Society & Culture Things in life you just don't understand

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Why straight girls are often so relaxed about the idea of experimenting with other girls.

I mean, I'm straight. I find the idea of kissing another guy pretty unpleasant, even if he is extremely good looking. But girls will often shrug and say they have no real, fundamental objections to kissing an attractive girl (although usually they have no desire to).

Clearly something fundamentally different in our biological or psychological development.

While they're probably less put off by the idea than men are I think most of them are putting on how personally 'open minded' they are.

Most would clam up if ever genuinely propositioned by a woman (as distinct from "We're drunk, let's get those guys' attention by kissing briefly").

dont live in a backward daylight savings state so it doesn't phase me anyway

The great state of East Horsham?
What a load of arse.

The percentage of good looking girls with Cameron Ling lookalikes 'because they are nice guys' is very, very small.
If the Cam Ling has brash confidence, he's a better shot. People who look like Cameron Ling often don't have too much bravado though, so as you say, its rare.
I hate soccer. But FIFA-with-drinks is an institution that cannot be underestimated. It's hypnotic. I eventually bought my own copy to remain at the top of my game and work on my killer lobbed through balls despite my hate for the sport.

However I think my copy of FIFA '11 will do me for a few more years yet. Couldn't care less about rosters as I don't know who any of the players are. Unfortunately it's the only game my mates and I play that's I'm any good at. I suck at NHL, Madden, tennis, basketball and every shooter known to man. I brought cricket over a few times and dominated but the pricks didn't even have the patience to 5 overs per side. Might have to get AFL Live into the rotation.

If it wasn't for FIFA and wresting (lolz) I would be a laughing stock.

God I can relate to everything in this post. Not a fan of soccer but FIFA is such a good game it doesn't matter.

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In life I don't understand people who think soccer is boring yet also think cricket is great.

A surprisingly high number of these people exist.

I don't understand your lack of understanding of the issue, they're completely different games fundamentally, chalk and cheese, what's not to understand?

What category do you fall under AA? Soccer fan and cricket hater or hate both?
In life I don't understand people who think soccer is boring yet also think cricket is great.

A surprisingly high number of these people exist.

BostrichBurger dislikes this.

I live and breathe cricket but hate the video games. Except Shane Warne '99 of course.
Disagree here. I know a bloke who is really good looking. But he lies and cheats, doesnt have a job, a car or anything. Has a drinking problem, and leeches of others by squatting at peoples houses, ******* them over by stealing their girlfriend and lending money then never giving it back. Yet this guy pulls amazing looking babes. Only cos his good looking.

Women are as superficial as men, if not more. How many women are with men just cos of how deep their pockets are, or who they are (take the women who go from one AFL player to the next)

Fair enough. I'd question how long he's able to keep these chicks once they realise he's a total deadbeat though. Looks only get you so far, the same with money or a good job or what have you. If you're an arseh*le, completely boring etc, surely any girl that has a half a brain wont stick around in the long run. I'm sure the same applies in the reverse for guys hooking up with good looking girls.

Can only base my opinion on personal experience and what ive seen with others though. One of my best friends had a string of short relationships with pretty decent looking guys, flashy cars etc- all ended up screwing her over. Met a guy online that she really wasnt attracted to looks wise and almost bailed on a second date because she just couldnt see herself being attracted to him physically. Long story short, she ended up giving it a chance and found him to be a really decent guy and now theyre getting married and having a kid and shes completely head over heels even though he's not her ideal looks wise. She was probably a tad shallow in the beginning admittedly but I think she realised looks werent the be all and end all. I think age plays a part in it too, as you get older your priorities shift somewhat, you realise what's important in the long run

No doubt though some girls can often be as shallow, if not more than guys (case in point women with AFL players). Some girls are just trash i guess. You can only hope these guys see what these girls are really after.
Why straight girls are often so relaxed about the idea of experimenting with other girls.

I mean, I'm straight. I find the idea of kissing another guy pretty unpleasant, even if he is extremely good looking. But girls will often shrug and say they have no real, fundamental objections to kissing an attractive girl (although usually they have no desire to).

