The Worsfold coaching situation mega-thread, part 2

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woosha isnt under more scrutiny because the players still play for him. a low winning record isnt what puts a coach under pressure, but rather how players respond to a coach. and its clear that players do respond to the coach whether people like that or not.

Exactly how is this "clear", Galileo? How do you back that up? I, and every other member, have seen many instances every week this year of downhill skiers in our team not chasing, not tackling, not running to provide an option, not shepherding for a team mate, not blocking, not passing off to a team mate in a better position. I have seen this every week, every single game i have been to. I have heard people like Robby Wiley, Langdon and Jako comment on the lack or effort and discipline from certain players in more or less every game they have commentated this year. And i have not once seen Worsfold drag, let alone drop any of them for an extended period.

This team is beaten before it even steps on the park because they don't care and the coach cuddles and kisses them after they put in poor displays and hangs everything on the youth excuse. But somehow you assert that "it's clear that the players respond to the coach". That doesn't square with what i and every other member have seen getting dished up by Worsfold's teams every other week at Subi.

Just because the players are not going to the board and agitating for Worsfold to get sacked, as they are with Knights at Essendon, doesn't mean that they are playing for him and putting in 100% effort for our club 100% of the time. How you can try an dargue that there is no concerns with lack or effort and desire when the club wins the spoon by th elength of the straight is mind boggling.
Woosha > Knights.

At least Woosha still has the teams respect and admiration.

Yeap, if I was a senior player at WCE, I know that I could put in half arsed efforts for 3 years. I know that if I was a total crab, I'd get my contract automatically renewed.

Why wouldn't I respect and admire the coach?
Yeap, if I was a senior player at WCE, I know that I could put in half arsed efforts for 3 years. I know that if I was a total crab, I'd get my contract automatically renewed.

Why wouldn't I respect and admire the coach?

Exactly what I was just thinking.
The players that could stir up change are the ones that want to keep the status quo.

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Is there any speculation on worsfolds career over in WA? talk back, radio, news? anything?
Colin Young just had a dig at the WC coaches, specifically about playing Masten on the HF flank.

"I just think that some of these kids aernt understanding what the coaches want them to do" and "Im sure if you ring the coaches they would give you a reason for playing Masten at HF that SOUNDS logical"

Personally I dont subscribe to the belief that a player, especially a high draft pick, cant have a significant contribution just because he is playing an un familiar role.
Re: worsfold

Worsfold is doing a very good JOB.

I am an Eagles fanatic and want the best for the Eagles.

The squad is getting close to completion.

They need more muscle and that can happen in the pre-season.

In the last 4 games the attitude has been great by the youngsters.

They want to go for it.

It just needs aobut 10% improvement in all players and thats top 4 reward.
Re: worsfold

Worsfold is doing a very good JOB.

I am an Eagles fanatic and want the best for the Eagles.

The squad is getting close to completion.

They need more muscle and that can happen in the pre-season.

In the last 4 games the attitude has been great by the youngsters.

They want to go for it.

It just needs aobut 10% improvement in all players and thats top 4 reward.

Agree with you on all your points.

8-10 wins next season.
Re: worsfold

Worsfold is doing a very good JOB.

I am an Eagles fanatic and want the best for the Eagles.

The squad is getting close to completion.

They need more muscle and that can happen in the pre-season.

In the last 4 games the attitude has been great by the youngsters.

They want to go for it.

It just needs aobut 10% improvement in all players and thats top 4 reward.

And from there to the moon and beyond??

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Re: worsfold

Speaking of being invisible :rolleyes:

Nisbett is a real obstacle. Interesting how he has hidden himself away after this wretched season as opposed to getting out in the media showing some emotion, determination and honesty and telling us what the plan is. He runs away like a coward and hides in the tower from the members and supporters.

I have no doubt that no matter what happens next year and no matter how badly we go Nisbett will try and re sign Worsfold. Even if we win 5 games and are still in the bottom 4 he will try and run it up the flag pole and see if he can get it to fly. The only thing that will stop him is the WAFC stepping in and telling him enough is enough. The WAFC are the only people who can over rule, let alone dislodge, the old boys network in their running the club like it's their personal fiefdom.
Re: worsfold

Anyone see on the news, Colin Young (player manager) query as to why Woosh has played Masten out of position and that the latter is not happy about it?
Re: worsfold

This thread should probably be merged with the other one but I'd like to see what our members' position is. Surely we will lose membership next year.

