Radio The SEN Thread 10

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Errrm, nothing's happened to Finey?


What is this dumb soccer show that has replaced FFS!!! get rid of it:thumbsdown::thumbsdown:

FFS has always run from 8-10.

And the show was brilliant. Always welcome a bit of world game talk, doesn't get enough air time imo.

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Do you listen to SEN over summer?

Come on mate half an hour without Footy ain't gunna kill you.
Monty thinks Denham and Lace sticks the boots into the Dees !
He should hear the overnight Hawk man!:eek:
Mind you had to factually correct him tonight, he had a cheapy about the Dogs and our lack of silverware( cabinet not exactly falling with the weight of trophies, we know) said we were so desperate for one we conjured up the PM Cup!
In fact it's a GWS annual game against any other club in Canberra.

P.S thanks for the entertainment lads
The d1ck that is Daniel Hartford is hard enough to listen to at the best of times, but including Cameron Mooney into the conversation is just :mad:

This would be the worse radio time on SEN (with the exception of that chick on the Run Home talking beers).:thumbsdown:
Come on mate half an hour without Footy ain't gunna kill you.

Certainly not, in fact I am in the "footy is (understandably) over-represented on SEN" camp, but to say that soccer doesn't get enough airtime is just ridiculous, especially over summer where it amounts to >50% of the conversation on the ANA for example.
Hungry for Excuses on Manic Monday

The Swans never-say-die attitude was on display yesterday overcoming a twenty point half-time deficit to crush the Hawks by thirty-seven points. That’s nearly a ten goal turnaround, yet the draw seems to be a talking point at Hawthorn. President, Andrew Newbold told The Age that his club’s draw was a tough one. Coach Alistair Clarkson says in the same paper, the competition integrity is compromised by the draw. Can’t recall the Hawks complaining last year, playing only one of the top eight sides twice. First three games against teams that didn’t make the top eight, and finished the season off playing seven of the last eight games against non-finalists. Also throw in two games against Gold Coast. Sometimes you’ve got to take the rub of the green.
I’m KB, that’s my Take

And it’s a good morning to Monday’s manic and puritan putz, Mr. Smith who is in total agreement with KB by adding “if they played football as hard as they whinge they may have won more than a couple of games. But they seem to be just whingeing all the time, this Hawthorn mob now.” KB facetiously adds that they’ve moved on from the preliminary final loss to Collingwood. Putz believes the Hawks still feel they were done-in and the world still owes them a living. He’s curious as to why the Hawks are taking such a negative outlook on so many issues when there is no reason for them to be 2-3; “they’ve got some of the best players in the league; they’re a very well coached side; they play with a lot of grit, yet something’s missing.” So KB's first theme of the day is to find out what’s missing from the Hawks.

Screw all this Orforn stuff, what about the gritty, gutty, determined, undefeated Swans? Finally. Putz declares those Swans a really accomplished, exceptional side, but still beefs about Orforn’s capitulation after half-time. Tyrone Vickery has a dozen possessions, seventy Dream Team points and KB now has the Sidler on the rise towards Kreuzer, while Nic Nat, Cox, Que Stick, and power forward Jack Darling all had better days yesterday than the Sidler. Putz chuckles as he sees Vickery Dickery Dock having a-ways to go yet to be an accomplished [sidler]. Both are in agreement that the Tigers are the very team that has a legit gripe, if anyone does, about the early home-and-away draw in 2012. Nahas goes under the bus for his big mouthing at the umps. “Lack of poise,” suggests Putz.

KB briefly mentions the Blues having a good win in Perth and then gives the Dees a pat on the back for heart, endeavour, and fight, which irks Putz who believes that giving Melbourne a pat for the “endeavour and trying says everything about the plight of that club.” KB says it’s recognition while Putz says it should be a given of any football side that takes the field to have a red hot go. Sounds like Putz and Grunk have been waxing poetic on the Dees.

Putz: And if the only positive you can find for Melbourne is that they tried, well I think the club’s in desperate straights.

On to talkback and surely nothing, absolutely nothing can deny a morning of the Swans getting their due and much deserved credit for an awesome start to the season after a stunning second half pummelling of the murky coloured Hawks. Nothing! But then again – there is Jim from Hawthorn.:eek:

The wasteland that is evening sports radio and the home to Hawthorn’s number one raconteur of aye Kin’ ay Hawk gab has come to the morning home of the SEN big guns in Bartlett and Smitty. But away from his Fine habitat he seems slightly unsure and definitely a little, dare I say, crabbit. Mark Fine is no KB and one slip from Jimbo and that cook will be into the haggis mix.

