Radio The SEN Thread 5

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Plus commercially it doesn't make sense.
"Oh Hughes is about to score 100. Lets flick BITU and put it on Fox/ABC."

If you wanted to find a cricket score, you could.

The show is called Born In The USA. Not Born In The USA and other parts of the world.

Who said anything about flicking anything? And, Hughes was about to score a hundred and make Test history. I don't care if it was Born In The Ukraine (a little Turfy-esque material:D). Doing short live-score updates about our national sport that would have taken 15 to 45 seconds on a periodic basis through dedicated sports programming is the issue. And it's a very minor issue. My guess? Producer didn't give a stuff about the cricket. Please forgive my overly acute attention to detail.

Wait on, I sense a pattern here. Red+black and Daytripper follow soccer teams. Even though Morning Glory is a broad-based show, shouldn't Radar refrain from often interrupting interviews, sometimes mid-sentence, to read out live EPL and European league scores. Surely the likes of Bolton vs. fans' favourite, Wigan Athletic can wait for Grannyland or the news?

Well, no, as long as the show is consistent. Lots of fans leave home for work during live games and are listening desperately for scores. Radar gets lots of SMS. Or maybe if some games are so important and fans wanted to find a soccer score, they could.

I'm not talking historic Test batting feats, here, either. Most EPL games are inconsequential to much of anything, as about a whole 4 or 5 of the teams have a shot at the Premiership. I don't give a stuff about soccer, but ignor the interruptions because they're minor and others are interested.

You do also make an interesting final point. As I remember, Steve introduced the show at 9 O'clock as BITUSA, with the Springsteen music. No US sports till 10 O'clock, and yes, he talked cricket and NAB Cup. So I gather it was Not Born In The USA but other parts of the world - for an hour.
Commercially a little confusing, eh?
The staple australian diet of sporting events - football, cricket, and you can include soccer in that now.

Basketball, Rubgy, Netball - The only time that would be needed is at a major competition.

It's not that hard really - a 1 minute update once every 1/2 hour, or at worst every hour.

Common sense post! Spot on. It's not like Steve and Ed haven't given Aussie sports score updates before, either. They definitely have. Where's the consistency? Even less than 1 minute would have been sufficient.

Here's a guess, non-cricket fans don't give a stuff about cricket score updates. Go figure.
Nobody is listening to Born in the USA to hear cricket scores, but it would not have killed him to read out a score more than once in the three hour show. I had it on the telly, anyway.
I would agree that it is a producer or programming decision rather than Steve or Ed's responsibility.

Wow, again with the minor scores issue? Doc Snapper! Damn, I wish I had thought of that name. Almost as good as The Thug. Love that one too. I can't say it enough - I'm a huge Ed and Steve fan - not that there's anything wrong with that. :D

I was watching the cricket,too, while taking notes on Steve's show. Had a huge headache, which is what I may be giving some in this thread. It was just in my opinion that it was an anomaly not to hear a sports cricket update during a live and unique effort by a twenty-year-old Aussie - on a dedicated sports station. Couldn't give a stuff, but as I was posting about BITUSA, I mentioned it should be addressed. Again I couldn't care less but I believe SEN management don't want people moving the dial anytime regarding any sports, any time. That's the principled point I was trying to make. Virtually no-one agrees with me, but that's fine.

There's a correspondent in the States on FOX Sports radio named Jay Glazer, who was poached from CBS. He constantly scoops ESPN and their thousands of employees, on NFL stories. He causes lots of "please explain" memos for ESPN staff.

On Steve's show last night he spoke about a US syndicated radio host named Colin Cowherd. Pardon the Seinfeld reference but I think Steve's working on his own mentor/protegee thing. I'll opine again: there seems to be sparse resources available at SEN so in my opinion it behoves on-and-off-air staff to lift the content to a better standard. Who thinks SEN's advertising dollar won't be affected in the current economic situation? How's SEN improved it's curve in the last couple of years.

Back in a minute… just went over and had a look at the SEN website. Who goes there for any information? I rest my case! The often-tired Doran or Finey (who's a talented writer) can't find an houror two for a blog on their opinions or about their show?

This brings me back to Cowherd who often short-shrifts talkback callers who want to argue with him: Listen, we're right. ESPN has 6,000 employees. We have all the possible resources available. We prep for hours before the show. This is our job! We have the facts.