Clearly something fundamentally different in our biological or psychological development.
Completely agree. Just the idea of kisssing another guy turns me right off let alone any other particular body parts touching (shudder). I am happy for girls to do it but I don't understand it. It's bad enough scrolling the results of a pr0n website and having the odd gay result catch your glimpse. Scarred for life :eek:
A lot of it tastes terrible (Beer, Wine)
Not to say I hate all alcohol but I drive everywhere and being on my P's, I am not even allowed to have any
A meal is not a meal without a glass of appropriately coloured wine.
How manly men can sit down with a glass of scotch and a cigar. I tried both and felt like I was going to burn to death from the inside out, horrible stuff.

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Scotch is definitely an acquired taste. But beer is too. I remember having my first beer in high school and wondering how anyone could voluntarily consume something so disgusting, now I love it.

Funny, I remember drinking half a slab on a Saturday night in high school and going out the Sunday afternoon and getting best on ground in the Under 16s (rucking all day ;)). Beer remains very refreshing now too.

Scotch is an acquired taste, I'm not a massive fan but I can enjoy a very good scotch and cigar (never been a smoker either). Feel absolutely shocking the next day though.
Don't underestimate peer pressure. Plenty of people only play it as a pre-drink accompaniment, but they feel obliged to get the latest one or else they'll be socially ostracised.

Who the **** plays video games while pre-drinking. Furthermore the last part of your post is ridiculous.
In reference to an above post, I've never understood people who don't smoke but yet happily smoke cigars now and then. What possible benefit do you get?
In reference to an above post, I've never understood people who don't smoke but yet happily smoke cigars now and then. What possible benefit do you get?

I guess it's the taste, seems to go well with a very good scotch..probably wouldn't both without drinking too. Generally quite, quite drunk when they come out, and it's pretty rare really..
In reference to an above post, I've never understood people who don't smoke but yet happily smoke cigars now and then. What possible benefit do you get?
A lot of people find smoking an enjoyable experience, but for obvious reasons don't want to do it regularly. A good cigar is about as good as smoking gets so it makes sense if you are going to treat yourself to a very rare smoke, you should make it a good one.

A peaty whisky does have quite a smokey flavour, which compliments a cigar quite well. It's not something I am totally into myself but I can kind of see the appeal.

Cigars are also somewhat ritualistic. There's a bit of a tradition for even non-smokers to smoke one to celebrate important occasions - births, marriages, so forth.
Completely agree. Just the idea of kisssing another guy turns me right off let alone any other particular body parts touching (shudder). I am happy for girls to do it but I don't understand it. It's bad enough scrolling the results of a pr0n website and having the odd gay result catch your glimpse. Scarred for life :eek:
+1 from me too. I've asked chicks before and got the 'cause guys like it' response. Could have a room full of 20 hot chicks telling me to get with one of my mates and I still wouldn't do it.

I don't get ties. I mean, I get that they used to have a practical purpose and then became fashionable. But that was what 200 years ago? When will they die? They are annoying to put on and annoying to wear, I hate that they're expected to be worn in so many facets of life.
Who the **** plays video games while pre-drinking. Furthermore the last part of your post is ridiculous.
Well we only ever play FIFA, and I dunno, it's seemed fairly common with other people I know but aren't friends with. You can talk at the same time.
Dear lord did I just read this? A koala is about 1/5 the size of a kangaroo. And there are a protected species. Numbers arent huge. Kangaroos are a pest.
Yeah you read it. A few years ago down at Kangaroo Island, I remember there being a mass cull of koalas happening.

So much for protected species - that could have been a feast.

Actually weird it's called Kangaroo Island with so many koalas too. That's another thing I don't understand.
We're not all "bed at 8pm" types. And those who are know how to shut the blinds.

And if your house is so screwed in summer that you can't sleep in it then I think daylight saving isn't the issue.
You will forever get my admiration for correctly omitting the 's'. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
I once kissed a guy as part of a drunken game with some high school friends. no homo. I will guarantee you there were less 'germs' in his mouth than in some of the gineys I've gone down on. Some of you dudes need to grow up, per se.

As for video game predrinks, I guess a generation who spend all day 'chatting' with each other over facebook and seeing each others statuses/photos/etc don't have much to actually discuss come Friday night at predrinks, so video games come in handy to give these soulless zombies something to make getting together before going out to mix with randoms somewhat worthwhile.
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