Jim from Hawthorn: Afair Ah say whit I’ve gotta say abit Awforn An’ yer hoddin shots ya Hud jist abit fife seconds ago-
KB: What cheap shot?

Jim from Hawthorn: Weel, ye ken, talkin’ bit, KB, ye bin takin’ pot shots at Awforn fur th’ lest few weeks abit th’ Collingwood thung lest year an’ they only used ‘at as a motivation fur-
Putz: They’ve forgotten about it now. They haven’t referred to it. They’ve put it behind them. NO, no, no, no. That’s, Jimmy, they’ve put it behind them. They told us that.

Brooding Jim from Hawthorn: Yeah, alrecht, mucker, yeah, yoo’ve hud ye fin!

That quick admonishment of Putz and a well done from JFH for Adam Goodes and he gets down to the nitty gritty of Awforn excuses: defence was good in first half/Lost Gibson/Flat after WA road trip/Blames Orforn recruiting staff for old ruckmen/Can’t remember young ruckman’s name … apologizes … KB obliges – “Bailey”/Need a good ruckman is the point he’s trying to make.

Counter Punch Putz: I think West Coast was flat. That’s an error, Jim. They weren’t devastated by the trip as you suggest Hawthorn was.
Counter Punch KB: I’m glad Jimmy didn’t take a cheap shot at Hawthorn’s ruck stocks, there.:D

Lesson for Jimbo – stick to ham and eggs evening radio. Bartlett and Smith can be a ruthless and merciless tag team at times.

Jack Anthony’s career is on the snoz … Orforn, Kermit Bretheraton, and Clarkson all under the gun from talkback and SMS for complaining, whingeing, ducking, sliding in. … Putz considers this topic as the overriding theme of the morning. … Channel Seven’s coverage hammered by Putz who quotes Rohan Connolly’s article and also calls for McAvaney’s retirement.:eek: Says he’s a parody of himself now and “unlistenable.” First Mr. Benaud, now Bruce? Oh the humanity.

Putz: I think Brett Kirk’s just taking us on some magical mystery tour every time. … I think it’s all too tricked-up and they’re all trying to be too clever, and nobody has a proper name. Everybody is “Lingy” or “Richo” … you’re allowed to call people by their names, Kevin. But it’s so blokey, so in-house, that I think it’s an appalling coverage. And I think Rohan’s right on the money.

O.K., Ruthy is a Swans fan responding to JFH “whingeing” and she points out the missing elephant on the field against Jim’s ruckless Orforn – Shane Mumford. She also points out key Swans’ moves of Goodes and Bolton that led to a change in the game. … KB touts the lineage of the Kennedy name at Orforn and laughs up the reality of a Josh Kennedy running around at Sydney. Putz reminds all of the significance of that being that Orforn is the family club. …

Hawks fans try to explain their situation before eventually KB and Putz move to the due recognition wanting for the underrated Marty Mattner, Heath Grundy, Teddy Richards, Rhyce Shaw, Ben McGlynn, “and they might have a superstar in Josh Kennedy,” KB concludes.

The terrible race call Putz now refers to as “the worst call in the history of race calls” for Black Caviar beating a field of “donkeys” leads into a Melbourne fan’s take on Mark Neeld’s creating of “mind toughness.” He waffles on a while about gang tackling before Putz refers to the last four Bailey years that the board could be so proud of. Clearly Denham has been in Smith’s ear.

Netball game on TV cops a mention and shockingly Putz says he didn’t see it. Shame on him! … Hawks fan has the solution for what grieves Hawks nation: Clarkson needs to be up in the box coaching – where I think he was on Sunday - not on ground level. … Close to the news for sure as some clown is on the airwaves griping about the audacity of Melbourne fans booing the St. Kilda opposition which he believes is “unreasonable.”

