive James? I’ll never enjoy a cherry ripe again or be able to listen to “Hungry Like The Wolf” without violently dry retching. Thanks for nothing ACA.

What’s up with the Footy Show and its unique ability to strip a footballer of all personality and wit? How is it that the same players are relaxed and funny on Before the Game but as soon as they’re on the Footy Show they freeze up and give nothing? I’ve seen deck chairs with more personalities and greater insight into the game than a typical Footy Show panel.

What’s up with hipsters clogging up coffee lines with their ridiculous orders? If you’re ordering a weak skinny decaf soy latte you should be handed a glass of water and sent on your way. If you’re male and ordering anything weak, skinny, or soy, then you should seriously start questioning the direction your life is taking.

What’s up jealous lowlifes, aka Trolls, making a nuisance of themselves on the ‘Net? One of these keyboard heroes may now be held to account after making disgusting threats on twitter against the Bombers’ Lonergan. One theory is to simply ignore these pathetic attention-seeking cowards, but merely ignoring them doesn’t make them accountable for their sick conduct. Trolls are the pond scum of the social media and I for one applaud Lonergan for taking a stance.

What’s up with Anthony Mundine and his insane attacks on the New South Wales police force? You think after his ugly 9/11 remarks, the man would refrain from again alienating himself from ninety-nine-point-nine percent of the Australian population. But there he was again spewing venom against police who took action to save innocent pedestrians after a stolen car had mounted the footpath and already had struck down two women. But according to Mundine the police were just blood thirsty and trigger happy, and the feral crims are the real victims.
Hungry for Excuses on Manic Monday

The Swans never-say-die attitude was on display yesterday overcoming a twenty point half-time deficit to crush the Hawks by thirty-seven points. That’s nearly a ten goal turnaround, yet the draw seems to be a talking point at Hawthorn. President, Andrew Newbold told The Age that his club’s draw was a tough one. Coach Alistair Clarkson says in the same paper, the competition integrity is compromised by the draw. Can’t recall the Hawks complaining last year, playing only one of the top eight sides twice. First three games against teams that didn’t make the top eight, and finished the season off playing seven of the last eight games against non-finalists. Also throw in two games against Gold Coast. Sometimes you’ve got to take the rub of the green.
I’m KB, that’s my Take

And it’s a good morning to Monday’s manic and puritan putz, Mr. Smith who is in total agreement with KB by adding “if they played football as hard as they whinge they may have won more than a couple of games. But they seem to be just whingeing all the time, this Hawthorn mob now.” KB facetiously adds that they’ve moved on from the preliminary final loss to Collingwood. Putz believes the Hawks still feel they were done-in and the world still owes them a living. He’s curious as to why the Hawks are taking such a negative outlook on so many issues when there is no reason for them to be 2-3; “they’ve got some of the best players in the league; they’re a very well coached side; they play with a lot of grit, yet something’s missing.” So KB's first theme of the day is to find out what’s missing from the Hawks.

Screw all this Orforn stuff, what about the gritty, gutty, determined, undefeated Swans? Finally. Putz declares those Swans a really accomplished, exceptional side, but still beefs about Orforn’s capitulation after half-time. Tyrone Vickery has a dozen possessions, seventy Dream Team points and KB now has the Sidler on the rise towards Kreuzer, while Nic Nat, Cox, Que Stick, and power forward Jack Darling all had better days yesterday than the Sidler. Putz chuckles as he sees Vickery Dickery Dock having a-ways to go yet to be an accomplished [sidler]. Both are in agreement that the Tigers are the very team that has a legit gripe, if anyone does, about the early home-and-away draw in 2012. Nahas goes under the bus for his big mouthing at the umps. “Lack of poise,” suggests Putz.

KB briefly mentions the Blues having a good win in Perth and then gives the Dees a pat on the back for heart, endeavour, and fight, which irks Putz who believes that giving Melbourne a pat for the “endeavour and trying says everything about the plight of that club.” KB says it’s recognition while Putz says it should be a given of any football side that takes the field to have a red hot go. Sounds like Putz and Grunk have been waxing poetic on the Dees.

Putz: And if the only positive you can find for Melbourne is that they tried, well I think the club’s in desperate straights.

On to talkback and surely nothing, absolutely nothing can deny a morning of the Swans getting their due and much deserved credit for an awesome start to the season after a stunning second half pummelling of the murky coloured Hawks. Nothing! But then again – there is Jim from Hawthorn.:eek:

The wasteland that is evening sports radio and the home to Hawthorn’s number one raconteur of aye Kin’ ay Hawk gab has come to the morning home of the SEN big guns in Bartlett and Smitty. But away from his Fine habitat he seems slightly unsure and definitely a little, dare I say, crabbit. Mark Fine is no KB and one slip from Jimbo and that cook will be into the haggis mix.

