Exactly. These guys think otherwise:It’s pretty poor that the uncle has come out and said it’s cultural when it’s not and many other Aboriginal people have come out and said as much.
Should be prosecuted just like others
Miss Gunter said wombat was a regular delicacy for Aboriginal people in the region, however the traditional way for an Aboriginal person to hunt a wombat was with a spear, before cooking it and eating it.
"I was not happy with the video, he never went to an elder in Ceduna or Yalata and never asked if he could stone that wombat," she said.
"You do not stone the animal and make it suffer, it is not right and doing that in my community, he needs to pack his bag and go."
Alan Gunter, who is also from Ceduna and works as a nationally certified interpreter and cultural advisor across South Australia based in Adelaide, said what he saw in the video by no means represented traditional Aboriginal culture and appreciation for the land and animals.
"Everything I am seeing from stolen generation people is that 'it is part of culture' - that is false," he said.
"For them to represent those of culture, saying to brutally torture this animal and to say that it is culture, is offensive to those who represent culture personally and professionally.
"It won't be accepted by traditional people by no means."
This guy's uncle probably holds a lofty position or influence in the FWCAC. The whole "it's my culture" thing is bullshit. Even if it was, it wasn't hunting, it was a thrill kill. Look at the ****er's face and what they said... doesn't fit with the hunting narrative at all.