Swans fans continue to rally against the Orforn’s excuses with caller Brendan firstly praising Kennedy’s possible five B.O.G.’s in a row to start the season before dismissing the “we lost Gibson” defence by asking what happened to Nick Malceski (knee injury) and LRT (cheekbone injury) and McGlynn (rolled ankle)? …

Guus of the Week: Gai Waterhouse
Goose of the Week: Hilton Donaldson (Horse race caller)

Humour of the Day:
They jump from the barriers and he says “now they’re off in the most anticipated race this century,” I reckon you’ve overplayed your hand at the start, slightly.

Thought for the Day:
Bewaur th’ noo cranky an’ revengeful Hawks who’ve tint thee games thes year tae opponents wi’ a collectife 13-2 record.
- Me!

Love the way you put the Scottish accent in. As a guy who is now working 4 days a week I really do appreciate you taking the time to contribute these posts.
The was a caller called "The gooch" on the soap box on the run home.

I hope it is not Slang Version of the perineum which is the meaning and I hope hes last name is like Graham Gooch or other spelling becuase if it is the slang version. SEN need to filter the Filthy call names a bit.
Hungry for Selwood Emancipation

Joel Selwood is unfairly maligned. He is a superstar player who hits packs hard, and because of poor tackling techniques and Selwood’s ability to shrug off opponents he is attacked by opposition fans. Those fans will be enraged today that Selwood has gotten off a striking charge on Andrew Raines, and Rains pinged for a three week sanction for whacking the Cats’ skipper. The Match Review Panel got it right. Selwood’s head-high hit was a push-slap and of little force. Raines decked him with force. But those with a prejudice against Selwood will cry foul. But what’s more of a mystery was why Raines didn’t go for the bump on Selwood’s head?
I’m KB, that’s my Take

Footy’s two geezers with microphones are always centre stage for a Tuesday tango. One is a former champ whose opinion begins and finishes in granite, the other, a big, sometime funny oaf with an opinion on everything. Just a slight disagreement on any subject can see these two ready and willing to go at each other with big sticks that ends with nothing achieved as they both sink deep into the mire of repeated bloviation.


Curmudgeons Duelling With Cudgels
Act 156, Scene 1 (Slap/Push/Punch/Bang/Smack/Decked?)
Putz: He deserved to go
KB: People retaliate when there’s no force [Putz].

Putz feels the Selwood strike that KB believes was delivered with insufficient force deserved a penalty, as the hit had sufficient force for Raines to retaliate. … KB states that Selwood gave his tagger “a bit of a push” which led to the Raines retaliation. … Putz would grant that point to KB, but, the video footage of Selwood striking Raines indicated enough force for Raines to retaliate.

KB references Schibeci for a poll indicating seventy percent felt Selwood should have been rubbed out. Then he queries whether fans are coloured by the media coverage and the brothers Selwood being perceived as getting away with head-high tackles, and fans are simply anti-Joel Selwood. He restates his inference that Selwood slapped and pushed but didn’t punch Raines whom he alleges landed a punch BANG, SMACK on Selwood that DECKED him. … Putz agrees on the coloured view regarding Selwood and mentions Collingwood supporters he talked to that were adamant that Selwood had never earned a free kick in his life. … However, Putz disagrees that Selwood gets off and Raines goes for three [games] purely because Raines is the better puncher. … KB believes Raines is a harder puncher and it had more force.

Act 156, Scene 2 (Anti Selwood/Anti-Raines/Cudgels strike)
KB: What did surprise me is that Raines got off the bump on Selwood when he was bending over trying to pick up the ball. I know the Match-
Putz: You’re anti-Raines, aren’t you.

KB: No I’m not anti-Raines.
Putz: Now people are anti-Selwood, you’re anti-Raines.

KB: It says Raines had his arm out in front of him-
Putz: Is it because he left Richmond?

KB: In a bid to win the ball but makes high contact-
Putz: Was that it? Is that what’s triggered this?

KB: That Raines was attempting to win possession-
Putz: That he left Richmond?
KB: No tis not.

KB finishes his description of the bump and Putz eventually agrees that a penalty was warranted.

Act 156, Scene 3 (Talkback/Antagonize/Batter KB with Cudgel)
KB: I think it was a push-slap, yeah.
Putz: You’ve got no idea, Kevin!

KB: No, no, I-
Putz: You have no idea. You can not tell that from the vision.

KB: What I can glean from the vision, [Putz], is to me, it’s more of a slap-push than a punch.
Putz: That’s what you’re looking for. It’s not what you see.


