Swift has time on his side but what about Masten? Ebert did do some good things this season but canceled that out with some ordinary stuff.
Kennedy, Hurn and LeCras are naturally gifted players and it wasn't our coaching staff that got them up and running. Whoever changed Kennedy's run-up during the season needs a backhander though.
You can't have it both ways. All the players performing are naturally gifted and the stragglers are coached badly... Lecras was taken as a low draft pick so the club saw something and worked with it.
Masten has been a dissapointment - we all know it. We're all just hoping injuries have played a big part. He was a talented junior, I wouldn't lose hope.
Ebert has been good imo. Ebert has been leading the stats at the club. Those skill errors will be turned around. Anyone remember Adam Hunter??? He was shocking when he first started. Kept getting run down from behind like Tom Swift is atm.
Broadbridge may well have been a great skills coach. He was probably the best person for the job. Unfortunately, skills where the biggest downfall of the Eagles last year and the club knows it has to be seen doing something. Even though skills may be directly proportional to the inexperience on the field.