Play the game at its highest level or suffer the results from mediocrity. People that often live by the aphorism: if it ain't broke don't fix it, find themselves watching someone else come along, improve what they do, and take their market share.

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Got a solution for you Monty.

I don't entirely disagree with some of your assessments of shows on SEN.

But you seem to have an awful lot of time on your hands to critique other peoples' work. This might kill two birds with one stone.

Apply for a job at SEN. You obviously have a passion for sports, and an intimate knowledge of how sport radio should work. I reckon you'd be a...forgive the pun...monty for a position there. Maybe as a producer - that's a position I see come up frequently in your criticisms of the station.

Refer to post # 798, re time on hands.

Nice one Cloggy. No reference to your post intended but some have to be careful about bagging posters at Big Footy simply because you don't really know people's situations. Well, they can if they're dicks.

No-one knows if someone's bi-polar, manic depressive, or just lonely. Don't know if they're black, white, straight, or gay. Again, not that there's anything wrong with that.:D Lots of elderly folks listen to the radio 24/7 and judging by some of the media entertainment posts, I can't believe how much fiction on TV people watch; and some of them post on Big Footy day and night. Everyone to their own.

But this thread's about commenting on SEN. I've assumed that just going by the name. There's plenty of ex-athletes and out-and-out jock sniffers in the media avoiding having to get a real job If they want to put themselves in the public eye to tell us all about sports, and do a lousy job entertaining us - in some eyes - than they're gonna get ripped here. I'm just proffering an opinion for a week or two and I'll be GAWN.

Crawford and Matt Heyden have been the most recent two to give us the "spend more time with the family" routine, retiring from pro sports. As if firemen, policing, and working in mundane boring, and often arduous long-hours employment with people we don't sometimes like is a brisk walk in the park we choose for 30 to 50 years. When, of course, we're lounging around endlessly with our families. Why does anything think boxers make so many comebacks? Once they quickly avoid real jobs and head for the media, like SEN, to join career journalists in often telling us all how sports works without any effort, they should be held accountable.

On a serious note, Cloggy, yes, the whole plan in my posts is convey an affectation of a cornucopia of sports knowledge to indeed win employment at SEN. But the fact I've apparently bagged the crap out of everyone (except Turfy) might not help if anyone there ever reads these posts.:p

Once I'm in I will certainly send this thread humming along these lines: did you hear about that @#*&%$ - $%#@! that used to post here. He got employed at SEN and on his first day attacked Mark Doran with copper's nightstick. He's in trouble and on serious charges. Snoran's in a bad way too.

Thus I will become the legend that created a permanent change to the afternoon shift, eradicating Doran and gifting a more pleasurable afternoon's listening to the patron saint, manbearpig. ;)
Fair go Monty the right are all over the U.S media. FOX NEWS MONTY.

Who have super hot women. What about biased CNN, NBC, MSNBC, Air America? Oh it failed didn't it.

Shock jocks everywhere.

The learned men like Michael Savage should free to speak their opinion without government control.

Should we critique the Bush legacy:(:(

O.K. Was able to turn a 1%, $600,000 investment in the Texas Rangers baseball team into a 10% share worth over $15 million in just 5 years. :thumbsu: You never said legacy as president.

Sorry I know you lot liketo forget him:p

The "you lot" is a smidge presumptuous
Stay tuned my friend. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. Lets see how a community organiser whose never created A job works with a VISION to create millions through government, in an area that the free market hasn't touched. Should be a winner.:rolleyes:

You need my help, Scholes. Read the great Thomas Sowell's Vision Of The Annoited. You'll be a new man. Guaranteed!

Yeah, way off thread topic I know, but Scholes is bowling bouncers!:eek:

And with that cricket reference, In the words of Jim Rome, Im out.
Did anyone hear Nick Davis last night on the All Night Appetite with Andrew Lowther and Tony Sheahan?

I thought it was a great interview and another great get by the overnight guys.

Last few weeks I have heard Anthony Mundine being interviewed in the studio and i think Jeff Fenech as well.

Well done to the overnight team.

Sorry for my disturbance, but I've got something I would just like to point out here. I wasn't exactly sure what your role was in the Overnight program, but I noticed you've often been pumping the show up, as well as other shows such as Footy Classified and Off The Bench.