The talkback dissection of the incidents goes around and around as KB does all he can to repeat his points. … He now gets artsy with the quote of the day: “And that’s because they will asses what would have been the impact of that particular force. So if you throw a haymaker and you miss me by a whisker, they would say if that had of connected that would have done some damage but if I was to push my hand out and missed him, then they’d say ‘well look even if he had of hit him it would have of such little force it would have been like a butterfly landing on his nose.’”

Putz: He’s unlucky, Selwood, in the sense that, you know, he’s regularly attacked with hammers out on the football field and he doesn’t flinch and yet this punch from Raines was of sufficient force to knock him to the ground, Kevin.;)
KB: Well, it was a short jolt – bang, on the chin.
Putz: Hmmm. Yeah. Wouldn’t have staged would he?

Mud Eel from Woodend makes his daily appearance on talkback this time to attack Grant Thomas for comments about the mother with an infant child behind the goals at the Richmond game. Nah, nothing could possibly go wrong even with three bumbling Richmond slubs sitting around the baby for protection.:rolleyes:

Act 156, Scene 4 (Taggers/Reaffirmation/Agent Rates?/Keep Whacking with Cudgel)
The duelling double act now go toe-to-toe on the rules about taggers with Putz alleging the umps are directed by AFL to clamp down on certain rules. … KB says Putz is way off the mark suggesting the umps are only reminded of the rules (reaffirmation) and not a crackdown on the rules … (semantics indeed!)

Putz: No, what it’s indicative of is that the umpires’ advisors and the umpires’ coach will tell umpires “we’re going to crackdown; we think we’ve been too lenient on hands-in-the-back. This week we’re gonna crack down on it.” That’s what the public rings up and says every football season and that’s what the umpires deny every football season. I’m telling YOU – not even suggesting, Kevin – I’m telling you, that’s evidence of it on the back page.
KB: It’s not evidence at all, [Putz]. … (Repeats reaffirmation points on rules regarding taggers)
Putz: It’s a crackdown.
KB: That’s where [Selwood] polarizes folk. I don’t think he does that at all. I think he sees the ball and goes at it with extraordinary force and always with great courage and puts himself into those hot situations, and again, I think the head-high tackles come from poor techniques in tackling because they’re more worried these days about the player offloading the ball with quick hands-
Putz: What’s the agents’ rates now? About eighteen percent is it, Kevin? Is that what you get?

KB: Now you’re being silly now, [Putzrick].
Putz: Is that what you get? About eighteen percent?

KB: Now, you’re not, you’re not, you’re not, you’re not giving a considered opinion there, [Putz].
Putz: I’m given a considered opinion; you’re just not listening to it.

KB: You’re just trying to bait for some silly reason.
Putz: Nah, eighteen percent, that’s not bad... .

Act 156, Final Scene (Gibberish/LeBaron-Ralph/Argument Redux/Warrnambool)

Both combatants agree on the curious Leigh Montagna incident that should be challenged.

KB: Ah, we can at least agree on that, [Putz]. When we come back, this is what you’re good at too [Putz] – Gibberish of the Week!

Gibberish of the Week: Jon LeBaron-Ralph for Herald Sun reporting of Wayne Carey comments about Pies’ players was a legitimate story.

Putz: Journalism hasn’t changed. Can’t change. It’s the same as it was a hundred years ago and it will be the same in another hundred years, Jon. We don’t report hearsay. … So in reporting that, you are reporting hearsay. Now fundamental to any form of journalism is that you report facts, having validated or established them to be true. Now to report that is to report gossip and hearsay. That has never been journalism, it will never be journalism, and if Jon wants to serve journalism then he needs to get in tune with journalistic ethics. …

Around and around we go again with the umpires’ crackdown or not a crackdown argument:
Putz: NO, no, just don’t deny it, Kevin! That’s all I’m saying.
KB: No-one’s denying it but it’s not a crackdown!
Putz: The umpires deny it all the time!
KB: I know why you’re agitated today-
Putz: I’m not agitated!

KB: You’ll be going down to Warrnambool today as part of the protesters. It just dawned on me.
Putz: I’m not agitated. I’m growing weary of dealing with a cretin.

