From what I saw of Scharenberg on Friday, he has neither got bigger or smaller. Perhaps a tad more toned in the arms.
But he did look really fit. Got through the session well and ran hard.
I think given the history of knee and foot issues he has had, the club would be somewhat hesitant to bulk him up too much because it would put more weight on the knees. I'm not a sports scientist, but it would make logical sense.
I think his biggest issue has been speed and endurance. So putting too much weight on him is not going to help that. At 190cm, he also is never going to be a monster key defender, so i think a slimmer more agile Scharenberg is the way to go.
He was playing a key back role at training, but Roughead, Howe and Moore were all on the other team, as well as Magden. So it was perhaps out of more necessity. I personally think he slots into that '4th tall' role, which is similar to what Langdon was doing. He is a terrific intercept mark like Langdon.
Langdon is far quicker, and also a lot bigger in the body so competes better on the taller forwards. But Scharenberg is a better and more reliable kick of the footy. So it trades off.
Where Scharenberg needs to take his game is to be far more attacking with the ball. He can't just keep taking the easy option. He needs to actually start ripping games open with his footskills. Otherwise, I feel that we will always opt for a smaller running half back instead.
With Aish gone, and Greenwood and Langdon out of the side indefinitely, there is no doubt a spot open. It would be a risk to play both Noble and Quaynor as both are so young. So Shaz can earn his spot if he works hard enough.
But he did look really fit. Got through the session well and ran hard.
I think given the history of knee and foot issues he has had, the club would be somewhat hesitant to bulk him up too much because it would put more weight on the knees. I'm not a sports scientist, but it would make logical sense.
I think his biggest issue has been speed and endurance. So putting too much weight on him is not going to help that. At 190cm, he also is never going to be a monster key defender, so i think a slimmer more agile Scharenberg is the way to go.
He was playing a key back role at training, but Roughead, Howe and Moore were all on the other team, as well as Magden. So it was perhaps out of more necessity. I personally think he slots into that '4th tall' role, which is similar to what Langdon was doing. He is a terrific intercept mark like Langdon.
Langdon is far quicker, and also a lot bigger in the body so competes better on the taller forwards. But Scharenberg is a better and more reliable kick of the footy. So it trades off.
Where Scharenberg needs to take his game is to be far more attacking with the ball. He can't just keep taking the easy option. He needs to actually start ripping games open with his footskills. Otherwise, I feel that we will always opt for a smaller running half back instead.
With Aish gone, and Greenwood and Langdon out of the side indefinitely, there is no doubt a spot open. It would be a risk to play both Noble and Quaynor as both are so young. So Shaz can earn his spot if he works hard enough.