I had a brief scan through the profile of Mr.K, and it seems you ARE associated with these shows in some way. I'm guessing you work for a company that is helping them run.

Personally, I don't think this is right. I don't understand why you wouldn't just come out and say your name on here. There's no shame....... is there?? Please explain??

Then again though, you did write an article with your full name at the bottom of it, and I've read some posts here over the past few months stating that a company called Crocmedia run this company, and a user called "YouveBeenReimered" was not happy with his departure, for whatever circumstances. Is there any light to be shed?

Overnights used to just be fun, all the listeners used to love calling in, talking footy, soccer or whatever sport was on, with Brett Phillips, Tony Schibecci, Pete Macarto, Mark Franklin and James Willoughby, but now we're just getting shit shoved down our throats, and it just isn't the same as it used to be, with end of year parties, listener interaction etc.

Anything you'd like to say Mr. K?
Refer to post # 798, re time on hands.

Nice one Cloggy. No reference to your post intended but some have to be careful about bagging posters at Big Footy simply because you don't really know people's situations. Well, they can if they're dicks.

No-one knows if someone's bi-polar, manic depressive, or just lonely. Don't know if they're black, white, straight, or gay. Again, not that there's anything wrong with that.:D Lots of elderly folks listen to the radio 24/7 and judging by some of the media entertainment posts, I can't believe how much fiction on TV people watch; and some of them post on Big Footy day and night. Everyone to their own.

That's true...and you never really know whether you're talking to someone who worked there for more than 3 1/2 years and who truly appreciates the immense amount of work done by behind-the-scenes, hard working, underpaid and under-appreciated staff members.

But this thread's about commenting on SEN. I've assumed that just going by the name. There's plenty of ex-athletes and out-and-out jock sniffers in the media avoiding having to get a real job If they want to put themselves in the public eye to tell us all about sports, and do a lousy job entertaining us - in some eyes - than they're gonna get ripped here. I'm just proffering an opinion for a week or two and I'll be GAWN.

And there's plenty of people out there whose passion is radio, and who have been fortunate enough to be blessed with the opportunity to be involved. Unfortunately it's like might go in with all the best intentions in the world, but long hours, late nights and and for some, a minimal salary (among other things) can wear you down. You'll notice my post was mostly directed at your comments regarding the producers at SEN. I know where they stand in the pay scale and it's not perhaps what you might think.

Crawford and Matt Heyden have been the most recent two to give us the "spend more time with the family" routine, retiring from pro sports. As if firemen, policing, and working in mundane boring, and often arduous long-hours employment with people we don't sometimes like is a brisk walk in the park we choose for 30 to 50 years. When, of course, we're lounging around endlessly with our families. Why does anything think boxers make so many comebacks? Once they quickly avoid real jobs and head for the media, like SEN, to join career journalists in often telling us all how sports works without any effort, they should be held accountable.

I agree. But don't lump all staff members into that bracket - it's important to separate the public face of radio from the people who do the leg work. It's also important to remember that some of those who are the public face are also involved in doing that leg work. I'll let you decide who fits that category.

On a serious note, Cloggy, yes, the whole plan in my posts is convey an affectation of a cornucopia of sports knowledge to indeed win employment at SEN. But the fact I've apparently bagged the crap out of everyone (except Turfy) might not help if anyone there ever reads these posts.:p

Once I'm in I will certainly send this thread humming along these lines: did you hear about that @#*&%$ - $%#@! that used to post here. He got employed at SEN and on his first day attacked Mark Doran with copper's nightstick. He's in trouble and on serious charges. Snoran's in a bad way too.

Thus I will become the legend that created a permanent change to the afternoon shift, eradicating Doran and gifting a more pleasurable afternoon's listening to the patron saint, manbearpig. ;)

I sense sarcasm. Don't waste it on me. But you raise an interesting point. How many of the posters in this thread would really change the listening environment at SEN? Typing up concise, critical and accurate posts on Bigfooty might get some mileage...but radio isn't conducted via the keyboard. I'd be curious to see some of the people here thrust into the chaos that talk radio can be.

That being said...I don't entirely disagree with your assessments of some aspects of the business. I just think you're a little negative at times, and that you come from a position of not having been in the middle of it all. I know I'd suck at being a fireman, or a track athlete...or even as a baker. I appreciate the people who throw themselves into these professions, even if I don't always like the end result. But if my bread doesn't taste great, I try to remind myself that it's probably better than the bread I would bake for myself. Make sense to you?