KB: It’s just dawned on me that Warrnambool starts today … and you’ll be down there because you’re anti-jumps and you want Warrnambool closed down. And that’s why – it just dawned on me – you’re agitated.
Putz: That’s so silly. …
KB: So will you be there today protesting?
Putz: No I won’t be there, Kevin. I won’t be protesting.

KB: And will you be watching closely in case a horse falls?
Putz: I hope to God a horse doesn’t fall. More importantly I hope to God a jockey isn’t hurt.
KB: Yeeees, but you’ll be watching closely what happens at Warrnambool today?

Putz: No more than I watch any other race meeting, Kevin. You’re in very, very bad mood, and for an agent that shouldn’t happen.
KB: [Putz], thanks for your input today.

Putz: Twenty percent? Eighteen percent?

Humour of the Day:
Was he not defending his comment; what’s it called The Wackle or The Tackle or whatever it is.
- Putz on Rubbo’s focusing on Hawthorn and not Sydney on Footy 360

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The was a caller called "The gooch" on the soap box on the run home.

I hope it is not Slang Version of the perineum which is the meaning and I hope hes last name is like Graham Gooch or other spelling becuase if it is the slang version. SEN need to filter the Filthy call names a bit.

nothing wrong with the name Gooch. thing is, no one knows the meaning behind the name
We are racing fans, but I must admit I'm not real keen on the jumps....having said that I do recognise that it would be the end of the line for these horses, yes, dog food, if they weren't jumping.....sooooo, I cover my eyes!!:eek:
Hungry for Free Agency

Now parents beware when buying jumpers with sown-on jumpers. The chances are, little Johnny, will be needing a new one next season. The back page of the Herald Sun this morning has Travis Cloke wearing a Freo jumper. Now we can’t escape the fact that free agency’s about to play a heavy roll in AFL football. Clubs are gearing up to have a slush fund to put themselves in the game. The clubs most vulnerable to attack are those with multiple superstars. Never before has the roll of the football manager been more important. Balmey, Walshy and co take note, they say you can’t choose which child you love the most, but you’re going to choose which superstar you need more.
I’m KB, that’s my Take


The Buzzoff:
LeBaron-Ralph says “it is time for Collingwood’s rivals to unite and make a serious play for some of these superstars.”… Staggered GWS has made an offer to Cloke.:rolleyes: … Melbourne clubs have a lot of cash to throw around given the increase in the salary cap. … Collingwood federal funding for facilities leaves own money for exclusive spending to be more attractive. … Pies haven’t yet lost one serious player of note. … Gut feeling (A #@^%! guess) Cloke will stay at the Black and White Asylum. … AFL is probably only code that doesn’t have FA. … Dees, Dogs, Tiges can continue list-building slowly-slowly but while star clubs keep star players they’ll always be behind. … Karmichael Hunt is not an NRL curiosity or code jumper anymore, he’s just a very good player … Melbourne have been terrible for six years and are further away than they’ve ever been. “On this perpetual road to nowhere at the moment.”:( … Sydney up for 12 years; Richmond down for 30. … Every club has competing priorities: membership department wants to play Pies twice but then the football department complains about it. … Yada, yada, yada.


Dons lost players after 2000 … Cats lost Ablett … Get the feeling Collingwood will never fit all players under the salary cap. … Other teams making bids may destabilize clubs’ lists but need to make sure that player is required and not stuff up the new team. … SMS: Why shouldn’t Richmond be in Cloke mix as to reverse the curse? … FA is here to stay; happens around the world. … AFL is a very young as a code in terms of professional sports people. … Should blockbusters be done away with for integrity and fairness purposes? … Is Karmichael Hunt the biggest surprise story in 2012? … At some stage Collingwood are going to hit a wall with their salary cap and someone has to go. … Still doesn’t get “The Buzz” because you’ve got to pay twice. … Why don’t clubs go down the Sydney track of building a team instead of periodically rebuilding with new batches of young players? … Inside information from the Herald Sun declares that LeBaron-Ralph winning Smith’s Gibberish of the Week has all but eliminated him from the running for chief football writer.


SEN Mensa Talkback Society:
Pretty much has no clue about free agency, draws, and pro sports business models and practices outside their world seen through the prism of their self-interest lived out vicariously through the success and failure of their clubs. Interesting to note that the typical Collingwood Labor voting SEN listener all of a sudden ain’t that interested in “tax the rich,” so to speak. … Yet another appearance today from the bloke with the “easy fixed” three divisions of six playing a “fair” draw.