I doubt it. Except for a few rabid naysayers on this forum, supporters understand that we are the youngest, least experienced team on the park. Not everyone is short of patience. Waiting for the young 'uns to develop is worth it and will make our resurgence all the more valued.
Colin Young just had a dig at the WC coaches, specifically about playing Masten on the HF flank.

"I just think that some of these kids aernt understanding what the coaches want them to do" and "Im sure if you ring the coaches they would give you a reason for playing Masten at HF that SOUNDS logical"

Personally I dont subscribe to the belief that a player, especially a high draft pick, cant have a significant contribution just because he is playing an un familiar role.

Heard that interview - was fairly damning on the club all round.

Some of it would have been posturing for his clients, but a lot of it was him holding back so as to not ruin bridges. So to be so public with his criticism wouldn't have been done without thinking it through.

He also intimated that one of Wilson, Lynch and Hansen are gone at the end of the year. Given he represents Wilson- that's not overly good news.
If Wilson goes it would be a blight on the coaches and/or the list management. To let go of the only guy who has held down FF at all this year and who is also the youngest out of the 3 mentioned....
If Wilson goes it would be a blight on the coaches and/or the list management. To let go of the only guy who has held down FF at all this year and who is also the youngest out of the 3 mentioned....

Depends on whether we 'let' him go of course!

I'm still not convinced he'll offer anymore than Lynch - but at 22 - he deserves a crack to show that he can.
sorry to jump in boys but just some stats from last 3 years from 2008 when knights came on board vs wce:

25 wins out of 66 games = 37.8%
eliminated 1st round finals 2009

16 wins out of 66 games = 24.2%
no finals appearances

richmond have won 22 out of 66 and have swapped coaches twice since 2008. the tigers only won 6 games this year vs 5 games from last year.

interestingly, if melb wins tomorrow will have exactly the same win/loss record as the eagles over the last 3 seasons yet bailey is under no pressure to retain his job. bailey has been coach since start of 2008.
Heard that interview - was fairly damning on the club all round.

Some of it would have been posturing for his clients, but a lot of it was him holding back so as to not ruin bridges. So to be so public with his criticism wouldn't have been done without thinking it through.

He also intimated that one of Wilson, Lynch and Hansen are gone at the end of the year. Given he represents Wilson- that's not overly good news.

He manages Quinten Lynch, who has already suppoedly refused a contract. So it is most likely Lynch who is gone, either Gold Coast, but it was rumoured both Richmond and Carlton have been interested.

Even though Lynch was quoted in an article saying he wants to be a one club player, I highly doubt he will be there next year.
He manages Quinten Lynch, who has already suppoedly refused a contract. So it is most likely Lynch who is gone, either Gold Coast, but it was rumoured both Richmond and Carlton have been interested.

Even though Lynch was quoted in an article saying he wants to be a one club player, I highly doubt he will be there next year.

I think he manages Wilson as well.

Plus - it's been refuted that Lynch has been offered a contract. Colin Young also said Lynch hasn't been presented with a contract yet.

So that article wasn't correct!
sorry to jump in boys but just some stats from last 3 years from 2008 when knights came on board vs wce:

25 wins out of 66 games = 37.8%
eliminated 1st round finals 2009

16 wins out of 66 games = 24.2%
no finals appearances

richmond have won 22 out of 66 and have swapped coaches twice since 2008. the tigers only won 6 games this year vs 5 games from last year.

interestingly, if melb wins tomorrow will have exactly the same win/loss record as the eagles over the last 3 seasons yet bailey is under no pressure to retain his job. bailey has been coach since start of 2008.

Unfortunately this is one thing that happens when you appoint a favourite son and former champion as coach. Despite our dire results over the last few years, a majority of supporters and people involved in the club will back Woosha in and accuse any objectors of disloyalty. The Woosha = Messiah mentality is so ingrained in some people around here.

They will point to the cups won as a player, the one won as coach and find excuses for the mediocrity that now infests this once proud club. Unfortunately I expect that this will mean another painful and ultimately wasted season next year. I hope for the bombers sake that they don't go the same way, which Brisbane also did, and appoint a former champion (with no coaching experience at the highest level) in Hird. They could then find themselves in a very similar spot to where the Eagles are if he didn't perform well.

Im also bracing myself for Woosha to try to offload our pick #4 for an established hack (possibly Wells) in an attempt to save his job by dragging the team (slightly) up off the bottom of the ladder. I do hope Im wrong about this though.

And yeah I am aware of the injuries and retirements over the past few seasons, but do feel free to use that excuse if you must for why this team has gone backwards if it makes you feel better about where the list is at.
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