For the record, there were always things I disagreed with in my time at SEN. But I tried to balance that by recognising the things that were done well. We co-ordinated the Athens Olympics well...anchoring a local host who needed to know when to cross to an SEN reporter on site, or when to cross to the 2GB feed of olympic event coverage. We managed to co-ordinate shows with 3 hosts from 3 different places. We set up and broadcast live feeds from various different sporting events around Australia (I personally carted 80+ kg of equipment around Australia for AFL broadcasts - and I wasn't the only one). We researched on the run while we were playing our part as technical producers for various shows...there's more but you'd get bored. We worked our butts off (and although I post in the past tense, I know there's people there doing these things still). We cared, and we care.

There's tons more I could say, but I'm hoping you get the picture by now.

And for the record...I was just involved in the biggest train wreck I've ever experienced in radio. It involved a small band from Ireland by the name of U2. It was networked to a whole bunch of stations across this little country I now live in called the United States of America...I think we were involved in something that made one of the biggest bands in the world look stupid. Tomorrow will tell. So whenever you think things are bad...they can always be worse. Check to find out how I tried to save it. I'm uploading my edits of the show that went live across America now, and trust me...however bad it sounds, it's a truckload better than it would have been if we hadn't pulled the plug and decided to edit.

Radio isn't kind to anyone...not you...not me...not U2.
Sorry for my disturbance, but I've got something I would just like to point out here. I wasn't exactly sure what your role was in the Overnight program, but I noticed you've often been pumping the show up, as well as other shows such as Footy Classified and Off The Bench.

I had a brief scan through the profile of Mr.K, and it seems you ARE associated with these shows in some way. I'm guessing you work for a company that is helping them run.

Personally, I don't think this is right. I don't understand why you wouldn't just come out and say your name on here. There's no shame....... is there?? Please explain??

Then again though, you did write an article with your full name at the bottom of it, and I've read some posts here over the past few months stating that a company called Crocmedia run this company, and a user called "YouveBeenReimered" was not happy with his departure, for whatever circumstances. Is there any light to be shed?

Overnights used to just be fun, all the listeners used to love calling in, talking footy, soccer or whatever sport was on, with Brett Phillips, Tony Schibecci, Pete Macarto, Mark Franklin and James Willoughby, but now we're just getting shit shoved down our throats, and it just isn't the same as it used to be, with end of year parties, listener interaction etc.

Anything you'd like to say Mr. K?

i like the cut of your jib:thumbsu:

anyway, who are we to interrupt monty's thread.
mr.brasco, please proceed :D
i like the cut of your jib:thumbsu:

anyway, who are we to interrupt monty's thread.
mr.brasco, please proceed :D

I agree. where have you gone monty?

We need new material!

Your posts have been very informative and great to read.

The majority of dribble that gets posted on this forum is laughable.

Btw, I listen to overnights occasionally and I have to disagree with the above poster. I reckon Lowther and the new guy Argenty are doing a good job and are far better to listen to than Doran and a host of others during the day. At least there is diversity on overnights.

I cant believe I used to listen to Argenty when he sang in the late 90's and now I hear him on SEN.

Anyway, over to you Monty. Entertain us!!
Also had a look at Lapp_46's posting history, and he also tends to be promoting the All Night Appetite and defending it wherever possible.

Is the product really all that bad that employers/employees of the show have to register an account on a forum like bigfooty to defend it?
Also had a look at Lapp_46's posting history, and he also tends to be promoting the All Night Appetite and defending it wherever possible.

Is the product really all that bad that employers/employees of the show have to register an account on a forum like bigfooty to defend it?

Register an account? I have been a member since 2006 mate.

You think because i have something positive to say, it means i am an employee of the company?

I have worked shift work in recent times and i listen during the hours of the all night appetite, so I feel i can comment.

That is exactly what is wrong with people like you and bigfooty. Something positive is said and it is a crime.

Why is the world so negative?

Get over yourself son and move on.
So against better judgement, I'm listening to Doran today. Am I right in saying that he's using his listeners to effectively do his Dream Team for the office comp?