And on the unknown dynamic of the yet-in-play free agency:
“The art of economics consists in looking not merely at the immediate but at the longer effects of any act or policy; it consists in tracing the consequences of that policy not merely for one group but for all groups.”
- The wonderful Henry Hazlitt, Economics In One Lesson.
Hungry for Fairness

Now it’s been reported today that CARL-ton will rest Chris Judd this week against the Giants, and Jarrad Waite as also been mentioned as an unlikely starter. Now I don’t think any player wants to be rested – players want to play, players love continuity, love to be in the groove, never flirt with form. Of course Carlton is going to defeat GWS but that is no reason to treat Sheedy’s men with contempt. There’s plenty of rotations in the game, you can even be subbed out in the modern game. High performance managers seem to control most things these days at a football club; players are not allowed to tired or fatigued. I’m hoping one day this strategy backfires. Go the Giants.
I’m KB, that’s my Take

Nothing like KB with the arch enemy Carlton in his sights to make the breakfast porridge a little tastier.

Straight to the return of the protégé at eleven who’s talking about the stuff behind that HUN pay wall that no one seems to like. LeBaron-Ralphy is excited about what he calls a “very good column about the draw.” This apparently comes from Mark Stevens’ “Hard Boiled.” “Stevens says he doesn’t give a stuff about seeing derbies, doesn’t give a stuff about seeing Hawthorn/Geelong twice, Steven wants to see a fair fixture,” says Jon. KB attacks his co-host, suggesting if the story was worthy it would have been in the paper. Then trashes him further over the hyped up Cloke/GWS story when anyone could have discovered Cloke was on the GWS radar.

LeBaron-Ralphy plays twenty Q&A with KB:
1. Would you rather lose T. Cloke or both Sidebottom and Harry O. if you’re the Pies list manager?
KB: Keep Travis Cloke.

2. Who’ll win round seven – GWS vs. GC?
KB: [if, um, er Ablett considered] Thinks the Suns would win.

3. Biggest form slump: Jack Riewoldt or Cyril Rioli?
KB: [long sigh] Cyril.

4. Is Sheedy coaching GWS next year?
KB: How many goals has Jack Riewoldt kicked? :confused: [KB’s not moving on due to JLR’s response to answer of Cyril]

5. Is Karmichael Hunt worth $800,000 as an entire package?
KB: Yes. (And thus KB dodges the Sheedy answer suggesting JLR may be using Mike Sheehan’s favourite old quill to check off each answer)

6. Is it time to review and revamp the members of the match review panel?
KB No.

7. So, should Adrian Anderson step in we see horrific verdicts?
KB: They’re an independent body.

8. Who’s more likely to leave: Dangerfield, Tippett, or Boak?
KB: Tippett.

9. If Gold Coast had to decide on McKenna today, what should they do?
KB: Keep Guy McKenna.

10. Are Bob Murphy’s columns inspired or are they deranged?
KB: [another troubled sighhhh] Seem very complicated … have trouble reading them and understanding what he’s talking about … little bit left field … “they do my head in a little bit.

11. Who’s a better player: Jeremy Howe or Jack Watts?
KB: Watts.

12. Who’s had a better season so far?
KB: You asked who the better player is. I think Jack Watts is.

13. Choose between Ben Johnson and Alan Didak to get rid of to keep T. Cloke?
KB: Probably go for Didak.

14. What reception will “Rocket” Eade get on Friday night?
KB: Very good reception.

15. Goddard, Dal Santo, or Montagna – which one to go in salary cap crush?
KB: [Gives Gary Lyon-like answer] Very, very difficult. Sometimes there’s no answer. There’s no definitive yes or no. Probably keep Goddard; give up one of the midfielders [but proffers neither name]

16. Will Goodes get to 400 games or will Brent Harvey?
KB: Yes I do.:confused:

17. Which two Blues’ ruckmen are best in their set up?
KB: [long pause] Hampson and Kreuzer; Warnock will leave at season’s end. Paid too much to be running around for Northern Blues.

