The WORSE thing you have done PLAYING FOOTY

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Disputed footy, I'm running towards it, this bloke coming from the other direction, built like a brick shithouse, both have eyes only for the ball. Except, I pull out at the last minute, and just try to clean him up.

Me = would have been 65kg and about half his weight. Despite me hitting him Long on Simmonds style, I just bounce off his head. Play had stopped, as it was painfully obvious I was stupidly/cowardly going to try and run through this guy, so most on the field as well as the spectators all saw me try to run through someone as cowardly as possible, only to end up with sore ribs from contact to his head.

Free kick paid against me as well. Heard about it from all quarters.
Happened at training not during a game. I left my jumper at home, and seeing as that was half an hr away, couldn't go home to get it. Our club has a no jumper/no train policy so I had to borrow a jumper. I hate repeating this story because it always makes me feel sick, but the jumper I wore that night was a West Coast Egirls one. I went home from training, feeling ill, threw the aforementioned piece of filth into the washing, and sat curled at the bottom of the shower crying for an hour. I felt soooo dirty.
Not a proud moment, thankfully my Mrs & kids did not see it, but it happened. I try to move on.

You obviously know exactly how much guts it takes to Goalkeep in Hockey. You know all about the broken toes, fingers, wrist and dislocated shoulders. When you get smashed in the nuts you get straight back up and make the next play don't you? You know all about getting behind a hard ball that's coming at 160kph+ with your face and then being the first to rebound? You know how to motivate men and win premierships with your own bravery/example to others? Would you like me to arrange a bit of a test hit out for you mister real man???

Ever heard of this one mate: We exist to win Premierships? Get it, win. Worry about the how bit afterwards.

righto princess settle down.... didnt mean to make u cry

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Ever marked a torpedo on your balls?:eek:

my advice is wear a box, take it from me its fukn painful!

yes.. i know a box would be uncomfortable! but... just wait and see how many chicks will be watching the game;)
When i was goal umpire this guy gave me sh_t. as he ran past to get the ball I unravelled the flags and hit him i nthe face with them as I started to wave them. Got him right in the eye. H went down, got up a minute later blood everywere and his eye was all closed up.

His team-mates wanted to smash me but knew they would get big suspension so they tried to tell their goal umpire to smash me. Luckily he was old and he backed right off when I told him I knew Karate.
When i was goal umpire this guy gave me sh_t. as he ran past to get the ball I unravelled the flags and hit him i nthe face with them as I started to wave them. Got him right in the eye. H went down, got up a minute later blood everywere and his eye was all closed up.

His team-mates wanted to smash me but knew they would get big suspension so they tried to tell their goal umpire to smash me. Luckily he was old and he backed right off when I told him I knew Karate.
That's an absolute ripper. :D:D
When i was goal umpire this guy gave me sh_t. as he ran past to get the ball I unravelled the flags and hit him i nthe face with them as I started to wave them. Got him right in the eye. H went down, got up a minute later blood everywere and his eye was all closed up.

His team-mates wanted to smash me but knew they would get big suspension so they tried to tell their goal umpire to smash me. Luckily he was old and he backed right off when I told him I knew Karate.

As if champ.
its nothing to laugh about u sad sad man its disgraceful.


I didn't kick anyone in the nuts, I didn't spit on anyone and nobody else in this thread is either simply by talking about it.

Most people are good and dont condone this shit, however most people also have a sense of humour and can chuckle about it too.

Get off your moral high horse and go somewhere else to ruin peoples fun.
Ooh, another one that happened this weekend. (League, but same could apply in AFL)

Guy on the opposition makes an intercept, runs length of field and scores against us. Real mouthy bugger, letting us all know how good he is (amusing considering nearly half the state team was on the field - 5/4 their way, and he's not in it).

On a 5th tackle, our two regular kickers caught out of position, I get given the ball with nothing ahead, only option to try and dribble kick and run onto it myself (pretty damn unlikely) or just go for a high ball and hope for the best.

He's coming in hard to tackle (turnover on 6th for non league fans), and I attempt to go for the high kick, just Croading* it.