I have a vague memory of him cutting off a caller once because he wanted to talk Supercoach. How things change.
So against better judgement, I'm listening to Doran today. Am I right in saying that he's using his listeners to effectively do his Dream Team for the office comp?

I have a vague memory of him cutting off a caller once because he wanted to talk Supercoach. How things change.

Whenever I hear Doran I reproduce the events in Chuck Bukowski's great poem "A radio with guts":

A Radio With Guts

it was on the 2nd floor on Coronado Street
I used to get drunk
and throw the radio through the window
while it was playing, and, of course,
it would break the glass in the window
and the radio would sit there on the roof
still playing
and I'd tell my woman,
"Ah, what a marvelous radio!"
the next morning I'd take the window
off the hinges
and carry it down the street
to the glass man
who would put in another pane.
I kept throwing that radio through the window
each time I got drunk
and it would sit there on the roof
still playing-
a magic radio
a radio with guts,
and each morning I'd take the window
back to the glass man.
I don't remember how it ended exactly
though I do remember
we finally moved out.
there was a woman downstairs who worked in
the garden in her bathing suit,
she really dug with that trowel
and she put her behind up in the air
and I used to sit in the window
and watch the sun shine all over that thing
while the music played.

Charles Bukowski

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Doran was pathetic once again. Some guy mentioned that once a player has played three games, his price changes. The caller said if you select Mitch Robinson and he gets 25 disposals in week one and two, you would trade him in before his price goes up. Doran's reponse:

"Oh, so you can trade him straight out and make you money."

I would say, "what a pathetic, miserable loser", but it's the type of thing you come to expect from Doran, so that won't be news to anyone.
I didn't find it so poor that he knew so little about the workings of Dream Team. I'd be the first to admit I lack in that area myself.

I just found the whole idea of "recruiting" callers to audition for spots to help him pick his team so he could beat the other SEN people in their own comp a bit pathetic.
I sense sarcasm. Don't waste it on me. That being said...I don't entirely disagree with your assessments of some aspects of the business. I just think you're a little negative at times, and that you come from a position of not having been in the middle of it all. I know I'd suck at being a fireman, or a track athlete...or even as a baker. I appreciate the people who throw themselves into these professions, even if I don't always like the end result. But if my bread doesn't taste great, I try to remind myself that it's probably better than the bread I would bake for myself. Make sense to you?

For the record, there were always things I disagreed with in my time at SEN. But I tried to balance that by recognising the things that were done well. We co-ordinated the Athens Olympics well...anchoring a local host who needed to know when to cross to an SEN reporter on site, or when to cross to the 2GB feed of olympic event coverage. We managed to co-ordinate shows with 3 hosts from 3 different places. We set up and broadcast live feeds from various different sporting events around Australia (I personally carted 80+ kg of equipment around Australia for AFL broadcasts - and I wasn't the only one). We researched on the run while we were playing our part as technical producers for various shows...there's more but you'd get bored. We worked our butts off (and although I post in the past tense, I know there's people there doing these things still). We cared, and we care.

There's tons more I could say, but I'm hoping you get the picture by now.

My apologies if required. Absolutely no sarcasm intended. Just a poor post by me to you. :eek:

The reference to fireman etc, was directed at only ex-athletes that lecture us about, wow, now I'm not a pro I can spend more time with my family. Check out how long Boon, Border, and Gilly hung around their homes after retirement.

Totally get all your points.:thumbsu:

Everyone that posts here wants SEN to be great listening. My main beef is with wannabes like Mutt Thompson, ex-athletes riding on their career with little else, that website:)D), and a perception that management to readily accepts mediocrity with margin shows. Not KB, Leach, Fine,

It’s a tough market place and it reads like you understand that, and are far more cognizant of the industry than I could know.

Again, my apologies to you.

Wait, there's something missing from my beefs? ... hmmm.

Oh, yeah, Snoran!
I agree. where have you gone monty?

We need new material!

Your posts have been very informative and great to read.

The majority of dribble that gets posted on this forum is laughable.

Btw, I listen to overnights occasionally and I have to disagree with the above poster. I reckon Lowther and the new guy Argenty are doing a good job and are far better to listen to than Doran and a host of others during the day. At least there is diversity on overnights.

I cant believe I used to listen to Argenty when he sang in the late 90's and now I hear him on SEN.