18. Who is the next AFL CEO?
KB: Brendan Gale. (Ahhhh-haaaa! A KB puppet at the wheel of the good ship AFL:mad:)

19. Is Steven Milne a champion?
KB: Not a champion but an outstanding small forward.

20. Who wins this year’s flag?
KB: Let me think about that after the break. … Collingwood.

Here is Jimmy from Doncaster who believes the AFL is “a little bit insecure in regards to fixturing.” The draw according to Jimmy is the single biggest issue and the manipulation to get blockbuster games smacks of insecurity because they believe people won’t go if they don’t have these big games. He uses terms such as “faith in product,” and words like “healthy,” “vibrant,” and “transparency,” in getting around towards that fairness thing before his line drops out.

LeBaron-Ralph takes over: It’s a very good point by Jim. … If the AFL is going to put hundreds of thousands of dollars into analysis of the Sherrin ball and talk about microchips, why wouldn’t they have some sort of summit and bring together people to – let’s talk about the draw. Talking doesn’t cost anything and at least you actually find out exactly from clubs what they want. Not when they’re two-and-three and complaining about it. You get them together during the season and you have a really, really interesting discussion about it, and then you start working on solutions for the draw.


A Bizzaro AFL Summit led by Mark Stevens? That’s Feldman top left who had the idea of an alarm clock that told you the weather when you woke up. Could this be the same Feldman that’s convinced Mark Stevens of the three six-team conferences that has impressed Jonny LeBaron-Ralph? What could all this fairness and integrity in a future utopian even-feeling draw do to the finances through the law of unintended consequences? Well, the discussion on SEN with KB, Lebaron-Ralph, Mensa Talkback Society, and a perusal of the righteous-filled HUN article provided not one scintilla of anecdotal or even any empirical contrary evidence on the folly of AFL divisions or conferences. What could possibly go array? We don’t know because no one in the media is about to do any research into these supposedly great ideas. Here’s one: Why do the geographically placed southern Dallas Cowboys play in the NFC Eastern Division of the NFL? Answer: Television!!!!!

Not once today did fiscal consequences of Stevens’ proposed Rudd-like summit of feel-good utopian fairness get discussed. What great solutions would come from a collection of mathematicians, stats gurus, and pinko journalists that have never run anything in their lives? Nowhere in the on-line article or on KB’s show did the words sports economist get mentioned.

- Three conferences of six teams. Play each team in your conference twice and teams outside your conference once (total 22 games)
- Top two teams from each conference make the finals with the remaining spots being granted to two wildcards (teams with the best record outside the top two of respective conferences)
- Final eight teams to be ranked by record over 22 games
- Current final eight system to be retained
- Conferences to consist of three non-Melbourne and three Melbourne teams (Geelong is considered a non-Melbourne team due to its unique home ground)
- Conferences to rotate over a four-year period to ensure seven local derbies for SA, WA, QLD and NSW teams over four seasons and the nine Melbourne teams play five times each over a four-year period.
- Draft picks 1-8 to be based on records of non-finalists
- Draft picks 9-16 based on positions after finals.

Another example: The Boston Red Sox and New York Yankees perennially have the two highest payrolls in the MLB and play in a division with the tough Tampa Rays. So to does the Baltimore Orioles play in that division so they have to play that other three teams a total of 54 times a year! Every year! Ouch. What happens when a division has a total down year which would even be harder to predict with Feldman’s rotations? NFL’s Seattle won their division in 2010 with a 7-9 record and made the play-offs; the NY Giants and Tampa Bay Bucs each won 10 games in other divisions and missed the play-offs. Oops. And that wasn’t the first time it’s happened. Imagine Collingwood next year winning more games than Essendon and missing the finals to, say, Essendon!? The Westpac Asylum members would near on riot.

Stan from Rowville with “a quick solution”: All the teams that play twice only play for two points each time. And at the end of the season based on seventeen clubs playing seventeen clubs, and you divide (are you paying attention?) the total score for those two games into two. So that teams don’t get a percentage gain by playing the bottom teams twice.
KB: What do you think about that Jon?
JLR: Oh, look, I think it’s an interesting solution [Another Garry Lyon-like condescension] … I think it’s impractical; I don’t think it will work. [Honestly, not interesting at all!] … We’ re always going to have some sort of bastardisation version of the draw that’s never quite fair but I still think we still need to work out what we want. I think we want big teams playing against each other. But I’m not sure that everyone else thinks that.

Everyone else, Jon? Run it by the TV executives and exclusivity sponsors. There are NO free lunches! There are, however, nine teams in Melbourne of which a number already need financial subsidising.