Unfortunately (for him) I didn't quite get enough elevation on the kick, and it proceeded to collect him under the chin, knocking him out cold, and then ricocheting into touch.

Not one team-mate went to him, indeed a few (after controlling their laughter) came and patted me on the back.

I can just imagine him lining me up every time next time we play...that is if he even remembers it.

* Croading = Imparting maximum effort on the ball in a panicky and randomised manner, usually resulting in large distance and speed of travel, however direction is generalised to within a 90degree zone and frequently ball slews off the boot directly to opponent or out-of-bounds.
for me it was this year and i was playing FF, and my mate was at CHF next thing i know 5 guys just start laying into him so i ran over with a HUGE haymaker, knock some guy down next thing i no its 5 on one and i got layed out,

the other embaresing thing i did was miss a soccer goal from the goal square in the grannie THANK GOD we ended up winning,

what is the worse thing you have done playing footy, surely noone has missed a goal after the siren in a grand final to win the game
Thats not bad at all mate, you flew the flag for your team mate which in that situation alot of people would have done. You are more of a hero flying the flag then whimping out, you got layed out oh well thems the breaks.

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i was tagging this fella who absolutely killed us the first time we played them, he picked up about 55 possesions.
anyway one of my techniques to put them off there game is to touch them haha, as bad as it sound they think your gay and lose concentration.
so anyway he kicked a goal, and we were lining back up on the wing,
he turned to me and he goes, where were you on that one?
straight away i said "i got lost in your eyes"
i reckon he didnt look at me nor go near the ball for the rest of the game.

please note, happily married with kids haha
not gay,
I was between wing & half-forward on one side of the ground when a fight broke out on the other wing just on the boundary. I sprinted across the ground with the specific aim of pushing/shoving all of the opposition players away from the incident to try and break it up.

As I got nearer one of our players went to ground as he had been punched a few times, just as I was within a few metres of the throng, one guy kikced my team-mate 2-3 times when he was on the ground.

I couldn't help it, I reacted like I've never reacted before ....... I king-hit him from behind !!!

He went down like a bag of shit and then 5 of their guys started pushing me around etc. I got reported and the game was a little ugly for the rest of it's duration.

Everytime I went near the ball I got punched in the back of the head, coat-hangered in packs and squirrel-gripped whenever they could. In fact I won more free kicks that day than I did in my whole career plus there was a plethora of 15-metre penalties too. (That was the standard penalty distance way back then.

All of their players told me that they would get me later as they knew where I drink etc etc etc.

After the match I walked off cramping up, battered & bruised but with my integrity intact. I knew what i had done was wrong but I couldn't stand by and let a dirty little kicker get away with his antics.

After the match I sat in the corner of the rooms quiet and stiff whilst a number of the club's members & supporters congratulated me for flying the flag. It was my one and only year with that club and apparently they were accustomed to being the patsys of the competition.

I walked out of the rooms still in my footy gear and saw the guy that I hit standing there with his bag and a massive fat lip.

I quietly spoke to him and basically said I was sorry for what I had done, I knew it was wrong but pointed out that what he had one was wrong too and that he knew that as well. We both agreed that it was an awful incident all round and that it was best to learn from it instead of carrying it on further.

We shook hands and nodded at each other in a sign of respect and he walked off to the carpark and into the shadows.

On the Thursday nite, I went to my usual pub and there was about 10 of them there and none of them did anything at all. In fact I spoke with most of them about the rest of the season and had a couple of beers with them. The guy with the fat lip was there and we shared a few laughs and that was basically it.

I wasn't proud of what I did and he wasn't proud of what he did either so it was a real learning curve for both of us.

That was the one & only punch I ever through on the footy field as I never believed in playing that way. I preferred to use a solid hip & shoulder as a source of punishment. ;)
i was tagging this fella who absolutely killed us the first time we played them, he picked up about 55 possesions.
anyway one of my techniques to put them off there game is to touch them haha, as bad as it sound they think your gay and lose concentration.
so anyway he kicked a goal, and we were lining back up on the wing,
he turned to me and he goes, where were you on that one?
straight away i said "i got lost in your eyes"
i reckon he didnt look at me nor go near the ball for the rest of the game.

please note, happily married with kids haha
not gay,

haha hope ya dont mind but im stealing that line lol
I was between wing & half-forward on one side of the ground when a fight broke out on the other wing just on the boundary. I sprinted across the ground with the specific aim of pushing/shoving all of the opposition players away from the incident to try and break it up.