Anyway, over to you Monty. Entertain us!!

I'm not above plagiarism: I like the cut of your jib:thumbsu:
I shall desist in what could be seen as hijacking this thread. Or should that be, clearly hijacking this thread? But one more piece of reasoning which ventures off-topic to a degree, as to why there's an on-going reason to be critical about portions of SEN professionalism, particularly with margin shows like On The Rise, All Night Appetite, and whatever Mutt Thompson presents.

It not so much the nitty gritty on-the-run stuff that clogwearer rightfully pointed out, that annoys me. Cloggy's correct, I wouldn't know. But the preparation and research that has been much opined about here is the thing. Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance.

One only has to listen to FM radio for short period of time to realize something just isn't right. I see there's yet another thread, this time about morning FM morning shows and how poor they sound. FM stations have even have taken people off reality shows and put them on air. Ratings and these threads don't speak glowingly about FM's current state. If anyone wants to see people posting complaints about radio, check out those threads and blogs. Believe me, the Sri Lankan cricket team now knows how the management at the House of M feel. ;)

This brings me back to professionalism and just what's required to be successful in what you do. Thus I enter exhibit A: Tony Martin. No, not the rugby player, not the actor, not the former WR for the Falcons and Dolphins, and no, not the former lead singer of Black Sabbath. The former D-Gener, Tony Martin. Naive Austereo management couldn't understand why it took so much time and money to put a show together. And so they waved goodbye to a dedicated pro - and lots of listeners. Paradoxically, they saved money to achieve a longer term worse result.

It was all to do with chemistry," [Tony Martin] explains. "The worst shows are where someone tries to force chemistry by putting two people together who don't know each other.

"All Tony cares about is the show," Kavalee says. "He's made me learn that there's no substitute for working your arse off."
Marsland agrees. "He works 16 hours every day. It's incredible. He reads all the papers and tapes all the news programs. Apart from his specialty topics like TV, movies and music, he knows everything about politics. He's basically an encyclopedia."

Martin is less concerned about treading on toes if he needs to. "The negotiations about money for this show took five minutes. But the negotiations for the amount of production time took three weeks. Last year I'd hear people in Fox (also part of the Austereo network) say, 'Why do they need seven hours of production for a one-hour show?' Listen to the show - there's your answer."

It's not just the sketches that chew up the station's resources - Martin also spends a few hours each day with the production manager, carefully crafting two-hour programs into 40-minute podcasts. It would be much easier to simply upload the show in its entirety as other programs do, but the easy way is not the Martin way.

"There's a lot of preparation required to make it sound like you've done no preparation,” [Martin] says.
Tony Martin's Get This

It reminds of a sports fable about an American pro team's popular, best, and most productive player going to the owner to ask for a pay rise, only to be turned down with the words "we can finish last without you."

Triple M's basis for dumping Get This was that the station had gone away from a music format too much and Martin's program had little effect on overall ratings, and his mostly talk show actually hurt the station. Ridiculous.

Check out how many music videos MTV plays these days?

It never dawned on Triple M that maybe their music content formats around Get This may have needed tweaking instead. They have only gone sliding further downhill since the axing that show. Martin's ratings doubled the slots around him. They blamed him for those poor ratings.

Newspapers have lots of stuff and yet world-wide sales are plummeting forcing many to cost-cutting and near bankruptcy. Once upon a time the worlds sports pages were full of wonderful exquisite writing that told heroic stories and related the magic of the Don Bradmans, Ben Hogans, or Ali's.

Journalists like Grantland Rice: For when the One Great Scorer comes to write against your name he marks - not that you won or lost - but how you played the game, made US papers a must-get. Today the prose of the Mike Sheahans and the fabricated junk from "my sources tell me" Caroline Wilson suffices for many. The world had changed.

SEN has lots of repetitive talkback, discussion and quizzes, etc, catering to much of the market that is going to listen no matter what product is produced. But surely the station wants to grow its listening base. Notice, also, how drawn out some of the quizzes are, and esoteric some of questions also are with little reference to the preceding content. Diehards probably love it; casual fans will fling it.

Doran continues to babble about how there's too much ODI and his despised Twenty/20 cricket but has never, ever blueprinted how, or interviewed someone like Con Stavros on how the ACB would payroll Shield and Test cricket - with their often empty stadiums - while playing less of the shorter games with their mostly full stadiums. He might have to think about and that, as we know, it would be a little too tiring.