Jim from Hawthorn: Afair Ah say whit I’ve gotta say abit Awforn An’ yer hoddin shots ya Hud jist abit fife seconds ago-
KB: What cheap shot?

Jim from Hawthorn: Weel, ye ken, talkin’ bit, KB, ye bin takin’ pot shots at Awforn fur th’ lest few weeks abit th’ Collingwood thung lest year an’ they only used ‘at as a motivation fur-
Putz: They’ve forgotten about it now. They haven’t referred to it. They’ve put it behind them. NO, no, no, no. That’s, Jimmy, they’ve put it behind them. They told us that.

Brooding Jim from Hawthorn: Yeah, alrecht, mucker, yeah, yoo’ve hud ye fin!

That quick admonishment of Putz and a well done from JFH for Adam Goodes and he gets down to the nitty gritty of Awforn excuses: defence was good in first half/Lost Gibson/Flat after WA road trip/Blames Orforn recruiting staff for old ruckmen/Can’t remember young ruckman’s name … apologizes … KB obliges – “Bailey”/Need a good ruckman is the point he’s trying to make.

Counter Punch Putz: I think West Coast was flat. That’s an error, Jim. They weren’t devastated by the trip as you suggest Hawthorn was.
Counter Punch KB: I’m glad Jimmy didn’t take a cheap shot at Hawthorn’s ruck stocks, there.:D

Lesson for Jimbo – stick to ham and eggs evening radio. Bartlett and Smith can be a ruthless and merciless tag team at times.

Jack Anthony’s career is on the snoz … Orforn, Kermit Bretheraton, and Clarkson all under the gun from talkback and SMS for complaining, whingeing, ducking, sliding in. … Putz considers this topic as the overriding theme of the morning. … Channel Seven’s coverage hammered by Putz who quotes Rohan Connolly’s article and also calls for McAvaney’s retirement.:eek: Says he’s a parody of himself now and “unlistenable.” First Mr. Benaud, now Bruce? Oh the humanity.

Putz: I think Brett Kirk’s just taking us on some magical mystery tour every time. … I think it’s all too tricked-up and they’re all trying to be too clever, and nobody has a proper name. Everybody is “Lingy” or “Richo” … you’re allowed to call people by their names, Kevin. But it’s so blokey, so in-house, that I think it’s an appalling coverage. And I think Rohan’s right on the money.

O.K., Ruthy is a Swans fan responding to JFH “whingeing” and she points out the missing elephant on the field against Jim’s ruckless Orforn – Shane Mumford. She also points out key Swans’ moves of Goodes and Bolton that led to a change in the game. … KB touts the lineage of the Kennedy name at Orforn and laughs up the reality of a Josh Kennedy running around at Sydney. Putz reminds all of the significance of that being that Orforn is the family club. …

Hawks fans try to explain their situation before eventually KB and Putz move to the due recognition wanting for the underrated Marty Mattner, Heath Grundy, Teddy Richards, Rhyce Shaw, Ben McGlynn, “and they might have a superstar in Josh Kennedy,” KB concludes.

The terrible race call Putz now refers to as “the worst call in the history of race calls” for Black Caviar beating a field of “donkeys” leads into a Melbourne fan’s take on Mark Neeld’s creating of “mind toughness.” He waffles on a while about gang tackling before Putz refers to the last four Bailey years that the board could be so proud of. Clearly Denham has been in Smith’s ear.

Netball game on TV cops a mention and shockingly Putz says he didn’t see it. Shame on him! … Hawks fan has the solution for what grieves Hawks nation: Clarkson needs to be up in the box coaching – where I think he was on Sunday - not on ground level. … Close to the news for sure as some clown is on the airwaves griping about the audacity of Melbourne fans booing the St. Kilda opposition which he believes is “unreasonable.”

Swans fans continue to rally against the Orforn’s excuses with caller Brendan firstly praising Kennedy’s possible five B.O.G.’s in a row to start the season before dismissing the “we lost Gibson” defence by asking what happened to Nick Malceski (knee injury) and LRT (cheekbone injury) and McGlynn (rolled ankle)? …

Guus of the Week: Gai Waterhouse
Goose of the Week: Hilton Donaldson (Horse race caller)

Humour of the Day:
They jump from the barriers and he says “now they’re off in the most anticipated race this century,” I reckon you’ve overplayed your hand at the start, slightly.

Thought for the Day:
Bewaur th’ noo cranky an’ revengeful Hawks who’ve tint thee games thes year tae opponents wi’ a collectife 13-2 record.
- Me!
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