As I got nearer one of our players went to ground as he had been punched a few times, just as I was within a few metres of the throng, one guy kikced my team-mate 2-3 times when he was on the ground.

I couldn't help it, I reacted like I've never reacted before ....... I king-hit him from behind !!!

He went down like a bag of shit and then 5 of their guys started pushing me around etc. I got reported and the game was a little ugly for the rest of it's duration.

Everytime I went near the ball I got punched in the back of the head, coat-hangered in packs and squirrel-gripped whenever they could. In fact I won more free kicks that day than I did in my whole career plus there was a plethora of 15-metre penalties too. (That was the standard penalty distance way back then.

All of their players told me that they would get me later as they knew where I drink etc etc etc.

After the match I walked off cramping up, battered & bruised but with my integrity intact. I knew what i had done was wrong but I couldn't stand by and let a dirty little kicker get away with his antics.

After the match I sat in the corner of the rooms quiet and stiff whilst a number of the club's members & supporters congratulated me for flying the flag. It was my one and only year with that club and apparently they were accustomed to being the patsys of the competition.

I walked out of the rooms still in my footy gear and saw the guy that I hit standing there with his bag and a massive fat lip.

I quietly spoke to him and basically said I was sorry for what I had done, I knew it was wrong but pointed out that what he had one was wrong too and that he knew that as well. We both agreed that it was an awful incident all round and that it was best to learn from it instead of carrying it on further.

We shook hands and nodded at each other in a sign of respect and he walked off to the carpark and into the shadows.

On the Thursday nite, I went to my usual pub and there was about 10 of them there and none of them did anything at all. In fact I spoke with most of them about the rest of the season and had a couple of beers with them. The guy with the fat lip was there and we shared a few laughs and that was basically it.

I wasn't proud of what I did and he wasn't proud of what he did either so it was a real learning curve for both of us.

That was the one & only punch I ever through on the footy field as I never believed in playing that way. I preferred to use a solid hip & shoulder as a source of punishment. ;)

thats a great example that what happens on the field stays on the field.

good on ya for flyin the flag i hate it when i see some ones team mate getting hammered and no 1 steps in to help its piss weak.

well done best story yet:thumbsu:
Tripped two or three players deliberately... not proud of that at all. Also, playing reserves, this kid kicked a couple of goals on me in quick succession. Didn't like so I thought next time he got the ball, I'd lay a big tackle on him. I was around 95kg and drove him straight into the ground. He wasn't knocked out completely but was groggy and went off. After the game, found out he had just turned 16. Bumped into him on the way out of the gates with his parents so I apologised to both him and his mum and dad. I've never felt so sheepish.

Not cool....
In just the season gone (U16s), we were playing against our rival team and these two clubs are probably the biggest rivals of the comp in every grade.
2 goals down, 5 mins to go, im at FF and my player ran up ahead of me to pick up a bouncing ball in front of him (i have no idea why i didnt run to it lol). The ball bounced over his head and straight into my hands just 5 meters out. For some reason i thought i was in front of the left hand side points so i quickly turned around and kicked it on the outside of the boot but as soon i was kicking it i realised i was straight in front of the goals and i missed to the right.
The next 5 mins i copped heaps from the opposition but thankfully we won the game in the last 30 seconds.
I was one of the quick midfielders in under 15, my opponent was always good to me in previous encounters, but in this game, he kept hanging on to me, grabbing my shirt, he won, cos I grabbed him in a headlock and threw him to the ground, and started laying into him. Not only did I give away a free kick, I spent the quarter on the bench

Injury wise, full on head contact with another player, he played on, I was pissing blood everywhere.

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The WORSE thing you have done PLAYING FOOTY

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