Quote of the Day:
[In the middle of the AFL draw discussion] Do you think anyone actually takes any notice of the stars? … I’m a Pisces and it says today: “People say that there is an exception to every rule but that statement in itself a rule so there must surely be an exception to the rule that states that every rule has an exception.” Now this is complete and utter rubbish that is appearing in the Herald Sun today under Pisces. No one in their right mind would read the Zodiac.”
- KB:D

Here’s Stewie from the Julia Gillard’s ministry via Healesville: Just on the draw, basically, look, probably simple would be to introduce some midweek games and have every team play each other twice, home, and away, shorten the season all together. Obviously that’ll bring more emphasis on the team lists and the reserves; that sort of stuff. And, you know, bring us some midweek club games.

Mensa Talkback Society? I rest my case!!!
Hungry for Truth

Brett Ratten should have been laughing yesterday. How he contained himself from that emotion makes him an outstanding prospect for one of those Las Vegas poker games. Of course Carlton are resting players because they don’t rate GWS. And of course Carlton are arrogant and treating the Giants with contempt when not stating the facts. Does any Carlton supporter believe if they were playing Collingwood this week that Chris Judd, Matthew Kreuzer, and Jarrad Waite would be unavailable? Now if you’re confident enough to declare yourself a top four team , surely you’re confident to say this week is a given four points and the club is resting three important players. I think we could all handle the truth.
I’m KB, that’s my Take

Carlton cops it again and again, and again as KB wants the truth from the Blues about resting players. And KB defends Jack Watts while Grunk calls him out for making mistakes a debutant wouldn’t make.

Johhny from Toorak:
Carlton’s been cheating for years. Like, they cheated to get Kreuzer, that game against Melbourne. That was shockin’. Ya know, the betting. There’s betting in football nowadays and ya know, Carlton are just getting away with it. It’s like the Fine Cotton scandal. :rolleyes:

Caller Brad from Donvale exhibits typical fan demand for player loyalty:
I’m a Carlton supporter. [Grunk], what you said before about Andy Collins in the twenty-two; look, to be honest, as with most Carlton supporters, when we look at Andy Collins and the other bloke, Brock McLean, I’d have to say there isn’t a toilet made big enough to flush the two of them down. They’re effluent, really. They’re making a hole in our salary cap, talking about salary caps. Why don’t we just get rid of them?

Brad from Dillsvale also proves why it’s Pay Day for Travis Cloke and every other free agent seeking their market worth before they too, hear that it’s time to move on, or damage the Dalton as Brad may suggest.

Quote of the Day:
I’m still tipping Collingwood maybe to win the flag. ;)

KB Tips: Collingwood, Essendon, Geelong, Fremantle, St. Kilda, Sydney, Carlton, Richmond, West Coast.

Surveying The Weekly Denhamography
a) Last year Fremantle wanted and had Mitch Clarke “until greed got the better of the player.”:rolleyes:
b) Current three members of the MRP, Mark Fraser, Bryan Sheehan, Des Gleeson, don’t know what the hell they’re doing. … They will be replaced.
c) Has no idea why Carlton just don’t come out and be honest about resting players against GWS.
d) Jury’s out on Jack Watts … wouldn’t like his club (Eagles) to get him … needed to do something in 2012 … not a power forward.
e) Doesn’t think Cloke will go to GWS but won’t hurt Collingwood in the long run if Cloke leaves.
d) No Kosi, no Saints!
e) It [Geelong] will be the eighty-eighth loss out of the last hundred and sixteen games for the Dees.
f) Essendon has been scuttling player deals as long as he can remember.
g) Eddie [McGuire] likened Greg Swann to joining al-Qaeda when he went to Carlton.
The d1ck that is Daniel Hartford is hard enough to listen to at the best of times, but including Cameron Mooney into the conversation is just :mad:

This would be the worse radio time on SEN (with the exception of that chick on the Run Home talking beers).:thumbsdown:

I like beer o clock.... Often wondered what that chick looks like... I think stunner OR the exact opposite.. The chain smoking 40something scrubber


please explain

Some guy called in to Finey's Final Siren saying that, he has some type of hair fetish because he said if Collingwood had Paul Medhurst with his mullet they would have won by more then started talking about his Irish heritage and back hair, was quite entertaining
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