Damn, Doran, do some research, present an argument, stimulate some serious discussion. Just wait till the ODI and T20 stuff starts in SA. "Why do we play these games? No-one cares." Luckily I won't hear it, I don't think. He doesn't write the players' cheques.

As manbearpig anguished the other day: tuned in to Doran to get a perspective and got minutes and minutes of nickname possibilities. Yawn.

SEN's multimillion-dollar foray in a market dominated by 3AW and Fox is aimed at men aged 25 to 54 and their fixation with bum-slapping locker-room banter, corked thighs, strained groins, footballers' hairstyles and Gary Ablett's glory days.
Sport 927 general manager Noel Crowe said that the SEN concept was flawed because his research indicated there was not a market for a 24-hour sports station because listeners were well served by existing stations.
Radio analyst Bob Peter, director of Global Media Analysis, said SEN would not be a major player without live sport. "The real sport lover is still going to listen to the traditional stations that provide live sport," he said.
Talking Of Sport

Just my final opinion on the subject.

And a rather ironic thing happened yesterday that some will probably find side-splitting. My left ear blew-out and I'm now friggin' half deaf. :(

Always look for a positive: I'll keep my deaf ear listening for Mark Doran.:)

And with that I unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, bid you adieu.:thumbsu:
It was a good get by KB this morning to have the manager of Hull City from the EPL on his show. Thankfully he got that pommy guy into the studio to help with the interview. Didn't Francis and the Ox have the Sunderland manager the other week as well?
Some of Greg Denham's (The News Breaker/Maker) efforts just this morning:

KB: Greg what did you think of TFS last night?
GD: I can't comment because I didn't watch it.

KB: Just where is Colin Sylvia at with his football?
GD: I think he has the ability but whether he fulfils it I don't know.

KB: Warnock on the LTI list.
GD: I don't think he is.

KB: Greg, are you an ignorant, poorly researched, half asleep, nong who shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a radio microphone?
GD: I'm not really sure, KB.

The bloke is an embarrassment to footy journos nationwide.
Register an account? I have been a member since 2006 mate.

You think because i have something positive to say, it means i am an employee of the company?

I have worked shift work in recent times and i listen during the hours of the all night appetite, so I feel i can comment.

That is exactly what is wrong with people like you and bigfooty. Something positive is said and it is a crime.

Why is the world so negative?

Get over yourself son and move on.


Anyway, I've been doing a bit of research, and it so happens that Mr. K has also been promoting Off The Bench and Footy Classified, which happen to be products of the organisation Crocmedia.

I think it's pretty funny that you have to promote your stuff on BigFooty, where no one gives two hoots anyway, to try and build a larger audience.
All the stuff Monty said already that you all can read if you have the patience to look back a few posts.

No harm done Monty. I know you're not trying to aggravate people, and a lot of the points you make are good ones. I just felt compelled to stand up for a few of my ex-colleagues who could have conceivably been wrapped up in your summations of the whole SEN experience/culture.

I do read this thread with some interest, and I think a lot of posts - yours included - are accurate and I agree with a lot of what's said here. Unfortunately I was never in a position to influence programming to any serious degree...and I would make a lot of the same changes that BF members suggest need making.

Please continue with your assessments and reviews, because I think they're valuable to the people who listen, and who post here. All I ask is that you try not to make generalisations about the people who work behind the scenes, because in many cases they don't get the credit they deserve, and in a few cases they get blamed for things that aren't really their fault.
The second hour begins with Harford doing the weather, but not without breaking into hysterics over something during it.

I think this is the part about SEN that annoys me the most. In-house jokes. It's not just Harford, it's all of them. Ox and that hermaphrodite Francis, Watson and Andy "I can't go 3 minutes without mentioning Carlton" Maher, the lot of them.

I'm sitting at home listening to them cracking up and have absolutely no idea what is supposed to be so funny.

And I especially love it when they talk about someone they both know, but nobody else does ... that just makes it so much more interesting for the listener. :rolleyes:

I used to love SEN when I first heard it a few years ago, but the personel has altered, along with their direction. Now they have AFL, they talk very little of anything else.

As for Doran ..... he should take his 2 IQ points, rub them together and see if he can start a fire.
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