Normally I wouldn't agree with you on principle since ya never invited me to watch the granny at yours last year but this is an exception. Sick of a team that can't play hard all day, only the last five minutes.Wade. Dumb rugby bloke has forgotten how soft our blokes our and gone and broken half of them.
Any of you mob got a mullet? I was born with one & after I wrested control of my hair back from mother, had one from late 70's till early naughties when it went all bill bailey so I cut it all off. Apparently a mullet, along with no teeth, is an indicator of a true pies fan. Guess it was in my DNA. Bit worried about you mob, not convinced you're the mullety, toothless types. Reckon that's why this thread is in the doldrums. Anyway moral is if ya got hair, turn it into a mullet, teeth - knock em out., then ya can call yourself a real pue supporter.